Chapter 9: Chapter 8
"Wherever you're going now, you'll just suffer more!"
That's what she said.
I think it was from the depths of her heart.
I think I jinxed myself by saying she should no curse me. I think I should have just given her the coffee. Because...
Because, what the heck?!
"Get me a coffee, black, not to hot, not to cold and not lukewarm. Get it wrong and you're fired." He said.
'What sort of luck do I have? Who gets in sort of situation twice?' I thought.
The man looked up from the files once again, obviously annoyed.
"Did you not hear me?"
This is a tricky situation.
*About half an hour earlier*
It was a Monday morning. THE Monday morning. New job, neat suit and grand opportunity.
I was told to come to work by 7am, but i arrived by 6:40am.
I stepped down from my ride, in front of the grandiose building. The word "REACH" was spelt on the building. A strong expression of the Igwe's desires.
I went in and saw a young girl at the front desk and she gave me the directions to a conference room. There was to be a meeting by 7:10 and I was to wait there until the other staff arrived.
I stood waiting for about 10 minutes. In my bored state I decided to arrange the bottle waters and the files on each of the seats. I was humming and carrying on when a tall lightskin man in a beige three piece suit walked in.
He looked like he was approaching thirty and his aura demanded respect. Not knowing who he was, I simply bowed and greeted him politely.
A curt "hmm" came from him as he walked over to a seat on one of the ends of the table and sat down, going through the documents.
He sat there for a few minutes then looked up towards where i was standing. He studied me for a bit then said, "Where's my coffee."
I looked at him, rather confused. "Sir?"
This guy seemed like an executive but I just met him now and I had no idea what he was referring to.
He groaned "You should have understood by now that I always have coffee in the mornings. Are you that incompetent?"
"Um...sir, I think-"
"Get me a coffee, black, not too hot, not too cold and not lukewarm. Get it wrong and you're fired." He said.
'What sort of luck do I have? Who gets in this sort of situation twice?' I thought.
The man looked up from the files once again, obviously annoyed.
"Did you not hear me?"
"Excuse me, you-"
Before I could finish, a lady in a suit matching mine, around my height came rushing in.
"I'm sorry I'm late sir. There was a line at the café. Here's your coffee."
The man and I turned to look at the lady and then at each other.
I sighed and glanced at him. He looked embarrassed.
"My apologies" He mumbled, loud enough for me to hear.
"No problem, sir."
Atleast that was over.
The lady stared at me and asked "Excuse me. Who are you?"
The man's head swung up quickly and I could almost read his mind.
I'm guessing he was thinking 'If you're not her, then who?'
Oh well.
Here we go.