When I Bind the Plot Maintenance System

Chapter 97

Chapter 96:


Leaving unhappy things aside, Zhufu Meizi has always been good at adjusting her mentality.

Because he had been in contact with a psychiatrist not long after he was born, and he remembered the psychiatrist’s teaching very clearly. After being known by his family of hyperamnesia, they paid more attention to his emotional affairs.

Ever since they found out that he even remembered what happened when he was born, the family also worriedly recalled whether they had done anything bad before.

Zhufu Meizi said at the time: “Of course there is, but it’s already tied.”

After getting this answer, Brother Jing Guang heaved a sigh of relief and said, “I will never eat your pudding in the future, Kong Liang.”

So at this time, Zhufu Meizi didn’t take those things too seriously.

[Zhu Fukongliang] is not a personality that likes to discuss these things, and the two naturally tacitly ignored this topic, and [Zhu Fukongliang] asked: “So, what is your relationship with him?”

Matsuda Jinping: “?”

Matsuda Jinping: “The problem is back to me again?”


Regarding the question of [Zhu Fu Kongliang], Zhu Fumeizi didn’t think there was anything to hide, and took out her treasured mobile phone: “It is possible to have a relationship like this and that and then that.”

[Zhu Fukongliang] was silent, then turned his face away and said “tsk”.

Matsuda Jinhei: “Can someone explain to me what it means like this and that and that?”

Zhufu Meizi turned on the phone and entered the password: “It’s just that you can go shopping and buy women’s clothes together.”

Zhufu Meizi commented: “Songtian women’s clothing is very beautiful, and it’s my favorite face.”

Matsuda Jinhei: “…I almost thought Hagi was talking.”

The curly-haired police officer suddenly noticed the most important point: “Wait? Women’s clothes?! What women’s clothes!?!”

[Zhu Fukong Liang] But his eyes lit up, and his eyes immediately placed on Zhu Fumeizi’s mobile phone: “Let me see!”

As a result, the group photo with Yumi Hagihara and Jinzi Matsuda in Zhufu Meizi’s mobile phone appeared in front of several people.

Because Zhufu Meizi is now sexually turned, so she is also a woman in the photo and it will not look abrupt. Looking at the drooping-eyed beauty in the photo, and the curly-haired lady who was hooked on her shoulders and looked into the mirror, Matsuda Jinhei fell into a long silence.

[Zhu Fukongliang] let out a hilarious laugh: “Hahaha! You have today too, Matsuda!”

Matsuda Jinpei bit the unlit cigarette that he had almost bitten off, and he didn’t want to speak.


“Speaking of which, I haven’t seen Hagihara since just now.” Zhufu Meizi was a little puzzled: “Generally speaking, Hagihara has always been with you, Matsuda.”

Matsuda Jinping’s heart was entangled, after all, the current situation, dragging people into the water is really – the curly-haired police officer hesitated for a second, then took out his mobile phone: “Hagi, wait, I will help you call him! ”

[Zhu Fukongliang] Obviously intends to watch the play, although Zhufu Meizi has some words that will hurt him, but no matter how you do it, it is worthwhile now.

Because Hagihara Kenji lost his identity, there is probably no way to restore his identity directly before everything is over. Even if the identity is restored, it is more troublesome to return to work.

Therefore, he is now working hard to continue watching the latest updated textbooks of the police academy, intending to retake the police test again, and re-enter in a fair and open manner.

So when he received the call, Kenji Hagihara was in the library and noticed the vibration of the phone. Kenji Hagihara picked up the phone and glanced at it. It was a text message from Jinping Matsuda.

“…Huh? Let me go to Poirot immediately?” Hagihara Kenji glanced at the time after knowing it, and found that it was the police’s off-duty time. It just so happened that his stomach was also hungry, so Hagihara Kenji sorted out the textbooks and went to Poirot with a bag.

Because Matsuda Jinping used the word expedited, Hagihara Kenji rushed over at the edge of being fined and deducted points by her sister.

Matsuda Jinpei has always been the most conspicuous person in the crowd. Hagihara Kenji noticed him at a glance and was about to say hello, but his voice got stuck on his lips.

Because he saw [Zhu Fu Kongliang] who smiled and waved at him at the same time, and the cat-eye girl who was sitting beside him with her head tilted to look at him.

Hagihara Kenji’s movements were obviously stiff for a moment, and then he came over curiously and asked, “Two Ryo Kosora? Or Miss Keiko and Ryo Kosora?”

“It’s not Jingzi, it’s Meizi.” Zhufu Meizi blinked and rubbed his eyes again, suspecting that he had read it wrong just now.

-In this world, [Zhufukong Ryo] recreated a fake identity for him in order to resurrect Hagihara Kenji. So Hagihara Kenji not only changed his identity, but also changed his face.

Of course, it’s not a facelift with a knife, it’s a face correction that comes from superpowers. Everyone who saw Kenji Hagihara saw that the face was not Kenji Hagihara, but another stranger.

If Hagihara Kenji wants to change back to his own face, it is just a matter of a superpower. There is no need to worry about this.

When normal people look at Hagihara Kenji, it is the face of a stranger. But first of all, Zhufu Meizi is not an ordinary person, she is not even a person in this world.

Brainwashing the world didn’t work for her from the beginning. Not to mention that Zhu Fumeizi also comes with a plug-in, and the small stone can also block superpowers.

Zhufu Meizi rubbed his eyes and whispered: “I seem to have read it wrong just now? When did Hagihara learn to change his face?”

Hagihara Kenji was taken aback: “Huh?”

[Zhu Fukongliang] smiled and explained: “It’s super power, with a blurry face. It’s not that you misread it.”

Hagihara Kenji suddenly reacted. After all, he can’t see his own face without looking in the mirror, and the fake face is quite handsome now, so he is not sensitive to this matter itself.

Before Hagihara Kenji opened his mouth, Zhufu Meizi understood the meaning of “Zhufukong Ryo”, looked at Hagihara Kenji who just sat down, and said seriously: “Don’t worry, the Hagihara in my eyes has always been Hagihara.”

Hagihara Kenji: “…”

Matsuda Jinping looked at the light blush on Hagihara Kenji’s face, his eyes sharpened: “Hey, Hagi, this guy is a minor.”

Hagihara Kenji: “…”

Hagihara Kenji was shocked and injured: “Of course I can see that, Xiao Jinping, are you doubting me by emphasizing this?!”

Hagihara Kenji: “By the way, did anyone explain to me the situation at the scene!”

Zhufu Meizi sighed: “As expected of you, Xiao Zhenping… Songtian also asked this question just now.”

“Xiaojinping?” Hagihara Kenji, who noticed this title, his eyes sharpened at this time: “Xiaojinping, is this child still a minor?”

Matsuda Jinhei’s face darkened.

[Zhu Fu Kongliang] was happy watching two people hurt each other.

Zhufu Meizi, who is holding milk tea, has absolutely no self-consciousness to cause war on her own.

[Zhu Fukongliang] sighed: “I really like you more and more, little plum.”

So Zhufu Meizi’s eyes became sharp, almost exactly the same as Matsuda Hagihara’s eyes, she said: “We are also related by blood, and mother will not agree.”

[Zhu Fukong Liang]: “…”

[Zhu Fukongliang] Noticing the eyes of the pair of young tamers, he was silent for a second, then touched his chin and said, “Would it be better not to let mother know?”

Zhufu Meizi was stunned for a moment, then tilted his head and said, “Stealing fishy?”

[Zhu Fukongliang] nodded: “That’s right!”

Matsuda Jinpei and Hagihara Kenji said in unison, “No!”

“Don’t teach bad children!”

[Zhu Fukongliang] Unhappy, he retorted: “It’s the two of you who teach bad minors? One (former) cowherd, and one **** who cheated on my (non-existent) sister.”

Hagihara Kenji: Is there a possibility, I really have never been a cowboy.

Matsuda Jinping: Is there a possibility that it was me who was being tricked?

“By the way, why are the parentheses also read out?”

“Because it has more feeling.” [Zhu Fu Kongliang] replied.


Hearing the words of [Zhu Fukong Liang], Zhufu Meizi fell into silence. After all, Matsuda Jinpei and Hagihara Kenji are not his good friends, and their profession has nothing to do with him.

Hagihara Kenji: “Wait? Meizi, don’t you really believe it?!”

Zhufu Meizi said seriously: “It doesn’t matter, I don’t discriminate against any profession.”

Hagihara Kenji: “I said I didn’t—!”


After all, 【Zhufukongliang】and Zhufumeizi are different branches of the same person, and Zhufumeizi can’t stay for too long. When the little stone could hardly hold on, Zhufu Meizi said goodbye consciously.

After all, it is not that there is no chance to come again in the future, so there is no need to rush for a while.

[Zhu Fukongliang] Smiles and discovers the function of this big killer: “Come and play when you have time~ I still need someone to watch movies with me.”

Zhufu Meizi replied, “Okay, I’ll accompany you next time.”

Watching Zhufu Meizi leave, Hagihara Kenji looked at his young tamer, and said, “Do you think she believed her?”

Matsuda Jinping sneered: “Oh, that is Zhufu.”

Matsuda Jinping did not say who belonged to Zhufu’s family, but only used Zhufu to refer to him. However, Hagihara Kenji recalled their dear contemporaneous period, and recalled the [Zhufu Kong Ryo] of their world, and sighed deeply: “That’s right, it’s Zhufu after all.”

Zhufu Jingguang of this world, who was completely unaware of what was going on here, sneezed suddenly and blinked in confusion.


And going to the world of [Zhufu Kongliang], the influence of this incident continued until Zhufu Meizi… Zhufu Kongliang came to the world of good friends.

There is no need for **** in the world of good friends, Zhu Fukong Ryo is wearing a high school uniform, looking at Hagihara Kenji who is smiling and talking to him, his expression is serious.

Although this is serious, there is not much difference between normal facial paralysis.

Seeing that his friend had something to say to him, Kenji Hagihara asked curiously, “Little Sora?”

Matsuda Jinping also gave him a look.

Zhu Fu Kongliang thought about the words and said seriously: “Even if Hagihara wants to become a cowboy, I will support it.”

Matsuda Jinping: “…Huh?”

Hagihara Kenji: “?!?!?”

Hagihara Kenji’s pupils trembled, almost choking on his own saliva: “Who said I want to be a cowboy?!”

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