What to do if you find out that you are a cannon fodder in a cultivation novel?

Chapter 4: First life again?

This time no warmth or coziness. I just woke up on a bed. My bed. The bed I had when I was between 5 and 10 years old. 

Yep, looks like I came back to my previous life before we got the news that my parents did not leave the secret realm as planned.

How do I know? Simple, after that news my dear aunt - being sarcastic here - changed my bedroom to a gloomy and cold one. That is until I started giving money to get a better room - but never got one better than the first one - 

Now I know thanks to my 2nd life that it was one of the brainwashing techniques they used on an orphan lonely rich kid; Only money can give you good living conditions and attention from the family.

After I woke up I checked my body, it seems to be when I was 10 years old so the news about my parents should be coming anytime. This time I know the world and the future - until the end of volume 1 which is roughly 100 years from now -

Even if I could not follow my initial second life’s plan, I was able to reach the peaceful and happy part. I plan to keep the happy part in this life too so I need new rules:

1- Do not be a cash cow to Yu family or anyone else

2- Find ways to protect myself from the Yu family and other enemies

3- Get as much golden fingers as I can or at least make sure they do not end up on the hand of the one who should not be named1Harry potter anyone? - cultivation stories are not the only ones I liked - 

4- Stay far away from the one who should not be named - I don’t know how I got that obsession previously and I don’t want to take any chances to turn the same way I was after meeting HIM

Let’s see how my life will deviate from now on. I have more experience, knowledge and the true love of my family - in the 2nd life which is enough for several lifetimes - I am ready to take on the world now!

“M-Master, what are you doing?” 

“A superhero pose” I answered automatically. Oups, I was not alone anymore. Good thing I always had thick skin - in both lives - 

“what?” exclaimed an old woman

“Forget it. I am hungry, get me my breakfast” At last, now I can eat whatever I want

“Let me help you clean up and change first” she said while smiling

“I can do it myself. Leave the water on the table” I said coldly - or as coldly as a 10 year old can be -

My previous nanny, the one my dear aunt assigned to me when my parents left. The one who suggested using my money to get a better bedroom later on... Wait, how do I remember that? It happened when I was 10 years old more than 70 years ago and it was not something quite important at that time to remember it so well nor was it in the novel. Did I get a perfect memory as a golden finger this time around?

Well, good thing nanny Wei left without another word or I would have kicked her. I need to be smart - should I add it as a rule? Start analyzing all the information before taking action…mmm… Nope not my style 

After cleaning and dressing up I checked my bedroom before breakfast arrived. My clothes were all good quality that my mother prepared before leaving me. She prepared clothes for me from 5 years old until I would be an adult. She gave me everything in a dimensional ring that can be used only by me. It had also all the money and treasures I owned  

Every time I outgrew my clothes I would take out the next set to wear so I had all my old clothes from 5 to 10 in the bedroom closet. However, after the news of their disappearance, my dear aunt assigned me a new bedroom right away without giving me the time to mourn or go back to the old one to take my stuff back. I even lost my beloved bed 

As I did not know yet when the news would arrive and since it was taking forever to get my breakfast, I took the time to put everything from the closet into my ring. My cousins would not be getting any pieces of clothing or anything from this bedroom in this life. Next was my toys, books, teaware, table, chairs not forgetting my beloved bed.

By the time breakfast arrived, I had nothing in the bedroom… I had to put back the table and a chair to eat. Think before acting…I might really have to add it as a rule…



Hello everyone!

This is my first novel so please any comments or suggestions are welcome

I do not have a schedule for the update but I will try to release at least 2 chapters per week.

For now, I have more than 50 chapters already written but awaiting editing

I hope you enjoy my story. Please let me know if I made any mistakes


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