When Heartthrob Omega Wears Into the Present World

Chapter 27

Chapter 26 – Don’T Let Her Down, Don’T Let Yourself Down

There was a knock on the door.

Luci opened her eyes and felt her body was cold and stiff. After a long time, she felt the blood flowing through the meridians of her limbs, allowing her to control her body.

“Luci? Are you there?”

Lu Ci got up, sat on the bed for a while, wiped the sweat from his forehead, heard the voice, it seemed to be Jiang Fu, subconsciously thought that something happened to Chi Shuang, got up hurriedly and ran to open the door.

“Miss Fu, what happened to her?”

“Ah? No, no.” Jiang Fu quickly shook her head, seeing her sweating and haggard, she was stunned for a moment.

“Are you okay? Could it be that you are sick?” Jiang Fu reached out and touched her forehead.

“No, I was sleeping just now, I didn’t sleep well, and I was still a little confused.” Lu Ci heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and let Jiang Fu enter the room.

“Is there anything you want from me?”

Jiang Fu half closed the door, followed her to the sofa and sat down.

“It’s okay, I just wanted to chat with you. Hey, how’s your hand? I brought you some medicine.” Jiang Fu took out a bottle of ointment from her bag and put it on the table, and glanced at Lu Ci His left hand, his arm was blocked by pajamas, and he couldn’t see anything.

“Huh?” Lu Ci poured a glass of water and handed it to her, “Thank you, I’m fine.”

“Actually, I came here this time to put aside my work and chat with you like a friend. Don’t be too resistant to me.”

“Huh?” Lu Ci was a little confused.

“I want to talk to you, about you and Xiaoshuang.”

“When I saw you hugging Xiaoshuang in filming today, I had a feeling, so I wanted to ask you, are you, do you really like her?”

Lu Ci held the water glass in both hands and fell silent.


[From the day you split into an omega, you are destined to become everyone’s plaything. 】

【Even if your willpower is strong, you can’t control your body. 】

【You are not worthy of thoughts, let alone love. 】


Jiang Fu held her chin with a smile, took a panoramic view of Lu Ci’s expression, and was even more convinced of her guess.

But Lu Ci shook his head.

“I don’t know how you got such a misunderstanding.”

“I was just acting at the time, maybe I was deeply involved in the drama, and I didn’t adjust my emotions for a while.”

Lu Ci smiled at her and took a sip of water.

Jiang Fu frowned, carefully looked at Lu Ci’s expression, but couldn’t tell whether she was telling the truth or a lie.

“But you and Xiaoshuang have… had a skin-to-skin relationship, right?”

“So what?”

“If you have slept with her, do you have to be with her?” Lu Ci asked with a smile.

Jiang Fu frowned again, a little dumbfounded by Lu Ci.

“Xiaoci, this kind of thing really can’t be joked about. Xiaoshuang is a person who is very dedicated to things, especially when it comes to feelings. You should have heard something about her.”

“Since I was with her six years ago, she has never been willing to get close to people, and she is very indifferent to everyone and everything. One meter around her body is her forbidden area, and no one can cross the line, but she is with you There was a relationship, do you know what that means?”

Luci shook his head calmly.

“She doesn’t reject you, and is even willing to let you touch her casually and get close to her, which shows that she accepts you from the bottom of her heart.”

“En.” Lu Ci responded lightly, and took another sip of water, as if what Jiang Fu said had nothing to do with her, as if she was listening to someone else’s story.

“What on earth are you thinking?” Jiang Fu was confused by her attitude. Why did things develop completely differently from what she imagined? She thought that Lu Ci would be very happy to find out that she didn’t object to the two of them!

“Sister Fu, I really don’t have any special ideas. Now, I just want to finish filming this movie with peace of mind.”

Lu Ci paused, raised his eyes, and glanced at the door.

She smelled the fragrance of Chi Shuang’s body and hesitated for a moment.

“Miss Fu. I do have some ideas.”

“Huh?” Jiang Fu’s eyes lit up, “Say it.”

“I heard that Director Feng Nian has a new film in preparation.”

“What?” Jiang Fu was taken aback.

Lu Ci smiled, “I want resources.”

“If you can let me take part in that play, I can cooperate with you and continue to pretend that I like Chi Shuang until she has no feelings for me.”

“You? What are you talking about??” Jiang Fu was completely dumbfounded by what she said.

“Did I not make it clear enough?”

Seeing the calm smile on Lu Ci’s face, Jiang Fu suddenly didn’t recognize this woman.

“Say it again.” Jiang Fu’s tone also became cold.

“I want resources and fame. I don’t want to be an 18th-tier scumbag anymore.”

Jiang Fu stared at her for a while, then sighed and got up.

Lu Ci raised the corners of his lips, “No.”

When Jiang Fu returned to the room, she saw that the bedroom door had just been closed, and her heart skipped a beat. Oh no, those words must have been heard by Xiao Shuang!

Jiang Fu knocked on the door, but there was no response, she pushed the door lightly and took a look inside. Chi Shuang was sitting by the bed, staring out the window in a daze, her eyes were dim, a little absent-minded.

“Xiao Shuang?”

“Sister Fu, why do they all want to use me?”

Jiang Fu frowned suddenly, they? Besides Lu Ci, who else? Could it be… Mr. Shen who can make her so sad! ?

“Xiao Shuang, don’t… don’t think things are bad.” Jiang Fu wanted to persuade her, but she didn’t know how to speak. Would you like to say something nice for Lu Ci? But she just said clearly that she approached Xiaoshuang just for resources, and she really couldn’t say such good words.

Now she even regrets why she meddled in her own business, why she changed her position to support the two of them! ?

“Go and communicate with the director, advance the later scenes a little bit, I want to finish filming early and leave the group.”

“But can your body handle it?”


“Okay, I’ll go, then you, don’t be sad.”

“Go.” Chi Shuang sent her away, and sat on the head of the bed alone, hugging her knees, her eyes were lonely, and she couldn’t hide her loneliness.

In the next room, Lu Ci dismissed Qiu Ling who came to ask her to have dinner, and made a cup of coffee to keep himself awake.

She didn’t want to sleep, didn’t want to have those dreams again.

The two sat in their respective rooms until dawn.

Early in the morning, Lu Ci had packed up, and when he was going out, he happened to meet Chi Shuang coming out from the opposite side.

“Mr. Chi, good morning.” Lu Ci greeted her with a smile.

Chi Shuang ignored her and left directly.

When Jiang Fu passed by Lu Ci, she sighed.

Lu Ci smiled and said nothing.

On the set, Lu Ci approached the director and said that he wanted to shoot the show earlier, and it didn’t matter if he worked overtime. He hoped to finish it before the end of the month.

Bai Hua was stunned after hearing this.

“You two are judging model workers like me, aren’t you?”


The assistant director heard it clearly from the side, and laughed, “Jiang Fu also came to the director last night, saying that he wanted to focus on the shooting of Chi Shuang’s scenes, and hoped that she could leave the group before the end of the month. You two really have a tacit understanding.”


“Go quickly, if you don’t want to be scolded, go quickly.” The assistant director muttered in a low voice.

“But, I’m in a hurry…”

“It’s not enough to rush to reincarnate! I know how many scenes I shoot every day and how long it takes to shoot. Is it because you said that you can advance ahead of time? Why don’t you come as a director?”

Bai Hua rolled up his sleeves angrily, Luci’s eyelids twitched, and he ran away.

What Lu Ci is going to shoot today is the circus where she led the troops to raid, and it is also a day for her to practice horseback riding for so long and test the results.

She rode a horse for two laps to find out how she felt, and then changed into a costume, ready to shoot.

Bai Hua signaled everyone to get ready, and then gave an order.

Lu Ci got on the horse and steered the horse forward. The movements were smooth and done in one go. The horse galloped at high speed, and the crisp sound of horseshoes resounded through the audience.

Bai Hua looked at her heroic figure from the monitor, and kept nodding, “Not bad, really good.”

“Look.” Bai Hua turned her head and glanced at Chi Shuang at the side.

When Chi Shuang heard the words, she glanced at him with appreciation, “Yeah.” He responded indifferently.

“Okay, card.”

“What’s wrong with you? Are you two at odds?” After Bai Hua called out the card, she looked at Chi Shuang again, sizing her up suspiciously.

“No.” Chi Shuang shook her head.

Suddenly there was a commotion in the distance, Bai Hua glanced at the monitor, and saw the staff gathered around Lu Ci.

“What’s wrong?”

“Director, Miss Ci’s boot got stuck in the stirrup and fell off when she got off the horse.”

Bai Hua was startled, her expression changed, and she hurried over.

Lu Ci stood up with the help of others, “Director, I’m fine, I just fell down a bit, look, I’m fine.” Lu Ci took a few steps.

“It’s fine, I’m scared to death.” Bai Hua breathed a sigh of relief.

“Go, rest for a while, prop master, set, prepare for the next scene.”

Lu Ci left in response and went straight to the lounge.

Although she said she was fine, there was actually something wrong with her. Omega was weak during the fever period. When she got off the horse just now, her left shoe was a bit too big and got stuck in the stirrup. She almost sat upside down. On the ground, it hurts to fall.

Lu Ci lay on his side and closed his eyes to rest.

Originally this lounge was shared by Chi Shuang and her, but now she is the only one using it.

Lu Ci was in a daze, feeling someone coming in and running towards her, she wanted to open her eyes, but her body lost strength, although she was conscious, she couldn’t control her body.

The person who came helped her to lie flat, lifted her skirt, pulled her pants to take a look, and rubbed her red and swollen wound with warm palms.

Lu Ci sighed secretly, he had said so many nasty things to her, and pushed her away again and again, but why didn’t she listen to persuasion.

Lu Ci was anxious, but he couldn’t move his body, and fell into a deep sleep in a daze.

Lu Ci was awakened by the noise outside, opened his eyes, and saw the person sitting by the bed.

“Sister Ling?”

“Huh? Wake up?”

“How long have you been here?”

“You came in with your front feet, and I followed in. I saw that you were sleeping too soundly, so I didn’t disturb you.”

“Then just now…” Lu Ci was taken aback, remembering that someone had rubbed her sore spot just now.

“Has anyone else been here?”

“No.” Qiu Ling shook her head.


Isn’t it her?

also good.

During this period of time, the two leading actors rushed to the scene with all their might, and the crew was busy all of a sudden.

Later, Chi Shuang couldn’t take it anymore, Jiang Fu forced her to rest for a few days, so that everyone could breathe a sigh of relief.

Lu Ci goes out early and returns late every day, so that he can keep his feet on the ground. In the morning, he went to the set at dawn, and when he came back late at night, he fell asleep. He didn’t have time to relax and think about those messy things. On the contrary, it was much easier.

The two filmed several intimate scenes. Originally, Bai Hua was worried that the state of mutual ignorance of the two would affect the filming, but unexpectedly, the two unexpectedly co-produced during the filming, and they would soon be able to enter the scene , Substitute yourself into the role, and perform very well.

Bai Hua was very satisfied, but Lu Ci knew that they were just acting seriously, without any other emotions mixed in.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed.

It’s time again for Lu Ci to count the days on his fingers.

She flipped through the script and crossed out all the scenes she had filmed. There were still many unfinished scenes, which could not be completed in just three days.

She was really worried, if this hot period couldn’t pass, what would happen to this drama? The painstaking efforts of so many people.

In the morning, Lu Ci got up a little later.

The fever period is approaching, and the body has begun to feel a little lazy, and the previous state of beating chicken blood can no longer be maintained.

She simply washed up and went out.

Chi Shuang just opened the door and came out.

The two saw each other unexpectedly.

“Mr. Chi, morning.”


After Chi Shuang finished speaking, she turned and left.

Lu Ci looked at her back, trying to keep this figure firmly in his mind.

Luci didn’t have many roles today, so she hid beside Bai Hua and kept watching Chi Shuang from the monitor.

“How about watching this scene?” Bai Hua turned her head and glanced at her.

“Good, very good.” Lu Ci nodded in praise without hesitation.

“Do you think she belongs to the attractive type?” Bai Hua pointed to Chi Shuang on the screen.

“No, it belongs to the type that surprises people every time they look at it.”

“Hehe, the evaluation is quite high.”

Lu Ci laughed, at least in her opinion.

“Why, you don’t get awkward with others anymore?” Bai Hua’s eyes were burning brightly, causing Lu Ci to look away.

“I haven’t been awkward all this time, just getting along normally.”

“Tsk, the way you young people get along is really unpredictable.”

Luci smiled again.

“I see that you are in a good mood today, unlike the last two days when you were always tense, what’s the good thing?”

Lu Ci can’t laugh or cry, how can she have any good things?

The day’s filming was coming to an end, and after watching Chi Shuang for a whole day, Lu Ci was satisfied, thinking that there were still two days left to watch, so he was full of expectations for tomorrow.

Watching Chi Shuang get in the car and leave, Lu Ci also left with Qiu Ling.

Early the next morning, Lu Ci seized the time and walked out when Chi Shuang would go out.

The opposite door was closed.

Strange, Chi Shuang usually goes out at this time.

Chi Shuang was not seen on the bus, and she was not even found in the crew.



“Where’s Teacher Chi?”

“asked for leave.”

“What?” Lu Ci was taken aback, and his mood fell instantly.

“There was an awards ceremony. She was nominated and had to attend. She left last night, didn’t you know?”

“Oh, I see.”

Lu Ci walked to the side and sat down on a small bench, leaning on his cheeks and looking at the young actors who were filming in full swing.

Everything in front of her was overshadowed, and she couldn’t even arouse her interest.

“Luci, come over and make up two shots.”


Lu Ci completed the shot and ended today’s shooting.

“Director, I also want to ask for a few days off.”

“Why? When you ask for leave, you also ask for leave. You two are conjoined twins?”

Lu Ci couldn’t laugh or cry, “I have something to do at home, I have to go back.”

“How many days?”

“Five days.”

“If I can, I will definitely.” Lu Ci hastily added another sentence.

Bai Hua flipped through the schedule, “Okay, go and come back quickly.”

“Thank you!” Lu Ci bowed deeply to her, leaving her in a daze.

Lu Ci went back to the hotel and packed his luggage.

Qiu Ling knocked on the door and came in, looking at her puzzled.

“What happened, why did you suddenly ask for leave?”

“No, there is something at home, go back.”

“Didn’t you grow up in the orphanage? What can you do at home?”

Lu Ci was taken aback, this was the first time she had heard that Lu Ci on Earth grew up in an orphanage.

“Private matter.”

“Do you want me to accompany you?”

“No, you happened to be resting for a few days. I worked **** you during this time and caused you a lot of trouble. I’m sorry.”

Qiu Ling frowned, always feeling that her tone and words were strange.

“What’s wrong with you? Did you meet Kan’er? Tell me.”

“No, go ahead and give me the car keys.”

Lu Ci drove Qiu Ling out, and moved the pillow and quilt from the bedroom back to the small bed in the living room.

She lay sideways on the bed with her arms under her head, not feeling sleepy, thinking about Chi Shuang hugging her from behind like this that night, in fact, she really liked that feeling at the time, and wanted to be hugged like that all the time This kind of warmth went straight to the bottom of her heart, making her feel at ease and relaxed.

Early in the morning, Lu Ci finished washing, tidied up, and put on light makeup.

Holding the car keys and pulling the suitcase, he took another look at the room.

Here, there are bits and pieces of her and Chi Shuang, as soon as she saw the small bed, she could think of Chi Shuang’s appearance as a rascal, how could she be so cute.

With a bang, the door was shut heavily, and the beautiful memory related to Chi Shuang was also sealed in the bottom of my heart.

She drove to the bar where she met Chi Shuang for the first time.

The bar was not open, so she sat in the car and looked across the road for a while.

In the afternoon, she went to the tea pavilion where she met Chi Shuang for the first time, bought a tea cake and ate it.

It was near evening before she returned home.

Everything in the house remains the same, deserted, but fortunately, the decoration is very warm.

Without the crew making noise in her ears, she was still a little uncomfortable, so she turned on the TV and played the sound.

She hasn’t been back for nearly three months, and the house is covered with a layer of dust. She rolled up her sleeves and started to tidy up the room.

Accidentally found the gift box of tea cakes that Chi Shuang had given her under the coffee table.

She held the gift box and rubbed it for a long time.

Opening it and taking a look, the tea cakes inside have been eaten long ago, but the scent of tea cakes still remains in the box.

Lu Ci wanted to put the box down, but was startled suddenly, feeling that the box was heavy, not like the weight of an empty box.

She looked at the raised decoration in the middle, and tried to open it. With a click, the round decoration separated left and right, and there was a small wooden carved deer hidden inside!

Lu Ci knew this thing, she saw it in that tea pavilion, and there were many wood carvings on the corridor of that tea pavilion, she was very interested in this little deer at that time, and she kept looking at it for a long time!

It turned out that at that time, she was already paying attention to her preferences.

The tip of Luci’s nose was sour, and tears welled up.

She picked up the fawn and put it in the palm of her hand, it was the size of a palm, but she felt that it was so heavy that she couldn’t breathe.

The deer is very finely carved, with piercing eyes, slightly raised front legs, running forward, lifelike, full of vigor and vitality.

Lu Ci fondled the little deer, and after a while, he held the little deer to his lips and kissed it deeply.

“You’re bound to meet a nice girl.”

After finishing speaking, he gently put the fawn into the trash can.

Tonight is her fever period.

This time, she didn’t want to go to someone else to mark her, she wanted to try to carry it by force.

It’s good to carry it through, if you can’t carry it.

It can be regarded as not letting her down, not letting myself down.

The author has something to say: the first two chapters seem a bit cruel, but I am really a sweet writer!

It’s almost over, trust me!

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