What to do if you find out that you are a cannon fodder in a cultivation novel?

Chapter 51: Trying to talk to the city lord

Hi everyone,

I am sorry but I had a long and tiring week so I did not have the time to read your previous comments. I will do so tomorrow. I might also re-edit the next 2 chapters as I am half awake

It was harvest season for the green stone fruit. A lot of villagers, including children, were in the forest collecting them. The stone part of the name comes from the fruit’s shell. After the shell was removed, the pulp inside was extracted, smashed then filtered to make the wine. Old trees that produced little to no fruits were then cut to make the wine bottles. Plant cultivators would then encourage the growth of new trees to replace the cut ones. Dregs from the filtering process were used to make dried food for the winter and leftover wood and shells were used for fire. Nothing was wasted.

I learned all that during my first outing. I gave candies to everyone I met and received some green stone fruits in exchange. It tasted like pear. I also learned that the strawberry aftertaste came from the aging process of the wine.  

There were some non-edible mushrooms around the trees that the villagers left as they ward off insects during spring and summer seasons. The analyzer identified them as ingredients used to ward off common insects and beasts with a strong sense of smell. It was rarely used though because there were other ways to ward off beasts and no cultivator could be bothered by insect bites. Still, I collected some to dry for future use. I also donated money to the school’s village as a payment. 

In the end, this outing took more than an hour so I had to work extra hard to finish with the daily tasks. The day after, I finished the remaining arrays in the morning, bought some wine directly from the villagers and left for the next one. With this pace, I would finish my task and arrive in the city in 2 weeks.  

Two villages later, during my daily outing while I was analyzing a plant, the tool made a ‘ding’ sound

‘Concentration of spiritual power found’ 

Yep, it was time to find the mine! I had walked a bit further than usual, there were a lot of new plants I did not know and I even found a 500 year old ginseng. I used that to convince attendant Wen to go a bit further to try our luck. The guards did not reject it so they deemed it safe to do so. It was the first time the analyzer chose to not analyze the plant I pointed it to but the underground below that plant. It was also the first time it made that ‘ding’ sound so not only me but also everyone else got tense for a second… that was until I figured out it came from the magic tool. After I told everyone that the sound came from it, I asked for a shovel from brother Wen and personally used it to remove the plant and a bit of soil. Then I used the analyzer again:

‘Concentration of spiritual power found, 10 meters’

When brother Wen saw me dig deeper he took over. When he reached 10 meters, I tested again:

‘Medium grade spiritual vein’ 


Was it considered a jackpot if you already knew it was there?     

I was so happy that I forgot to turn off the analyzer that continued absorbing my energy then another ‘ding’ was heard: 

‘Analyze complete. Mapping of the spiritual vein available do you want to display?’

 …Ok this was the real jackpot. I rejected it but saved the map. It was not something I was planning to show the guards. I tried to send a message to uncle Huai right away but he did not answer so I had to use the official channel. The guards refused to use their way of contacting him as it was not an emergency and I had to ask them to call over official Hei. 

Dam*n it! 

I was trying to conduct a civic and important business. This mine could bring extra income needed for the freezing winter’s expenditures. 

So far, no one knew about the mine. I did not tell the guards or brother Wen why I wanted to contact uncle Huai. I could not trust them but as soon as I told uncle Huai, no one would dare to do anything to shut me up. Uncle Hei came running quickly “What is it about Xiao Shin?” 

“I need to contact the city lord urgently” and to be sure I would not be rejected I added “Tell him I found something that can help the city” 

“Young master Bai, the city lord is a very busy man. Especially these days…you could tell me and I will…” 

“This is official business. I am asking for his direct contact as a citizen of AnNan and not as a close acquaintance. If he hesitates, tell him that I do not plan to ask him about what he is hiding from me. He knows how much the effect of the freezing winter means to me and what I am about to tell him will be very helpful”    

“Fine, I will go back to contact him” said official Hei

“No, do it here. You can set up a sound barrier to talk to him” then I showed my back to him so as to not look how he would contact the city lord and started analyzing the plant that I removed earlier. 

I felt the barrier being set up, it did not take long for it to be removed and be called by official Hei

“Hello city lord” I said to uncle Huai’s face. The device official Hei had was better than mine. 

“Xiao Shin, I am sorry I could not talk to you before…” started uncle Huai

“Stop it right there. This is official business and I promised official Hei that no personal matter would be mentioned” I said with my hand up as a stop sign

“Fine, go ahead then. What could you bring more to help with the freezing winter”

I could not stop a proud smile from forming when I announced “What do you think about the discovery of a medium level spiritual vein?”

“What?” asked uncle Huai

“There is a medium level spiritual vein where I am standing right now. My analyzer found it” I said with a shrug. Like I was taking a stroll and ended up finding a mine…well it did happen it just took more effort - of being reborn twice - 

“OFFICIAL HEI!” said uncle Huai loudly after a few seconds of silence

“YES CITY LORD HUAI!” answered uncle Hei

“All the guards have to be at Bai Yu Shin’s location to guard him and the area. No one is allowed to move from there until I arrive” ordered uncle Huai

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