When I Bind the Plot Maintenance System

Chapter 93

Chapter 92:


best friend world.

When Hagihara Kenji contacted Zhufu Jingguang and Yugu Ling, the pair of young tamers just happened to be together, and contacting one was equivalent to contacting two.

Hagihara Kenji explained the situation over the phone, saying that Sora’s brother was here, and asked them if they wanted to play together, without mentioning the stage play at all.

In fact, Zhu Fu Jingguang is also very curious about Zhu Fu Kongliang’s brother – Zhu Fu Jingguang has always been curious about whether there is any other relationship between Zhu Fu Kongliang and him.

Now that he can see the other’s brother, maybe the mystery that has been plaguing him can be solved.

Jianggu Ling also has some curiosity, but more importantly, he still cares about Fu Jingguang. Anyway, the two of them are all right now, and it doesn’t matter if they meet in the past.

Then, the two of them reacted exactly like Matsuda Jinpei and Hagihara Kenji just now.

“…Is this brother?” Rei Furuya looked at Kenji Hagihara in confusion.

Zhu Fu Jingguang was also a little stuck: “Uh…”

Zhu Fujingzi has perfectly accepted his current situation during this period of time, with a gentle smile on his face that can’t be seen as a man (in fact, it is not now): “You are also friends of Kongliang, right? This is the first time. Meet me, I’m Kong Liang’s brother.”

Valley Zero: …so.

Zhu Fu Jingguang: …is it really my brother?

In a word, if it is an elder brother, it is an elder brother. Anyway, “san” in Japanese can be called a female or a male, which is a kind of honorific title.

Zhu Fu Jingguang responded with a smile: “Hello, Miss Jingzi.”

But why did the few people at the scene not know him well, they could see the complicated emotions on his face.

Zhu Fujingzi has already passed the awkward part of her, looking at her childhood self in another world, she finds it very interesting, she has a smile on her face: “Although I heard Kongliang mention it, we really look alike. If you don’t mind, Jing Guangjun can call my brother directly, okay?”

Zhufu Jingguang: …I don’t think I want to.


Both Zhu Fukongliang and Zhufu Jingzi said they were older brothers, so as outsiders, they could not give any opinions and could only accept it.

But secretly, the four of them still used group chat software to pass messages.

Hagihara Kenji: [What do you think? 】

Zhu Fu Jingguang: [About this matter, shouldn’t you tell us in advance? 】

Falling Valley Zero: [He just wants to watch a good show. 】

Matsuda Jinping: [Tsk tsk, we were all taken aback, it is only fair that you are taken aback too. 】

Matsuda Jinhei: [Speaking of which, Hagi, it’s too easy for you to call your brother? 】

Hagihara Kenji: [Hey, don’t you think this is a little closer? 】

Hagihara Kenji: [I used to suspect that Kong Ryo is actually a ghost and doesn’t exist. Later, when I saw Jingguang, I wondered if he was a lost child from your family that you didn’t even know about. 】

When Zhu Fu Jingguang saw this sentence, he agreed in his heart, because he also had such doubts at the beginning. It’s just that this idea is too rude, and people have families of their own. Even if it were true, revealing it would complicate things, and he never mentioned it.

Hagihara Kenji: [But now, it seems that the situation of Kong Ryo’s family is a little special, so he has never had the opportunity to meet his family. 】

Zhu Fu Jingguang: [Yes]

Zhu Fukongliang: [Is there a possibility, in fact, I am also in this group. 】

Matsuda Jinping: […]

Hagihara Kenji: […]

Zhu Fu Jingguang: [I just wanted to say this. 】

Falling Valley Zero: […I suspect you did it on purpose, Jing. 】

The only one who was not in the group chat, Zhu Fujingzi watched a few children secretly send messages to each other with their mobile phones. He didn’t care much about their chat records, but just held his face and sighed in his heart: This is youth, right?

He still trusts a few of his characters from the same period, and with them as Kong Liang’s friends, he is really relieved.


Zhu Fu Jingguang: “Speaking of which, what are we going to do next?”

Hagihara Kenji pulled out a tape: “Qianqiang – I asked Xiaokong Ryo to copy it for me, our previous performance tape!”

Zhu Fu Jingguang: “…”

Zhu Fu Jingguang: “…”

Zhu Fu Jingguang’s pupils trembled: “Hagihara?!”

Zhu Fu Jingzi sighed on the side, “This is youth. ’

It’s really rare for him to have such a youthful expression when he was a child.

Then reacted.

Wait, doesn’t Zhu Fu Jingguang’s reaction mean that there is a black history in this videotape?

The smile on Zhufu Jingzi’s face also froze, but Hagihara Kenji threw the videotape into Matsuda Jinping’s hands very quickly, and Matsuda Jinpei also stuffed the videotape in without hesitation: “Okay, I want to here we go.”

The education that Zhu Fu Jingguang received made it difficult for him to do more radical behaviors at this time, and the opening scene of the stage play was…

Looking at Her Royal Highness on the video tape, Zhufu Jingzi fell silent.

Hagihara Kenji commented on the side: “Looking carefully, I really doubt that you are actually related to Jingguang, brother~ Super similar!”

Zhufu Jingzi quickly adjusted her mood, she figured out, what does Princess Zhufu Jingguang in the video have to do with her Zhufu Jingzi?

Zhufu Jingzi even made a joke: “Haha, in fact, I have always wanted a younger sister–wait, Kong Liang, I didn’t mean that, don’t get me wrong!”

Zhu Fukongliang: “I haven’t spoken yet, brother.”

Zhu Fujingzi: But based on what your brother knows about you, you definitely thought about it just now.

Hagihara Kenji raised his hand curiously: “What does that mean? Does Sora want to wear women’s clothes?”

“Speaking of which, the stage play at that time did not wear it from beginning to end, right? Obviously there is this plot in the original script.”

“Brother means to become a girl from the beginning to the end.” Zhu Fukongliang helped to explain.

Others include Zhu Fu Jingzi: “…”

Hagihara Kenji: So…

Matsuda Jinhei: …It turns out.

Zhufu Jingguang: That is to say.

Down Valley Zero: Now, is this lady really going to be transgender? !

Zhu Fu Jingzi: “I don’t have it, zero… Jun.”

Falling Valley Zero: “Did I say it?”

Zhufu Jingzi smiled and said, “No, I guessed it just by looking at your expression.”

Falling Valley Zero: I don’t know why, but this expression made him subconsciously think of his family’s young taming.

Zhu Fu Jingzi couldn’t help his forehead: “Kong Liang, don’t say those misleading words.”

Zhu Fukongliang obediently responded.

Hagihara Kenji felt that this scene was very visual.

And the stage play just happened to play this scene.

【I can’t stand it anymore! 】

【You know tomorrow that I am a man! Please don’t call me younger sister, my elder sister! 】

[When my brother played the man’s identity for a long time, my advice made her change into a beautiful long dress. 】

Inspiration flashed in Hagihara Ken’s second brain: “Could it be that, brother, you also disguised as a man since you were a child, and recently, in order to be a queen…cough, recently you have recovered as a daughter in order to inherit the family property or something?”

Zhufu Jingzi: …I never knew you had such a big brain, Hagihara.

She smiled perfunctorily: “If you think so, it’s not impossible.”

Matsuda Jinping turned his head abruptly: “So your house is really a black one?!”

This was the suspicion they had discussed. After all, many details that Zhu Fukongliang showed in the past made people doubt this.

What kind of parents are not from the same world, and going to school with them needs to make money by themselves and so on.

Zhu Fu Jingzi looked at Zhu Fu Kongliang in confusion: “When did our house get dark? Kongliang.”

Zhu Fu Kongliang said decisively: “When my brother was undercover, didn’t he go to the dark side?”

Then, Zhu Fu Jingzi received the extremely complicated eyes of the other four high school students.

But the saying is true.

Zhu Fu Jingzi: “…”

Zhufu Jingzi: “Kongliang, it’s okay not to speak occasionally.”

Zhu Fukongliang: “Oh.”

Zhufu Jingzi: “I suspect you did it on purpose, Kongliang.”

Zhu Fukongliang: “I did it on purpose.”

Zhu Fujingzi: “Oh, it turns out that it is indeed the reason… eh?!”


The recorded stage play is no longer the focus now. Zhu Fu Kongliang picked up his mobile phone: “Hagihara seems to have always been curious about my family situation, and now my brother is here, so I don’t think there is anything to hide.”

The main reason is that in the past, Xiao Shizi didn’t tell him, but now that the energy is enough, the world may have accepted him, and Xiao Shizi has probably also said hello to the will of the world.

In short, when he realized that he could no longer hide it, Zhu Fukongliang had already planned to confess.

Noticing the change in the atmosphere, the expressions of the other four also became serious, and their bodies all sat up straight.

“My name is Zhu Fukongliang, I am 18 years old and a sophomore at the Romance Academy.”

The school season in Japan is in April, and there are three school years each year, so Zhufu Kongliang, who is 18 years old after the new year, still needs three months to become a senior in high school.

Zhu Fukong Ryo took out his mobile phone and opened the photo with Nozaki and the others: “I’m good friends with Hagihara Matsuda. Because I like Hagihara and Matsuda very much, I decided to go to high school with you in this world.”

“The family is very ordinary. There are two police brothers. It is not a gangster and there are no other special circumstances.”

“What I said before is not in this world, and the literal meaning is not in this world.” Zhufu Kongliang tilted his head: “Hagihara obviously guessed it, but he has never been sure of me, so I lost my patience and decided myself. said.”

“I am a visitor from another world, and I stayed here for you all.” Zhu Fukongliang put down his phone: “Please advise.”

Hagihara Kenji and Matsuda Jinping glanced at each other, Matsuda Jinping scratched his hair: “What are you doing so serious?”

Hagihara Kenji is extremely receptive, and raised his hand at this time: “Teacher Sora, I still have a question!”

Zhufu Kongliang: “Please say it, Hagihara-san.”

Hagihara Kenji: “So—is your brother a brother or a sister!”

Matsuda Jinping: “So this is the point?!”

Zhu Fu Jingguang: “…Actually, I want to know why the two of you seem to accept it so quickly… Well, I also want to know the answer to this question.”

Valley Zero: “…It looks like you’re quick to accept it, Hiro.”

After hesitating for a while, Jiang Gu Ling also said, “Uh, I’m also curious…”

Zhu Fu Jingzi: “…”

Ah, was this group of people like this when they were kids?

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