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Chapter 199 ~ Everything



Having just completed their quest and traveled such a long distance that took the entire day, no one was against a joint celebratory dinner Yuuji suggested. 


Although not swimming in money by any means, the Swords of Darkness made enough silver and gold from their adventures to save a portion of the profit for better equipment and party funds, while still having enough for their own personal savings and to live a relatively comfortable adventurer life. 


Unlike some others who chose to spend their spare time on gambling, women, and/or booze, the Swords of Darkness were frugal with their money. They rarely bought expensive things that weren’t related to their adventuring lives. They ate in cheap taverns that still sold flavorful meals that were filling, and stayed in cheap inns. 


So, no one was opposed to splurge a bit for a celebratory dinner with their new fellow adventurers and friends. 


It would also be a good chance to deepen their friendship with a future Adamantite ranked adventurer party, which they were certain Yuuji and the others would be in future. Perhaps, even in the near future. 


After all, they’ve seen just what kind of inhuman feats they were capable of. 


The group quickly arrived at a cozy little wooden tavern. From the outside, warm, orangish light glowed softly from the seams of the closed windows and the welcoming two pairs of saloon doors made of woods from trees that grew just outside of town. 


They could see the s sign hung by small chains from a wooden stick; “Honey Dew Tavern”. A quite welcoming and cozy name for a tavern within the fortress city of E-Rantel. 


They entered, and immediately, they could see the interior which was larger than they expected. Four small round tables with chairs on all four cardinals sat nearer to the center, leaving a path that led directly to the bar and food counter. 


While on the outer sides of the floor, near the walls, were four, larger, rectangular tables with a long stool bench that could fit four people if they weren’t in heavy plated armor. 


They could see quite the number of customers already filling most of the round tables and the rectangular tables at the side. 


Some were adventurers, judging from their leather attire and swords, dagger, and bows. The copper and silver plates hanging down by the leather string around their neck were also an easy identifier for their profession and rank. 


There were also some regular people who had come to simply enjoy the food and the cozy ambience, such as the old man with a half drunk pint of ale and another empty one beside it, or the old couple having their dinner. 


Upon entering, their appearance immediately stole the attention of every single person within the establishment. 


While some were clearly drunk, judging by their unfocused gaze and flushed countenance, they all still had their attention stolen by the two beautiful women who had just entered the small tavern as well as the magnificent, white gold full plated armor. 


The people in the spotlight didn’t seem to care about the gazes pointed at them, and simply looked around curiously at the place they’ve come into. The place was exactly what they would imagine when they thought of a cozy, medieval fantasy tavern. 


But Peter, Ninya, Lukrut, and Dyne couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward from the gazes, even though they knew clearly who and why those gazes were pointed at them. 


Fortunately, a sweet, old woman, a grandmother quickly approached them with a surprised, yet still visible smile as she dried her hands on the apron with flowery patterns tied around her waist.


“Good evening, gentlemen, ladies. How may I help you?”


“Ah, good evening madam. We came here on the recommendation of miss Lizzie Bareare.”


Immediately upon hearing the name of the old herbalist, the surprise and wariness in her eyes disappeared. Her smile became genuine as the old woman seemed to brighten. 


“Oooh really? That’s lovely! You all seem like adventurers. Were you hired by old Liz to protect her on one of her gathering excursions?”


“Actually, we were hired by her grandson, madam. We have just returned from out of town.”


“I see! Well, it’s nice to meet you. My name is Maria, the proprietor of this humble establishment! Come in and take a seat! We have plenty of seats on the far left there! And don’t worry, those benches are made of tough wood! In fact, it was used by some rambunctious fella to hit someone in full plate armor once! And it didn’t break! It's the bench right there! So your friend here in amazing armor wouldn’t need to worry!”


Yuuji smiled softly under his helmet and lowered himself slightly and nodded gratefully. 


“Thank you for your hospitality, madam.”


“Hoho, no need for thanks, deary! We here pride ourselves in hospitality!”


Maria laughed, revealing a few holes in her set of teeths. 


“Well well, you youngsters must be famished after a hard day’s work! You’re welcome to order a lot of things! And since you’re recommended by old Liz, I’ll give you a nice cut, so don’t worry!”


“Thank you, madam!”


Led by grandma Maria, the group made their way to the long, rectangular table to the left and began ordering food and drinks, which included a few pints of ale for Peter, Lukrut, Dyne, and Momonga. 


Although Momonga would unfortunately be unable to feel drunk or even tipsy, the middle-aged salaryman part of him still yearned for the refreshing, carbonated alcohol that he’d sometime have after a long day’s worth of work (torture) in his company. 


Yuuji also decided to order additional food for everyone to celebrate, which he would be paying for. 


The Swords of Darkness felt a bit reluctant at first. After all, although Yuuji and his group seemed to be well off considering their equipment, they were still a bit hesitant to have someone younger than them and technically their junior in adventuring to pay for their food. 


However, Yuuji insisted and persuaded them as convincingly as he could. 


After all, celebration wasn’t the only reason why he wanted to order more food and drinks for everyone. 


It was timing. 


Although there was a low chance that the Swords of Darkness would return to the herbal shop late into the night, they could still come across Clementine, who was currently in this neighborhood to kidnap Nfirea. 


So until she left with her quarry, he wanted to make sure that the Swords of Darkness would not come across her path. 


There was no need for unnecessary bloodshed. 


Thus, the group ate and drank and celebrated into the night. 


Lukrut challenged Lupu to a drinking bout after she goaded him. And the results were to be expected. It was an unfair match to begin with. A man who was barely level 10 wouldn’t be able to contest against the constitution of a level 75 Werewolf/Succubus. 


Meanwhile, the rest engaged in civil conversations. 


Momonga conversed with Dyne about each other’s background, in which Momonga had to mix up some lies with truths by changing the profession “Salaryman” as “Court Magus” from some far off country that he worked in before meeting Yuuji and the others. 


Aika chatted with Ninya, mostly about the myths and legends and stories she had read from the books she was fond of. And in return, whenever there comes a topic of romance, which was frequent in the kinds of fantasy novels Ninya loved, Aika would tell her episodes of her life with Yuuji.


It didn’t take long for Ninya to be immersed in Aika’s stories instead. 


Finally, Yuuji and Peter discussed what sort of things they will be doing from here on out. 


And Peter expressed his admiration for him and his desire to continue to train and become stronger. This encounter with Yuuji and the others had broadened his horizons and reignited his will to improve himself, earn more money, and live up to the expectations of his friends and comrades. 


“Haha… It’s true, Alexander-san. You’ve helped us in more ways than you know… You helped us reignite our passion and determination for adventuring.”


Peter gulped down the last bit of his beer and placed the glass pint down to the table, marking his third finished pint. 


“Honestly, it’s been quite tough and monotonous for us to just go outside of town a little and scavenge for goblin ears, which would only give us a few silvers to be divided amongst 4 people. We’ve tried doing tougher quests, but we never challenged anything beyond our comfort zone since we’re afraid of failing it and lowering our ranking, that is if we return alive. 


So, we’ve been stuck for quite a while here. But seeing you, Aika-san, Momon-san, and Lupu-san in action… It reminded us to look up at the sky when we’ve been busy looking at the ground. 


You gave us the motivation, determination, and will to push the limits and improve ourselves. So thank you…!”


Peter lowered his head, getting the attention of the other members of his party as well as Yuuji’s party as they all turned to look. 


“I didn’t expect our presence to motivate you so much, Peter-san. It is truly an honor. And I wish you nothing but the best moving forward. But, remember. Your safety and the safety of your party members and friends are still paramount, above anything else. For if you live today, you will still have tomorrow to become stronger.”


“Yes! Thank you very much for your advice, Alexander-san! I’ll make sure to carve your words in mi-”


At that moment, the tavern doors opened with a bang, startling everyone within. 


Turning their heads, they saw a short, old woman donned in an apron appear with a face filled with fear and panic. 


“A-Alexander-san!!! Please! I need your help!!!”



After leaving a bag of gold, which content could easily be used to purchase the entire tavern, Yuuji cast his Holy Aura I: Comfort to dispel everyone’s shock and anxiety, and erased the drunkenness of the Swords of Darkness. 


They quickly rushed out of the Honey Dew tavern and headed to the Bareare herbal shop as Lizzie told them about what happened on the way. And her fears that her grandson had also become… another victim to the rumored murderer that had taken numbers of lives recently. 


“Wait. Let me enter first. Just in case.”



Upon arriving, Yuuji held out his hand, stopping Lizzie from entering her own shop first in case there were traps left behind by the kidnapper. 


He pushed open the already opened wooden door, which Lizzie presumably left open unintentionally when she burst out of her herbal shop to find Yuuji and the adventurers who escorted her grandson in the Tavern in a panic. 


The creaking of its hinges, which was normally quiet enough to be negligible, now echoed throughout the darkened interior. There were no torches, candles, or magic powered crystal lights to light up the interior. Only silence and the soft howl of the chilling night air. 


Yuuji did not sense Clementine’s presence within the area anymore. But one thing immediately caught his attention. A scent. A figurative scent. 


Traces of a presence… A dark presence. That of a sinister murderer. 


Yuuji stepped into the dark, the sound of metal from his armor echoed throughout the wooden interior. 


Peter and Lukrut tried looking inside and passed Yuuji’s figure and readied themselves in case there was indeed danger. However, the darkness didn’t let even Lukrut to see beyond the faint shapes of the objects within, much less Peter. 


There were no signs of struggle. The furniture was unmoved, and there were no signs of their drawers and cupboards being ransacked. Except in one place.


On the large work table deep inside the room, all the various types of herbs and plants Nfirea had harvested from their journey had been laid out neatly. And there was one area, near the longer side of the table, where herbs were scattered on the floor. 


Yuuji entered and continued walking in as he signaled the others to enter with his hand. 


Peter entered first, followed by Lukrut and Lizzie. Aika, Momonga, and Lupu entered last. 


Yuuji waved his hand and four, brilliant, spheres of light appeared, lighting up the entire room. 


It was then that they could all see what had happened. 


“...He must have been taken while he was sorting the herbs he harvested.”


“Yes… I was out in the garden at the back, picking up some herbs to make tea. That’s when I heard a noise inside. Didn’t think much of it. Though he just dropped something, I took my time. But when I came back in… he was gone!”


Seeing the scene of the incident once again, Lizzie’s complexion paled once again. Cold sweat appeared on her forehead, slowly dripping down her wrinkled face, as she imagined the worst case possible. Her legs were trembling. The only thing barely keeping her standing was the slim hope of finding her grandson alive. 


Just then, a hand touched her shaking shoulder, and a warmth accompanied by the scent of fragrant rose and flowers wafted into her nose as she looked to her side. 


“It will be fine. Since he was taken, not killed, they must need him alive. So at the very least, he’d still be alive for now.”


“Yes… You’re right. You’re right…”


Lizzie took a few deep breaths before steeling herself and looked towards the warrior in the impressive white gold draconic armor.


“Alexander-san, I’ll hire you and your friends.”


Yuuji turned and looked down towards the old woman looking up to him. Her reddened eyes shined with steeled determination as faint tear marks still painted her face. 


“Please. Find my grandson. Keep him safe. Bring him back to me, alive. And I’ll pay you handsomely!”


There was a pregnant silence. All eyes gathered towards the white plated armor warrior, waiting for his answer. 


Some filled with expectations of acceptance to the old woman’s desperate request. Some simply waited for his answer with the intention to follow any decision he made. While some simply waited for the answer they’ve already determined to be spoken. 


After a few moments that felt like hours, Yuuji looked up, and turned towards Peter and the rest of the Swords of Darkness. 


“Would you please notify the guards of this incident and secure the area?”


Surprise colored all of their faces. They did not expect Yuuji to suddenly address them instead of responding to Lizzie’s request.


Peter looked at him in shock. But soon, he slowly nodded. 




“Wha- Peter?”


“Let’s go, you guys… We need to notify the guards and get their help to track down the kidnapper.”


“O-Oi, wait-”


Peter walked out without waiting for Lukrut, and the rest of the Swords of Darkness followed him out hurriedly, leaving Lizzie alone with Yuuji and the others. 


Lizzie looked at the remaining group perturbed and confused. And before she could say another word, Yuuji spoke up.


“Miss Bareare, as of now, we are the most powerful adventurer in this city, and the only ones who could bring your grandson back, alive. I am sure you are aware of this as well.”


Lizzie slowly followed Yuuji’s gaze as he turned towards Momonga slightly, and realized something. 


“If you wish to hire us, then we will accept. However… the price will be high. Higher than you may think. Because I am fully aware of how troublesome this would be.”


“That’s… That’s right… If it was you, who possessed that potion… And Nfirea’s stories were real… Then there’s no doubt about your strength. I-I’ll do it! How much will you be satisfied with?”






Lizzie froze in shocked angst as her body trembled violently. 


“Any gold you have in possession would be a drop in the ocean for me. I have no need for it. But you, your knowledge, your skills, and your loyalty. That would be the price I would ask in exchange for the life of your grandson. I believe it to be a fair price?”


The old grandmother caught herself with a step back as she looked at the white gold holy warrior in shocked confusion. 


The juxtaposition between his holy appearance and the gentle tone of his voice… to the implication of the words he just said. 


His words were akin to the words of a devil, offering a pact. Yet somehow, Lizzie felt… assured. His words felt genuine.


From that moment forward, the tremblings stopped, and her anxiety disappeared. 


“I’ll do it. I’ll give you everything I have! So please save my grandson!”






AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

Also, if you'd like to read additional chapters ahead and get a pdf version (Light & Dark), please feel free to check out my at patr_eon.com/verglasx ~!

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