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Chapter 159 ~ Kashiwazaki Estate

Yuuji sat down at the very back of the SUV, sandwiched in between Yuna and Nina, as they looked out of the window. 


Having been born and lived in an urban city all their lives, the sight of a city with large fields and houses with a few floors instead of high rises and closely packed living quarters was an incredible change of view. 


Although they were fortunate enough to live in a large home within a peaceful neighborhood, they’ve seen many of the less fortunate living in small homes or even apartments with tiny living spaces despite the cost they had to pay. 


Having seen how closely packed some part of the city was had made them feel claustrophobic. 


But the sight they were seeing now… It was a stark contrast. 


They couldn’t help but feel a sense of liberation and freedom when they saw how spacious it was. 


Large farm fields. Flowing rivers. And a massive mountain with luscious forest in the distance. 


It was truly a sight to behold… 


‘Should I buy some property here…? Maybe I can buy a nice estate on the edge of this city as a holiday home for us…’


Yuuji mused as he enjoyed the scenery. 


In terms of investment, buying a property in a suburban city with only a few population when compared to large cities such as Tokyo or Osaka wouldn’t be the best investment. 


After all, if he didn’t rent it out or turn it into a space for a business, it would simply be a piece of land that might decrease in value as time goes on unless people come into the city. 


But, money wasn’t the reason why he’d buy a property in this suburban city. His reason was solely to have a place he could come to and stay in for a few days with his family to enjoy a few days away from the city life. 


Slowly, the sight outside the car window changed once more. Instead of houses and fields, trees began to appear, and soon became everything they could see as the road began slanting upwards into the mountains. 


For Yuna and Nina, this was a sight that kept their attention outside the windows. Sometimes, they would also occasionally pull on Yuuji’s clothes to get his attention when they saw a squirrel or an animal. 


On the second row of seats, Mira was simply enjoying the peacefulness of nature and occasionally looking back to see her daughters and beloved enjoying the change of scenery. 


Meanwhile, Aika slept soundly as she leaned back completely on the cushy captain seat. 


After an hour or so of travel since they were picked up by Stella, they soon began to see glimpses of a massive, yellow, western-style mansion from between the trees. 


“Oh! I can see something! It looks like a mansion…! Mom, is that it?”


“Ufufufu~ Yes it is~ That’s Estelle and Pegasus’ house~”


“Hm…? Pegasus…?”


Nina tilted her head in confusion as Mira began giggling. Stella, who had been driving silently all this time, had also let out a small snort. 


“Ufufufu~ That’s just his nickname. His name is Kashiwazaki Tenma. He, along with Estelle, are highschool friends of mine~”


Mira looked out of the window and watched as the Kashiwazaki estate slowly became clearer and clearer. 


“Estelle had been traveling all over the world for years now. But last week, she returned home.”


Mira smiled fondly, seemingly entranced in her own thoughts and memories of the time she spent with “Estelle”, as the rest of us, aside from Aika, looked at her understandingly.


“I see…”


Her coming home must’ve been an extremely big deal that Mira would accept going on such a distant trip to this small, suburban city in a heartbeat. 


They must’ve been such good friends…


Seeing her smile, Yuuji couldn’t help but smile fondly in return. 


They soon entered the golden gates of the estate and arrived before the main entrance, where a mahogany, intricately carved double door stood tall before them. Beautiful engravings of flowers and beautiful, elegant patterns welcomed them warmly as they alighted from the SUV. 


Stella went ahead towards the door, turned towards the four, and bowed courteously. Her hand gestured in a welcoming manner towards the entrance.


“Welcome to the Kashiwazaki estate. I have informed the master and mistress of your arrival, and they will soon arr-”






“Ah, Estelle~!!!”


A tall, voluptuous, beauty with dazzling golden hair that slightly curled into a ring at the end, suddenly busted through the massive, heavy double doors with a mighty kick. 


Her obviously curvaceous, yet lithe and slender body was loosely dressed in a beautiful pure white sundress that reached down to her ankles, barely revealing her pristine feet clad in… high heels. 


Having been used to beauties such as his girlfriends and his family, Yuuji’s attention instead went to the heels she was wearing. 


‘How… How did she run so quickly and kick such massive doors… all in heels…?’


He would’ve believed it if it was Aika who had achieved such a feat. With her SSR and Ballet Proficiency, there was little she could not do with her body. 


It was… a fact he learned one night when Aika decided to show off her flexibility and strength one night, which led to a very interesting, intense, and kinky sex. 


Estelle runed and leaped into Mira’s embrace, who had braced herself as if she had done it countless times before, and they hugged.


The golden haired beauty wrapped her lithe arms around Mira and squeezed tightly, or at least, as much as she could with their… massive chests preventing them from getting closer. 


In which, Yuuji noted with interest that Mira was a size larger than her, thanks to his enhanced vision. 


“I’ve missed you so much~!!! I’m so happy you came~!!!”


“I’ve missed you so much as well~ And of course, I wouldn't miss the chance to see you after such a long time~”


The two continued to hug as the rest of them watched with varying emotions. 


“Ah, you’ve all come. Welcome, my good friends.”


Just then, from within the estate, a handsome man with shoulder length hair tightly tied in a small tail behind, approached them with a warm, friendly smile. 


He was dressed in a traditional japanese clothing, a long light brown yukata, and traditional wooden sandals that clacked and clicked as he walked towards them. 


His eyes briefly landed on Mira and Aika before turning towards Yuuji, Yuna, and Nina, in which his eyes immediately widened in shock. 


“Oh… You’ve all grown up into such a handsome young man and beautiful young women. I… almost didn't recognize you.”


The three bowed their heads politely.


“It is nice to meet you again, Kashiwazaki-san. Thank you very much for inviting us for this trip. We will be in your care.”

““We will be in your care.””


Tenma smiled and held his chin, silently nodding in satisfaction with their manners, before his eyes stared at Yuuji for a few moments. 




His eyes narrowed into crescents as his smile deepend. But before Yuuji could understand his brief stare, he clapped his hands, getting everyone’s attention, including the two hugging beauties. 


“Alright. We shouldn't stay outside for this. Shall we enter?”


Tenma led everyone to the living room, and sat down at one of the large couches to the right of the large, marble coffee table. 


Estelle sat down on the adjacent couch along with Mira and Aika, while Yuna, Nina, and Yuuji sat on the couch opposite of Tenma. 


Immediately after sitting down and calming down from her excitement of meeting Mira and Aika for the first time in years, she turned her beautiful pair of light blue eyes towards the children with a bright smile. 


“Oh my…! Oh my~!!!! I almost didn’t recognize the three of you~!!!”


The voluptuous, mature woman squealed excitedly. Her youthful excitement was similar to Haruka when she squealed into her pillow after talking on the phone with Yuuji. 


She raised her hands and began to wriggle her fingers weirdly as her lips fall into a loose, perverted grin. 


“Oh, how I just want to squish those cheeks~!”


“You can’t, Estelle. Do you remember how long they avoided you after you went all out on their cheeks.”


Yuuji, Yuna, and Nina shuddered instinctively… They… couldn’t remember experiencing what Mira had just said.


Did they… seal the memory…? Just like how those traumatic moments were sealed to prevent further damage to their psyche…? 


Even Yuuji couldn’t remember it with his enhanced memories.


Estelle pouted after Mira chided her and bonked her head lightly with her fist.


“Geez… I’ve how to hold back, you know?”


She puffed her cheeks indignantly, her eyes wet with tears from the unfairness. But Mira, having been used to her shenanigans, ignored her tragic expression and smiled softly as her children. 


“You don’t need to mind her too much, okay? She’s just this sort of person, who just does what she wants without thinking of the consequences~”


“How rude!!! I’m not that thoughtless, okay!!”


Yuuji, Yuna, and Nina couldn't help but smile helplessly as they watched their mother and her friend act like girls their age…  


But soon, her face quickly returned to a smile, as if her previous angered expression was nothing but a lie, as she narrowed her eyes at Yuuji with a wide grin. 


“Fufu~ But I guess, going through with our arrangement now wouldn’t be that hard, huh~?”


A look of confusion quickly spread across everyone aside from Mira, Estelle, and Tenma. 


“Remember. It’s still up to them. And we won’t influence it in any way.”


“I know~ But…”


Yuuji noticed Estelle looking at him from top to bottom with eyes of a predator, as Tenma and Mira simply shook their heads and palmed their faces. 


“I think she’s going to like what she sees~”


Just then, the clicking of heels hitting the marbled floor resounded. And as they all turned, they saw a beautiful young girl dressed in a shoulderless, white, woolen sweater and short, light blue skirt. 


Her light, blonde hair cascaded down to her shapely hips as a blue butterfly hair pin adorned the side of her head, just above her ears. 


Her light blue eyes sparkled naturally, despite the apparent nervousness she was showing with her expression as she approached her family and guests with hands in front of her, fidgeting. 


And as she approached, Yuuji couldn’t help but widened his eyes slightly… Not from her beauty, but from the rush of childhood memories that suddenly came into his mind. 


Memories of him playing with a cute, little girl with blonde hair. Tending to her wounds when she fell and scraped her knees. Comforting her when she cried to him after telling him how she couldn’t make any friends in her kindergarten. 


And the words he spoke to her as she weeped. 


“Don’t worry… No matter what, I will always be with you! So you’ll never be alone!”


A promise that faded and forgotten with time… But one that was still etched into their hearts, as Yuuji noticed her looking at him with widened eyes. 







AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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