When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 638:

Then, in the appreciative sound of thanks from El, he asked about Mars' situation, and got the exact same answer as expected. Mars completely disappeared without a trace.

Without any valuable clues, he can only return without success.

Just a week after returning here, the number of people who have strange dreams in the middle of the night is still increasing, and gradually more and more, there are even doctors in Yong Ye's house everywhere, but the maid has not yet appeared.

Moreover, a cardinal and more than 100 people in the imperial capital collapsed and fell into a state of sleep that could not be awakened no matter what.

They were all people who had no relevant medical history at all, but suddenly fell asleep. These unexplained sleepers made Zanguang Church hold another emergency meeting.

On the top floor of the Cathedral, in the conference room protected by many techniques, the current Pope's face became very gloomy, but he soon became full of determination. He stood up from the main seat and glanced at the presence of praise. top officials of the church.

"—Even if human beings are really going to perish! We must not allow disorder to come, otherwise people will face **** before they die, and people will die in horror and pain. Even if disaster is inevitable But we must at least do our part for mankind in the end, so that people can die in a more gentle way, not in a chaotic **** on earth, Zanguang Church is obliged to maintain order until the last moment, until the end of mankind! "

On that day, the high-level officials of the Zanguang Church present nodded solemnly, unanimously agreeing with the Pope's opinion.

But on the second day, the Pope fell, the second in line to succeed him three days later also fell, and the first in line was the cardinal who fell first.

So... the succession of the Zanguang Church fell into the hands of Yongye, a paladin, as never before.

However, in fact, although there are many people in drowsiness, it is only about 2%... Now this situation occurs, mainly because the highest level of the Zanguang Church has contacted the Star God fragment, which has weakened the curse seal of the beast. The highest level of the Church of Light is more prone to coma than the average person, as are the emperors and top ministers of the empire.

Yong Ye stood beside the corpse of the Star God that no one dared to approach, looked at the young star God girl with long crimson hair, and at the big wound on her chest that Lilia had created with the ultimate weapon of mankind, And there is a distorted black-purple light visible to the naked eye on the wound.

The girl looked like she was alive. If she ignored the wound and just fell asleep peacefully, the existence of the wound proved that she was definitely a dead body.

That black and purple light is so complicated that just looking at it will give people a headache. The curse left by the unique holy sword created by human beings inadvertently cannot be killed. So killed.

But even if it is dead, the powerful soul still remains here, even if it does not speak or move, it is sealed in a state of death, and it is enough to affect the life around it.

Therefore, the group of people who came into contact with the corpse of the young Star God were all disturbed by the powerful soul of the Star God left in the corpse, and they were the first to fall.

On the tenth day of Ruisi's stay in the house, there is only Eternal Night that does not have the curse seal of the Star God, and is not a beast. As a high-level human being, he is still awake. Lilia, who has been in contact with the Star God, has not yet fallen asleep. , but didn't have much time to wake up.

After the leaders who knew the truth were all in a coma, no one knew what the strange dream and the coma were. The country was in chaos, but the most powerful empire of mankind and the Zanguang Church, the strongest force of mankind, were not in chaos.

Yong Ye became the Pope, and relied on the Knights Templar, which had not participated in the World War and thus retained its strength, and the Knights of the Church, which were all damaged, to control the Church of Zanguang, stabilizing the current situation.

When the imperial family was in chaos, they were secretly controlled by Ruisi who took the opportunity, and gradually stabilized the situation in the empire. Although Ruis was unable to ascend the throne because of her daughter, she also became the uncrowned master behind the scenes.

Of course, in fact, Ruisi doesn't want to do these things at the end, because she personally feels that this behavior is meaningless and just a waste of time. She would rather tease Yongye at the end of her life, but she still does it at Yongye's request. .

Yong Ye, who has always felt the urgency of time, finally came up with a solution after controlling the most powerful force, the Zanguang Church, and indirectly controlling the empire.

Gathering all the power of the Empire and the Church of Zanguang, gathering the talented people who can be recruited, and starting the largest project in history.

He did not hesitate to let the warlocks use the forbidden spell of the subjugation level to make the earth crack, tear apart the land in the suburbs of the imperial capital, and reach a depth of 5,000 meters underground and strengthen the surrounding soil, and then use a large number of magicians to transform under the ground to create a vast underground. city.

The secret vaults, treasure troves, and bookstores of the Empire and Zanguang Church have all been moved underground to avoid the severing of human inheritance, so that spell masters summoned from home and abroad can draw spells around them and arrange knots that can resist the forbidden spells for a long time. world art.

In other words, the dungeon is isolated from the world, and an independent small world is constructed imitating the starship, so that possible attacks and various natural disasters, earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions cannot interfere with this independence from the outside world. 's little world.

The top warlock is also depicting the notch of the forbidden magic enchantment that has not been used. Once activated, it can make the time of everything around it stagnate for a long time, but because the caster is also inside, it is impossible to choose when to stop. The forbidden curse enchantment that came down.

If you want to stop the time in a certain area for a long time, in theory, it is feasible for a civilization that has developed to a very high level of magic technology, but there is a big problem that has been plaguing everyone, that is, it requires huge energy. It's hard to solve.

Even if the special humans in this world can release the time-based forbidden spell to stop time, there is no way to maintain it for too long. How long can humans be used as energy?

So Yong Ye set his sights on the starship, and moved the starship captured from the alien land outside the empire to the dungeon, and used the starship with a large number of unsolved technologies and almost infinite energy to serve as the two dungeons of the dungeon. The energy source of the enchantment.

The dungeon is officially named "Underground Ark", Noah's Ark without any hope, after the completion of the selected talents among the human beings will enter it and enter a long and hopeless slumber.

After all, even if we sleep for thousands of years or 10,000 years, and the time of human extinction is postponed, the problem cannot be solved, and after the energy is exhausted, it will eventually become a beast, because the seal has been torn apart, and almost all human beings are frequently dreaming, which means The thin seal on everyone will irreversibly disintegrate.

"...So, Lord Yongye, what is the practical significance of your project?"

Her Royal Highness, who was sitting on Yong Ye's lap, completely saw the problem with this plan, and didn't think it was meaningful to delay the literal death time, but just put her hands on her cheeks and looked bored.

Originally, Yong Ye would not allow this, but now there is no way to repay the favor, which is why such a situation occurs. On the sofa in the Pope's living room in the sanctuary, it has become a human flesh table and chair.

Ruis doesn't think it's meaningful to freeze human time, at least she doesn't think it's good to waste time at this time, but it can achieve unequal conditions, which is a gain for her, so it's not worth it. What a dissatisfaction.

"If you want to talk about the meaning, it must be meaningful, but before I explain, can you come down first, it's not good if you look like this?"

After crossing Yong Ye, who was flipping through the progress report of "Underground Ark", although she was already used to this kind of thing, she still hoped that the **** her body could go down.

The girl's over-corrected beautiful face and beautiful brown hair look even better under the sunlight shining through the high windows.

It is not only lovable, but also heroic and occasionally innocent and cute, just as it contains a variety of contradictory beauties at the same time, and can be established at the same time, it really makes people sigh that perfect human beings really exist.

However, Yong Ye was, as always, troubled by his actions.

"After all, I am the Pope now, and you are the only unmarried princess in the empire. It's not good for people to see it like this."

"Zanguang Church doesn't allow marriage, and I don't have anyone else. What's wrong with that? Well, there have been rumors recently. The new Pope of Zanguang Church uses power to persecute the beautiful and kind princess of the Empire and his marriage. Together."

"...That's because you dragged me around to be seen, right? There are people who are talking nonsense during this period. I really admire their strong nerves."

He doesn't care about gossip. Compared with those meaningless things, Yong Ye cares more about the more pressing time and the speed of trying every means.

"Okay, let's not talk about meaningless things. Lord Yongye, let's talk about the meaning of your plan, right? By the way, I remember... Lord Yongye, you have never had a dream, right?"

Halfway through the conversation, Ruisi suddenly thought of something, and then asked tentatively.

"Lord Yongye, I remember that you, like the 18th generation regular hero, do not have the past. Could it be that... you and the 18th generation hero Mr. Mars are from another world?"

"All? Mars is from another world, you know??"

"As a guess, the nickname of the eighteenth generation brave Mr. Mars is 'Stranger', and his past, the martial arts he knows, and all kinds of signs can show that he is not from this world."

"...Is it a guess again? It's really accurate, forget it, I'll just tell you."

I didn't think there was anything to hide about my coming from another world, so Yongye simply told Ruisi about his own affairs, um... It was limited to things in another world and the follow-up to the "Ark Underground" plan.

Freeze humans, Eternal Night can still continue to exist, and find a solution to the problem when humans freeze... Although he is not sure of finding a way to strengthen the seal on the beast, I hope I don't know how many digits after the decimal point, almost equal to No.

But he didn't want to do nothing and wait for the doomsday to come. He couldn't accept the ending of waiting for death like that. If it was true, he felt that he would be driven crazy by that sense of despair.

Everyday life is on the verge of ending at any time, and repeating each day that is on the verge of ending constitutes the daily life of this period.

From time to time, people will fall, but more are still awake, and there will continue to be new people who join the program. Those who fall will be managed separately, but will not be allowed to join the ark because of the coma. A person who is not awake may become a beast at any time, and that will threaten the remaining people who have not become a beast.

The appearance of the dungeon and the entire world is changing little by little, and the chaos of the world is increasing, which will continue until the moment when it truly ends.

Lilia and Ruis, Yong Ye told him that they were visitors from another world, but they were just happy and asked him about the other world with great interest.

For the two of them, if Yong Ye was in a different world, it meant that they didn't need to step into the apocalypse with them, but... Yong Ye didn't tell them that he couldn't travel through another world at will.

Now there are rumors that the reason for not waking up is a strange dream, but Lilia and Reese are not in a coma yet, and everything is going on in an orderly manner.

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