Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 1 – Chapter 12 – Part 2 – Asgard, Thor, Rossweisse and…???

The next day

Japan, Kyoto

Yasaka Household

Jin Skyward

I woke up and Ingvild was peacefully sleeping beside me, unlike the rest of my harem who had weird quirks, she sleeps without doing weird things in her sleep. I turn and pet her head, earning a small smile from the girl. As I was petting her, Ingvild's eyes flutter open, and the girl stares at me


She was still too tired to comprehend what was happening.

"Good morning, sleep well?"

I stop petting her and sit up, she does the same while rubbing the sleep away from her eyes.

"Mmm, it was really comfortable, thank you."

She looks around the room, looking for something.

"I wonder what time it is?"


Cúntóir: Answer: 7:28 a.m.

Sera never told us what time we would be leaving. As I sigh inwardly, I swear that Satan... I glance at the door.

"It's around 7:30 a.m. right now, we should get up and get breakfast."

"Quite early…"

She yawned and got up.

"I'll go get dressed."

After we had the open-air bath last night, we were given some kimonos to wear by Yasaka's maids and we wore those, Ingvild was wearing a lilac one that complimented her hair color, I had a white one given to me, Serafall was given a purple and pink one. She didn't have the one she had in the anime.

Ingvild had reached the door and looked back at me with a small blush.

"You're staring too much…"

She told me embarrassingly and left. I was staring? I didn't even notice. I exhaled loudly and got up, I used some magic to fold up the futon and push it to a corner neatly.

I wonder if Kunou is still afraid of me? I'll know the answer when I see her again. I made my way to the door and into the hall, coincidentally Serafall also left her room, still looking asleep and yawning.

"Good morning, sleepy head. Did you get a good night's sleep?"

She turns to stare at me still out of it.

"Gfoof myorniing."

She yawns while stretching her arms out.

"I'm hnwgry."

She said this as she walked away slowly and tiredly.

"Not a morning person then, got it."

I chuckled and she just shook her head as she turned a corner.  Sera was already wearing her conference outfit, so I decided to wear what I did yesterday. I also decided to teleport the kimono I was wearing into the guest bedroom I was in.

Ingvild comes out of her room after changing into her previous outfit. She nods and we make our way to the entrance. On the way there we meet a maid as well as Sera.

"Please follow me to the dining room."

She bows and leads us there.

When we arrived Yasaka and Kunou were there with a table full of food waiting for us. She hears our chatting and looks up at us as she smiles.

"Good morning, did you all sleep well?"

"Yeah, out like a light."

The other two nodding along, I make eye contact with Kunou and she quickly averts her eyes. I guess that's better than completely turning her entire body the other way or avoiding being in the same room as me.

We all take a seat and look at the food in front of us, it ranged in different types

"I was not sure on what your preferences were so I had my maids prepare a wide variety of delicacies. Please do enjoy."

She indicates with a hand gesture we could start eating.

"Thank you, and thanks for the food."

We dig in after giving her our thanks. The rest of the breakfast was filled with idle chatter, keeping the mood light.

We had finished breakfast and were just outside the front entrance by the Tengu guards. Yasaka and Kunou were there to see us off.

"Well, we better get going. Can't keep the Norse Gods and Valkyries waiting all day."

"Jin, wait."

Yasaka called out to me as Serafall was about to teleport us to Asgard.

"Hmm? What's up?"

I go back to her and Kunou shyly steps away from behind Yasaka and in front of me. She gestures for me to go close to her and I bend down.

"I… I'm sorry for how I acted yesterday and during breakfast."

"You didn't do anything wrong Kunou-chan, I should be the one apologizing."

I shake my head and pat her on the head making her melt into it. I create and summon a yellow sunflower hair clip. I put it in her hand.

"Here's a small present, it should help ward off weak and low-level spirits and beings. Low to Middle-class in rank."

She opens her eyes and looks at it, I stop petting her, and she puts it on.

"It looks gorgeous on you dear."

Yasaka tells her daughter making her smile.

"T-Thank you, Jin…"

She blushes and runs back behind Yasaka. I stood up and saw Yasaka smiling, she walks over and stands in front of me this time.

"I'll take you up on that offer last night, Jin."

She grabs my head and pulls me into her bosom.

"And I'll take my time getting there."

As she licks the right side of my cheek. I pull myself away shocked at the sudden development.

"Right… Okay."


Kunou looked mortified at what she had done, Yasaka just laughed it off, while the guards were dumbfounded by the scene.

"Of you go now."

She waves at us. I walk back toward Serafall, shaking my head.

"You got both Mother and Daughter going for you, how lucky."

Serafall snickers and I roll my eyes.

"Just teleport us already, you Muppet."

Serafall stuck her tongue out at me but did so. We waved goodbye to the fox duo.

Nine Realms


Serafall had teleported us to some sort of edge to the city… Or whatever this place is. I look behind me and it was just a sheer drop into a void of nothingness.

"Flat earthers would have a field day when they find out Asgard is flat."

I could see some waterfalls falling into the void around the place.

"Humans truly believe that earth is flat? And I thought they were moving forward as a species."

Serafall couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"You never heard of that? Yeah, there's even more weird shit they believe. Some think the earth looks like a dinosaur or human girl."

"Huh? Why a human girl?"

"Fuck if I know, I didn't bother digging deeper into it because it gave me a headache."

She looked incredulous. There's more dumb shit to tell her but I'll save it for another time.

"Humans really started to believe in strange things as I was asleep for a hundred years…"

As Ingvild finished saying that I see two Valkyries walking towards our group.

"Halt, state your business."

The Valkyrie pauses as she looked confused at us.

"A human and two devils?"

"I am Serafall Leviathan, and with me is the Middleman and his associate."

The two Valkyries nod.

"I see, you're the ones Odin-sama is expecting, so please follow us."

The Valkyrie replies and starts walking towards the city.

How do I even describe this city? It's like a futuristic medieval type of place. There are a few shops here and there. A couple of other races that aren't Valkyries are present too, I'm not too sure what they are. One of them has three eyes, one looks like a humanoid shark, another looks like a tall skinny purple thing and another just looks like a giant female bee.

The color palette for the entire city, save for a few buildings that are nearly all identical. They are gold, silver, white, red, yellow, and the occasional green and purple. Building sizes range from small, medium, to large, and a few slightly larger buildings. Some are wider than others and vice versa.

As we walk through the city, the inhabitants are quite friendly. They would stop and wave to us or say hello to us. We obviously did the polite thing and waved or greeted them back. The Valkyries in front of us also got a salute, although it looked more out of respect than anything.

"Valkyrie-san is the rest of Asgard like this?"

They briefly turn to me after I asked the question, they had very confused looks.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, I see a few hotels, the rest mainly houses and shops. Are there like any other buildings here?"

One of them nodded acknowledging my question.

"Yes, we have several other types of buildings, quite a few training halls, the newer gyms that humans have, and an entertainment district that was recently constructed per request of Odin-sama himself…"

The Valkyrie trailed off sounding a bit disappointed saying the last part. He's still an old pervert here, I can see how he and Ash Crow get along.

"I see, thank you."

The conversation died down and we continued our way towards the giant palace-type building in the distance. It was in the center of Asgard after all, so it's pretty hard to miss.

After a few minutes of walking, we arrive at the palace entrance. A few more Valkyrie guards can be seen guarding the place. We climbed up the stairs and another more prominent Valkyrie was waiting for us there.

The female Valkyrie woman with long light blue hair wearing a professional black suit. No doubt about it, it's Brynhildr.

She's described as a serious woman who seems exasperated with her duties of watching over Vidar whose cheerful nature clashes with her serious demeanor. She is also very strict with Rossweisse who is her junior due to Rossweisse's clumsiness and critiques Rossweisse's openings in battle.

However, like Rossweisse, she is also a bit bitter due to the fact that she does not have a boyfriend. However, she tries to play it off as just waiting for the right man to come along.

I never heard her name though, since Brynhildr is a title or name given to the strongest Valkyrie of their generation. She's also the Chief Valkyrie of the Valkyrie squad in Asgard who serves the Norse Gods as well as Rossweisse's senior who taught her most of her magic. She started serving Vidar once Odin and the other gods left for the Isolation Field Barrier to fight Trihexa…

I use [Observe] on her.

Name: Zelma (Brynhildr)

Age: 26

Potential: High-Tier God Class - Ex

Rank: Ultimate Class – Ex+++

Gender: Female

Race: Valkyrie

Titles: The Helmet of God / Strongest Valkyrie/ Brynhildr

Sacred Gear: None

Level: 71 (77%)

Hp: 115,888(Hp Regen: 5,812 per minute)

Mp: 160,721 (Mp Regen: 7,001 per second)

Str: 433

Vit: 388

Dex: 422

Int: 610

Wis: 592

Char: 202

Luk: 30

Her real name is Zelma? And her stats are a little bit higher than the peak of Ultimate-class…

"It appears you have arrived, Satan Leviathan, I will assume he is the middleman, however, who is the female beside him?"

"She's, his associate."

Serafall replied switching back to her professional personality. Brynhildr nods and turns around

"Follow me, my master, Odin-sama is waiting for your presence."

She starts to walk away at a brisk pace. We nod and follow her.

"She's pretty uptight."

I couldn't help but comment, apparently, the woman heard me so she quickly turned around to glare at me, making me chuckle. Serafall just shook her head.

"Try not to antagonize them, I know you're powerful, but it'll save us trouble and headaches during this."

I look at her like she's crazy.

"Me? I don't even do that, that's you! Miss Magical Girl Levi-tan."

Serafall didn't reply but I could see her lips twitching. I turn to Ingvild seeing as she's been mostly quiet.

"You doing okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm just amazed by the place."

"Yeah, pretty extravagant."

During our walk, we pass through the halls of Odin's, and I would assume his son's, palace. The hallway is full of fancy decorations and portraits of the man himself. Nevertheless, he only had a few sons. So many portraits though... Talk about being full of himself, Jesus.

[Well, he is a very powerful god. Ego will come with it once you reach enough power.]

{I agree with Ddraig, once a being reaches a point in power and won as many battles as Odin or any other god, they will be quite prideful.}

Are you guys speaking from experience? I snicker causing the dragons to agree.

[Yes, we are the only two heavenly dragons of this world. We are also dragons, so pride comes along with it.]

{Yes, dragons are a proud species, the majority of us are prideful, only in a few rare cases that it doesn't apply.}

{However, it's more of a surprise that you aren't more arrogant and prideful, Jin.}

[Gotta agree with Albion here, Partner. You're the strongest yet you don't show it or affect your personality.]

I don't see it as a necessity, I mean what use would it serve? I would just become an asshole at that point. Yes, I have used a little bit more power every now and again. However, I usually do that only during fights or to prove something, as I did in Kyoto yesterday.

It's stupid, I don't get it. Reading about It is entertaining, but having to imagine myself doing that, the amount of shit that would happen and the attention I would get would leave me no time for myself or my harem. That's unnecessary baggage to carry. If you want that, go ahead, but I'm not interested.

[When do you plan on using it then, Partner?]

Well, you guys' heard about Ghidorah, right? I did mention it yesterday. Maybe when I fight universal threats like him, I'll start using more power since Dragon God strength wouldn't do shit against it.

{Yes, but from what I've seen it wasn't that powerful.}

[Mmm, it did get beaten by Godzilla.]

That was just a movie adaptation, movies and reality can be a lot different. You guys should know that. Consider comparing my previous worlds thoughts and theories of the supernatural, this human world, and then the actual supernatural.

They're like night and day, right?

[Well, if you put it that way then yeah.]

{Indeed, many authors and films tend to do their own spins from looking into your memories. They also don't do dragons justice in your world. It is an insult.}

[Actually, yeah! What the hell? Dragons can get brought down my flimsy steel or iron swords? What the fuck is that about? Not magic or even Sacred Gears, but normal bloody weak swords!]

Even if you asked me that I wouldn't know the answer. But if I had to guess… We— They, the humans of my old world didn't exactly have any concrete proof of how powerful dragons are. They could only assume, since you're all big and chunky and spew fire from your mouths.


Ingvild tapped me on the shoulder bringing me out of the conversation I was having with the two dragons.


I turn to her, but see Ingvild with a look of horror Why does she—


I crashed into something soft. Well, my face did. When I look back and see what I hit, it was Brynhildr, who was standing on the stair step. It looked like she had stopped and turned around waiting for us.

Because I was busy speaking with the two dragons, I hadn't been paying attention to my surroundings and had luckily— Unfortunately bumped into the woman's chest.

She both looked furious and embarrassed. Furiessed?



"Sorry about that, I— My mind was off at a different place."

She glared at me and then sighed.

"Please keep yourself from doing that again, we are nearly there."

She turned around and continued up the stairs


"You got scolded."

Serafall smirked at me, but noticed I wasn't paying her any attention, so she followed my gaze and saw what I was looking at.

"Hmm-hmm yeah, she has a nice butt."

"No comment."

I started to climb the stairs as did my companions.

Not too long after climbing the stairs, we come across an even longer hallway, it was big— Like really big, it had mini statues of Odin and his sons at the side, with a few chandeliers scattered above us, color-tinted glass windows, expensive-looking chairs, and other decorations.

"I can't imagine myself living in a place like this, it's way too big, too much space. I'd be restless."

I looked around the hallway as I say this. Serafall snorts.

"You'll get used to it eventually. I mean how do you think we felt?"

She gestures to herself and Ingvild who nods. You guys had years; I had a few weeks. Large difference there.

"Well, whatever, I'll eventually reach that line when I expand my house more."

At the end of the hallway, we reached a door that Brynhildr pushed open. When we stepped inside it was a very large room, with an even larger chandelier on the ceiling. There were candles at both sides of the door mounted on the walls.

In the middle was a round table, at the head of the table was the man himself, Odin. To his right was his eldest son Baldur the God of Beauty, to his left his other son the God of Thunder himself, Thor. Alongside him was the God of Vengeance and future leader of Asgard Vidar. Behind Odin was the lovely Valkyrie herself, Rossweisse.

When we stepped into the room all of their attention was on us.

"Odin-sama I have arrived with the guests."

Brynhildr announced and gestured for us to take our seats. She then leaves.

"Oh! You're finally here, huh, Leviathan-chan!"

Odin smiles happily as he looks at all of us.

"Come, come take your seats."

He sounds pretty cheerful. We nod and take our seats, Serafall in the middle directly facing Odin, I'm on the right, and Ingvild to my right.

'In, why didn't go to Serafall's left side?'

Ingvild's eyes widen at the sudden communication through telepathy.

'I— I just didn't want to be over there… I—I feel like the Norse God's leader is already looking at us with a lecherous gaze.'

'I see, alright.'

I move to hold her hand and she doesn't resist but grips mine tighter. Odin is a pretty big pervert, that's why he gets along with Azazel so well. I mean, the number of sons he has is a testament to that.

"It's a pleasure to meet you again Odin-sama. As you know I am one of the Four Satans of the Underworld, Serafall Leviathan."

She pats my shoulder quite firmly.

"This man right here is Jin, the Middleman that has been making a name for himself in the supernatural."

"Ho ho… Jin, is it? You're quite the young one, aren't you?"

"It is nice to meet you, Odin-san, and yes I am only 17 years old."

"17? I didn't expect that! Your size is definitely lying to you! So, why did you suddenly become a middleman?"

This question again…

"Honestly? I'm getting a harem for myself; peace is my second goal. Because without peace it makes it more difficult to spend time with them."

Odin stares at me in disbelief, as do his sons, until the Norse faction leader bursts into laughter.

"Hahahah! That's your reason?! I can definitely get behind that kind of thinking my boy!"

He started to smack his knees and cried a little. Serafall facepalmed beside me and Ingvild just laughed weakly at my honesty.

"Honesty is admirable, lad! I like it, I like you already!"

As he wipes away a tear from his eye, he composes himself.

"Anyway, do you have any kinds of requests you wouldn't take?"

That's the first time someone asked me that. I nodded.

"Yes, any request that may or I perceive to be a threat to peace between all factions and pantheons. So, assassination or kill requests, the exception is if those requests are aimed at criminals or rogues from your own faction or whatever faction you're allied with."

"An example of this is a mission I took from the Fallen angels. The devils and fallen had a small truce and request the same request from me. I took it, in the end, it was a collaboration between rogue fallen and stray devils alike."

"Hmm-hmm, I see. So, let's say I ask you to hunt down and kill an evil god of Norse Mythology, would you, do it?"

Odin stroked his beard and looked at me with a grin. I grin back at him.

"If that's the request then it's easy enough, it should just take me a day or two."

The Asgardian Leader wasn't expecting that and stared at me with shock, the same with his sons, Vidar cocking his brow not believing a word I said.

"Hooo? You're that confident in your strength, lad?".

"Yes, I believe in my own strength."

I responded firmly, earning an approving nod from Thor.

"Hmm, then what if I proposed that you fight one of my sons? Let's say Thor for example."

The room is shocked by what he says.


Baldur looked annoyed at his old man.

"If the God of Thunder himself does not mind, and is a willing participant, I wouldn't mind. So, yes, I will also accept such requests."

I could see Thor smile and nod.

"A fine answer, Jin."

The same with Baldur.

"I'm glad you're not some hot-headed amateur teenager."

Baldur comments, seemingly liking my attitude on things.

"Odin-sama I suggest you do not make light of things such as that. You are lucky that he's very mature for his age."

Rossweisse tries to scold the old Norse God but he just brushes her off.

"Bah! You can properly scold me once you've found yourself a boyfriend, Rossweisse."

The woman flinches at the mention of being single.

"What was your infamous nickname again? Ah yes, 'The Valkyrie who has never had a boyfriend' now shh!"

Rossweisse slumped down in despair—

"It's not my fault that I never had a boyfriend before!"

Losing her serious professionalism, she starts to wail, tears streaming down her face… Even some snot…

"I was too busy being top of my classes, I didn't have time for romance!"

"And whose fault is that? It's yours!"

He continued, making the Valkyrie wail even louder. His sons just awkwardly looked away and started fiddling with their hands or air. This was probably a daily occurrence for them.

Both Ingvild and Serafall looked at Rossweisse with pity, as did I. How did nobody try and ask her out? Like, she's actually very pretty. I don't understand this world's beauty standards… I was staring a little bit too long at Rossweisse because I see Odin grinning at me. I don't like that look at all, Old man.

"Maybe the new Middleman can take you in his harem, Rossweisse, how about it, Jin?"

Rossweisse temporarily stops wailing and looks at me with a bit of hope. Her adorable expression was difficult to resist, and I just blurted out a yes. All eyes were on me and I had to say something, so I coughed into my fist.

"Well, I certainly wouldn't mind, but I'd rather get to know the woman first, I just don't accept anyone. I actually do care and love them after all. They're not just mistresses."

Odin is a bit stunned by my answers and stays quiet, Baldur and Thor nodding approvingly and Vidar slowly melting more and more into his seat. He just looked like he was trying to use it as a bed.

"Not bad lad, I'm surprised by your answer, I expected you to jump on that fact since you're still a teenager. I apologize."

Odin's apology makes his sons turn to him with a look of concern, this is also a very rare thing to happen. Thor turns to his brother Vidar

"And that's how you treat your women, brother. You love them, and not just use them to satisfy your own lust and pleasure."

Vidar shrunk.

"Yes, I agree with Thor, Vidar you need to either find someone and make them your wife, or treat them as equals and love them."

Vidar shrunk even more. Vidar looks away and mopes.

"Tch, whatever, I can do what I want and I'll leave finding a wife, further into the future. What's the rush? I won't die."

During all this Rossweisse was staring at me wide-eyed as she didn't expect an answer like that, I gave her an awkward smile, to which she also returned one herself. Odin coughs and gets our attention again.

"I wasn't joking about that request earlier though, Jin. Would you mind having a spar with my son Thor?"

I look over at the God of Thunder and he nods, I guess it's game time then…why do they want me to fight? I'd rather be lazy you know…

"Seeing as how Thor isn't against the idea, then sure let's do it."


Odin claps his hands and then snaps his fingers. We were teleported to a colosseum-type arena. Magic circles appear around us and the entirety of Asgard.

[My people heed my announcement! In the stadium closest to my palace, a mock battle is taking place between my son the God of Thunder himself, Thor! And the middleman Jin! If you wish to see this duel, come and join us at once!]

Odin announced excitedly through the magic circles, and as quickly as he did, the Colosseum stands were flooded with all types of beings across Asgard. Even when the seats were full, anyone who could fly just watched in the air.

"Holy crap Old man, I didn't think you'd make your entire realm watch this little match."

Odin laughed loudly at my remark.

"One does not simply fight the God of Thunder, my boy. If my son Thor accepted this then he sees something in you that normal beings do not."

Thor and I stood at opposite ends of the arena, the ground beneath us was made of sand, like how they were made back in olden times. I'm quite excited about this duel myself, I haven't fought a God-class being yet, and Thor isn't a slouch either.

Name: Thor Odinson

Age: 1500+

Potential: High-Tier God Class – Ex+++

Rank: Mid-Tier God Class – SSS

Gender: Male

Race: God

Titles: God of Thunder/Son of Odin

Sacred Gear: None

Level: 156 (76%)

Hp: 831,270 (Hp Regen: 25,812 per minute)

Mp: 749,877 (Mp Regen: 18,992 per second)

Str: 15,829

Vit: 20,812

Dex: 13,882

Int: 450

Wis: 1000

Char: 5555

Luk: 2000

I look forward to this.

[Give him hell, Partner!]

{I would like to see how the famous God of Thunder performs.}

Third Person Point of View

[Are both fighters ready?!]

A new announcer had suddenly arrived and asked the entire stadium. Jin and Thor nod.

[Ready?! Begin!]


Thor puts his hand out and waits for something, the whole arena erupts into chaos as they rarely see Thor use his signature weapon, the legendary Mjolnir.

Shiiing! Booom!!!

The hammer comes flying into Thor's hand and it makes a loud sound as the two make contact. The size of the hammer is quite larger than Jin had seen in his past life, and the hammer is also covered in a thick case of lightning.

Thor smiles at Jin and lets his aura flow out. The majority of the beings on the stand were stunned by Thor's aura and power. This shakes the entire area, if not Asgard itself. The area surrounding God was destroyed.

"That's quite a show, allow me to return the favor."

Jin says and holds up his right arm in front of his chest.


Jin summoned the [Boosted Gear], eliciting more gasps around the arena.

"The Red Dragon Emperor!"

The crowd yelled out.

"So, you're this Generation's Red Dragon Emperor, huh, Jin?"

Thor's eyes glint with even more anticipation.

"That, I am, but…"

Jin de-summons the [Boosted Gear].

"I'll be fine like this."

"Are you looking down on me?"

Thor looked a bit annoyed and disappointed.

"No, I'm giving you a fighting chance."


Cúntóir: Answer: Covering Asgard with aura suppressing barrier

Cúntóir: Answer: Power Output: 1% Dragon God

Thor's and everyone's eyes widen in shock.

"Are you ready to dance? God of Thunder?"

Jin grinned at Thor, as he had a slightly worried smile on his face.

With Odin

Odin, his sons Baldur and Vidar were sitting in a VIP booth along with Serafall, Ingvild, and Rossweisse.

When Jin let out his power as a Dragon God, they were shocked, however, Serafall and Ingvild weren't as surprised since they felt an even greater power that Jin showed them yesterday.

"My word, the lad is the Red Dragon Emperor, and with strength like this? He's a monster."

Odin looked in awe at Jin.

"Indeed, dare I say he might be in the world's Top ten strongest beings."

Vidar comments and looked at his brother Thor with a complicated expression.

"Thor will be fine, it is but a sparring match, they are there to test each other's strengths— Not kill each other."

Baldur concludes, making his father and brother nod.

"Why aren't you surprised by this, Leviathan-chan? You too Ingvild-chan."

Odin turns and asks Serafall, his sons were also curious as to why she's calm.  The two ladies stay silent for a moment, Rossweisse is also curious, she was quite shocked by the amount of energy and pressure the young man exuded.

"He— Jin is still holding back… Yesterday, I felt even more power from him. He is nowhere near serious…"

Serafall tells the whole room, staring seriously at Jin from the vantage point.

"Surely you're pulling our leg, Leviathan-chan."

Odin asked a bit nervous now.

"I swear on my name, title, and seat of Leviathan, that Jin is holding back— By a lot."

Serafall reiterated. The room falls into silence as they turn back to observing the two on the ground.

With Jin and Thor

Thor decided to take this seriously and used his maximum strength from the start, he disappeared and reappeared behind Jin, but to his surprise Jin was already facing his direction, making the God of Thunder jump back.

And again, to his surprise Jin was gone from where he was standing, he felt a tapping behind him and saw the young man behind him when he turned around.

'I couldn't even detect his speed?!'

A cold sweat enveloped Thor's back. Left with no choice as the young boy had superior speed more than himself, he swung his hammer towards him at full force.


Thor tried to pull his hammer back but he couldn't, the cold realization hit him instantly—


When the dust cleared Jin was standing there with a calm look to him and gripping the head of the hammer, Mjolnir.

Thor used everything in him to pull it away from the youth, but it didn't budge.


The God grunted and a bolt of lightning came down on Jin. Jin put his hand up and as soon as the attack came just an inch away from his hand it shattered like glass.

"Fine, I will not use the hammer then."

Thor lets go of the hammer and jumps back. Jin takes the opportunity to spin the head of the hammer on his finger.

"This thing is pretty heavy, takes quite a lot of strength to lift it."

Making the God of thunder shake his head.

"You are just worthy, young man."

This time it was Jin's turn to shake his head.

"No, I'm not. I'm just using my raw strength to lift this thing."

Thor was surprised by this, Jin finished having fun with it and threw it back to the God.

"Here, I don't really need it."

"My thanks."

Thor placed Mjolnir on the ground and cracks his knuckles.

'One must mentally prepare themselves.'

He inhaled a healthy amount of air and then exhaled.


He shouted and disappeared. Jin grins and disappears too.

Boom! Don! Don! Boom! Boom!

Thor and Jin disappeared and reappeared at different spots of the arena, their fists colliding and making strong shockwaves due to the impacts. The crowd was in awe at the spectacle they were seeing, the Red Dragon Emperor and God of Thunder clashing, their fists creating such power attacks that shook the area around them.

What they failed to notice was that Thor's fists were slowly becoming bloody, and the head-on Collision he was having with Jin was more than he anticipated, however, he had his own pride to maintain and didn't falter.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Don! Don!

"Not bad, Thor!"

Jin had a happy grin plastered on his face; this was the most fun fight he had since he came to the world. While he wasn't a battle maniac, he didn't dislike fighting either, he just preferred spending time with the women he loved over sweating it out with other dudes.

"Ugh… You to, Jin!"

Even though Thor was hurting, he had a smile on him. He had his title, reputation, and pride on the line. He couldn't just call it quits after such a short amount of time, so he forced himself to press on.


"But are you sure you should keep going? Your fists are quite bloody, perhaps even broken."

Jin points out his obvious Injury. But Thor shook his head.

"My own pride will not let me back down, I must continue, for myself, my title, and for my people."

He said with conviction making the crowd go wild.


"Hail the almighty God of Thunder!!!"

"His love for the Asgardian people and Valkyries transcends all!"

"Thor! Thor! Thor!"

It was clear that Thor was quite loved by the people of Asgard, once his small little speech was done, they all cheered and showed their support. Jin couldn't help but smile at it.

"You're well-loved by your people, Thor. That's something hard for anyone to achieve."

"Let's end this, shall we?"

Jin summons a small white ball of light in his right hand, making the God of Thunder weary of it. But he did not try to stop Jin but simply stare at it. Jin lets the ball fall to the ground, but to everyone's surprise, it fell at a very slow speed, as it slowly got nearer to the ground Thor couldn't help but feel dread.

The ball came closer…




Ping ~

It hit the ground softly.

"White Nova, V-DG (Version Dragon God)"

With Odin.


Odin roared surprisingly everyone in the room.

With Jin and Thor

Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rumble! Rumble!

The instant the white ball of light made contact with the ground, the arena was consumed by a giant pillar of white light and with a thunderous roar, luckily for the onlookers the explosion was contained in the arena itself and didn't harm them.

The attack lasted a few more seconds before dying out, when it was gone, everyone was looking intensely at the arena. Thor, God of Thunder lay on the ground, suffering many burns across his body and heavily wounded, but still breathing.

The entire Colosseum was silent, if someone dropped a pin, they would hear be able to hear it.

Jin Skyward

[Holy crap, Partner. You kinda went overboard there.]


I contained the attack, so the arena would be the only thing affected. If I didn't then the entirety of Asgard would have been obliterated, along with everyone else. As I approach the injured Thor, I summon a healing slime and throw it at him. It instantly healed the God, and he awoke. The crowd was shocked but burst into a relief wave of shouts.

"He's okay!"


"Thank goodness…"

Thor sat up as stared at me and then started to laugh.

"Jin, it is my loss, I never stood a chance."

The God of Thunder stood up and went over to shake my hand.

"Still, it was a splendid battle."

The crowd burst into even louder cheers, congratulating the two, the God of Thunder earning more respect and love from his people.

[T-The winner is, Jin! The middleman and Red Dragon Emperor!]

The announcer finally speaks, making the crowd laugh at him. After the fight was over, all the onlookers left the stadium and only two minutes later the Colosseum was empty.

Odin, his sons, Rossweisse, Serafall and Ingvild teleported into the arena. Odin walked over to me and smacked me with a cane

"You little brat, I thought you killed my son!"

What a fucking tsundere. I chuckled.

"I wouldn't do that since it would have been counterproductive with what I'm doing."

Odin shook his head and points at Thor.

"What was that stuff you threw at him?"

"Healing slime, a thousand times better than Phenex Tears that belong to the devils, and no I'm not sharing."

"Tch, so stingy."

Odin looks at his son with a questioning gaze

"How much power were you using?"

"Everything I had, father."

"You didn't even use half your moves?"

"You and I are both aware many of my flash moves tend to damage more than where I chose to aim them. So, I decided to use the ones that wouldn't damage much of my surroundings."

Thor answered his father's question and Odin nodded along satisfied with his son.

"So, you're saying that you could have won if we had a bigger playing field?"

To which Thor shook his head.

"No, even if in a bigger field I would have lost, in the short blows Jin and I exchanged I could tell the difference between our strength."

Thor looks back at me with a smirk.

"You also contained that attack so it wouldn't hurt anyone outside the arena, yes?"

"Yeah, that attack normally would consume everything in its path, I just condensed it so it wouldn't go beyond the arena and into the stands."

"My thanks, Jin."


I turn and see Baldur put his hand out for a handshake and I accept.

"My apologies, when I first met you, I underestimated you, and your overall strength. Now that has changed, I look forward to your future endeavors."

"Glad to know, thanks, Baldur."

"I also apologize, I would like a match with you in the future, Jin."

This time Vida and I shake hands and I agree to his future request.

"Sure thing, just send a request my way when you're ready."

He nods satisfied.

"Haah… This was stressful, Jin, Leviathan-chan, and Ingvild-chan, you're welcome to stay in Asgard for the rest of the day. I already booked a hotel so you can stay there free to charge. It's also the best one we have."

"Thank you, Odin-sama, we'll gladly accept."

Serafall thanks Odin and he waves her off.

Cúntóir: Answer: Removing aura sealing barrier

Cúntóir: Answer: Activating aura and mana suppression skill.

"Rossweisse! Lead them to the hotel."

Odin ordered her and she nods, the god and his sons leaves once all of this was done. Rossweisse turns to us.

"Please follow me."

Her professionalism was back and we do so.

When we were walking through the streets of Asgard we got even more attention this time around— Well mainly me, as a few of the beings there started to crowd me asking for autographs and asking me a bunch of questions.

When we arrived at the hotel entrance, I tried to gently move past them all but wasn't having too much luck. I didn't want to forcefully barge my way through as I might accidentally hurt and at worse kill one of them.

"Everyone please and let Jin-san through!"

Rossweisse tried to help me but it backfired on her immediately.

"Shut up you virgin Valkyrie!"

"You don't get a say since you never had a boyfriend!"

"Have you even touched a man before? Even a simple hug?"

Were some of the hurtful stuff that was thrown at her making the girl visibly upset. I was slightly ticked off by that. I turn to the crowd and let a little bit of my aura leak out.

"Could you all please make some way for me? I'm a bit busy right now."

All of them froze, nodded, and quickly dispersed. I sigh and walk over to the slightly tearful Valkyrie, and I instinctively start patting her head.

"Don't worry about Rossweisse-san, you're cute enough that you'll find that man someday."

She looked at me dumbfounded and turned red.

"I-I-I… This was just m-my job and I'll get going now!"

She quickly announced and ran off.

"Did I do too much?"

[She is quite innocent, good luck, Partner.]

{An even bigger challenge, good luck, Jin.}

Once we got our rooms and settled in, we went back outside to Asgard to explore the place, but it was quite troublesome as I was quickly swarmed by Asgardians. I told Sera and Ingvild to go together and enjoy themselves as they wouldn't have this trouble for them. They reluctantly agreed and left.

Now how the hell do I deal with this?

"All of you… What is the meaning of this?"

A familiar voice resounded in the area making everyone in the vicinity freeze. It was none other than Brynhildr herself, once she was there everyone scattered not wanting to feel her wrath.

"You saved me there Bryn, thanks."

I finally got to stretch my body after being hounded for almost an hour.

"Bryn? Call me by my full name, Jin-san."

She didn't look amused by the nickname I gave her, but she didn't try to scold me, probably because of what she saw me do to Thor.

"Ehh? C'mon, it's fine, Bryn, actually are you busy right now?"

"I am not, I am free, why?"

She looked at me suspiciously.

"So, I'm going to assume you saw what happened at the Colosseum. I'm being hounded by a lot of people in here and I can't catch a break… And seeing how they respond when you're around. I'm going to stick with you for a while."

I smile at her, she just looked mortified.





We went back and forth a little bit before she got fed up with it and threw her hands up exasperated

"Fine! You win!"

She started walking away and I followed suit. She looked annoyed and sported a small blush when I started walking beside her.

"Is there any specific place you want to visit?"

"No, I literally just arrive here today, take me somewhere you want."

She facepalmed and nodded.

"You forgot, didn't you?"

"Hush you."

She looked away and started walking in a different direction. When we went through a crowded section of a street all eyes landed on us and many whispers started, but once Brynhildr glared at them, they scattered and went back to what they were doing.

"As expected of the Chief-Valkyrie, just one look can kill."

I joked and she rolled her eyes at it.

"So, where are we headed to?"

"A training hall."

My excitement quickly dissipated, and I was left with an apathetic expression.

"Training is essential, WE.ARE.GOING."

She didn't leave any room for negotiations and walked faster.

"Yes, mom."

I half-heartedly followed behind her.

"I am not your mother."

She sounded irritated by the comment. But didn't say anything else as we made our way to this training place…

"This is?"

We had stepped into a large training hall and there were quite a few other Valkyries present.


A few Valkyries came over and greeted her, they look over at me and gasped… Senpai? Did these Valkyries go to Japan or something? Why am I questioning this? It's the DXD universe, made by an author in Japan…

"It's him!"

"Girls… Back to training."

They nearly jumped me but were stopped by Brynhildr thankfully. They gulped and ran back to train.

"Follow me."

She starts walking again and stands in front of a training dummy.

"Attack that with any of your abilities, it will show a number when hit, showing how powerful it is."

She puts her hand out and a ball of fire launched from her palm and hit the dummy.

Power Level: 3501

"Hmmm, is that high?"

I look over at the other girls and they were excited to see their senpai using the thing.

"No, the highest ever recorded was by Odin-sama at 717,030 in his prime, even so, his highest right now is still on par with his sons."

"How about yours?"


"Aight, bet."

I step in front of the thing and launched a tiny fireball that went at a lax speed. She looked at me strangely.

"Are you even taking this seriously? If not then you can lea—"


The whole area shook and everyone started to panic, but they calmed down once the word quickly spread about what happened. Brynhildr and the other Valkyries gathered around to wait for the smoke to settle.

Power Level: 9,999,999,999 (MAX)


The area fell silent, much like the arena earlier, until the other girls burst into cheers.


"That's the highest ever!"

"He hit the max power output? Incredible!"

Brynhildr stared at the number slack-jawed slowly blinking. I look at her and grin.

"Do I pass the test Bryn-chan?"

"…That is just the magical part, on to the physical test."

She started to walk away and I follow after her, a group of girls also followed us. We reach another room with a giant crystal in the center. She walks over to it and presses her hand against it.

"All you need to do is punch it, it will absorb the impact and power, and will calculate the power level like the training dummy."

She explained and lightly punched the thing.

Power Level: 50

"Chief? You're here?"

Another Valkyrie walked up to us.

"Helmwige? Are you here to train as well?"

The Valkyrie named Helmwige nods, she sees me and appeared to get excited.

"Chief! Are you bringing the middleman around?!"

"Y-Yes, he's about to try the physical crystal test."

Helmwige nods and steps back to watch me. I nod and step forward and in front of the crystal. I turn back to them.

"I won't need to pay for this if I break it, right?"

They were a bit stunned by my question but nodded their heads.


I cocked my hand back and punched it, shattering the thing in the process.

"I held back; I swear."

Power level: 9,999,999,999 (MAX)


Helmwige and the other girls cheered. Is this going to happen all day? I sigh, I'd rather not keep fighting or doing this for the rest of my time here. I turn back to the ladies.

"Are we done? I mean, me fighting Thor should be enough indication of my strength…"

"Yes, you are finished…"

Brynhildr shook her head defeatedly and I was immediately swarmed by the females as they asked to get autographs. Brynhildr looked back at the crystal and the power level shown and eyed me suspiciously.

After reluctantly signing autographs for almost an hour I was back on the streets of Asgard. I still had eyes on me but they didn't approach me as Brynhildr and Helmwige joined me.

"Any scenic places you guys would recommend here?"

I wanted to take a look at them at night, gotta appreciate these things because they might not exist in the far future.

"Hmmm, I guess the places where the water falls off the edge of Asgard? They're quite scenic even if you're just staring at the void."

Helmwige scrunches her face up trying to think of places to visit.

"There is a garden north-east from here near a blacksmith shop called 'Schöne Walküren' it's just a two-minute walk from that. An artificial waterfall has been made there; it is also popular with couples."

Brynhildr adds, making her fellow Valkyrie nod vigorously.

"I see, thank you, I'll be going now. I had fun— Even if you just took me to a training hall, also thanks for the places you mentioned. I'll check 'em out at night."

I waved them bye and flash stepped back to the hotel.



I had been staying in the hotel for the rest of the day since I knew I'd be bothered with autographs and people hounding me with questions. How the hell did Issei deal with it? He was even more famous thanks to his show…

"I never want to be a celeb."

I sigh, it takes too much work, it's probably even worse in America thanks to the paparazzi, damn psychopaths.

Knock ~ Knock ~

"Hmmm? Coming!"

I open the door and am greeted by Ingvild bear hugging me.

"In? What's wrong?"

"Haah… Serafall-san took me out shopping for clothes when I told her I didn't have many back in your home. She was going to scold you but I explained that I had ordered some online and that you were going to take me out shopping in the future."

She hugged me tighter, so I picked her up and took her back to my bed. We both sat there as she hugged me.

"But she decided that I needed clothes now and took me shopping… We got a few stares because we were seen with you, they asked us a few questions…but I would guess it was a lot worse for you."

She looks up at me, which I found cute.

"Yeah, I was hounded for autographs wherever I went. I think I nearly totaled two hours of signing stuff… One Valkyrie tried to make me sign their chest. But Brynhildr stopped that real quick."

"You were with Brynhildr-san?"

"Yeah, I just met her by coincidence and her presence made an invisible barrier around us that stopped people from approaching us. But she took me to some training area though, that was an experience and a half." I

chuckle remembering the stupid tests she made me take.

"A member of her team joined us; I think. Well, they knew each other, so I just assumed she was. Her name was Helmwige."

I could see that Ingvild was trying to listen but was slowly falling asleep.

"You should go to sleep, In. You're probably tired with all that happened today, it was your first outing after all. Maybe your body is becoming used to being a NEET."

Upon hearing the word, she lightly started smacking my chest.

"I… Am… Not… A… NEET…"

She tiredly says and laid her head back on my chest.

"Do you want to sleep in your own room or…?"

"I'll sleep with you again."

"Alright, but I'm going out for a bit. I need to check out some spots that the two recommended earlier."


She shakes her head and she fell back onto bed seemingly drifting off to sleep. I moved her under the covers and turned off the light as I left. When I got into the hallway, I see Serafall.

"Hey what the hell did you put Ingvild through?"

"In-tan needs more stamina for shopping!"

She pouted for some reason; she does know she was the one who put the girl through the wringer.

"Shopping stamina? The hell's that?"

"It's a different type of stamina, like how we have different stomachs for dessert."

She tried to explain it but it was just some bullshit.

"Ah— Right, well I'm gonna go now…"

I left before she could try to continue talking to me.

"Ahh— Hey!"

I heard the Satan shout but I kept walking.

I had flash stepped towards the location Helmwige mentioned, well— One of them. The nighttime in Asgard was almost like earth, there were stars in the sky and a moon. When I reached the spot, I could see the water just falling from the edge into the nothingness below. I also couldn't feel any presence anywhere near here.

I guess these spots aren't worth guarding? I also noticed not many people out and about, only the guards. Meh, whatever. I sit down and let my feet and legs dangle off the edge, I close my eyes and listen to the water fall.

Suddenly I could feel a presence slowly coming towards where I was, it felt like Brynhildr.


She called out to me. I put my hand up and wave to her backwards. I feel her walk towards me and stand beside me.

"What are you doing at this hour of the night?"

"As you can see, I'm enjoying the view, silence, and well— The ambient sounds before you came along."

I still kept my eyes closed; I could feel a small breeze start. Did they add wind here? Cool.

"I apologize, I didn't mean to disturb you."

"Don't worry about it, so? What are you doing out so late?"

"I was out on patrol, while I'm not part of the Valkyrie guards, I am still the one who holds the title Brynhildr, so I feel obligated to check Asgard at night before turning in for the night."

"Quite honorable of you, Bryn-chan."

I hear her sigh beside me, probably resigning her fate to be called that by me.

"I shall leave you alone then, good night, Jin." I feel her starting to leave.

"Yeah, good night, Brynhildr."

Schöne Walküren

I had arrived at the shop called Schöne Walküren and could see a place that looked like a garden so I started to walk that way. As I do, I stare back up to the sky Asgard is a lot calmer than I would have thought.

{What kind of place did you think it was?}

I dunno, maybe barbaric? Like I read stuff about it, Vikings and shit go to Valhalla when they die an honorable death, so I kinda expected muscular, sweaty old and young men drinking everywhere, with a few women here and there sprinkled around.

[Pfft— Partner, humans' depiction of the supernatural is sometimes never accurate.]

I know but I still couldn't help but think that.

As I spoke with the two dragons, I reached the garden. It's quite big but you can see the artificially created waterfall from the entrance, I could only feel one person in the garden so I didn't have to worry about running into fans.

The garden had a lot of green bushes everywhere around it, some were shaped into Odin and his sons, and a few were of Brynhildr surprisingly enough— Though now that I think about it, she is known as the strongest Valkyrie, so she should have a statue or two here and there.

The garden had a few floating orbs of light so that was what illuminated the place, but I could see that it didn't appear everywhere in the garden, perhaps the natural moonlight illuminated those spots enough?

I get to the center and there was a fountain, much like the one in Kuoh's park, but with a tiny Thor stone statue there and his eyes being made of the light balls from earlier. It made him look goofy.

Alright, next destination, the waterfall, because it seems like it's the highlight of this garden.

It didn't take me long to reach the waterfall and I could feel that person was there, but as I got closer, I could see it was none other than Rossweisse. 'I wonder what she's doing here at this time of night.' As I got closer, she noticed my presence.

"Who's there?"

She said in a serious tone and squinted her eyes. I come out of the trail and into her line of sight.

"Hey there."

I wave to her and she visibly relaxes.

"J-Jin-san… What are you doing here?"

She looked flustered, I could see that she was in still in her business suit, but she had taken off her shoes.

"Just out on an evening stroll, how about you? I didn't expect you to be here, Rossweisse."

She blushes and sits down on the rock she was standing on. There was a small fence that separated and elevated the garden's path and the waterfall. So, she was on the rock that kept the water from spilling.

"I-I was also out on an evening stroll; my job is quite taxing after all."

She hugs her knees and looks at the waterfall. I chuckle and join her on the rock.

"Yeah, I can imagine dealing with Odin's antics all day can make you feel exhausted."

She smiles at me and the conversation dies down. So, I decided to continue it.

"I was wondering what the nightlife was like in Asgard, I was a little surprised when everyone was just mostly in their homes."

"Yes, most if not all that reside here only use the opportunity to strengthen themselves in case Ragnarök happens. Apart from a few small shop owners and the guards that stay out past a certain hour, everyone goes home to get a well-deserved rest."

"I will be doing that shortly as I had my fill here."

"Well at least it's a lot calmer than the human world, it's so loud sometimes at certain places like clubs and entertainment districts." I shook my head at the thought of going. While I don't mind going with friends…it's just a bit too much energy…since the supernatural already keeps me occupied.

"Jin-san… Why… Why are you gathering a harem for yourself?"

Rossweisse stares at me when she asks the question.

"Why? Hmm, why indeed. Before I answer that, Rossweisse, have you read books or novels about the harem genre?"

She looked a bit surprised by the question but nodded…but looked a bit annoyed.

"Odin-sama sometimes brings books like that back with him from the human world as he meets up with the Leader of the Fallen Angels from time to time."

She shakes her head disapprovingly.

"They, however, only speak about perverted things so I usually leave them be."

"Odin and Azazel? That's one hell of a pervert duo that's forming."

I laugh as she smiles at me.

"To answer your question, most stories with the harem genre usually end one of two ways."

"One, the protagonist ends up with one girl and leaving the others. I don't like that kind of ending; the other girls usually already fall pretty deeply in love with the protagonist at that point in the story— Basically the end."

"So, I feel quite sorry for them. The author usually just throws them at some side character and thinks of a ludicrous plot point to make her feelings change. Even though they had all that build-up, it's pretty disappointing. Or they sometimes just let them stay single, and whenever they appear they're usually just sad and quickly forgotten about."

"When I read these books, I tend to put myself in that character's spot and go 'what would I be feeling right now with what just happened' and it's usually— Well, shit."

"So, I prefer the harem books that have the second ending I very much like. In which the protagonist picks them all in the end and basically marries them all. Every single one of the girls is happy, whatever fans that liked the series are also happy, and the shipping wars are quenched— Well kinda."

"I guess that's what I'm going for?"

I don't even know if what I said was what I really felt. However, as I said, I felt an inch during it. So I guess that's a clue.

Rossweisse blinks a few times before starting to giggle uncontrollably. She wipes a tear from her eye. She smiles in the end though.

"T-That's it? A little bit childish of you… You want to give every girl the happy ending they deserve? I won't lie that it sounds lovely… But… Do you think you can do it?"

She asked seriously. I stare her dead in the eye.

"Yes. I'll die trying. I know the three who are in my harem are happy, whoever else joins in the future I promise to do the same for them."






My name was called by Rossweisse, and I was brought back to reality.

"H-Huh? Oh uhh, did you say something?"

She looked at me with concern and shakes her head.

"You just zoned out after you spoke and stared into space. Did something happen?"

She asked worriedly.

"N-No, I'm fine."

"Anyway, I should get going… Now. It was nice speaking with you Jin-san."

Rossweisse gets up and dusts herself off.

"Yeah, me too, I'll be leaving tomorrow after all."

I put my hand out to shake hers and she accepts.

"Hey, if you're ever in a life-or-death fight in the future, just call my name and I'll be there."

I jokingly tell her. She laughs at it and nods

"…If the need ever arises, I'll be sure to shout your name out."

She jumps down from the rock and waves to me before walking away. I also make my way back to the hotel, enjoying the small chat I had with Rossweisse.

When I entered my room, I found Ingvild still sleeping peacefully, I change into something more comfortable with a snap of my fingers and join her in bed.

Next day


"Ho ho, I'll be sure to send a request your way sometime in the future, lad!"

Odin says for the fifth time this morning.

"Yes, I'll accept them any time, Odin."

Odin, his sons, and Rossweisse were there to see us off.

"Feel free to come back in the future, Jin. I would like to spar with you again."

Thor smiles at me and I nod.

"Don't forget about us either!"

Baldur and Vidar add.

"I won't, I look forward to the day."

After saying our goodbyes, I took the liberty to teleport us back to the Sitri Territory.


Sitri Territory


Serafall screamed and surprising the guards.

"L-Leviathan-sama, welcome back!"

They both greet her and she nods at them, she turns back to me.

"Thank you for teleporting me here, Jin. I'll see you in the near future then!"

She starts to walk away but stop and skips back to me. She gives my cheek a quick peck and skips back towards her house. The guards stare at me slack-jawed as I shook my head.

"Ready to go home?"

I ask Ingvild and she nods.

"I'm tired…"

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward household

"Home sweet home—"



A nya of despair could be heard from the living room. I was severely confused.



???? ????

No, no, no, no, no, no… Please! Why did they disappear?!?

I have to find him!

Why why why?!



Tears fell from my eyes…

"You're so far away… But… I'll reach you eventually…"


"Wait for me =============!!!!!!!"


Fun fact 1: Schöne Walküren translates to Beautiful Valkyries.

Fun fact 2: Zelma is Brynhildr's real name before she took the title.

Zelma means the Helmet of God, the god in this case is Odin as he is the Valkyries and Norse God's faction leader.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.