What is this ‘Dimensional Chat’ ?

Chapter 59. Secret Weapon

In the spaceship, there is an alien who has a terrified face when talking with someone on the screen.

"You say... Did you fail to conquer that backwater planet? There is a failure limit."

"My lord... We lost because didn't expect there to be Ultraman and strong Demonic Creatures protecting that world. Please give me a second chance and I will deliver their head to you."

"Indeed? Mephilas... I'll give you one last chance to prove yourself to us. Bring their head to me or face my Eternal Wrath!!!"

Upon finishing their job, Satria and Naruto back to Alessa city.

Naruto back to his human form and hid in the shadow like a ninja but not with Satria.

(Play OST)

Satria sees the destruction of the city and decides to fix it with his power called Miracle Realize.

Soft light wrap the entire city and rebuild the city to normal only in a matter of second next he use Cosmo's force releasing a brilliant beam to cure every wound, disease, and curse to everyone in the city.

'Hmm... I think this is enough, Ah... I forget about him.' Satria sees the beast man who wants to rob him affected by his skill too and wants to run but Satria stops him with his telekinesis skill. 'Now return into statue dude and become the best mascot of this city hahaha.'

'No... No!!! Why I must suffer like this? Why only me?!' The beast-man crying and doing another weird pose without being able to do anything.

Everyone in the city walks closer to the gigantic figure and kneels to Satria.

"God of Light thank you for protecting our town."

"God of Light... Are you perhaps the one who healed my child's illness?"

"What should we do for you to repay your kindness God of Light?"

Satria raises his hand. "Enough, I must save everyone in need and seeing you all fine is a joy to me." He talks with a soft tone and is full of authority.

The people in the city are bewitched by his kindness and cry of happiness outburst in this place.

"No!!! We must repay you with something God of Light. Do you perhaps want sacrifice or something like that as an offering?" One of the town folks spoke out.

'Why were people in the medieval era always obsessed with sacrifice?' Satria sweatdropped.

"I am very appreciative of your devotion to me everyone, To be held dear by you all is a wonderful experience for me so I will hand over my creation to you." He created something in the park and dragged someone inside it. "This magical well can heal any disease, smooth your love story, increase your luck, even give you POWER when you drop your treasure or something like that inside it and pray to me with the whole of your heart. I hope you all take care of my gift very well." He claimed even some of his word was just bullshit.

Inside the magical well Satria clone, Naruto, and Fran doing something fishy in there.

"Why do we do this?" Naruto formed a complicated magic circle that could connect the well to Fran's inventory.

"Less talking and more action dobe, Do it faster before my original finished his remarkable speech."

Fran feels bad for some reason but Shin does all of this for her sake, She can't refuse him especially when he makes that face.

"That blue giant is you?! For a shady guy like you have an aura like a fucking SAINT. What's wrong with this World?!" Bobon still does not believe the fact this man is a gentle giant.

"We... We are very grateful for your gift to us my lord. No god is benevolent and friendly like you God of Light."

"Then... it's time for me to say goodbye, always remember I'm always protecting this town under my watch and don't do something that can inflict harm on each other. Let there be peace between us." Satria vanished into a golden particle and the people in the city were glad to have someone like him as protector of their city, They marked this day as a special day for Alessa city.

When Satria is gone everyone begins to throw their treasure to the magical well.

After building a magical well, The group member goes to the guild master's office.

"Clint-san, sorry for waiting." Naruto apologizes to him.

"It's fine Naruto-san... I mean Naruto-sama and others to help protect our city from great disaster." Clint thanked the group member. "We have a special reward for you, I don't know if this gonna be useful or not for you but please accept this."

An employee of the guild entered the office and gave their reward.

- 3.000.000 Gold Coins

- Advanced Magic Book

- Black Dragon Armor (Male + Female set)

(Male Armor Illustration)

(Female Armor Illustration)

- Black Dragon dagger

"It's a good reward, I take this dragon armour." Satria grabs the black dragon's armour. "Hey dobe, You don't need this armour right???" He asks the confirmation from Naruto because Naruto is the one who killed the Dragon.

Naruto sighed. "Okay... I am a ninja for what am I using knight armor?"

"Yes!!! Fran look..." Satria uses the set of black dragon armour and shows it to Fran. "We have a couple outfits now, Did I look good wearing this armour?"

'Couple... He said?' Fran turned red once again. "Ye-Yes... You look good Shin hehe."

"The Dragon armour has very high stats, We should use this Fran," Bobon told her to equip the armour later and Fran nodded in agreement.

"What you gonna do now? I can give you a permanent residence in this town if you want?" Clint offers to both of them.

"Thank you but we must refuse, We want to explore this world more brother," Satria said.

"How regretful but my offer still stands if you change your mind, Now I'll raise your rank to A-Rank for Naruto, B-Rank for Shin and Fran. Congratulations you three." Clint pronounced clearly.

"Now time we say goodbye, You sure will stay in this world, Fran?" Satria asks her once again.

Fran nodded. "I want to become strong and learn more about my world. When I already achieved my goal I definitely will stay by your side, Shin."

Satria admired her passion, She gonna be a great person in this world that was for sure.

"Satria... My true name is Satria."


"Yep~ that was my real name, Why do I tell you my real name? Because you deserve my trust Fran and you are one of the people I cherish in my life. You can even consider me as your family too from now on."

Fran hugged him and tears dropped from her eyes, Satria kneeled and returned her hug too. As a wise man said nothing is stronger than family.

"I... I never dreamed of having a family once again. Thank you for being in my life."

Fran is glad to join Dimensional Chat and meet Satria, He is indeed a weird and mischievous boy but no one cares about her like him.

"If you need something you can talk to me too Fran-chan. I am always ready to help you." Naruto smiled at her.

"Yes... I will Naruto-san." Fran replies to him.

White light envelops Satria and Naruto and sends them back to their world.

Satria Mansion

Kuoh, Japan

"I'm finally back!"

"Welcome back Danna-sama, How is your adventure?" Kiyohime asks full of curiosity.

Satria took out gold, armour, and many others from his storage skill.

"Very exciting!!! From my hand scorched by my friend, a horde of monsters attacking the city, and alien invasion who want destroy the world."

Kiyohime listened to his story worried and checked his body condition immediately.

"You get hurt?! Are you okay? Who's the one dare harm my Danna-sama?!" Kiyohime has an angry expression.

Satria embraced her. "Chill my love, Nothing to be worried about I already take care of that. Do you forget who I am?"

"You are my precious Danna-sama and my wife has to take care of you," Kiyohime answered him.

"Well... yes? I expected more but that was alright." Satria stroked his hair nervously because he wanted something from her. "Can you pamper me? A day without you is not perfect Kiyohime."

Kiyohime smiled softly and put Satria's head on her lap, caressing his head with love and care.

He perhaps always acts strong but deep down Danna-sama is very fragile, It's impossible to leave him in this world alone because he type who loves to be spoiled like a little boy.

"Danna-sama, I love you."

"Me too Hime. You are the reason I breathe, love, and smile. You are my everything."

Satria fixed his princess hair in front of a mirror.

She stopped by Satria because he saw something not perfect about her.

"Why are you good at this?"

Valiana constantly gets surprised by him, not only good at fighting he is also talented in many things.

This is one of his many talents.

Satria brushed her hair gently and made sure his princess looked perfect in front of everyone.

"I have a sister in my past life and sometimes I do this for her."

He combed down and removed any tangle with a soft touch, For Satria small brush is the best, especially for Valiana's beautiful long hair.

Once he removed all the tangles, He moved up a few inches and started combing down again, working out the tangles until he got to her scalp and had completely tangle-free hair.

"Done~ You need to take care of yourself more princess, It's such a waste for beauty like you to ignore this," Satria advised her while massaging Valiana's stiff shoulder.

'Hmm... This man. How can he be this perfect? I am very lucky to have him in my life.' She enjoyed the treatment he gave to her.

"It's okay... Because I have you in my life to take care of me hubby hehe." Valiana chuckled cutely.

"My wife is really cute." Satria pinched her soft cheeks. "So chubby."

"Stop! I am not chubby!!!" Valiana refuses to be called as fat.

Satria laughing. "Haha... Sorry love." He kissed her cheeks. "Where you go today?"

"I want to meet my team, There is a new member who will join Khaos Brigade," Valiana informs him.

"Hmm... Who is this new member?"

Valiana shrugged her shoulder. "I don't know too? That's why I want to search for information about this new member."

"Good girl." Satria pats her head and gives something to her. "Here's your pocket money, use it wisely and don't use all of that for ramen."

"What do you think I'm?! Glutton?" Valiana makes a cute angry face.

"Who knows? Just be careful okay? If you need my help calling-calling om aja manis." Satria winked at her.

"Don't mix your language with Japanese, It's feels weird hubby. Goodbye." Valiana kissed his lips and left the house via a magic portal.

Satria opened his phone and saw his kitten send a message to him.

"Hmm... Is she perhaps missing me? Let's check out hehe."


Koneko: "Senpai... Are you free today?"

Satria: "Yep~ What do you need from me?"

Koneko: "Can we meet now? If you are not busy."

Satria: "Are you... Perhaps miss me, my dear kitty?"

Koneko: "Ehm... I don't know what you imply senpai 😒."

Satria: "You do not miss me?! My heart hurts now to the point I cannot show my face to the outside world, Goodbye real world welcome anime world. Time to search for new waifu 🤧."

Koneko: "Geez... senpai always so dramatic. Do you want to go with me or not? 😾"

Satria: "You still have not answered my question though? I don't want to go until you answer me. Hmph! 😤"

Koneko: "Fine! I am... very... very... miss you senpai, If you are not careful this kitten can be a tiger and eat you 😼."

Satria: "Sounds like a reward than a threat, Because you're this serious to invite me on a date let's go but don't get the wrong idea okay? It's not like I'm looking forward to this, hmph!"

Koneko: "You are so troublesome senpai and to think there is time I thought you were a cool guy."

Satria: "Hey... I am was cool guy though. Where are we gonna meet?"

Koneko: "Kuoh shopping mall, There is a new cafe that has good cake and I want you to escort me there because today they have a couple discounts."

Satria: "I am ready sweetie, Prepare yourself to fall deeper on me 😗."

Koneko: "Stupid senpai."


Satria chuckled seeing her respond. "She indeed precious, I love her."

Satria changed his clothes to a semi-formal style. He wears a turtle neck and a blazer to look cool.


Not forget to use pomade on his hair.

"Look at you Satria, Your face is the very definition of Handsome and Brave." Satria sees himself in the mirror and playing with his hair.

He walks outside to ask permission from the mother of this household.

"Ki-Kiyohime... Can I ask something from you?"

"Yes? Oh my~ You are very handsome now Danna-sama. Who is this lucky lady? Huh?!" Kiyohime gives him a sharp look.

"You remember the kitten I've told you before right? I... I want to have a date with her now. Please allow me to do it. Yes? I already promised to escort her today." Satria begs her.

"Normally I would punish you now but because you speak the truth I will let this pass, remember no sex with that cat until we approve your relationship with her. If you do not heed my warning." Kiyohime made a slice motion on her neck. "Are we clear?"

"Yes, Mom! I... I never do that without your approval." Satria agrees with her condition.

"The time of our Satria killed by his wives is getting closer hehe, School Days is real?" Fatalis scare him.

"Ngawur... Jangan gitu lah." Satria is very scared now.

Koneko waiting for Satria on a bench near the mall.

She is very anxious because it's her first date with him.

'Is my clothes good enough? I should ask others about one or two things about the date. Not saying my figure cannot be comparable with Buchou or Akeno-san. Man surely prefers body-like them two.'

She wears a yellow dress, a bell collar on her neck, and white stockings, even though she knows nothing about fashion Koneko still tries her best to look good today.

Not long Koneko heard someone getting harassed, She saw a familiar puppy surrounded by a woman.

"Hey, Handsome~ How about playing with us?"

"Don't worry, we gonna be gentle with you."

"Please leave me alone, I fucking hate this world."

"This man is my boyfriend, Please don't touch him." Koneko stepped in and chased away the girl who harassing him.

"Tch! Let's go." two gal women leave the couple alone.

"You okay senpai?"

"Koneko!!! You are my hero." Satria was relieved she coming to rescue him.

Koneko chuckle. "Now... Shall we go together Satria?"

"Sure." Satria smiled at her.

Satria and Koneko hold hands together and walk to the cafe.

The line is crowded maybe because of the promo, After waiting patiently Satria and Koneko finally can order something.

"What you want Koneko?"

"Ehm... This one?"

Koneko chose parfait for a couple and doughnut choco while Satria chose a coffee latte and omelettes with rice.

"Thank you, we will send your order to your table soon." The cashier said.

After paying they walk to their table.

"Anything new from your side?"

"We will go to Familiar Forest tomorrow with Buchou and others after defeating Sona-sama peerage in sport," Koneko reports to him.

"Is that so? Must be a fun search for new Pokémon."


"It's similar to a familiar, I have one and she is very adorable," Satria tell her with a proud face.

"You are cute senpai." Koneko chuckled.

"I am not cute! I the very definition of Alpha male."

"Hahaha... That was a nice joke." Fatalis laughing.

"Shut up!!! You are always not on my side and tease me every day!" Satria is angry with her.

"Like that kitten said it's your fault to be cute."

"Whatever you say senpai, How about you? Have a good story for me?"

Satria nodded. "Do you believe me If I told you, I went to another world yesterday?"

"Really? Please tell me more." Koneko wants to know about his adventure.

"Sure! Be ready to be amazed at me."

Satria told him the adventure began to destroy a horde of monsters in the black cat-kitten world.

Koneko eye twitches when listens to him speak about this kitten fondly.

"Who is this black cat senpai?"

"Her name is Fran and she was an amazing girl. I mean his passion for becoming strong is remarkable and the type of girl who hates to be coddled."

"Is that so? What is your relationship with her?"

"I treat her as family same as you, If you are not comfortable talking about another girl on our date. We can skip this conversation?"

Koneko is jealous but wants to know more about his story.

"No... Please continue."

Satria continue his story, Now he is fighting his friend Naruto and he is very strong.

What makes Koneko surprised is that Naruto gonna be her teacher to learn Senjutsu.

For he can harm Satria and make him serious meaning he is very strong.

The last time Koneko and others faced Satria only resulted in desperation, No matter what they do is useless.

He only plays with them like children playing with his toys.

"Who is this Naruto?"

"He is human in his original world, he is called a child of prophecy someone who gonna bring peace to the world but unfortunately his world gets destroyed by his nemesis. He travels to the Otherworld to become strong and now he already ascended to be God." Satria tells her his story.

"Humans can use senjutsu and ascend to be God? How is that possible?"

"Many surprises are awaiting you when you stick with me kitten. This is your last chance to step back before this one keeps you forever on his side." Satria gave her a choice for the last time.

"No... I don't want to leave you senpai. No matter what happens to us."

"Is that so? Don't regret it you hear me?" Satria smiled pleased by her answer.

"Excuse me... Can I put your order on the table customer?" The server asks the couple who now drowning in conversation.

"Yes... Go ahead." Satria allowed her before continuing their conversation.

The server puts every order on the couple's table.

"You are surprisingly bold, Want to try it?"

"Try what senpai?" Koneko dumbfounded.

Satria saw her parfait have love double straw and only couple buy this kind of parfait.

"Nee-san, Can you take pictures of us? These are the requirements for us to have a couple discounts right?" Satria asked to women employee who delivered the food.

The employee smiled and nodded. "You are right dear customer."

Koneko blushed so red when realized what her boyfriend meant.

'Why is he always so forward? The man in the anime I watched is not like him.'

Satria gave his phone to the woman employee to capture their moment and drank the parfait with Koneko.

"Thank you."

"You welcome." The employee bowed and back to work.



"When I eat this doughnut it reminds me of you, Because you're so sweet Koneko." Satria flirted with her.

Koneko falls deeper into him when listening to his poetic words.

"Baka senpai and... don't eat my snack." Koneko took back her sweet from his hand.


Koneko went home with a merry feeling.

Now she staying in Issei's house and everyone waiting for her in the living room, She found a new face too.

It's Ravel Phoenix who is somehow inside her home for now.

"Ara-Ara someone is happy now, I wonder what makes our favourite junior like this?" Akeno curious.

"Koneko... Please explain to me where you are going today without my permission." Rias put on a serious face.

Satria Mansion

Kuoh, Japan

Satria is happy the date is a success, He now relaxing near the pool while watching the moon.

He takes out something from his inventory, It's children's toys called lato-lato or ball clackers.

He has fun with it until someone yells from inside the house.

"Danna-sama! Please don't be too loud when playing with your toys." Kiyohime said.

"Okay, Mom." Satria played it slower and sulked. "Not fun."

"How about opening the reward from the mission?" Fatalis suggesting.

"Nice idea!!!"


[2 Suprise Box]

[1 Free Gacha Roll]

[You opened the surprise Box] 

[Congratulations, You got the tutorial book for Armament Haki]

[Description: Form of Haki that allows the user to use their spiritual energy to create, in essence, an invisible piece of armour around themself, providing incredible offensive and defensive capabilities]

[Congratulations, You got Ope-Ope no Mi]

[Description: Paramecia-type Devil Fruit  granting the ability to create a spherical forcefield in which the user can freely alter the orientation, movements, and configuration/anatomy of anything and anyone (themselves included) in a "surgical" fashion]

[Congratulations, You get a Vaporeon costume]

[Description: unmatched in both quality and design. Our onesies feature symmetrical faces, professional stitching, thicker fabric and rich, vibrant colours. This size, (180cm), is best for 17+ year-olds. This measurement is taken from the top of the hood to the ankle cuff. Made with a luxurious polyester fleece fabric, tested to meet U.S. safety standards, ensuring you can wear and enjoy yours for years to come]


Satria read the book and instantly understood very well with the help of his Speed-Force.

"Fatalis... Want to see our new secret weapon?"


"Behold!!! Lato-Lato that covered by Haki!!! What do you think about my Ultimate Techniques?" He played it very fast until the lato-lato hit his jaw. "Jancok!!! Sakit banget asu." Satria moaned in pain.

"I think... You are an Idiot?" Fatalis give her opinion.

"Danna-sama!!! You are very noisy, stop playing or I will confiscate your stupid Toys!!!" Kiyohime shouting from inside.

"Haha... Kapok diomelin." Fatalis laugh at her bearer suffering.

"No problem! Now let's test this." Satria wears the Vaporeon costume. "Fatalis..." He speaks with a deep voice.

"Ye-Yes?" Fatalis startled because Satria suddenly uses this tone meaning he is serious.

"I already know... What is my dream?"

"Your... dream? What is it?"

"My dream is to be the God of Vaporeon!!!" Satria speaks loudly even people inside the house can hear him.

"What the Fuck?! I know you are an idiot but not to this extent!!!" Fatalis still does not understand how she fell in love with this weird guy.

"What kind of dream is that?! Idiot Hubby." Valiana's face turned red because embarrassed when listening to Satria's dream and seeing him wearing a stupid costume.

"It was great to have this eccentric person as your mate, Is it? Hahaha." Albion never see someone as weird as him and he sees a lot. 

Kiyohime sighed. "You are Hopeless Danna-sama."

To be continued. 

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