Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 97 – Deicide and deceit

"Let's not panic. We should stick to the pla.." *BOOM!*

As Hercules is talking to the others, I use my enhancement to increase my speed and disappear from sight, breaking the sound barrier.

Barely a fraction of a moment later I appear right in front of him as I immediately stop enhancing my speed and enhance my strength as I punch Hercules in the face, blowing his head off his body.

With blood splattered on my face, I turn to the other gods with a savage grin on my face. "Who's next?"

"Oh... fuck." Ares mutters. "What the hell was that?!"

"That was mercy." I say, wiping the blood off my face.

"Mercy?! You decapitated him with a punch! Where is his head?" Apate yells looking at me fearfully.

"His head? Right here,' I say as I pick a bit of brain matter from my shoulder. 'there's a bit right there and there's more way over there."

"Where's the mercy in that?!" Ares asks angrily.

"His death was quick and painless... Yours won't be."

Suddenly, my senses flare up, warning me of danger as I immediately roll to the side.


A large lightning bolt hits the exact place where I just stood, carving a large crater into the ground.

"You all talk too much. A lion does not converse with an antilope before killing it." Rudra says to his fellow gods before aiming his trishula in my direction, launching another lightning bolt towards me.

This time, I anticipate the bolt's trajectory and catch it on the tip of my fingers. I store the lightning within me and strengthen it further. I then shoot it out my other hand as I aim for Ares.

*BANG!* As the lightning strikes his head, it explodes.

As the dust fades, Ares lies on the ground, writhing in pain. His helmet is shattered, parts of it melted onto his face. "AAARGH! FUCK THIS HURTS!"

Before the other three gods take action, I spread a thick black fog that causes complete sensory deprivation to everyone that touches it.

As the gods are busy dealing with the fog, I approach Ares. I grab him by the throat and sink my teeth into his shoulder.

I start to devour his divinity for warfare. I obtain his knowledge of weaponry and gain his ability to control any and all tools that can be used in warfare.

His stupidity and dislike for study ensures he doesn't have much knowledge to offer outside that pertaining to his divinity, so once I'm  done, I snap his neck and drop his body to the ground.

I then approach Hercules' corpse. I use a simple reversal spell, combined with healing light to reassemble and reattach his head.

As Hercules' head is reattached, I stop the healing light just before it brings him back to life. I then sink my fangs into his shoulder and devour only his divinity for strength.

I leave him his divinity for heroes, and his status as divine protector of mankind.

I can immediately sense how my new divinity of strength taps into my limitless energy reserves as I feel my muscles expand and condense repeatedly, strengthening me by the second.


As his voice reverberates throughout the Hunting Grounds, it also blows away the fog. Rudra raises his arms, eyes closed, holding his Trishula in both hands.

*KRAKKOOM!* As an enormous lightning bolt strikes his Trishula, I can sense the energy traveling throughout Rudra's body, fueling it.

His eyes snap open as they crackle with lightning. A second pair of arms sprouts from his shoulders as his body grows larger.

Standing at about 50 meters tall, he slams his Trishula down towards me with incredible strength.

With my new divinity for strength fueling me, I catch his trident with both my hands. The force behind it strong enough to force half my body into the ground and cause earthquakes and tremors throughout the Hunting Grounds.

Thanatos, seeing an opportunity, hurls his scythe towards me.

I brute force my body out of the hole and barely evade the scythe as it races past my face.

I immediately sense the scythe changing direction as it comes back towards me.

I let go of the trident and roll to my side as the scythe gouges a deep cut through my shoulder.

I immediately wrap my hand in healing light and hold it over the wound but I quickly notice it won't stoop bleeding.

"HAHAHA!" As Thanatos catches his scythe and watches me try to heal my wound, he starts laughing like a maniac. "My Death Scythe reaps both souls and flesh! You can't just heal it with a little magic! Haha!"

I close my eyes and start using my divinity for the Sun in combination with my divinity for healing as my body starts to emit heat and is covered in solar flames. I fuel my healing light with both divinities as my wound heals practically instantly.

"No! That's impossible! You have Apollo's divine authorities! How?" Thanatos yells fearfully.

Rudra takes a step forward, raises his foot and tries to stomp it down on top of my head.

I catch it with both hands and hold it over my head as I start growing in size as well.

As I grow, I grab hold of Rudra's foot. I pull it towards me, forcing Rudra to lean forward as I slam my heel in his chest with a Spartan Kick, sending him through the forest, away from the battlefield.

Thanatos grabs his scythe with both hands, fueling it with his power as the blade glows dark purple. He then raises it above his head and swipes it through the air, sending out a blade of dark, ominous energy.

I shrink back down, avoiding the attack as I raise my hand in the air. I make a fist as I connect to the sunlight above Rudra's stormclouds. I slam my fist down on the ground as a pillar of solid sunlight parts the clouds and comes down on top of Thanatos in mid-air and slams him, face first, into the ground.

I jump over to him as the pillar of light continues to push him down. I walk into it and press my foot on the back of his head.

I lean down, grab both his wings by their base and tear them off.

I grab his wrist and bring it to my mouth as I sink my fangs into his flesh.

I immediately start devouring his divinity. The moment I'm done, I hold out my hand, summoning his scythe. I raise it above my head and bring it down on his neck, decapitating him and absorbing his soul through the scythe.

As I focus on it, I notice the scythe contains an incredible amount of souls already, a few of which don't belong there.

I look up as I notice a flash of lightning in the distance. Except, this lightning travels up into the clouds instead of the other way around.

I see energy gather in the clouds above as an incredibly powerful lightning bolt launches towards me.

I notice Rudra's form in the lightning and sense evading isn't an option. *KRAKKOOOM!!* I raise my scythe to parry his trident as the collision causes a shockwave that levels most of the forest.

Rudra lands about 20 meters away from me, but not in physical form. His body is formed by stormclouds, enveloped by lightning.

He disappears from sight as I immediately raise my scythe again, parrying his trident.


Rudra continues an onslaught of lightning fast strikes, trying to find a gap in my defenses as I'm using my senses to anticipate his moves.

We continue in this deadlock for a few more strikes as I maneuver myself to slowly create a small opening in the one place he hasn't struck yet.

Rudra takes the bait and attacks me from the front as I step to the side and spin my scythe clockwise as he passes by me, impaling his stomach.

I raise the scythe over my shoulder with Rudra impaled on the blade and slam it down into the ground.

"Such a shame. You were the only one among them who was somewhat worthy. But this is the end of Rudra, the Great Destroyer." I say to him as I approach.

I grab his arm and bite down, immediately devouring his divinity as I feel a connection forming to the clouds hanging overhead.

"Fenrir! Help!"

I turn around, recognizing the voice and see Apate holding a blade to Alice's neck.

'Fenrir? Alice calls me Fenris, never Fenrir.' I think to myself as I approach them.

"Stay there or I'll cut her throat!" Apate yells fearfully.

I notice subtle differences in her voice compared to before. A small echo and a slightly higher pitch.

Even factoring in the stressful situation, it feels off.

I continue walking towards them as I hold out my free hand and summon Rudra's Trishula.

I stab the Trishula through Alice's chest as the form of Apate evaporates into fog and a layer of fog over Alice fades away, revealing Apate as blood trickles from her mouth.

"How disappointing. I expected more from a Goddess of Deception." I say before I pull the Trishula from her chest.

Using the last of her strength, she keeps herself on her knees and looks up at me, smiling before she falls over.

Finding it odd, and given how she is a Goddess of Deception, I spread my aura over her body and learn as much as I can.

I notice a small line of hidden magic connecting her fading soul to another.

Not wasting a second, I take out my claws and fill them with aura. I swipe them through the air and step through the portal.


Earlier in Orario.

With bated breath, Alice watches as Rudra strikes at her husband again and again, only to be parried every time.

Suddenly he sidesteps and in one fluid movement, he impales Rudra on the scythe and slams him into the ground.

"YEEAAH! FENRIR! FENRIR! FENRIR!" People throughout the stadium start chanting as the impossible has just been accomplished.

One God has singlehandedly defeated four others. All of whom were supposed to be among the strongest Gods in heaven.

"Fenrir! Help!"

Alice looks strangely at the scene unfolding on the screen as she recognizes her own voice.

"Stay there or I'll cut her throat!"

"Argh!" *Cough cough*

Suddenly as Fenris stabs Apate through the chest, a stab wound appears on Alice's chest.

"Alice? ALICE!" Luna yells as Alice collapses to the ground.

The last thing Alice sees before losing consciousness is a bright light and Fenris' face.

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