When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Final Finish

Chapter 21 The Final Closing

As expected…

Gu Mo breathed a long sigh of relief, if the previous upgrade made him interested, then now it is completely confirmed.

Very classic RPG setting——

The character is full at the moment of upgrading, remove all the DEBUFF, no matter how embarrassed it was before, even if it is only a line away from death, it will be full of blood and blue in an instant, not only returning to the best state, but also the attribute panel. Better than just now.

Because of the upgrade…

As for the NPC monsters who have endured all this on the opposite side, no one cares if they are madly cursing their mothers.

The big stone in his heart fell to the ground, and the red and black vision quickly returned to clarity. Gu Mo stared at his reflection in the water, and while he took a long breath, the nerves that had been tense suddenly relaxed, followed by It’s a feeling of mental exhaustion.

Such losses as “physical strength” and “mental strength” seem to be able to be replenished by the system through upgraded behaviors, directly returning him to full state.

But only the loss of “attention” and “concentration” seems to have no effect, perhaps because this loss belongs to the psychological effect, even the mentally retarded system, there is no way to carry out such idealism conversion?

Gu Mo thought so, resisting the urge to lie down directly, but it wasn’t that he was really tired and wanted to sleep on the spot, but he was just too tight, and now he really wanted to relax.

Mainly because of this terrible sense of security…

glanced at the reflection in the water, and he could see the black-haired girl standing beside him, staring at him blankly, as if he was too shocked to speak. Basically because of her existence, after all, her performance along the way is really reassuring.

Gu Mo has no doubt that if he sleeps right now, nothing will happen.

That’s why he’s so relaxed…

But because of this, the image of the girl became more and more profound in his mind along the way, becoming flesh and blood, no longer the thin “game character” in his impression, or not just like that… …but on the basis of the basic character he knew, it became more real.

The thoughts in his mind were a little messy, while Gu Mo was thinking about it, he closed the upgrade page and began to clean the blood on his palms and arms.

As the sky gradually became brighter, the river surface was no longer as black as ink, and the clear water could be vaguely seen, but with his movements and the rippling sound of the water, the dull blood red was still smudged on the water surface. It also has monster blood.

Because almost half of his body was stained with blood, it was difficult to clean it completely at this time. After he came back to his senses, he discovered this, so he had to selectively clean it.

Washed his hands, wiped his face, and cleaned up the position of his chest——

That was the place where the injury was the most serious, and it was just a piece of blood.

Although after the upgrade, the wound healed directly, but just like the broken clothes will not recover, the blood that flowed out before and the broken flesh and blood have not been removed. The coagulated blood clots and the blurred broken flesh are all sticky and mixed together. , especially uncomfortable…and disgusting.

Soon after cleaning, he stood up and sighed as he looked at the shattered placket on his chest.

That’s it, but fortunately I have added a little strength attribute, although I can’t say how good the figure is, eight-pack abs or something, but at least there is no fat, and there are some muscle lines… Well, maybe I will add a little more strength later. , maybe have eight-pack abs?

Anyway, according to the growth rate, this is very possible. If it is bad, even if the strength value of 12 points cannot reach such a performance, the strength value of 13 points will definitely exceed this threshold.

wiped off the water stains on his hands, he turned around and waved his hand again in high spirits——

“Okay, I’m fine, but thank you anyway, Axiu.”



The dark-haired girl behind her looked at him with extremely strange eyes. She always felt that this scene was full of immediate visual sense, as if it had happened once not long ago, but the previous time, the other party was too tired and went to wash With a hand, it becomes energized.

But this time, this person was about to die, so he just went to the river to wash his hands, and he became alive again, and he couldn’t see that he had been injured at all…

With such a thought in her mind, Xiu Chiyo’s strange gaze couldn’t help wandering back and forth on this man’s chest and arms, not to mention the terrifying wound on her chest that almost cut out her heart, she just saw it before. The strange twisted posture of this person’s arm is also clearly remembered.

But now, there is nothing, as if everything before had never happened.

“Cough, don’t look at me like that, I’ll be shy too…” Covering it a little unnaturally, Gu Mo turned to his side. He wasn’t too used to the feeling of showing his chest and belly like this, so he said with a haha. A very cold sentence, of course the black-haired girl didn’t smile.

She kept a lightly frowning expression, as if she was surprised by what happened to the person in front of her. How could ordinary human beings have such an amazing performance?

She has a more say in this, because as a half-demon, her ability to recover is extremely amazing. After all, she has been making a living by herself since she was young, slaying monsters for her business, and she often walks by the river without wet shoes. Fair enough, but still alive and well today.

But based on her experience, Rao still thinks this scene is a bit mystical, but no matter how you look at it, this person does not have any demon energy or the like, and it really seems to be a pure human being.

“By the way, Axiu, do you want to wash your hands too?”

At this time, being seen by the girl felt uncomfortable, Gu Mo wanted to divert her attention.

Subconsciously glanced at the river next to her, and Hidechiyo, who was interrupted, shook her head gently. She knew that she would definitely not be able to achieve this level, and it was definitely not the problem of the river itself, so there was no need to try such a thing. silly thing.

“Don’t wash, um, it seems that you don’t really need it… Then what should we do now?”

Gu Mo coughed lightly and continued to make up his mind to pretend to be confused. Of course he knew what the girl was currently struggling with, but it was difficult for him to explain it, so he simply didn’t explain it.

Anyway, in such a world where there are all kinds of monsters, ghosts, and monsters, it is better to let Axiu make up a reasonable explanation than to make up a statement that is full of mistakes and omissions… The other point is that the girl didn’t ask him anyway, he Just pretend you don’t know.

The thoughtful black-haired girl raised her eyebrows, then hesitated for a while, but turned her head to look in the direction of the back mountain. Beneath the slightly bright sky, the dark outlines of the mountains and forests had a sense of mystery, and in her vision Among them, there was also a demonic aura entrenched in the temple halfway up the mountain.

There is another place that has not been cleaned up, and there are still fish that slip through the net.

took a deep look at someone, knowing that the other party was unwilling to explain the secret of washing his hands and recovering blood, Hidechiyo no longer bothered, put the matter behind him, and decided to solve the problem of the village first.

Seeing that the girl no longer stared at him with that kind of gaze, but turned around and walked down the mountain road, as if she was about to turn back on the same path, Gu Mo breathed a sigh of relief and quickly followed.

Just looking at the girl’s thin back and thin shoulders, he hesitated for a while, remembering some signs he noticed and the plot he had mastered, and he couldn’t help but ask:

“How about… let’s take a break first?”

Although he knew that there shouldn’t be any problem, he also noticed that the girl’s state seemed to fluctuate a little. For example, in the ancestral hall not long ago, she could have dealt with those ghosts faster, but she was unable to do so. In the end, she was faced with Ape Ghost’s fierce Jedi counterattack was dangerous and almost missed.

Considering that she can easily solve the bull-headed ghost, it makes no sense to say that the last horse-headed ghost in the plot can put her in danger instead…

There might be a deeper reason for this, so Gu Mo was somewhat worried.

The black-haired girl didn’t make a sound. She felt her monster bloodline. It seemed that the restlessness had disappeared, and her violent instincts and impulses seemed to have completely subsided. There shouldn’t be any problems in the future. Inside the temple, there is no third ever-dark existence.

Fighting twice in a short period of time in the ghost’s dark realm has made her monster blood more active… She was obviously nothing when she was young, but she has been troubled by this problem for the past two years, it seems that she is a half-demon, The demonic side seemed to grow as she grew up.

Although every activation of the monster bloodline can greatly enhance her monster power, and her physical ability will become more and more inhuman, but…

The violence hidden in the depths of the bloodline seems to be able to destroy everything, destroy everything, that kind of madness, but she vaguely aware of her own demonic nature, subconsciously suppresses this process.


Returning to the ancestral hall along the mountain road, Gu Mo took the opportunity to check the corpses of ghosts lying on the ground in the yard, wanting to see if there was anything good.

He actually saw the appearance of the props light spot before, but he didn’t have time to pick it up at that time, so he could only ask Axiu to take herself down the mountain to wash hands by the river as soon as possible. Now that he came back, he found that the props had not disappeared, which made him relieved.

It seems that far away from the battlefield, the loot will not be wiped, and the team relationship does exist. Although I don’t know if we can share experience, at least the “teammates” can explode things.

It’s a pity that the parties can’t see it…

glanced at the expression on the black-haired girl’s eyes, Gu Mo casually stretched out his hand in the air, and took away the props.

is just—

As for the monster that Axiu fought, it was also something that Axiu broke out, but Axiu couldn’t see or touch it. These unidentified loot seemed to her that they didn’t exist at all, and in the end they were all cheap. this thing about myself…

Well, the more I think about it, the more I feel wrong. It seems that I am eating more and more soft rice. Gu Mo smacked his lips.

And one more thing, is Axiu too European? Or are you too unreasonable?

He chopped from the head of the village to the end of the village, and a small spiritual stone exploded… How come things exploded all over the place in this small yard? Looking at the item bar that can only be seen with special “vision”, five new items were suddenly added, and Gu Mo was thoughtful.

That’s not right, it must be because all the hungry ghosts that he played are cannon fodder and miscellaneous fish, and the monsters of Axiu Hammer are more advanced ghosts, so the shipment rate will naturally increase.

Hidechiyo didn’t know what the strange client was doing, but she was somewhat immune. She quickly checked the ancestral hall and made sure that no fish slipped through the net. go.

A certain **** followed in the footsteps of the boss, and at the same time checked the loot he had just harvested.

Five new items, three of which are spirit stones…

The remaining two pieces, one is the soul core of the ape ghost, and the other is the soul core of the ordinary ghost…

It seems to be a red fruit lingering with blood, but it is beating like a heart, and every beat can swallow the demon power… These are the core of the demon, the essence of the essence of power solidified, see the description in the notes. .

and – can be used as a skill badge.

This made Gu Mo’s eyes light up. So, relying on the function conversion of the system, he is actually no different from Axiu in this respect? Can you drive the soul core of the downed monsters and use the power of countless monsters for your own use?

While thinking about it, the road ahead came to an end. With the muffled sound of the heavy gate being pushed open, the courtyard of the closed temple at the end of the mountain road appeared in front of the two of them.

A huge and unbelievably huge cherry tree, when dawn came, showed in the eyes of Gu Mo and the black-haired girl.

The trunk of the tree is so thick that I am afraid that three or five people can’t hold it together. The scattered canopy is like an endless canopy, covering the entire area of the temple. The cherry-colored petals are blown by the morning breeze, and the large areas are like goose feathers and snow. Sprinkled all over, it’s really beautiful.

This scene is so breathtakingly beautiful that Gu Mo was moved to take out his mobile phone and take a picture as a wallpaper——

If under that tree, a huge horse-headed monster was not turning its head quietly, and at the same time stopped its sawing through the mountains of villagers’ corpses with its huge saw blade, then the scenery at this moment is really true. of no dead ends.

Hide Chiyo gritted his teeth, and while his face changed slightly, he quickly drew his knife and rushed forward.

At the same time, the horse-headed monster bent over and turned around, the man stood up, and the long horse face showed a long mouth full of sharp fangs and let out a roar, as if there was some invisible air pressure centered on it. It exploded, and the whole world quickly fell from the human world to the demon world.

The tone is similar to black and white, the other side flowers bloom and fall quickly, the air is dark as heavy as water…

——A small village of Thirteen Cherry Blossoms, the third successive Lord of Ever Darkness, at this moment, unfolded the field of demon power that it had put away before!

(end of this chapter)

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