When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Beginner (Bronze)

Chapter 6 Beginners (Bronze)

There was no unexpected gain, but it was expected, Director Zhang didn’t think Xiao Gu could know anything, and the monitoring also showed clearly—

At that time, Lao Ding was in the duty room, and Xiao Gu was walking outside. The two of them just said a few words and greeted each other in the air, but there was no contact at all. Moreover, after Xiao Gu went out, Lao Ding didn’t have any problems, and what happened to the evil was an hour later.

The bad thing to say is that it is difficult to deceive people, especially things like “hitting evil”.

So the middle-aged woman was vague, saying that the law and order has not been very good recently, so he was more careful and confused the reason for her questioning. Of course, Gu Mo knew that it wasn’t for this reason, but he didn’t guess the specifics. He just thought that old man Ding had exerted his talent for breaking the tongue again and started to create his own rumors.

This made him a little suspicious. It was the imagination of old man Ding who was able to make such a leap in this layer. When he saw the short sleeves, he immediately thought of the white arms, so he just acted a little strangely, and he could immediately think that he had a problem. …

—Or did he really act so obvious that he was full of flaws in the eyes of others, and already looked suspicious?

But it’s not too late, he’s already determined to play the role of a normal person from now on, so that everyone can’t see the problem.

When I got home, I first took a shower, then threw the washed clothes into the washing machine, packed everything, dried my hair, and then lay on the bed. After such a series of actions, he picked up his mobile phone and looked at it, and found that there was still about half an hour left.

Gently exhaled, Gu Mo didn’t know if he should be happy about it, which shows that he seems to have gradually gotten used to the current rhythm… Sure enough, everyone is forced out?

But this is also a helpless thing. This is his current situation. Apart from adapting, is there any other way?

“Or thinking about moving.”

Recalling the matter of being stopped by Director Zhang for questioning just now, such thoughts could not be suppressed in his mind, Gu Mo began to search for nearby rental businesses on his mobile phone. Although he seemed a little nervous, he felt that Better to be insured.

This community has the most aunts and aunts who are older than that. Old man Ding is only the one with the most broken mouth, but he is definitely not the only one, and he is not the one with the strongest fighting power. What’s even more frightening is that this group of aunts and aunts don’t know if they are mecha fans. They are well aware of the key to “fitness can enhance combat effectiveness”.

I was really stupid at the beginning, I thought the conditions here were good and moved to this place.

So let’s move to another place. No one knows me in the new place… Well, you don’t have to move too far. After all, in this day and age, the social circle of people in the city is fragmented, and often people in one community They don’t recognize each other.

It’s not like the countryside or the country, who left his own village, but the village next door, and the village next door next door, maybe anyone has heard of him, or he can relate to his seventh aunt and eight aunts. relationship etc…

So as long as you leave two streets away, it is estimated that people in this community will no longer be able to find yourself. After a while, you should forget that there is still a number one person like yourself.

“Well, it’s better to move next to the restaurant. If it’s very close, even if they don’t have a takeaway business themselves, they should be able to leave a reservation for me…”

Thinking of this, Gu Mo’s idea of moving away is more determined.

Maybe it was his own imagination and hallucinations. Last night, he foraged for food everywhere, lingered in the midnight snack stalls all over the city, and finally found that those things were hard to swallow.

“Well, what was the name of the street before?”

Raising his head and thinking for a while, Gu Mo found that he didn’t pay attention to the news, and there was no way to use it as an address to search for nearby housing rental businesses or something… He thought for a while, then lowered his head to open the takeout software, and typed in “Xingping” The words “restaurant” are used as keywords.

Click search, and in less than a second, a new page will pop up.

“Xingping Restaurant”, “Xingping Restaurant”, “Happiness Restaurant”…

A series of similar search results are listed. The nearest “Xingping restaurant” is all 8.7 kilometers away. In addition, it is impossible to find the real owner.

He raised his eyebrows, but Gu Mo was not surprised. He had already expected this. After all, there is no scanning method such as mobile payment in the store, so this store has not opened a takeaway business and has not registered on the platform at all. It’s also a very reasonable thing.

“Forget it, let’s take a look tomorrow.”

Looking at the time displayed on the phone, he let out a long sigh, put the phone away, and adjusted his posture with his head in his hands, trying to make himself sleep as comfortable as possible… He knew what would happen next, as time passed, You will go black in front of your eyes and lose consciousness directly.

When I opened my eyes again and my perception and thinking abilities came back online, it was already midnight the next morning when I was full of energy.

The day is pitiful, his sleep has never been so good!

But this is definitely not a good thing, and Gu Mo didn’t think it was acceptable, especially now that he decided to save himself, thinking that he still had a chance to correct it.

I also know that this is not normal. This is his greatest advantage, and it is also proof that his condition is relatively mild. If he is like the mental patient he has seen, he has completely accepted the new character design, adapted to the new distorted world view, and feels that he is the supreme martial artist with a fruit knife, a treasured sword to slay the dragon…

—that’s probably really hopeless.

“Ten, nine, eight, seven…”

Counting down the seconds silently in his heart, Gu Mo cheered up, widened his eyes, and warned himself over and over again – I’m in good spirits, it’s still early, I’m normal, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with me… Can’t sleep, can’t sleep, can’t sleep, don’t want to sleep either…

Four, three, two, one, the time is up.

Accompanied by the piercing auditory hallucinations that seemed to be mixed with electric currents, his eyes darkened, his consciousness quickly became hazy, and the reality connected with sensory perception also quickly moved away.


“Scene: Happy Dinner…Zizzi…$#%&…”

“Difficulty: Easy.”

“Explore the current scene…Ziz…$#%&…”

“Ziz…Field…$#%&…Mode: Peaceful.”

“Triggered mission: 0.”

“Completed the task… zi zi…$#%&…”

“Comprehensive rating: F- (lowest rating).”

As if the electric current is running through the nerves, the cluttered noise is meaningless, but there are some clear or vague fragments of fragmented information in the fragmentation.

It’s just that for the parties who have been “forced offline”, these things do not exist.

“Unlock achievement…Ziz…$#%&…get the title “Beginner (Bronze, the title badge buff is activated by default…”

“Your…$#%&…life level has been improved, now it is level 1, and you will get 1 free attribute point. Please choose the direction of the point investment carefully…”

“%¥#@&…Users under the age of 18 will be subject to the anti-addiction system…Zizi…The online time has reached 8 hours and will be forced to go offline…Please complete it as soon as possible…Zizi…%¥#@&…real name Certified…”

Amidst the harsh noise and rustling, it was like an old TV malfunctioning, strange noises from the snowflake screen, but after the last piece of broken information was played, everything stopped, and there was no movement, only The young man on the bed was long and quiet.

seems to be sleeping in a sweet dream.

I don’t know how long it has been.

is still the familiar feeling of electric current running through the nerves. The first hearing to recover first felt the harsh torture, followed by the full return of sensory perception.

It’s not the process of the body’s functions gradually recovering from sleep, when people wake up from sleep, their will is condensed little by little, and their sanity is restored little by little, but a very abrupt kind of… um , how to describe it?

Anyway, he was still asleep the first second, and suddenly woke up the next second—

and said that he was completely awake, all the drowsiness disappeared, and the whole person was full of energy and full of energy. This feeling is really weird and hard to describe.

“Looking for the best, at least I don’t have the problem of staying in bed…” Sitting up straight on the bed, Gu Mo blinked, and in the dim room, he saw the fluorescent screen of the electronic clock on the bedside table. The time displayed told him that he was also today. Wake up on time at midnight.

He shook his head, put on his shoes and got out of bed. In the past, the main reason for staying in bed was that he couldn’t sleep enough. When he woke up, he was still very sleepy, so he couldn’t wait for a while longer. For this reason, he would not hesitate to activate “Substitute: Waste of Time”. …

But now every time I wake up, I feel so invigorated, I don’t feel sleepy at all, so naturally I don’t want to sleep for a while, so I don’t have the thought or need to stay in bed.

This is probably the only benefit that Gu Mo has found from his strange symptoms so far…

It seems that yesterday’s perseverance failed, and the psychological construction was unsuccessful. When the time came, I went to sleep directly. With that in mind, he went to the bedside table, picked up the electronic clock and looked at it. Today, he woke up with the accuracy of seconds. It seems that he fell asleep with the accuracy of seconds yesterday morning.

Although it is said that as long as normal exercise, normal work and rest, the biological clock can be controlled, and it is more accurate than human imagination. It is said that the jockeys of racing horses even have biological clocks that are measured in tenths of a second… But, under normal circumstances, consider Mo felt that he had no such ability.

How come the biological clock in the body can be calculated in seconds when the disease is on?

—Well, the world of the mentally ill is really hard to imagine.

He put down the electronic clock, turned around and picked up the clothes hanging on the chair next to the computer table, which was prepared before he was about to fall asleep yesterday morning, because he would need it the next day.

Walking into the bathroom, Gu Mo brushed his teeth and washed his face as quickly as possible, solved his personal problems, and then took a good shower.

After    came out, his hair was still wet, he didn’t even glance at the hairdryer, but decisively grabbed the key, grabbed his mobile phone wallet, and rushed downstairs.

After all, I don’t know when that restaurant will be open. It is said that last night was already quite late. I just rushed over today. I don’t know if I can catch up… This made him feel a sense of urgency. If he could, he didn’t even want to wash up. Killed as soon as he woke up.

“Little Gu, you’re still out so late.”

At the entrance and exit of the community, the middle-aged man in the duty room heard the movement, raised his head nervously and looked outside, only to find out that it was Gu Mo and then heaved a sigh of relief.

“Yeah, I recently found a night shift job…” Although Gu Mo was a little anxious, in order to maintain his normal personality, he stopped and explained patiently, and then he looked at the middle-aged man strangely. “But Uncle Zhang, why are you on duty tonight? Isn’t old man Ding on duty this week?”

“…Old Ding, he has something to do these days, I’ll take a look at it for him.” The middle-aged man’s expression suddenly became a little strange, and he replied with a smile and a somewhat stiff tone.

“That’s it, then you should pay attention to your body, don’t freeze in the wind at night…”

Gu Mo nodded, originally asking a question casually, so he didn’t think about it, he waved his hand and walked out quickly.

Watching the figure of this young man disappear out of the window, the middle-aged man took a few glances outside nervously, and looked a little suspicious when he sat back in his seat. He didn’t believe the nonsense of the old man Ding, but it was undeniable that the kind of rhetoric really made him feel uncomfortable now.

After two minutes.

“How could it be? I remember it was clearly here…”

Walking back and forth several times in the section of the snack street near the end of the street, Gu Mo ignored the warm solicitations of the stall owners or waiters on both sides, and looked back and forth with wide eyes.

impossible! How could this be?

In his impression, the alley leading to the commercial street on the other side is here. But what appeared in front of him now was just a dead end, filled with all kinds of debris, and a rusted and mottled iron door was locked, which looked like it was a little old.

Could it be that he remembered it wrong? He glanced back with mixed feelings, then turned around and walked towards the piece.

came to the other side of the street, he looked around, and then his eyes lit up.

Dim alley…

There is a light at the end opposite…

It turns out that I really remembered it wrong, not over there but here. He suddenly felt relieved, then stepped in decisively, frowned in the harsh hum and noise that sounded again, and finally passed through the dim and volatile alley to the other side.

(end of this chapter)

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