Chapter 1: Ch.1: Reborn as a Devil...?
A true never ending darkness.
This is all he could see, from the moment he reopened his eyes after going through that hell, that took his own life.
The hell of dancing flames.
The hell of the black smoke, that entered his body, making it harder and harder for him to breath.
The hell of heat from those very flames, that messed with his mind, and his judgement, when he went through that hell together with his twin younger brother, who he carried on his back.
He still can remember the sounds of people crying and screaming, while the flames took away their loved ones.
Or the sounds of those that betrayed others, so they could selfishly save themselves, before the storm of flames get them as well.
Also the crying child, that lost all hope, when she saw her mother being burnt alive before her very eyes.
The man remembered it all, as he carried his young brother who lost everything on his back. And grabbed that girl who lost her mother, forcedly by hand.
He didn't once think, if it was right, to forcedly dragged that girl in that hellish situation, or it was the right judgement at that time. After all, at that time, in those hellish flames, due to the heat itself, he cannot think straight.
One might think he is a hero, saving that girl, along with his twin brother.
But the man himself knew himself better. He knew he is no saint, nor he is a hero. He is just someone who knew, if he were to leave that child to those hellish flames, he will regret it.
Not to mention, maybe the biggest reason why he dragged that little girl out of that hell, is due to a selfish fact, and selfish reason.
Maybe that is why he overlooked everyone else, but not this little girl, who knew what it feels like. To lose your own mother before your very eyes and dragged the girl out of that flaming hell of her mother being turned to ashes by force.
That's right, all of it was just a selfish reason, after all, like said before, he is no saint.
The day when he and his twin brother lost their mother, was the day when their fate changed for the worse.
Because it wasn't just their mother they had lost that fateful day. He also lost his younger twin brother, who has to live with the rest of his life, with legs that no longer work.
And in turn, in order to survive, he has no choice but to quit college, so he could support himself and his disabled brother, by doing many part-time jobs and jigs all at once.
After all, no matter what his twin brother became after losing his ability to walk. He still the only family he has left in this life, or least the only family he acknowledges.
Because there someone else in this world, that is related to them.
But that person, is something he hatred with all of his heart. Because that person is no other then their own father, who abandoned them, forced his mother to the two children all alone.
All because of a selfish desire to be with another woman, especially in the times, when he, his twin brother, and especially their mother, needed him the most.
This was why, for the sake of his own little family he has left, his twin younger brother, and his mother. He did all the cleaning, all the cooking around their humble and small apartment, while their mother went out to work to support their livelihood.
If it wasn't for the nagging from both his mother and twin brother, he will never attended college, telling him not to waste his life like this.
So he did what he was told, knowing this is the best choice for their lives.
However, as well all knew it, life is a bitch.
Even if you walk one way, life will bite you another way.
That is how he saw life, especially when life itself, took away their mother, and casted his younger twin brother to become filled with despair, when he lost the capability of his legs.
And in the pit known as the despair, that as endless as the abyss itself.
His twin brother found a reason to live, a reason that many wouldn't approved. But to him, it was something, better than the lifeless look in his eyes, when all that happened to them.
And that hope, is called anime.
A hobby he found within that pitfall of despair, a hobby he also often like to call anime culture.
Honestly, he doesn't know the difference. Nor he has the time know about this, since he always busy with work or dealing with something else.
Due to him being always busy with something, only made the distance between brothers longer and longer, to the point they no longer twin brothers, but strangers to each other.
And that remain the same until that day, the very day when that flaming hell came before them.
In the end, he managed to drag the little girl out of the burning apartment building they lived in, that is now in flames. While carrying his disabled brother on his back.
However, due to breathing in too much black smoke, he did not make it.
The last thing the older twin brother remembered. Was being rushed to hospital. But that was it, since he had died on the way to the hospital itself.
And the next thing he knew, the moment he had died, was the moment he came to this dark place before him.
There is nothing in this darkness, nor he could even see in the first place, or could he move even a finger in this darkness.
No matter how many times he tried to move or break free, all became useless. However, over time in this dark place, things slowly begin to turned strange and stranger over time.
At first, he discovered he could move a little, but that just it. Even moving a finger took a long time, and a lot of energy.
Soon he could move his arms and legs so slightly. But every time he tried to moved within this darkness, it felt like chains weighing down at him, making it impossible for him to move the way he wanted in this darkness.
And after some time passes, he also found out, he wasn't alone in this darkness, as he felt something each time he tired to moved, or times when that someone else, also touched him as well.
As if their situation is no different to his own, chained in this darkness, and unable to move properly with lack of energy as well.
Before he knew it. He could heard things within the darkness, or more like beyond the darkness itself.
'Oh… is… my babies…?'
At first, the voice was hard to tell, or what they were saying.
But over time he could. It was a language he never been taught, but for some reason he could understand it so well. He didn't understand why can he knew such a thing, he never been taught to understand.
However, those voices beyond the darkness did made him realised one thing, that this is no ordinary darkness he found himself in, along with someone else.
They weren't in the abyss.
Nor this is the void itself.
No, he has been reborn.
And for some reason he could remember who he is inside his new mother's womb.
The man, no, the unborn baby, didn't know how he should take this situation. It is not unreasonable, he is no otaku, nor a nerd with the liking of anime.
He has no clue what isekai even means, even if he has overheard it many times from his former twin brother's month.
Instead, he did he always has done, he went along with the flow, as long the situation itself is not too complicated, or goes against his morals, he will follow the wind where it will blow, like he always done.
Even if that meant bottling in these complicated emotions of his, all because of this reincarnation thing.
However, little did he knew, he will soon find it hard to keep the lip on those bottled emotions, and even question his new mother's sanity, as well the people around her very soon.
'Fufufu, my little Devils are lively today.'
That was the first time he clearly heard his new mother's voice. Which didn't alarm him at that time. But it also did confirm he wasn't alone, and it wasn't inside his head that someone keep kicking his ass from time and time again.
'Ahh! I feel them move mother! They are kicking!'
'Serafall calmed down, will you?'
'Hahaha, sorry, but I am going to have little sisters or brothers? Or maybe a little brother and sister? I can't wait! I already got their costumes ready! I can't wait to see them~!'
'Serafall, I told you to calmed down!'
'S-Sorry… I might get a little carried away~'
'As long you understand… they can hear you just fine, why not speak to them, I am sure, they want to hear their big sister's voice.'
'Good idea!!'
'I mean… a good idea. Ahem, this is your big sister guys, I promise I will treasure you both, and on my title as the Great Satan of Leviathan, I will not only made sure to protect you, but no one would harm you either, after all, you two are…'
When he heard this, he learned for the first time, he already has an older sibling besides the one kicking him.
And strangely enough he swears he heard something off, but before he could hear the rest of her words, he fallen asleep once again.
'My children, my little girl and boy, hahaha, you have done well, Zlata, my, no, our little Devils, by Satan I am thankful for my two new children, and I hope they grow into wonderful Devils.'
'I am sure they be fine; they are your children after all. Knowing your genes, they might even like chess a little more than their own wife.'
'Th-That is not true, it is true I want to show my little ones, the joy of the game known as chess, that similar to the Evil Pieces, but that's not it! I swear on the Original Satans' names, I don't love chess more than you!'
'I know~ I was only just kidding~ But, I do hope our children grow happy in this world our oldest fought so hard to create… Speaking of Serafall, have you heard, she already got their costumes ready to match her new show. Shame, she wouldn't be able to make it back to see their births, she was looking so forward to them being born…'
'But that is the price for being one of the Four Great Satans. Don't worry about her, my dear wife, she is a strong child.'
This was the first time when he heard his new father's voice. However, the stillborn baby, who still can remember his past life, became frozen upon hearing his new father's words.
By Satan?
And Four Great Satans?
When he heard this, he cannot help to cursed his luck when realised, he is about to be reborn to become a child of satanists!
Out of all things, why does he have to become a child belonging to a fricking cult of all things!?
Realising how serious this situation truly has become, to be reborn to satanists of all things, the not born yet baby cannot help but to curse all of his luck that never existed and even thought of ways to escape when the moment he is capable of doing so.
Of course, there is one thing that did made him slightly curious.
And that is… why is it called Four Great Satans? Isn't there supposed to be one Devil only? When did the other three Devils came from?
Nevertheless, he has very little, he means very little interest finding out who the other three are.
Not to mention, he is not looking forward to being brainwashed either, so in the darkness of his satanist new mother, he planned his escape, of course, he going to take the brat that has been kicking his ass cheeks all this time
There is no way he going to let his twin sister (So he hopes he's the boy they had mentioned) in the hands of those monsters!
After all, in his first life, he had read what cultists or even satanists do to their own children that has been born in their cults.
Some are sacrificed in their sickening rituals. And make things worse, the girls are groomed to be raped when they come to age, or worse yet while still a child.
So there is no freaking way he will let his twin sister face such a fate, that is why, still cursing at his luck, to be born to satanists of all things.
Little did the unborn baby knew, how wrong he really is…
(A/N: Imagine you never read or watch anime, and you throw in the world of Devils? How will you react?)
(AN: Changed Sitri Castle to Sitri Estate, it sounds better, not to mention, not all Pillars will have castles as their main homes, or just one castle or manor. So calling it an Estate is far better.)
At the Sitri Estate, in the tall towering tower that known to be the home to the main bloodline of the House Sitri lives.
In one of the many rooms in this castle at the Sitri Estate, lies two babies with black hair, laying in their crib/cot.
One of black haired babies that only a month old, played with some soft toy, as she cutely bites it. Her violet purple eyes locked onto the toy before her, as she tried to ripped it apart, but failed to do so.
And while the girl of the two playing with her toy. The boy of the two twins, looked at the ceiling with a deadpan expression.
'This damned body…'
Thought the baby boy known as Set Sitri, as he hatred the fact, he cannot move properly, as he felt he could barely have any control over his own body.
It has been a month since he has been reborn into this strange world.
Yes, strange world.
First thing first, besides the fact, that everyone is a little too good looking, or why women have breasts, that seems too unnaturally big, like they wanted to free themselves from their clothing.
The thing that caught Set attention at the moment his violet eyes could see clearer.
Was the freaking sky being purple of all things.
Not to mention, everyone here has these vampire-like wings.
However, from the understanding from his new mother, or the maids that take care of him. They are called Devil Wings, since sometimes the maids will show them to him and his sister.
While his sister grabbed held of them in a playful manner. The boy in question, gives the confused maid the dead eye, becoming wary of these satanists…
Of course, soon the boy learned these people are no satanists. No, they are in fact the very beings that satanists have wet dreams for.
Yes, they are Devils, the real deal. He doesn't get why they are called Devils, or why they looked more like humans themselves, besides their bat-like vampire wings.
But the thing that Set Sitri knew, he has become a Devil.
This made him question, if he should cancel his running away from the freaking satanists plan or not. Since he is now a Devil of all things.
'So is this hell? No, more like another world. If this is hell, what kind of sins did I do in my past life, to become a Devil? Not to be sent to hell, but to become part of it?'
Set examines all the little pieces of information he has on this new world he been sent to.
Another thing that also solidified his reasoning this is a new world, is because of Magic exists in this world.
He saw the maids' casts simple spells to cool down the room, or warm it up. Or how they clean the room with those spells. For someone who cooks and cleans a lot in his past life. The first thing he wants, are those spells.
You have no clue how tiring cleaning is sometimes, and seeing them do something, that takes ten minutes, to be done in a less than a second. Only burn his desires to learn those damned spells!
Of course, when he thought why he wanted those spells. He recalled his past life. He recalled his past life mother, that deadbeat father, and his twin younger brother, who lost everything.
Some might say, with his twin brother's disability, leaving him in that fire, might save his own life. And they are right, if he did leave his twin little brother of his past life behind, without a doubt he wouldn't be here, and still alive in his past life world.
But if he has to go through that living flaming hell again, to save his twin younger brother, he will do it again, without thinking at all.
After all, family is family. No matter how useless they are seen in the eyes of society. And bonds between family is thick, but they are also hard to fix, once they are broken as well.
Besides thinking, or doubting everything, as well learning about his situation and surroundings.
There nothing that Set Sitri could do, besides sometimes being kicked by his twin sister, Sona Sitri, who still playing with that soft toy, that looked like some kind of sea dragon?
'Is there Dragons in this world?'
Even if the man never seen anime, or manga. Doesn't mean he knew nothing about fantasy in itself. It hard to say he likes dragons or not. But he doesn't dislike them.
In fact, he was fond of them when he was little, but now? That was a different story.
Even so, he does like to see them one day if they truly exist in this new world he is in.
Than Set wondered, his realistic part of his personality also kicked in. As he thinks what kind of relationship his race, as a Devil will have if Dragons do exist in this world?
Are Dragons like lone wolves, as he imagines? Or they part of some group?
And they are natural to the Devil Race? Which he doubts, after all, they are Devils of all things.
While the month old baby having such meaningless thoughts. All of the sudden a change in the air changed, as he felt something he felt many times, when the maids used those spells, the source of mana…? No, mana doesn't suit Devils… Demonic Mana? Or maybe Demonic Power?
As he thought of that, a magic circle appeared in the room of his and his twin sister. And like that, a flash appeared, only for a strange looking teenager to appear.
"Ta-Ta! Your favourited magical girl is here! Levia-tan☆!"
Went the strange looking teenager, who given Set a nagging feeling he heard this voice before.
However, at this moment, it didn't matter why this voice sound so familiar. Instead, Set looked at the strange looking girl, or magical girl so she says.
And knew right away, this girl, she is either a crazy teenager that lost her mind, and for some reason ended up in this room of all places.
Or what Set think she really is… she is a kidnapper, isn't she?
Set took a closer look at the beautiful girl who looked in her late teen.
She has long black hair that tied in a twintail, that gives her a young and childish vibe to her.
As for her body, it unknown if she in her late teens, or she just shorter compared to the average height, but her big breasts do standout due to her short or youthful height.
However, it not the breasts or her youthfulness that got Set's attention, after all, Set actually lacks the hormones to care about those rounded things.
What got his attention… is her strange attire, that is like a dress? And the wand in her hands… do Devils need wands??
Set knew she is a Devil, due to having the same kind of energy he could feel from the other maids, and his mother and father has inside them.
'No… that is not important right now…' Set thought, as his violet purple eyes turned serious, and looked at the strange looking teenager, who seemed not to noticed the serious looking baby looking at her.
Instead, she looked at the baby closest to her, who also seems to be looking at this twintail beauty if she her new toy, as she went on her all fours to go towards her.
"Oh my~ You happy to see big-!?" However, the strange Devil is unable to finished what she was saying, because the moment when Set saw this stranger reaching out to his twin sister, Sona.
His mind became blank.
Flames of that day resurfaced inside his mind, even if it has been some time since the day of his death.
Those flames never left his mind. Neither did the countless cries of those either dying in the flames, or those who betrayed others also died in those wild devouring flames.
Within the short time he has been with his older twin sister, Sona. Either it was still in the womb or out of the womb.
Sona Sitri has become a somewhat important existence to Set.
Maybe as a replacement to his young twin brother in his past life.
Or maybe it was something else altogether.
It didn't matter to the current Set.
What does matter, the moment when he saw this stranger reaching out for his twin sister, those flames, his brother of his past life, and even Sona all overlapped inside his mind.
And just like that, the very same source of power that this twin tail teenager, the maids, and even his parents all have, begin to awakened inside Set against his own will.
The energy, that Set soon will learnt, to be called Demonic Power, began to rapidly increased in power and aura. To the point, the strange dressed teenager Devil, out of reflex entered a deadly serious expression, when she sensed the Demonic Power before her.
Set whose mind has gone blank, didn't noticed the serious deadly expression, the kind that willing to kill even a God how mad she seems to be.
But that rage, and those resentment in her eyes, soon faded like the wind, when she noticed Set the one giving off this powerful aura.
And rage and resentment was soon replaced by two different emotions, that Set failed to noticed in his current state of mind.
One is confusion.
And the other emotion is fear itself.
After all, this cannot be helped. Little did Set knew, there never been a month old Devil, to show reserves of Demonic Power at the level of a Low-Class Devil.
So, it no wonder why such emotions appeared within those eyes of the twintail Devil, who cast some kind of spell, causing Set's mind to fall asleep in a calmer state.
Time before Set Sitri was even born.
Within the real void, lies two beings. One is a young man who has no working legs, and yet this young man stood within the void, while facing the being who made of pure white flames.
{You are the first one before me, who wished for something like this. Who will guess you will use your own first wish for someone else? How interesting, is this out of selfless I wonder? Or is it guilt? When you wished for your own brother to take your place in this second chance at life, I gave you?}
Went the flaming being, whose powers are beyond the levels of Gods and Divine beings themselves.
"Who knows? However, if you are truly a ROB, not only you can read minds, but you should know, what kind of crap that brother of mine went through for me and our dead mother? Not to mention, he has no idea, does he? That I died while being carried on his back."
Went the man with a bitter smile, stating a truth that his brother will never know.
{That is true, only one that made it out alive of you three, was that little girl. Now then, tell me what about your second wish?} Asked the flaming being made of white flames.
"Simple, I wish my brother has unlimited potential, and make him into a Devil, and he has to be part of the Sitri Clan, and related to Sona Sitri, along with the knowledge how to use that Water bloodline ability of his to it's true potential. I always think their way of using their Water ability is weak. I mean, if you think about it, is Serafall's Ice ability is really mutation of their Water, or is it just Water, that frozen?"
Went the legless man, who stood before the flaming being.
{Interesting, you are right, the one known as Serafall and the Sitri, in the end their ability of Water is the same, it just it has manifested into Ice due to her trauma during the Devil Civil War, that changed it into Ice, but if she really looks into, it is possible to switch between Ice and Water, fine I allow it, the second wish is allowed. But tell me, why Sitri, or more like why he has to be related to the House of Sitri? Wouldn't the House of Gremory be better?}
Went the flaming being, who already knew why, but he wanted to hear it from the man before him. And the man in question grinned hearing the ROB's words.
"Two reasons actually."
{Ooh, and they be?}
"First, fanfics with Sona being a love interest is overused, like Momo in MHA. And I know my brother, wouldn't be into incest and all that shit."
{And the second?}
"Simple, Serafall is my waifu, I wouldn't let anyone have her. Not even my brother… it's simple as that."
When the man said that the white flaming being, could sense the obsession within his eyes. But in the end, the being that beyond God, didn't care the reason behind the obsession, or more like he or it already knew what it is.
{Hahaha, fine, I expected as much. What about your last wish than? What is the last wish of yours?}
When the flaming being asked this. The young man, who looked in his late 20s, looked at the void, as a smile appeared on his face.
"Simple, as a NEET, I would live the rest of my life as one. I want to watch his life, his actions, like I am watching a TV show. By the way, I am not into seeing my brother taking a shit, or when he fucks someone, so please cut those screens out. It will be damned weird if you don't. That is my third wish, I always referred to be an observer, than being involved into something."
When the man said that the flames being didn't say anything, but instead, he snapped his fingers, and when he did, a flat 62" Tv show up, along with a chair, and other things like snacks.
{Just think what you want, it will appear, be it snacks, anime, video games, anything. Do note, if something related to the canon appeared, or something important to your older brother, the Tv switch to your brother no matter what, this means, even if you are playing some game, watching anime, or jerking off to some porn, it will show your brother.
Of course, as requested, I will blur out any forms of sexual content, nudity, or even when doing their business. Now since I have given you your three wishes, I will show myself once in a while, until then, I hope you wouldn't regret your choice, of being an observer.}
As soon the being made of white flames said that he vanished without a trance, leaving behind the young man with shattered legs.
"Wait… besides the business thing, and the sexual content thing… what you meant by nudity? You want me to watch DxD, live or not, with censorship!? What kind of monster you are!?"
The young twin brother laughed aloud bitterly, before he turned to flat Tv, when he did, the Tv automatically turned itself on. And when it did, it shows two babies on the screen, one is a girl, Sona Sitri, and the other is Set Sitri.
The man with the battered legs, looked amused, when he looked at the deadpan expression on the newborn baby's face.
"Like it mattered if it censored or not. In the end, a true NEET, is a true NEET, that is who I am, you would agree as well, Big brother?"
Went the man left alone in the void, as he lazily sat down on the very comfortable chair, that comes with a leg rest. And simply summoned a glass of wine, before he raised it towards the wary looking baby, who watching his surroundings, if everyone is an enemy.
"I don't know if this counts… but count this as my payment what you had done for us, brother." Went the man, as he first hand watched the fate of his twin brother's life in a world, he knows nothing about.