Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 60 – Titan energy and a nap

Even though it's definitely not a cure, I think I have found a way to treat the symptoms of my 'anger issues', killing, lots and lots of killing.

After killing six Titans one by one in rapid succession, I no longer felt this constant, ever-present need to fuck some shit up.

'I'm going to have to go to a world with no shortage of killable creatures until I find a more permanent cure. Luckily there's more than enough of those.'

After sending the Titans off to do whatever they do, I put all the corpses in my storage space for later consumption and start walking to the place where the Titan energy comes from.

As I get very close, I see a big mountain with a large thunderstorm circling the peak.

I walk towards it and notice a huge door, at least three hundred meters tall. On the door is a red handprint, presumably from a member of Kong's species.

I push the door open and get inside.

Inside there's a large stairway leading down to a Titan sized throne surrounded by pillars.

I can feel the energy flowing through the pillars, but it's all centered in the floor immediately surrounding the throne.

I walk down the stairs passing a few skeletons of Kongs and Zillas. One of the Zillas has a large axe stuck in its head. I take it out and examine it.

The axe is made of a large bone as a handle and a Godzilla dorsal plate as its blade.

It's primitive, clumsy and entirely unbalanced. All in all a terrible weapon.

I walk over to the throne, but halfway there, I step on a hole in the floor.

I look at the hole and immediately notice it has the shape of the axe I'm still holding.

I lay it in place and immediately energy is drawn from the earth's core, into the room.

On the floor, in a circle surrounding the throne, the energy lights up a pattern revealing a depiction of a Zilla biting its own tail like an Ouroboros.

I devour a little bit of the energy but when I try to stop, my fangs continue to devour more. I start to feel a piercing pain in my chest as my heart starts beating like crazy.

The pain continues to intensify over the next few minutes as my fangs continue to devour energy until I pass out.


As I wake up, I feel strange.

I grab the armrest of the throne to pull myself up, but as I grab it my hand crushes it like it's made of rotten wood.

'Whoa. I'm stronger?'

I lightly tap the ground with my fist. The ground is practically pulverized beneath my fist as fissures appear around it.

I take the axe and put its blade to my palm. I steadily increase the pressure until the large bone handle snaps in two.

After a few more minutes of testing my physical abilities I come to the conclusion that they've all been significantly enhanced.

Not knowing how long I was unconscious for, I shrink down and create a portal back to Odin's palace to see the beastmen.

As I step through, I immediately see a group of beastmen preparing food while another group is cleaning and yet another group is training with swords.

I keep the portal open as I'm only here to see how long I've been gone.

"Master, you've returned!" A bear beastman says enthusiastically as he walks up to me.

"Only to check in on you guys. How long have I been gone?"

"Uhm, about two days sir." The bear beastman answers, looking a bit confused.

"I see. Is everything here going well?"

"Yes, sir. We're doing fine."

"Good. I'll be back soon." I say as I step back through the portal and close it behind me.

Back in the hollow earth throne room, I can still sense the energy around the room, I try to devour more of it to see what happens.

I wait for a few seconds but there's no discomfort whatsoever.


I spent the next few days experimenting with the Titan energy.

I figured out a few things along the way and came up with a few theories.

The reason the energy made me stronger is because it forces organisms to grow and evolve through mutation. It creates Titans.

Even though I've devoured my fair share of Titans and am capable of turning into one, I was not a Titan before I devoured the energy.

My giant wolf form was just that, a giant wolf. But now it is a Titan.

The reason my heart hurt like hell is because like all the other energies I have access to, Titan energy is now a part of my essence as well.

Every ability I got from a Titan has significantly increased in strength, especially the ability to manipulate gravity.

And this is just a theory, since I haven't tried it yet, but I'm pretty sure I can now turn normal organisms into Titans.

After figuring out most of the things I wanted to know, I decide to return to Norway.

I send all my beastmen along with Kwenthrith to Danmachi and dismantle Odin's palace.

I take the gold, marble and the art while I turn everything else to dust.

I then decide to remake my cave the way it was before Odin. The only thing I decide to leave is the mural painting that was made by the 'asgardians' which depicts how Odin was an asshole and that I killed him. I asked them to leave out the part where I can shrink and turn into a human.

Once I finished putting my cave back the way it was, I decide there's one last thing I need to do before I sleep.

I make my way to Skull Island where I'm welcomed back as King by the Kongs. I convince almost all twelve of them to relocate to the Hollow Earth, except two of them who seem to be happy where they are.

I did decide I'd dig a tunnel from Skull Island down to the Hollow Earth.

After helping the Kongs settle in and digging the tunnel, I return to my cave and take the long nap.


February, 2014.

Three months before Mutos attack San Francisco.

*Knock knock*

"Dr. Serizawa? We found another one, sir." A woman says as she walks into an office where a middle-aged, Asian man is working on a computer.

He looks up from his computer as he lowers his glasses from his forehead down on his nose. "Where?"

"Norway, sir. In the Jostedalsbreen National Park. From the initial scans, it appears to be a massive wolf." The woman answers as she hands Dr. Serizawa a tablet with information displayed. "We'll know more once they get inside the cave."

"Good. I want to be there when they do."

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