Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 35 - Return of Rep

The sky is thick with clouds.

Drizzle rained down, slanting down under the differential blow.

It was only six o’clock, but it seemed to be late at night.

Oil lamps were lit up and down Albert Castle.

Inside the castle, a room filled with various medicines.

Grumbling grumbling.

Under the baking of flames, the dark green “liquid” body in the clay pot keeps bubbling.

An unpleasant smell enveloped the entire room.

“You go out first,” Will ordered.

“Yes, young master.”

The two men who had been fighting in the room and heard Will ’s words, such as Meng Mo, quickly left the room.

As soon as they walked out of the room, the two immediately coughed violently.

Hearing the coughing outside, Will shook his head: “The process of refining Kurohara” liquid “is also quite dangerous.”

The smoke produced when refining Kurohara “liquid” will inhale too much and cause damage to the human body.

Will’s eyes were fixed on the hot and bubbling dark green “color” and “liquid” body.

There are fewer and fewer bubbles.

Until no bubbles.

After thirty breaths, Will picked up a cup filled with red “color” and “liquid” bodies. -Red leaf juice.

Will turned the red leaf juice along the pot and poured it into the boiling “liquid” body.

Then holding a thin stick in the right hand, quickly stirring the “liquid” body.

At the same time, the left hand constantly sprinkled some white “color” fine powder into the “liquid” body.

The “liquid” body is getting less and less. When only one third is left, Will pours the “liquid” body in the pot into a white “color” gauze bag.

Squeeze hard.

The dark green “color” “liquid” body flows out of the gap of the gauze and flows into the glass tube prepared in advance.

A large pot of “liquid” body, in the end, only got a small black “liquid”.

“Did you make it?”

Will looked at the black and green “liquid” body in the glass test tube, and the “liquid” body inside was still emitting heat.

Will pushed the mouth of the test tube closer to his nose, and a pungent odor immediately poured into Will’s nose.

“Cough cough …”

Will quickly removed the glass tube.

“Kurohara” liquid “should be tasteless, maybe because it hasn’t cooled yet?”

Will tried to pour a drop on his tongue.

In an instant, the entire tongue was numb.

Will felt spit out the “liquid” body in his mouth and took a few large glasses of clean water to lick his mouth until his tongue regained consciousness before he was relieved.

“There are a lot of highly toxic substances in the raw materials of Kurohara” liquid “. Be careful in the future.” Will dumped the failed Kurohara “liquid”, “I don’t know where Uncle Rep went, so many days come back.”

When he came to the castle and handed over Will’s forging method and Kurohara “liquid” refining method, Rep entered the Red Moon Forest.

Before going, Rep also asked Will carefully about the four-armed ape.

“Because it’s a demon hunter? So you are very interested in monsters?” Will guessed, “It’s just that Rep is not there, Jello’s primary forging method is okay, I have already practiced it today, but the original” liquid ” I can’t succeed at all. “

Materials, steps, and time, Will did what Rep said.

But it still failed.

Will wants to find someone to solve the puzzle, but the only Rep who can answer it is not in the castle.

Called two men outside the door to clean the “pharmacy” room.

Will went out to ventilate.

Will lies on the window, and the cold rain brushes over Will’s face, and a thin layer of water drops are placed on Will’s face.

Will’s eyes looked deep into the Red Moon Forest.

In my eyes, countless shadows were swaying, like countless roaring ghosts.

That’s just ordinary trees.

“The danger in the Red Moon Forest is not too great, and you don’t need to worry about Rep’s safety.” Will’s finger tapped gently along the window. “The chaos in the territory has settled, and the knight training base is almost built , And Niya’s wedding has also started preparations, now all you need to do is wait. “

As soon as the time is up, everything will happen naturally.

“Master, it’s already packed.”

Behind Will, two men in gray and black robes stood respectfully.

Two men, one named Rees and the other Ge Wen.

It was collected by Will, and was used when refining Kurohara “liquid”.

In fact, when refining Kurohara “liquid”, the two played a very small role.

Will mainly wants to train two people and let them learn the knowledge of “medicine”.

In the past, the Albert family, or the entire town of Lent, had only one “medicine” pharmacist, Grandpa Barry.

It’s a pity that Grandpa Barry is old, and unfortunately died in the last rebellion.

The only “pharmacy” pharmacist is gone.

What should I do if I see a doctor in the future?

Will ’s medical knowledge of medicine is not lost to Grandpa Barry. Will can completely replace Grandpa Barry.

But Will has no time!

Organizing the “medicine” grass, boiling the ointment “medicine”, and helping the people of Lent Town to see a doctor, everything is very time-consuming.

Will has too much to do.

Will’s time is too tight.

But Lunt Town can not do without the “medicine” agent.

Therefore, Will chose two loyal and honest, hard-working and hard-working, with certain knowledge of “medicine” and grass, and interested in “medicine” pharmacology, teach them “medicine” pharmacology knowledge.

“Rees, you come first.”

With Will’s name, Reese stepped forward nervously.

“You talk about the” medicine “and” **** “of Houttuynia.”

“Xingcao has a bitter taste,” medicine “and” **** “are mild, and juice” liquid “has a slight hemostatic effect and is a necessary material for a variety of hemostatic ointments” medicine. “

“Fish scale grass.”

“Coleopsis, grows in the wet and dark place of” tide “, the leaves are pointed and long, and the edges of the leaves are jagged. The mashed juice” liquid “can effectively reduce the symptoms of cough and itchy throat.”

auzw.com Reese and Gervin, Will each took ten commonly used “medicines” for investigation.

In each case, both can clearly answer.

It seems that both have worked hard behind them.

Will nodded with satisfaction, “Understanding” medicine “and” **** “is just the most basic knowledge, how to deal with and save” medicine “, how to use and choose” medicine “, these are the top priorities.”

“Master Will said yes.”

Will took out two pieces of paper and gave one to each.

“There are two” medicine “prescriptions here. You should study them carefully. Two days later, each person should write a thought, not less than 3,000 words,” Will ordered.

The two took the “medicine” prescription nervously, with “revelation” in their eyes.

“Master Will …” A servant ran and yelled Will’s name across the distance.

Will frowned

“Say something slowly.”

The servant ran up to Will and gasped for breath. After a while, he spoke.

The servant shivered and pointed at the gate of the castle, “Sisi … far … Sibi … far away …”

Because the servant was too nervous, the words were intermittent and unclear.

However, Will heard it.

Will’s face changed slightly, “Four-armed ghost ape?”

The servant nodded quickly.

Will got up, jumped out of the window, and skimmed towards the gate of the castle.

Will’s speed was so fast that he stood on the five-meter-high wall at once.

“Master Will, that’s there!” Said a guard, pointing in the distance with fear in the distance.

“Four-armed ghost ape!” Will’s eyes were cold.

Although the four-armed ghost ape killed not many people.

Not even one-tenth of those who died because of rebellion.

But the fear caused is far above the rebellion of the three knights of Wading, Nissen, and Grote.

In the castle, except for a few people such as Will and Baron Leo, most people heard the four-armed ghost ape and their feet tremble.

Now, the demonic four-armed ghost ape is here again.

In the distance, in the drizzle.

A figure of more than two meters high, with a human figure, but with four arms, is approaching Albert Castle.

The pace was very slow, but the shadows enveloped the entire castle.

“Master Will, what should I do?” The bodyguard cried, “Knight Bob is dead, Knight Warding, Knight Grote, Captain Nissen, and so on … you and Master Baron remain.

A month ago, including Will, a total of six knights barely killed a four-armed ghost ape.

Today, only Will and Baron Leo are left.

“Will, are you sure?”

Baron Leo also received the news and came to the wall and stood next to Will.

“It was just right. I was just looking for someone to try my current strength.”

Will practiced as the primary forging method of Jero today, his body strength almost doubled, and his combat power doubled.

Will is confident that he can easily kill the four-armed ghost ape.

The only thing I don’t know is how easy it is.

Will jumped off the wall and rushed towards the four-armed ghost ape.

Baron Leo also followed Will.

On the wall, there were exclamations from the guards.

Will’s speed was so fast that he was less than ten meters away from the figure of the four-armed ghost ape.

“Huh?” Will looked at the four-armed ape suspiciously. “How do the eyes of the four-armed ape are closed? There is blood in the corners of the mouth? The legs are not shaking, why are they still moving?”

“Will, are you coming to meet me?” Rep’s figure came from the four-armed ghost ape.

Will took a closer look and found that the four-armed ape was actually carried by Rep.

It was not clear because the time was approaching night and it was raining again.

Will greeted him, surprised: “Uncle Rep, did you kill this four-armed ape?”

At this time, Baron Leo also arrived.

Baron Leo looked at the scene in shock.

A blind man with one eye, who doesn’t look too strong, actually carrying a dead four-armed ghost ape?

The strength of the four-armed ghost ape was experienced by Baron Leo.

Even knowing that Will had become a great knight, Baron Leo was not sure about Will’s victory over the four-armed ape.

But at this moment, a four-armed ghost ape died.

Was killed by a friend that Will brought into the castle a few days ago.

“Will, is this?” Baron Leo stared blankly at Rep.

“This is Rep, a demon hunter.”

A few days ago, Will had introduced Rep to Baron Leo.

Baron Leo may be old, forget it.

So Will introduced it again.

“Are you a demon hunter?” Baron Leo was short of breath.

The devil is a character who only exists in the story.

When Baro Leo first heard Will introduce it, he thought that Will was just kidding, but he didn’t expect it to be true!

Rep, is really hunting monsters.

“Master Rep, please come in.” Baron Leo’s attitude towards Rep changed immediately.

When the three Will returned to the castle, the road was full of people.

All the people in Albert Castle came out and stood in the rain, watching Rep carrying the body of the four-armed ape.

Everyone here has the fear of the four-armed ghost ape deep in his heart.


Someone could actually kill a four-armed ape alone.

“Master Rep!”

“Long live Lord Rep!”

“Master Rep is so amazing!”

I don’t know who led it.

Suddenly, the people around cheered loudly.

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