Chapter 29: Unveiling Deceit
Rohan entered as Aryan departed, finding me immersed in the process of signing numerous documents.
He inquired, "Sona, what's your strategy here? Are you attempting to divert him by overloading him with work? I have my doubts about this approach."
I looked at Rohan and motioned for him to close the door. Once settled in, I replied, "You're correct, my dear; this approach won't yield the results we desire. It's merely a ruse. I'm toying with him for now. But rest assured, I have a trump card up my sleeve. I'll play it before he even realizes the game has changed. Just watch and wait; he'll be completely blindsided."
I continued to sign the documents with awry smile, prompting Rohan to ask, "Could you at least reveal a hint of your trump card?"
I responded, "You'll discover it soon enough. For now, savor the suspense."
Rohan persisted, "But why send him to the conference? It doesn't seem that critical."
I chuckled, "Oh, Rohan, you must be patient for the climax. If you enjoy the story thus far, you'll relish the climax even more."
With a mischievous grin, Rohan replied, "No, I'll despise the story."
I countered, "Then why ask so many questions? Just enjoy the narrative."