Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 31 - Calm down the rebellion

When Will hurried back to Albert Castle.

The chaos in the castle is full of blood and minced meat.

The guards and the rebels are fighting for everything, and the rebels clearly have the advantage.


With Will’s joining, the form reversed.

The guards had an advantage at once.

After the rebels had almost killed, the remaining Will was left to the guard to finish.

Turning towards the guards, Baron Leo and the Warding Knight ran away.

As the four Baron Leo fled while fighting, the movement was very heavy, and Will traced the traces left by them, chasing them all the way, without worrying about going wrong.

“Father, don’t die!”

Even Baron Leo, who was in a full victory, faced the siege of the three knights and was defeated and could only escape.

Not to mention that after Baron Leo broke his hand, the combat power has dropped greatly now.

After chasing for ten minutes, Will heard the sound of a confrontation in front of him.

Will swept away the leaves, and the figures of the fierce fighting appeared in Will’s eyes.

Baron Leo was excited and excited when he saw Will, “Will escaped quickly, fled back to the Moon City, and as long as you were alive, the Albert family had hope.”

Looking at the blood-stricken and dying Baron Leo, Will’s eyes burst into murder.

“You all have to die!” Will roared up.

“You are Will? Leo’s son?” Menai held his double knife in front of Will. “Leo, see how I killed your son. Feel the pain that I had.”

Menai brutally “licked” her lips, staring at Will with a bad look.

“Will is very strong, be careful.” Nissen reminded.

“Will, run away!” Baron Leo summoned his last strength, trying to reach Will, but was blocked by the Warding Knight.

“I heard that you have good strength? I didn’t expect to be able to escape under Grote, but your luck is over.” Menai sneered and waved his sword at Will.

In Menai’s view, Will may be strong, after all, even Nisen praised Will.

But that was only during the competition.

Now it’s life and death!

This is a completely different field than the competition!

Moreover, after a battle with Grote, Will hurried for a long time, and his physical strength should have been consumed almost. It could not be her opponent.


Will’s hand flicked, and the sword in his hand suddenly turned into ten sword flowers, and they rushed towards the ten key points of Menai respectively.

“In contrast to his strong opponent, actually use this kind of scattered force attack? Sure enough, he is a spoiled aristocratic young master.” Menai looked at Will with contempt.

“Let me teach you what a real attack is.” Menai’s double knives suddenly turned into two thin lines, “Human, so killed!”

Menai originally thought he would fight hard with Will.

But Will really disappointed her.

This fancy and practical attack on her use.

Menai’s double swords slashed towards Will like a broken bamboo, welcoming Will’s two sword flowers.

In Menai’s expectations, Will’s sword flower was vulnerable.

“Weak, it’s you!”


Menai’s double knives of condensing strength were blocked by Will’s two sword flowers.

Will’s sword instantly pierced three holes in Menai’s body.

“Don’t you dare to block my attack? Stupid.” Will kicked away Menai’s body and walked toward Baron Leo.

“Will, you have become stronger.” Nissen’s Hengjian stood in front of Will.

“Uncle Nissen, you” suicide “.” Will looked at Nissen with complex eyes, “I can leave you a whole body.”

Will has great respect for trust.

In Will’s mind, Nissen was even closer than Baron Leo.

But Nissen betrayed.

Betrayed the Albert family.

Baron Leo.

Will also betrayed Will.

But Will still misses old feelings.

Will didn’t want to fight with Nissen, and didn’t want to kill someone who respected him like his father.

“Crazy child!” Nissen stimulated vitality throughout his body.

This technique of bursting vitality of the whole body can burst out amazing power instantly, but it is also very expensive, which is more than ten times that of ordinary use of vitality.

Obviously, Nissen regarded Will as a real opponent.


Will sighed and held out his left hand.

Will’s left hand is condensed with real white “color” light.

Nisson’s sword with all his strength was blocked by Will’s hand.

And it is not an ordinary block, it is an empty hand grasping the blade and holding the sword with absolute strength.

“Brilliant armor? Grand knight?” Nissen froze.

In the shock of Nissen, Will pierced Nissen’s heart with a sword.

“Goodbye, Uncle Nissen.” Will looked at Nissen sadly.

Before Nissen died, he smiled at Will.

Will’s incomprehensible smile.

The Warding Knight saw Menai and Nissen die under Will, and heard Nissen shout before he died.

The knight of Vadin’s face changed drastically and turned to escape into the jungle.

“Big Knight, how could Will become a big knight?” Knight Ward jumped inwardly, “Will only became a prospective knight a month ago!”

There is only one big knight in the entire Doria province.

Will is very talented.

Baron Vardin has to admit that Will is likely to advance to the Grand Cavaliers in the future.

But it is absolutely impossible now!

“where are you going?”

As the Warding Knight fled, Will leaned against a tree, his sword pointed diagonally toward the ground.


The Warding Knight stopped, his face “satisfied” and “revealed” with a fatal expression, “Can you promise me my last request?”


“Leave the filet free.”

“Philip must die!” Will showed no mercy. “Your family members can let some people leave the territory.”

Filet is very talented.

Philip became a knight in the future.

This kind of potential enemy with talent potential, Will absolutely will not let go.

But Will cannot destroy the entire family of Warding Knights.

Because of Ward Belen’s family, the grandparents served the Albert family for generations.

The two races have been married many times, and the bloodlines have long been connected.

Regardless of each other.

Many people of the Belém family are Will ’s respected predecessors and Will ’s childhood playmates.

Therefore, Will only ousted the current people of the Belém family, those with resistance, those with potential, and other “women” girls and children, old and weak, sick and sick, were driven out of the Albert family , Let it die by itself.

“Thank you.” Knight Warding led his sword to himself.

Will put together the bodies of Warding, Nissen, and Menai.

Baron Leo looked sadly at the dead three, with little desire to live in his eyes.

“Father, the family still needs you.” Will patted Baron Leo on the shoulder.

“Now the family has you, you are already a great knight, and will bring the family to glory in the future, my task is over.” Baron Leo looked up at the sky.

A group of snow-white birds flew over.

“Don’t you want to witness the rise of the Albert family? Don’t you want to hug your grandson? I still need you, and Emma needs you.” Will knew that Baron Leo’s heart was dead.

Baron Leo must be given hope of survival.

“Haha, yeah, there are many things that I need to do.” Baron Leo finally had a trace of business in his eyes.

Will helped Baron Leo and walked towards the castle.

At the gate of the castle, everyone waited there.

There are guards, servants, and relatives.

At the forefront were Tracy and Betty, both of whom were unharmed, did not know where to hide, and luckily avoided it.

“Master Will is back!”

“Master Baron is still alive!”


People cheered.

Everyone was surrounded by Will with tears in their eyes.

“Is Grandpa Barry here?” Will asked.

“Master Barry …” said the others bitterly.

Will’s eyes dimmed, and he didn’t expect that the affable Grandpa Barry was gone.

Will handed Baron Leo to a bodyguard and ordered: “Bring my father to the room and treat the wound a little bit. I’ll go find” medicine “.”

The only pharmacist in the castle of Albert was dead, and he could only rely on Will to save Baron Leo.

The injuries on Barrio Leo looked horrible, but they were only minor injuries.

The poison of the Warding Knight is the most serious.

Will’s medical skills are different today.

Will found several kinds of “medicine” in Grandpa Barry’s hut to feed Baron Leo, and Baron Leo’s body suddenly improved a lot.

After Baron Leo had a good rest.

Will kept on treating other injured people in the castle.

At the same time, people were ordered to clean the castle and dispose of the corpses.

Also let people go to Nikon’s territory to inform.

In the evening, the matter of rebellion “chaos” was temporarily resolved.

Baron Leo stood weakly on the throne in the hall, on one side, sat Will, on the other side, sat Nikon, who had just returned,

Behind Will, stood Tracy and Betty.

The people under the hall reported to Baron Leo one by one.

How many people died.

How much is lost.

How much property was lost.

How to place family members of the dead and injured.

How to deal with the soldiers who rebelled against the “rebellion”, and how to deal with the families of the soldiers who rebelled against the “rebellion”.

and many more.

Killing traitors and calming down the “chaos” are just the beginning.

There are many things to deal with next.

Baron Leo scanned the documents handed over by the servants one by one, and after reading them, handed them to Will, asking Will’s opinion.

Everyone can see that the current Albert family, Will is the actual manager.

Will handles all kinds of problems strangely.

Ask Baron Leo from time to time for advice, and ask Baron Leo for assistance.

Unconsciously, the time has arrived late at night.

“Come here today and go back.”

After the people retreated, Will, Baron Leo and Nikon came to the study.

“We have lost four knights now, and our strength has dropped so much.” Nikon frowned. “Near the territory, families like Evelyn will definitely take this opportunity to invade.”

“What do you think should be done?” Will asked.

“Shrinking forces, we only need to control the town of Lunt. Just wait for Master Will to grow up, recruit more knights, and get back the lost territory, but a matter of one sentence.” Nikon said without thinking.

Nikon’s words make sense.

But that’s on the premise that Will hasn’t grown up yet.

Strength limits Nikon’s thinking.

“Tomorrow, I will take a trip to the Evelyn family, and they will support us with a batch of materials to rebuild our home.” Will said.

“Evelyn doesn’t take advantage of the fire, but still supports us?” Nikon seemed to hear a big joke.

“They will.” Will’s body gleamed with real white light.

“Great Knight?” Nikon took a breath.

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