white mask pirates


"A ship?! How are we supposed to do that" Bolk ask . Okada looks at Nomsa"You can do this right?"He questions Nomsa . She nods her head with no sighn of disagreement.Jack intervene "in that case I'll give you the blue prints of the lear we are about to infiltrate ". He grabs a bucket under a table full of the village warehouse blueprints ,He takes one ."use this ,you will go in first then you will give us the signal to ...." .Okada interrupts " No

Let Nomsa do this Solo ,Will just be on her way, in the meantime will go on around the village stored and course harvick ,This way the attention will be focused on us and we need a way to get into the ship without getting cought. "

Jack: how about Bolk course the harvick since his strong and fast he can escape easy

BOLK: I will do that no problem (Confidently speak with smile)

Okada: Oky in that case bring some food while you couse that rampage i dont wanna starve in the sea

Jack : Here are transponder snails (he puts them in the table). So wich ship is it that is to be stolen?


Jack :I was hopping you would say that.

Okada :Bolk do you still have those dynamite?

Bolk: Yeah whats your plan?

Okada: (Rubs his hands and smile) Just bring them here before nightfall ,I will need your help setting them up (He looks at Jack).

Jack: Will meet right here tonight to initiate our plan , As for now lets enjoy the rest of the day.

To be continue....

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