Chapter 33: Everything is Fair in Love and War
Aryan intentionally interrupted the party to gain attention. And I knew that very well he will definitely do that.
I pretended to ignore him as I was waiting when he will create scene.
A game was going on where people had to tell their identity and Aryan was forced by some of my shareholders to participate in that game.
Unaware of the situation Aryan participated in that game. He fumbled and introduce himself, "Hi... Am Aryan and managerial staff of Meyhotra Co."
Everyone looked at him and laughed, "Hey! Who gave you the invitation of this party? Don't you know this party is only for top level managers?"
Aryan felt extremely embarrassed.
Someone interrupted "I think, he is not even a manager also. He is faking, he has come over here as because he hasn't saw such parties like this before."