Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 38 – Boot Camp

The next morning I'm sitting next to Alice on a bed waiting for her to wake up, when her eyes slowly opened.

"What happened?" She asks groggily, still waking up.

"You used too much magic. You fell unconscious and the wolves brought you back.

I don't want to lecture you, but this can never happen again. I understand that trying a new power is exciting but that is no excuse for putting yourself in danger like you did."

"I understand. I messed up.

What was that thing we fought? The giant?"

"It's called the Goliath. It's a floor boss, also called a Monster Rex. There are several different floor bosses on other floors, deeper in the dungeon. You'll undoubtedly fight more of them, but to ensure you'll survive those encounters we're going to train over the next month.

I have no doubt that if I update your falna right now, you and the wolves will all level up. If I do that, you'll gain a new ability.

But considering you haven't even used your intangibility in combat yet, and you fell unconscious after using your hemokinesis too much, you're going to have to train non-stop for the next month.

If the results of the training are sufficient you can level up, otherwise you keep training until you've mastered these abilities."

"You expect me to master them in a month?"

"What's wrong? Don't think you can do it? You should have some more faith in yourself darling. Besides, I'm the one training you. I know a few very useful applications of your powers, we're going to focus on those. And after that you can test and push the limits of your abilities for yourself."

"Alright, when do we start?"

"First we go to see our new home, then we begin. But before any of that, you need to drink up and regain some strength." I roll up my sleeve and put my arm in front of Alice. But instead of biting my arm she grabs it and pulls me closer and starts kissing me.

Feeling she should still get some blood in her system I decide to kiss her back but not before running my tongue along one of my fangs, making it bleed.

After a good 20 seconds of practically sucking me dry of blood, she starts to get more handsy so I quickly stop her.

"Whoa hold on. We're not alone." I say, nodding to the side of the room where the wolves are all sitting, smiling at us.

"What? How did I not notice... never mind. When did you get in?" Alice asks confused and a little embarrassed.

"They never left, they've been here all night. Wolves take care of their sick, remember? They were worried about you and wouldn't leave your side.

Well, now that you've got your strength back, let's go see about our new home."

Half an hour later we're standing a few miles outside Orario, in front of a beautiful lake with water lilies and a bevy of swans going about their day. Unfortunately the cottage looks like shit in comparison.

"That's not what it looked like in the picture." Alice says with disappointment.

"I know. Looks like it hasn't been maintained at all. *sniff* Wood rot and termites. This place is beyond repair. A breeze could blow this sumbitch down.

I'm going to have to build something new. And untill I'm done I guess we're camping out here.

But before any of that, we're gonna train. Kids, Luna, you need to get used to your human bodies so start running around the lake until it stops feeling weird and unnatural." The wolves don't hesitate and start running... sort of.

"And as for you my love. I'm going to punch you.. hard. And you can only defend yourself with a bloodshield or by letting my fist go through you."

"*gulp* That's domestic violence."

"I just want you to survive honey. Now prepare.."

2 hours later

Alice is lying on the ground breathing heavily. "Hah, hah, hah bastard. Is this how you trained Renesmee? Poor girl didn't know what she got herself into when she asked to become a Spartan."

"HAHAHA, they were just fists of love honey. You've earned some rest. I have to go into Orario to get the first Grimoires. When I get back we'll turn it up a few notches." I say, walking off towards Orario.


Hmpf fists of love.. my ass."

Over the next thirty days I continued training Alice mostly one on one, twenty-four seven, unless I was working on the new cottage, which can't be called a cottage anymore. Everytime I finished a blueprint Alice wanted to add something new so now we've got a lakeside mansion.

After a few days the wolves got used to their bodies so I started training them properly as well.

I also picked up a new grimoire from both goddesses every day at noon like clockwork.

"Alright, your training is done for now. None of you have gotten any sleep over the last month, which normally wouldn't be a problem for you but considering the circumstances you should all get some sleep for the night. Tomorrow morning I'll update your falna and you can go to the dungeon."

The wolves don't even bother to get inside, they just turn back to their wolf forms for the first time in a month and fall asleep on the spot.

"Gotta say though, building a mansion in a month is pretty impressive honey, you've outdone yourself." Alice says proudly.

"I have strength, speed, magic, unlimited resources and I studied everything I could get my hands on at MIT, which includes structural engineering and architecture. But I suppose it is somewhat impressive."

"Tch, showoff.

Fenris, these two worlds you want to go to. Explain to me again why you need to go."

"Well, one of them has metals both Hephaestus and I want to study. A metal that is perfect for magic, its potential is limitless. It is used by gods in that world. Then there's a metal that is pretty much unbreakable. And the last one has properties that make it incredibly versatile."

"Right. The metals I understand. It's the world with the big ass monsters I've got a problem with."

"I told you, I can turn into anything I've devoured. When I devour these monsters I'll gain their abilities. I understand your hesitance, but I assure you I have every intention of coming back to you in one piece."

"Somehow I doubt these monsters will take your intentions into consideration when they try to tear you apart."

"Haha, don't worry. You should get some sleep like them." I say pointing towards the wolves. "When you wake up, I will stand next to you having returned from the Monsterverse. I still need something from Hephaestus before I go to the other world."

Despite her hesitance she falls asleep rather quickly.

"Time to hunt some monsters."

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