Wings of Fire in MHA

Chapter 7: 7-First day of school!! Quirk exam with a bum teacher

A/N- I slept till like 10:30 am and decided to make another chapter, enjoy!!

Carter spent the rest of of his week training and on friday he had gotten the official letter of acceptance to U.A and he went out and got a frame for it to send back to Cathleen as it mattered little to him but she had threatened to fly over there herself and take it so he had quickly got a frame for it and sent it by mail back to the U.S

Throughout the week he kept up with his training and had managed to enchant a few more household objects to his liking making things more convenient around the house and a few things he could use at home. He also finished the several forms that Toshinori had given him, one was about his quirk and another was something about a costume but he filled them out regardless. 

Now as he walked up the steps to the school he walked towards class 1-A, he was a bit early since he ran to school but there where still plenty of students and staff around, reaching the large door to the class room he opened it and found that he was actually the first one there, and since he was first he beelined it for a seat in the back of the class setting his things down before he took out his laptop and started looking at random things.

Before long the door opened again and there was a pair of students that walked in, a boy who not much shorter than Carter and a girl who was slightly shorter, but she carried herself like a refined princess, "Greetings fellow student, my name is Tenya Ida." the boy said as he chopped his arms like a robot, "Hello my Momo Yaoyorozu, pleased to meet you." the girl said as Carter nodded, "Carter." he simply said as they took their seats and eventually more students walked in and chose their seats and chatted with each other. BAM!! the door slammed open as the explosion girl walked in a set her stuff down before putting her feet up on her desk much to the annoyance of Ida, thankfully Carter was at the back of the class so he didn't have his ear bleed 'joking' from their argument. Eventually the door opened again, though more softly this time and Carter watched as explosion girl jumped up "DEKU!! The hell are you doing here?" she demanded as the green haired boy looked horrified to see her, Ida saved him by introducing himself though as Ochako appeared behind Deku and Carter watched in amusement as both Deku and Ochako started blushing furiously upon seeing how close they were, "Can you more out of the way already?" a mildly annoyed voice said and the class watched in shock as what appeared to be a large caterpillar went up to the podium as Deku and the others finally sat down.

"It took you 15 seconds to shut up, don't let it happen again." the man said as he unzipped his sleeping bag 'Its a real person' the class thought as Carter wondered were he could get one as it looked very comfortable. Taking out a gym uniform the teacher introduced himself "My name is Aizawa Shouta and I'll be your teacher, not put on these uniforms and follow me to the field." he said as the class went and changed, in the guys room Carter wasted no time and quickly changed not wanting to have to talk to any of his classmates, though a boy with spiky red hair did try but Carter left before he could say anything.

As Carter reached the field he saw Aizawa waiting next to a painted circle as he held a phone and look up as Carter and the other arrived. Once they were all there he spoke "We are going to have a quirk comprehension test so that I can see what you all need to work on then we'll head back inside, any questions?" Ochako raised her hand "What about the opening ceremony?" she asked, "This is the hero course, you are training to be heroes so you don't have time for opening ceremonies." he said bluntly before he turned to Carter "You scored the highest out of everyone who took the entrance exam so you'll go first to set the bar, come stand in the circle and throw this ball as hard as you can, you can use your quirk as well." he said as Carter stepped forward, taking a look at the circle he saw that it was too small to transform so he decided to just throw the ball, WHOOSH The ball flew as Carter put in a decent amount of force despite knowing that he could throw it much harder. Aizawa help up his phone for everyone to see it read 1000 Meters.

"Wow that's so cool." a few of the students cheered as others looked serious seeing how strong he was, "Oh you think this is a fun game huh, well now whoever comes in last place gets expelled and has to leave U.A." Aizawa said with an evil smirk as the students were shocked "Y-you can't do that." someone said as he snorted "This is the best hero school in the country, we don't have time for games, whoever comes in last place will be determined to have to heroic potential and expelled, just cause you made it to U.A doesn't mean it's smooth sailing from here on out, your gonna have to work for it if you want to be a hero." Aizawa said as the students finally took him seriously.

With each subsequent test Carter dominated each one but he still watched with interest as each student used their quirk to their advantage, the explosion girl whose name ended up being Katsumi had used her explosions to fly during the race, a little purple dude named Mineta had used the sticky balls on his head to outdo even Carter during the side-to-side jumping and a boy had even used a navel laser to his surprise during one of the later races, Carter noticed however that a large blonde man was watching them the whole time, or rather was watching Deku who he now knew was actually Izuku and Carter sensed the same energy that was in Izuku and Toshinori in the large man as well, then he recognized the man, he was All-Might the #1 hero in Japan!

Carter had wanted to go over and pass along Cathleen's message but Aizawa had called the class together for the last test and Carter was thoroughly unimpressed as even using their quirks they couldn't throw the ball very far, the only exceptions to this were Katsumi who threw the ball a good 600 meters and Ochako who used to her quirk to throw the ball to infinity, how she did that he had no idea but was interested regardless, finally it was Izuku's turn and as he walked over Carter noticed that Katsumi,Aizawa and All-might were watching him closely as if expecting something. So he was very disappointed when Izuku barely threw the ball 50 meters "What happened, I thought I used my quirk?" he said clenching his hand as Aizawa spoke up "If your wondering why your quirk didn't work, it because I erased it. If you can't use your quirk with out hurting yourself then you are nothing but a liability, what's the point of you being a hero if you can only save one person before you have to be rescued." he said as the boy trembled before he handed him another ball, "One last chance." he said as he gave Izuku his quirk back.

Still not expecting much Carter watched as Izuku stared down at the ball for a moment then he felt it, the energy was moving now, Carter watched in amazement as the energy traveled up his arm and up into his finger, and as Izuku threw the ball Carter watched it soar, "650 meters, not bad kid, you went Plus Ultra." Aizawa said nodding his head as Izuku cradled his broken finger with tears in his eyes, he had done it he was still standing.

After that display they had returned to the classroom as Izuku went to the nurses office. Aizawa spent the rest of the time going over the rules of the school and taking up the forms that they were supposed to fill out and that was their day.

As he packed up his things he saw that Izuku was back and was talking with Ida and Ochako while Katsumi glared at him, 'Wonder what her problem is?' he thought as he walked out of the class room and headed down to go back to his apartment. Reaching the school gate he did a few stretches and just as he was about to start his run home "Hey Carter-kun! Wanna walk home together?" Ochako said as she appeared next to him 'no I don't' he though "Sure, why not ." he said as they started towards the apartment, the entire time Ochako asked him all sorts of question about the U.S and how different it was, and Carter patiently answered despite wanting to fly as fast as he could away from this chatty girl, but remembering how particular Japan was with quirk usage he refrained knowing that the HPSC would gladly blow even the smallest infraction out of proportions.

Eventually however they reached home and Carter had to admit, it was nice listening to Ochako talk about her daily life and he thought it might not be so bad to be friends with the quirky girl. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow, maybe we can walk together in the morning?" she said expectantly as Carter sighed internally "I don't mind, but I run in the morning so you'll have to keep up." he said as she nodded vigorously before he opened his door and went inside. Closing the door Carter set his bag down and took his shoes off before walking to the kitchen and rummaging around and picking out something decent to eat, despite Cathleen telling him that the U.S gave her millions to spend as she liked, he still didn't like to spend much of the money she gave him, and after a few years it had accumulated and still he rarely ate out and prefered to cook his own meals.

After a hearty breakfast he settled down and did some exercises before going to bed, ready for the next day.


As Dr.Garaki finished treating his old friend he set down his tools and went to clean himself up, "How is Shigaraki doing?" All for One asked as he sat up and put his breathing mask back on, "Well despite Kurogiri trying his best the boy still refuses to act on his own and still wants to get a large group together before attacking, so I put them in contact with a decent person who will help them get recruits." Garaki said as he dried his hands "The nomu is also coming along well, the body is taking this rounds of quirks well, but I'm still going to take my time with this one, its going to fight the symbol of peace after all." he said as he sat down in his chair and pulled up some results and showed them to AFO. Looking over the charts AFO nodded "This should be enough for him, I managed to wound him during our battle so he shouldn't be able to bring out 100%, plus if he has found a successor then he'll be any weaker, what's he been up to nowadays anyway?" he asked as he handed the chart back while making a few notes on things that could be changed.

As he took the chart back and looked over the notes added Garaki shrugged "Other than introducing an exchange student to the U.A principal he has been pretty hard to track so I don't really know, I've been busy with you, the nomu and Shigaraki so I haven't had much time to look around." he said as he added some notes of his own. They sat in silence for a few moments before AFO spoke again "Garaki, I've got some new ideas that we could add to the Nomu, and a few quirks that could blend nicely and maybe even work on Gigantomachia, but I need to find the quirks first." he said as Garaki nodded "I'll look into it, don't worry we'll make sure your remembered again, and if we fail, I'll make sure that Shigaraki can carry the torch." he said as they got up and headed further into the lab, getting ready to set plans decades in the making into motion, the world would tremble at the name ALL FOR ONE once again.

A/N- heyyo idk what to say so hi ig, i'm gonna try and slow down for a bit but I'll try and get two more chapters in this week 'fingers crossed' so hang tight, give me any ideas too I could always use a fresh look at things.


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