When the Style of the World Changes [End Times]

Chapter 71 - Zombie Siege (2)

“The zombies are coming!”

Hearing Yuan Xun’s words, everyone turned their heads and looked out of the base in unison.

The sky will be bright, and the rising radiance dimly illuminates this ruthless place, and the light spreads all over the earth. It is not the dawn of hope, it is the horn of war!

In the ruins in the distance, a human-shaped, ugly and terrifying monster climbed up from behind a gravel on all fours.

After running all the way, the ragged clothes on its body are long gone, and it is almost naked/naked, and its gray-brown and shriveled skin is exposed, making people want to vomit.

He was lying on the gravel, his upper body stood up, and his head looked straight at the people on the city wall. Xie Yun’s eyes just happened to meet it directly, her red eyes were full of tyranny, only cruel killing intent and greedy desire.

“Hungry ghost…” With a cold expression, Xie Yun almost murmured a name on her lips.

It’s no wonder that when my cousin introduced her to the apocalyptic zombie breed, she only said that she would recognize the “hungry ghost” when she saw it.

Zombies at least ‘eat’ a lot and can evolve a little IQ, but these monsters who climbed out of the tomb of the dead have only a crazy appetite from beginning to end, and the undead in the locked body are always They were all tortured in purgatory.

Only eating can bring them a moment of peace.

The hungry ghost opened his mouth wide at the crowd on the city wall, and seemed to be laughing. It was weird and gloomy. The black saliva dripped down. , heading straight for the base.

This is like a prelude to an attack. Hungry ghosts come running one after another. Gradually, the staggering figures of zombies also begin to appear, followed by groups of zombie animals, one after another, like a black tide. The general rushed to the base in a turbulent manner, vowing to devour the ‘big meal’ of the base!

Yuan Xun looked solemn, and he pulled out his side weapon – Zhan Yuanji with one hand.

Standing with a halberd in hand, the wind of elegance was swept away, and he turned into a general.

“Yes!” The crowd responded. Half of the fighters stayed under the city wall and charged to kill zombies when they were about to open the city gate. Half of the fighters climbed up the city wall, showed their weapons one after another, became the vanguard, and started the battle first!

“Hoohoho——” Finally, when the first hungry ghost came to the outer protective circle of the base, because its momentum was too strong, it slammed into the wooden guardrail outside the base and was pierced by a sharp wooden stake. The head died, the limp body hung on the wooden fence, and the thick black blood splashed on the ground.

But this did not scare off the invaders after, they came up wave after wave, just for the pursuit of flesh and blood, not afraid of death!

After paying the price of the same kind of casualties in the front, the wooden guardrail was smashed across the board in less than a minute.

Without the barrier of the protective fence, the hungry ghosts and zombies flocked to the base even more frantically, but some of the hungry ghosts and zombies suddenly fell into the trap pit when they were halfway, and were immediately stabbed into a sieve by the dense sharp blades inside!

But this is not very useful. There are too many hungry ghosts and zombies. When the corpses in the pit are filled, the hungry ghosts and zombies can step on their corpses and attack.

“Enable the detonation system for all mines!” Yuan Xun stopped roaring this time, and commanded the operation room with a walkie-talkie in his hand.

“Touch-! Touch–! Touch–!” The huge explosion sounded continuously, and huge sparks were blown up in the air. The blasting power of the scorpion caused even everyone standing on the city wall to feel their feet tremble.

The unlucky hungry ghosts or zombies and their neighbors in the surrounding area were bombed to the sky one after another, leaving only their stumps to the ground.

This time, it was the zombie animals who were more fortunate. They stepped on the heads of other zombies flexibly, and fled quickly when the mine exploded, but they did not suffer much damage. They also became the first zombie army to arrive under the city wall. .

Several of the zombie cats wanted to climb up the city wall, but they saw a shy and petite cute **** the city wall.

“You can’t come up~” The girl tilted her head cutely at the kowtow-looking zombie cats below, blinked her eyes, and the pink bow on her head swayed slightly with her movements, which was full of cuteness.

Xie Yun’s attention turned to this girl, her delicate and tender little milk voice even Xie Yun, who was also a girl, couldn’t help being so cute, not to mention that for people with good voices, Xie Yun’s dead voice control always A lot of tolerance, but I still can’t help but feel a good feeling for her.

As the cute girl’s words fell, a stream of water suddenly appeared on the top of the city wall. , as if washing the city walls again.

Obviously, this water flow is not big or intense. At best, it is like a glass of water falling down the city wall. It is not enough to bathe the zombies.

However, the zombies who tried to climb the city wall were rushed and fell down one after another. When they tried to climb again, they seemed to be unable to climb up as if they had caught something slippery.

Looking at the bottom of the city wall where the zombies were tossing bubbles, Xie Yun asked the cute girl, “Is it soapy water?”

“Ah? Ah…yes…yes.” Facing Xie Yun’s question, the cute girl’s cheeks flushed red for a second, her head was almost lowered to her chest, and her face was shy and nervous.

Mom… Mom, this is the first time Ah Cheng has seen such a beautiful person~ I really like it! Then… take another look~ Huh? Huh? Huh? blocked by… [disappointed]

Li Moxuan stood in front of Xie Yun unhappily, facing the bad guy behind him who wanted to hook up with his wife Yazhai.

‘Humph~! How can you think about this madam’s wife? Look again, and I will send you to patrol the mountain! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa…’

‘Damn mental retardation! ’

‘The zombies are attacking the city! Can you be normal? ’

‘嘤嘤嘤~[grievance], you don’t love me anymore~’

‘Love love love, I love you the most, don’t cry~’ The quarrel made me want to cry too, and I have a headache…

Seeing that a large number of zombies are like a group of dense ants, piling up under the city wall and constantly attacking, Yuan Xun also issued the order to attack again: “All of them, attack!”

Those with water-type abilities send water arrows, those with ice-type abilities send ice cones, those with fire-type abilities send fireballs, those with earth-type abilities send earth thorns, those with gold-type abilities send golden swords, and those with wind-type abilities send wind blades, The wood-type ability user sends wood thorns, and the lightning-type ability user sends lightning strikes… Various ability users who can attack at a distance have issued their own abilities.

At this time, it is no longer necessary to care about the accuracy of the head, because there are too many zombies, and the densely packed one hits one accuracy, and the hit will not fail. They just need to be careful not to collide with their own power attacks to cancel each other out. Just fine.

In the base, the ordinary people who can use the wooden warehouse and the mutants who can not attack from a long distance but can make the wooden warehouse hold the wooden warehouse branch, which is known as the hand, and shoot wildly at the corpse.

“Come on! Little brat, grandpa feed you some bullets!”

“Kill ah-da-da-da-“

“Hahahaha~ Come one dad and kill one, come two and I’ll kill one pair! I’m going to kill you all to kneel down and call me dad!”

“…” Silently hit the wooden warehouse.

Xie Yun didn’t plan to use up her abilities too early, the scene was too chaotic, and no one paid attention to her, but to be on the safe side, she took advantage of Li Moxuan’s tall body to take out two shotguns from the space and pointed them at the bottom. The zombies that are struggling to climb up are a burst of fire.

Halfway through, I glanced around, □□, Revolver, AK47… There are various types of wooden warehouses, and there are even the kind of Gatling mechanism wooden warehouses with blue fire (?)!

A large number of hungry ghosts and zombies were beaten to death under the city wall before they reached the city wall, and soon a thick hill was built up with corpses, which gave the subsequent hungry ghosts and zombies the opportunity to use the same kind of corpses. Mountains of corpses climbed up the wall.

Li Moxuan didn’t need to be secretive like Xie Yun, but after watching Xie Yun’s actions silently, he took out a bazooka (?) from his belt (?) with a straight face and aimed it in the distance. The corpses that were still approaching opened fire.

The rocket dragged its tail flame, let out a long chirping sound, slammed out a long distance, landed, and exploded!

With the sound of “Boom–“, the ground shook three times, a mushroom cloud rose in the sky, and the place turned into a pit, clearing an open space among the densely packed corpses!

Yuan Xun: “…”

Zhang Dehan: “…”

Xie Yun: Just get used to it.

Mu Yanhao: Just get used to it.

Everyone on the base city wall: “…”

Do you think we are stupid? At a glance, you can tell that this thing was taken out of the space. Even if you want to cover the space at least, you should bring a bag or something to disguise it. Pulling something this big out of that tiny trouser pocket? Are we really blind? What about logic? What about common sense? What about the laws of physics? All eaten by zombies.

The hordes of zombies smelled the flesh and blood behind the wall, and they rushed in frantically. Some of them couldn’t make it to the front line, and as Yuan Xun expected, they were diverted to the other side of the city wall.

Yuan Xun picked up the walkie-talkie and instructed Wang Taocheng, the deputy base chief who was guarding the north gate, to prepare for battle, and informed the guards who were guarding the gateless city wall to cheer up. The zombies had been shunted away, preventing the zombies from passing through a doorless middle section. Break the city wall, break the city and enter.

Yuan Xun put down the walkie-talkie and looked at the battlefield with a dignified expression. Don’t look at the fact that the main battlefield seems to be in good shape now, but this is only temporary.

There is no end in sight for the follow-up zombie troops, but they have already consumed a lot of ammunition. The double defense line of the external protection area of ​​the base has also been broken by the corpse sea tactics. The subsequent zombie troops have been able to reach the city wall without obstruction. The situation is not optimistic .

The so-called zombie siege, the most feared is not that there will be some high-level powerful zombies, but a huge tide of zombies.

No matter how powerful a single zombie is, they have a way to destroy it, but once surrounded by an endless group of corpses, the two fists are no match for the four hands. Ordinary zombies can consume a powerful high-level ability user to death. , not to mention that there are more powerful mutant zombies such as lickers, giants, haste, wise, and supernatural zombies.

The zombie tide is the nightmare of all mankind in the post-apocalyptic era. There is no such thing as one!

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