Wielder of the Gods’ Power ~Scorned as Power Level ‘0’, Yet Secretly Among the World’s Strongest~

Chapter 46

Chapter 46. Departure

The next day, the current time is 1:00 PM.

Last night, I stayed at the Takamiya family estate. I was stunned by how extravagantly wealthy people live. The bath was absurdly large, the food was luxurious, and though I had no clue about table manners, I just ate normally—was that okay? I’d never seen a canopy bed before, either.

“Kashiwagi-sama, it’s almost time for departure. Are you ready?”

“Yes, I don’t have much to prepare, so I’m good to go. Still, having this many ability users around is quite reassuring.”

“Indeed, I have nothing but gratitude for them.”

While I stood aimlessly in front of the mansion, the butler—Igai-san—addressed me. As always, he stood with perfect posture. Good-looking people pull off anything, don’t they? I bet he’s popular. Tch!

Within the Takamiya estate grounds, the ability users were busy with their preparations. There were as many as 23 of them. Most were hired, but a few were providing their protection for free, repaying a past favor to the head of the family. Among them were even elites with ability scores surpassing 100,000. The Takamiya family head’s charitable deeds had certainly paid off—what goes around comes around.

“Yo! How’s everyone doing?”

A man broke away from the group of ability users and approached us, raising his hand in greeting.

With a shaved head and sunglasses, he looked like an SP guarding the Prime Minister. A diagonal scar marked his face—was it from a bear or something?

“I’m in great shape. What about you, Iwatani Genya-sama? I heard it’s been a while since you’ve been on the field.”

“Don’t worry! I never skip training, and I’m feeling fantastic today! Plus, after this job, there’s something important I need to do, so I’m all fired up! Oh, and this must be the first time we’ve met. I’m Iwatani Genya. Nice to meet ya!”

“Nice to meet you, too. I’m Kashiwagi. I specialize in detection abilities, so I’ll leave the fighting to you.”

“Got it! Leave it to me!”

The bald man gave a roguish smile.

He said something ominous, but it’s probably fine… Right? Well, as long as it’s not too decisive, I guess.

At least, that’s what I naively thought.

“What’s this ‘something important’ you mentioned?”


Why are you asking that?!

That was definitely a moment to let slide!

“Ah, well, you see, I’ve been dating someone for five years, and I’m planning to propose soon. Heh heh.”

“Oh! Then when you succeed, I’ll humbly offer a gift in celebration.”

What a massive death flag you just raised! This bald idiot!

I haven’t seen someone set up such a cliché flag in ages!

…It’s over.

A colossal flag has been raised, and it’s not coming down.

Even as a certified death flag architect, I have to admire this. My survival odds probably just dropped by ten percent.

“Huh? What’s wrong? You’re looking pale. Need to take a break if you’re not feeling well?”

Whose fault do you think that is, you idiot?

If I die on this mission, it’s all on you.

“No, I’m fine. Anyway, this mission could be dangerous, so let’s stay sharp.”

“Got it!”

Does he even realize he’s the one in the most danger here?

I just hope this all ends as needless worrying. But based on my past experiences, nothing ever ends without incident. At the very least, I pray his girlfriend doesn’t have to cry over him.

A little over ten minutes later, preparations were complete, and it was time to move.

I boarded a limousine alongside the Takamiya family’s two daughters, the butler Igai-san, and finally myself.

“Let’s go,” Igai-san signaled, and the car began to move.

Surrounding the limousine, seven vehicles formed a protective convoy.

Each car carried a team of three to four ability users. Every team member wore communication devices, allowing Igai-san to issue instructions at any time.

“Kashiwagi-san, do you sense anything unusual?”

“No, there are no hostile reactions within my detection range.”

I had already activated my abilities to keep watch.


(Breathe. Detect. Sense every malice directed at us.)

This transit phase is the easiest time for the enemy to strike. They will come.

My job is to ensure they don’t get the upper hand. Though it’s my first time protecting others, the key is simple: don’t let the enemy get close.


“It’s okay, Runa. We have really strong people here to protect us.”

In the corner of the seat, Runa, her eyes brimming with tears, clung to her older sister Haruka, who gently held her. Yet, even Haruka’s hands trembled slightly.

Haruka is only thirteen. She’s just putting on a brave face for her sister’s sake.

…Honestly, I can’t understand the mindset of someone who’d force such young girls into a situation like this.

“Don’t worry, my lady. I am here, and I assure you, not a single finger will be laid upon you.”

Igai-san declared confidently.

His words brought some comfort to the sisters, though words alone couldn’t completely erase their anxiety.


I said nothing.

Words like “You’ll be fine” or “I’ll protect you no matter what” were for others to say.

Besides, such words were unnecessary.

Their safety was guaranteed the moment I got here.


Unconsciously, I smirked.

Bring it on, scum.

—I’ll take you all on.

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