What to do if you find out that you are a cannon fodder in a cultivation novel?

Chapter 47: Volunteer to go further

It was decided that, until further notice, grandma Li would do the cooking for aunt Yan and uncle Huai. It was no problem adding 2 more bowls and 2 pairs of chopsticks but because she was the only cook (both Li boys were busy with training and school), there was less diversity in dishes. Thankfully, uncle and aunt did not mind. 

For now, the poison expert was contacting his master to check their health. I learned something new, for poison the best healer is a poison master not a doctor. 

When I shared my finding the poison master was the only one not laughing. He asked me to call him AnBa - An for AnNan city and Ba for number 8-

He was very nice even if he liked hiding his face with a hoodie and a mask to cover his nose and mouth and he let me copy some of his books. 

By the time adults left my courtyard, I was drained. Tomorrow I would have to wake up as early as today to make as many arrays as possible

My plans changed in the morning when uncle Huai came to see me before dawn. Don’t ask me how HE woke me up. I was planning to not talk to him for at least 3 days - if not more! - 

“Come on Xiao Shin, look at me…you know how hard it is to wake you up…I really need you to assist master Kui and his disciples. You might even get training from them,” he pleaded. I was still not talking to him. My ears were still ringing a bit and I had a headache. Luckily I saw aunt Yan coming with the trio all half dressed - I was not the only one he woke up with his joke - 

“Aunty Yan, please tell your husband that I am not talking to him anymore” 

“Xiao Shin, This is about efficiency. Master Kui needs to go to the hunter villages. Making him and his disciple set up level 1 arrays is not efficient. Master Kui is one of the masters who did not rest to validate your theories. This small request to have a student make level 1 arrays would benefit all” pleaded uncle Huai trying to pull the guilt card

“Aunt Yan, please tell your husband that I already volunteered to go to the surrounding villages. They need help more than hunter villages”

“Xiao Shin, even hunter villages have low level cultivators. They live in a dangerous area and would need your help just as much as any other village” This time it was aunt Yan who answered softly. Luckily my ears were back to normal so I was able to hear her well

She was right, if you consider AnNan city in the center, the surrounding villages were relatively safe from beast attacks and they would live with farming. This is why most of them could be low level cultivators - or non cultivators - with wood, water or earth root elements. 

Hunter villages were further away from the city. They were near mountains and areas known to have frequent beasts roaming around. Cultivators in those villages lived by hunting beasts, they were usually higher level and had good offensive and defensive skills - fire, lightning, metal or wind roots -

During freezing winter those villages could be decimated by hungry or berserk beasts. These hunters were the buffer needed for farmer’s safety. If they were gone, it would be more dangerous for everyone else.

My problem, on top of my bad mood, was that an array master and 2 of his disciples were dispatched to those dangerous areas as those hunters could use and afford higher level arrays. Not only for heating but also protection and attack arrays. They did not need an amateur like me making only level 1 heating arrays and bothering them. I could be more helpful elsewhere. There was not enough array makers as it was

“The school is giving more array lessons starting today. I heard that teacher Hong planned on using the list of exercises you gave to 2 students who went with you yesterday. One of them is even going there today to explain how you teached them. Pretty soon we will have enough level 1 makers. 

But you could learn much more and much faster. You could help save more people. Master Kui promised to share some of the books you need and his disciples would let you observe and ask questions as long as it does not delay them” answered uncle Huai

“Then what changed overnight?” I asked. Why wake me this early? Why is it urgent to start now?

“They are leaving in an hour so you need to go there quickly. As for the change of plan, during emergencies we all need a high level of adaptability. I got the request from master Kui yesterday but it was only overnight that the dean contacted me about the extra lessons. It seems that the students who went with you talked about how you helped them to your teacher during the assignment. He got motivated and set up a meeting with the school to try a new method to teach the heating array”

I knew this explanation was so full of holes that I could use it as a strainer but I suspect why he was doing this. He got some early news and he wants me to leave temporarily to protect me or to avoid making me anxious. 

“Fine. I will go to those hunting villages” I decided to play along

“Great! you will be gone for a few days up to 2 weeks. Food and housing are included. They might be a bit rougher than what you are used to but we will send you some food and snacks once in a while. I am sending an experienced attendant with you. Li Yao needs to train so he is staying with us”

Li Bo was too young and grandma Li had to cook for uncle and aunt as she was the only one they trusted right now

“I have a condition” 

“Anything,” said uncle Huai.

I smiled “Aunt Yan, make sure to get revenge on uncle Huai for the way he woke us up” 

An hour later, I was at the west exit area of the city eating a steamed bun. The attendant assigned by uncle Huai was a man in his early twenties who asked me to call him brother Wen. The same old official and 20 guards I saw yesterday were traveling with us. I found it overkill and I informed uncle Huai. 

“They are here to protect not only you but also master Kui and his disciples” said uncle Huai

“Xiao Shin, hunter villages are dangerous. Too many beast attacks happen on any normal day. Those guards will protect everyone” added aunt Yan

“Now, remember to use your analyzer for any food you get. Follow your guards recommendations for any safety reasons. Never go anywhere alone”

“I promise aunt Yan” 

“And this is a message tallisment. Contact me everyday. This is a protection charm, keep it with you” she said while putting two tokens on my clothes. I was wearing the same variation as yesterday’s token. 

“Xiao Shin, this is a blade in case of emergencies. Alway have it with you” said uncle Huai while giving me a blade with a wooden sheath. My mother from my previous life would have exploded if she knew. A 10 year old should not go to a dangerous place nor gifted a blade but in this world it was normal

Master Kui and his retinue arrived a bit late. I greeted him with a bow. He looked like those crazy scientists in movies from my previous world; old, wild eyes and unkempt hair. His disciples were about the same age as attendant Wen. Both looked tired but smiled when I greeted them. I bid farewell to uncle, aunt and Li trio then hopped inside master Kui’s magical transportation artifact before waving back. It was like a flying boat made of green wood. We were on our way soon later, I found an empty room with a bed and was asleep within minutes   

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