When I Bind the Plot Maintenance System

Chapter 102

Chapter 101:


The plot of the movie continued, and Zhu Fukongliang quickly withdrew his attention.

The plot on Matsuda Jinping’s side was almost finished, and it was the turn of another child sent by Zhu Fu Kongliang.

The sex-turned-world Ley is obviously a little surprised by the appearance of Miyano Akemi (the seven-year-old version). She must know if she has ever been pregnant, so this child is definitely not hers.

Then why does Akira Miyano think it has something to do with her?

And also, why does the man who looks a lot like Scotland say she is related to Miyano Akira?

Under such a tangle, Ley’s DNA will be cleaned up at the mission site, but she certainly didn’t pay much attention at her boyfriend’s house.

Therefore, the DNA results were still tested.

There is indeed a blood relationship between Miyano Akira and Miyano Akemi, and this blood relationship is a bit too similar. If we have to explain it, it is somewhat similar to cloning.

Miyano Shi exploded in an instant – if it was a normally born child, he certainly wouldn’t say anything, but what if it was an experiment with his brother? !

At the same time, he also detected that Lei is indeed related to their family, it should be about three generations, so there is no big problem.

But Ley’s identity is about to be called into question.

Looking at the chaotic development on this side, Zhu Fukongliang and Zhufu Jingzi seemed a little bored, and the two of them obviously did not have much interest in the development of Akai Shuichi.

Zhufu Jingzi commented: “The identity of Ley was probably exposed later, but Miyano sister… I mean Miyano brothers, especially Miyano Shi, should have a bad feeling towards the organization.”

“After all, the existence of Miyano Akemi, if it is not naturally conceived, of course, it is doubtful whether it is an experiment of the organization.”

“So the final trend should be no different from the original book, except for the gender change.” Zhu Fu Jingzi thought for a while and said, “And they didn’t die.”


And the future direction is obviously not what Zhu Fu Jingzi expected. Before the end of the plot here, the 7-year-old version of Matsuda Jinping and others have long been sent back to their own [Align Reversal] world.

At this time, the world plot of the faction reversal has also come to an end.

And the biggest contributors to the elimination of the organization are Hagihara Kenji and Fukutani Zero.

For no other reason, it’s just that these two intelligence officers… both set an early warning, that is, if something happens to them, they will immediately reveal other people’s secrets. Because I don’t know who will attack me, so everyone has secrets.

It’s just that they reset the time from time to time.

However, because of Zhu Fukongliang’s relationship, they had no chance to reset the time at all, resulting in no chance for many secrets to be hidden. All the secrets of those who would threaten them in the hearts of Hagihara Kenji and Jianggu Ling were all exposed. .

As we all know, there is no true love in an organization, and anyone can be a threat.

No one thought of such a situation.

No one can realize that Granta, who fishes every day, knows so many things, but has never exposed it.

Akai Shuichi commented on this: “Even if he is a tainted witness, the price he paid is enough.”

“However, just because he knows so much, people will see him as a more terrifying threat.”


Before the antidote was made, Edogawa Conan was carrying his small schoolbag and looked at the group of children following him with a very strange expression.

Yoshida Ayumi tilted her head and said, “Speaking of which, there are really a lot of transfer students this year, right?”

Miyano Shibao took her hand: “Don’t think so much, go there with me.”

Yoshida Ayumi immediately blinked her eyes in surprise, forgetting her doubts just now, and happily responded, “Okay, okay!”

Edogawa Conan: “…Bastard Nozaki, I said I don’t need an assistant…!”


Zhu Fu Jingzi looked over: “I wanted to ask before, do you like your back table so much?”

“I also used Nozaki to introduce myself before.”

Zhu Fukongliang recalled: “Unconsciously, the relationship improved.”

He thought about it seriously: “Because his and my brain waves can match.”

Zhu Fu Jingzi: “…”

Zhufu Jingzi rubbed his chin thoughtfully: “Even if you said that, then I can look for it to see if there is Nozaki in my world.”

Zhu Fu Kongliang thought for a while: “Why don’t you come to my world to play? I’ll introduce Nozaki to you.”

Zhu Fujingzi was obviously a little curious, and he didn’t refuse at all: “Okay~”

So, after the movie was finished and everyone’s ending was known, Zhu Fukongliang happily carried a small schoolbag and went back to class.

He is not sure when Zhu Fu Jingzi will come, but he always welcomes him.


So this time after school, Zhu Fukongliang was surrounded by a bunch of classmates when he wanted to go home.

“Zhufu! What does the girl at the door have to do with you?!”

“Speaking of which, I have never heard you say that you are twins!”

“Is she your sister or your sister?!”

Zhu Fukongliang was stunned for a moment, he looked out the window towards the school gate, just in line with Zhufu Jingzi who was wearing the jk uniform.

Zhu Fu Jingzi smiled and waved his hand, making a mouth shape: “Good afternoon.”

Zhu Fukongliang said without hesitation: “It’s my sister.”

All the classmates screamed: “You never said you had a sister!”

“She’s so cute! It’s my dish!”

“It looks completely different from your personality, eh Zhufu?”

Then Zhu Fu Kongliang shouted: “Nozaki, come with me to see my sister.”

All students: “?!”

Nozaki Umetaro was also a little puzzled: “Ah? Me?”

Then he immediately reacted, Zhu Fu Kongliang was looking for materials for him, his eyes lit up, and he took out a small notebook: “I understand! Thank you, Zhufu!”

Zhu Fukong nodded.

But all the boys were a little unconvinced: “Why Nozaki, Zhufu! I can too!”

Zhu Fu Kongliang replied, “My sister is only interested in Nozaki.”

“Damn…!” The boys wailed.

So after Zhufukong Ryo and Nozaki Umetaro were about to leave with their schoolbags on their backs, Sakura Chiyo was already waiting at the door. She was a little surprised: “Zhufu-san will go back with us today?”

Nozaki Umedaro: “Oh, we are going to see Sister Zhufu, do you want to be together?”

Sakura Chiyo was stunned for a moment, then laughed: “Okay! I’ve never heard classmate Zhufu mention that you have a sister.”

“Well, she is very interested in Nozaki.” Zhu Fukongliang replied.

Chiyo Sakura’s nerves moved, she blinked quickly, and then smiled and said, “Yes, yes, Nozaki-san is indeed very popular!”

Then, Chiyo Sakura saw Keiko Zhufu who smiled and waved to them at the door, and instantly turned to petrified.

She immediately pulled Zhu Fu Kongliang aside: “Zhufu, how old is your sister this year?!”

Zhu Fukongliang thought.

Sakura Chiyo: “Isn’t she your sister? Why did you hesitate for so long?!”

Zhu Fukongliang: “…twins.”

Sakura Chiyo: “Isn’t that the same age as us?!”

Zhu Fukongliang: “Well.”

Chiyo Sakura: “Wow…why didn’t you say it earlier! Mr. Zhufu-”

Sakura Chiyo obviously felt threatened: “Your sister is very interested in Nozaki-san, isn’t that…”

Zhu Fukongliang: “…”

Zhu Fukongliang said, “Don’t worry, she doesn’t like Nozaki and won’t **** it from you.”

Sakura Chiyo: “…”

Sakura Chiyo blushed instantly and explained in a panic, “No, no, no, I’m not…!”

And Nozaki Umetaro saw Chiyo Sakura blushing at Zhufu Kongliang, and he didn’t know why he was a little uncomfortable, so he naturally pulled Zhufu Kongliang to the other side: “By the way, Zhufu, you haven’t introduced your sister’s name. what.”

Zhu Fukongliang didn’t notice the problem either, and was naturally diverted from the topic.

Zhu Fu Jingzi raised his eyebrows as he watched this chaotic scene.

Later, on their way home, Zhufu Jingzi also saw Prince Kashimayou surrounded by a group of girls, and was beaten by her senior to resist walking.

In addition, I also met Sakura Chiyo’s friend running forward with a wild laugh, followed by a group of people chasing her.

Then I met Yuko Chai Shiqin who just walked together in the middle, and when I saw that the other party was giving directions to a girl, she suddenly teased the other party and asked if she should just send her home. After the girl agreed, she asked for help. Look at Sakura Chiyo’s reaction.

Regarding this series of developments, Zhu Fu Jingzi suddenly said: “It turns out that it is funny.”

And Yuzi Chai Shiqin was stunned for a moment, and said in shock: “Eh?! Who is she?!”

Chiyo Sakura: “…Keiko-san has been here for a long time, Miu Miu.”

Yuzi Chai Shiqin: “Eh? Ah? Isn’t it Zhu Fu’s clone?”

Everyone: “…”


After seeing this group of people who were born in Jiu Man, Zhu Fu Jingzi said to Zhu Fu Kongliang on the way back, “I feel like you are quite suitable for Jiu Man.”

“I also probably understand why you two are so good together.” Because Jigman is nonsensical, roughly equal to disorder, it is very suitable for children like Zhu Fukongliang who don’t grow up according to the rules.

When he was about to arrive at Zhufu’s house, Zhufu Jingzi stopped: “I had a good time today, then I’ll go back, my brother should come to pick me up.”

Zhu Fukongliang’s hand was about to open the door of his house, and he turned around and asked, “Aren’t you going to come in and sit?”

Zhu Fujingzi stood at the door and smiled: “No.”

The girl with the same face as Zhu Fukongliang but with a different gender rolled her eyes: “I’m glad you invited me to play with you, but some things are lost if you lose them.”

“Also, I’m very happy now.”

Zhu Fukongliang: “…”

Zhu Fukongliang: “Then can I invite you to play next time?”

Zhu Fu Jingzi smiled and said, “Of course you can~”

Zhu Fukong nodded his head: “Then, see you next time.”

And at this moment, the door was opened from the inside, Zhu Fu’s mother first glanced around, then looked at her little son with some doubts: “Kongliang, who were you talking to just now?”

Zhu Fukong replied blankly, “No.”

“Really…” Zhu Fu’s mother didn’t think too much. She glanced at the door again hesitantly, and then smiled after confirming that no one was there: “Welcome home, Kong Liang.”

“I’m back.” Zhu Fukongliang replied.

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