Wings of Fire in MHA

Chapter 15: 15- Final Exam

On the day of the exams Carter felt ready for whatever they threw at him, others in the class . . . not so much. But with Momo and Carter helping them they had a bit more confidence than they did a week ago.

During the written exam Carter blazed right through it, he did have to go back and double check the answers on the questions about hero law since he studied them but didn't really care much about them. Once he was finished and took his paper up to Aizawa he sat back down and put his headphones, judging from the look that Momo was giving her paper the questions were a bit more difficult than he gave them credit for, but he didn't think of that as he dozed off.

After an hour, everyone turned their exams in and Carter took his headphones off as Aizawa stood up, "Now that we're done with the written test its time for the practical, go put on your gym uniforms and meet me in beta field." he said as he left and the class rushed to the lockers eager to find out what the practical would be over. "Man I thought my head was gonna explode, those math questions were awful." Kaminari whined as Kirishima nodded his head "Yeah they were pretty tough, good thing we studied with Carter though, thanks man!" he said they changed as Carter simply nodded.

Once they got onto the field Carter had a feeling he was right when he thought they would have to fight the teachers as gathered there waiting for them . . . were all the UA staff. As more of the class arrived Ida raised his hand "What will the practical be over?" he asked as a familiar voice answered "Why you'll be fighting your teachers of course." Nezu said cheerfully as he popped out of Aizawa's scarf. "He's so cute!" several girls yelled as Nezu beamed "I am aren't I?" he said as he sat of Aizawa's shoulder.

"Now, two students will be selected to fight one teacher, your goal is to either escape or capture them by using handcuffs." Nezu explained as Carter nodded in his head, doing this would get them used to fighting unfair odds against someone who knows all their little tricks. "For those of you who didn't score high enough on the written exam, this is your shot to make it to the summer camp we have planned, if you score low enough on both portions you'll still be going to the summer training camp, but you'll also have night lessons with me to help you catch up." Aizawa said grinning at them as a few of them shuddered.

"With that, Izuku and Katsumi will be the first team to go." Nezu said as Izuku paled "I gotta work with the nerd?" Katsumi yelled as Nezu nodded, "And since you too are quite formidable if you could ever work together you'll be facing . . ." BOOM "All Might." Nezu said as even Katsumi paled "I hope you're ready young Midoriya, Bakugo." All Might said smiling down at them as Carter noticed weird bracers on his forearms and ankles. "Of course, he is the Symbol of Peace, so he is wearing weights to slow him down to make him a bit more manageable."

'manageable?' the class thought, this was THE Symbol of Peace, nothing about this mountain of a man was manageable. As Izuku and Katsumi followed All Might into the fake city the rest of the class followed behind the rest of the teachers as Nezu listed off who would be fighting who, as he listed off names he finally got to Carter. "Carter and Shoji, you two will be going up against Present Mic." Nezu said as they nodded and followed behind Mic. Once they got to the battle ground they started to strategize, "My senses are sensitive due to my quirk so his quirk counters mine pretty well, but if you can distract him I can flank him, throw boulders or use fire." Carter said as Shoji though for a moment, "Let's do the flanking, I should be able to draw his attention and hold out long enough for you to reach him." Shoji said as Mic announced the start of the test, "HEYYO!! READY OR NOT HERE I COME!"

Already feeling a headache in the back of his mind Carter fists bumps Shoji and they slip up, Carter instead of taking to the air heads into buildings and starts to creep around keeping to the shadows inside and out of buildings as Shoji blitz's it straight to Mic. "FOUND YOU!" Mic yells as the shockwaves push Shoji back some as he shields his face with his massive arms, seeing Shoji doing his part Carter speeds up, and making it into an alley sees Mic in the middle of the street slowly walking back as Shoji presses forward. Wasting no time Carter flaps his wings and shoots forward rocketing towards Mic at breakneck speed. 

Bursting from the alley Carter swings his fist at Mic's side but he barely dodges his fist only to get struck by Carter's tail. Getting thrown back a couple of meters Mic grins at him "MY SENSES ARE ALSO BOOSTED TO KEEP UP WITH MY VOICE YA KNOW!!" he says disorienting Carter as he bursts forward again and Mic dodges again as Shoji rushes forward to assist. As he dodges Mic constantly yells into their faces stunning them slightly as they blitz him, easily forming a rhythm for when one of them falters. As the put more and more pressure on him Carter sees Mic take a deep breath "COVER YOUR EARS!" he yells aat Shoji right before Mic screams "AAHHHHHH!!". The shockwave throws them back and stuns Carter for a couple of seconds before he comes to and sees Shoji slapping the handcuffs of Mic.

"Not bad guys, that move usually takes out most villains, messes my throat up though." Mic tells them while coughing as Nezu announced that they passed.

As they reach the control center they find Aizawa along with Momo and Shoto. "Oh, hello Carter,Shoji, how did you do?" Momo asks as Mic walks over to Aizawa. "We passed, my ears still ring though." Carter says as Shoji nods "How did you two do?" he asks "We also passed, but just barely as Aizawa-Sensei knew all out tricks." Momo says as Shoto nods. As they talk more students arrive either happy or sad from their result as Nezu arrives and delivers the results.

"Izuku and Katsumi passed after finally working together by espacing, but they still took a beating so they are in the infirmary for now." He says surprising them as Katsumi and teamwork don't go in the same sentence. Shoto and Momo obviously passed as did Carter and a few others. "Even if you failed the practical your written can still keep your score up and vice versa, but if not . . . get ready for night studying with me." Aizawa said grinning as they were dismissed.

At the end of the day as Carter and Ochako walked back to their apartments he asked her "So what's with you and green boy? You both chicken or something?" he asked as she went bright red "I-i have no idea who your talking about." she stammered as he smirked "Suure." he said as she punched his arm "Well what about you, are you gonna do anything about Katsumi?" she asked and he froze 'the fuck, when did that happen?' "Excuse me, what?" he said as she looked at him funny "She always complains about you, and only you while actively training around you, if thats not a sign then I must be going crazy." she said as he just gave her a look "You like someone who self destructs with each quirk usage, you are crazy." he says "He's training and getting better you know." she pouts as he smirk "So you do know who I'm talking about." he grins as she realizes her mistake.

The rest of the walk is more of the same back and forth as Carter tells her that he didn't notice Katsumi paying attention to him but that he didn't really care too much as he wasn't looking for anything. Reaching his apartment he puts his phone on the charger and starts to work on dinner as he goes over what he could have done better during the practical. After eating he experimented with his magic some more before checking his system and seeing he has yet to finish the 10km run goes out and runs around the city.

Once he gets back he checks and sees that he now has a single system point, 'good thing I'm patient.' he thinks as he goes over everything again and sees where he can exchange money for points as well, 'Can I exchange 10,000$ (USD) for ten points?' {No, host must make money himself to be able to exchange it, money from gifts is not allowed at the moment.} it tells him as he starts to think of ways to make money 'does the money have to be acquired legally?' he asks it {Yes, this is a world of heroes after all.} it says as he frowns, he was planning to enchant a mask to change his features while putting his wings away and going out to rob villains and get their money while also getting points for taking them down, but now that off the table.

After a while of not being able to think of anything he decides he would just try his hand at streaming since he played video games might as well try and make some money at the same time. He got 1 view for his first stream . . . but he would keep at it since 1 viewer was better than none, but after a while it was time to sleep so he went to bed while thinking about what type of dragon he might choose next. 

A/N- hey give me stones, i'd appreciate it :)

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