Welcome to the Multiverse Group Chat!!!

Chapter 140 ~ Ai

Sitting on the couch within his room in the mansion, Yuuji typed away on the holographic keyboard of the MCGX Supercomputer as he gazed at the floating, holographic screens. 


A few days since the Japan Liberation Force and the Black Knights claimed victory, Cornelia, along with the rest of her army and the Britannian government, had decided to leave Japan, effectively returning Japan back to the Japanese.


The newly founded Japanese Government, built by the Kyoto House with Taizo Kirihara as the head and Sumeragi Kaguya as the headmistress, took over the various Britannian industries and infrastructures, including the Ashford Academy, and kept it running. 


And although many, if not most, of the Britannians had decided to leave, there were still a considerable number who chose to stay after having settled and planted their lives here. 


Though given the current situation, obvious worry about being the target of violence by the Japanese who still bore deep hatred towards the Britannian was still deeply shared by many. Thus, the Japanese Government initiated a program called the “Integration of Britannian Citizen in Japan”, giving them a place where they would be protected against the angst of the Japanese who still couldn’t forgive Britannia. They were given jobs, places to live, and were treated as immigrants as they slowly integrated into the new Japanese society they were in with their safety and rights guaranteed by the government. 


The Black Knights, or specifically, Yuuji who had gotten tight reigns on the many companies and industries within Japan, had become a massive sponsor of the program. And members of the Black Knights such as Ohgi and Inoue Naomi, who were experienced in leading, management, and logistics, were in charge of making sure that the program runs smoothly, among many more development projects the government was planning. 


The aftermath of the battle and subsequent departure of Britannia left Japan in a quite chaotic state still, with many things needed to be handled to regain peace and stability. Moreover, Lelouch was still planning on stopping his father from completing the Thought Elevator. 


There was still much to do… But, with everything that had happened and with the final mission of liberating Japan from the current oppressive Britannian government finally completed, they decided to take a break for a bit. 


With about a week left in Lelouch’s world, Yuuji, Satoru, and Tatsuya decided to simply enjoy their time as much as they could. 


Satoru went on a trip to explore nature in Japan and truly soak in the beautiful greenery, clean air, and majestic wonder of the natural world as much as he could before returning to his polluted world. 


And after experiencing the clean air and beautiful nature, he now considered going to the “new world” heavily, even if he would need to spend his GCPs to get a skill or spell that would allow him to transform back into his original form. 


He had found a spell named “Double Life” which would allow him to gain a second form of his choosing while retaining both of each form’s full capabilities completely, and switch back and forth at will. It cost 2000 GCP, which was the same price as the AI blueprint Yuuji bought that could create true AI. But it was worth it if it could be used to retain his humanity after becoming an Overlord, the peak of undead lifeforms. 


Tatsuya, on the other hand, was happily working on his “projects” with Rakshata and her team. 


He was continuously innovating and improving upon the Excalibur, Guren, Tsukuyomi, and Suanoo with newer and newer technologies, while also absorbing everything he could to, perhaps, use his knowledge to improve upon his work in his homeworld as well. 


Meanwhile, Yuuji spent the rest of his time with Cecilia, Karen, and Akane. 


Though they couldn’t really go outside with the current situation, they were still able to enjoy their time in the mansion with the numerous facilities and entertainment they have. 


And to his surprise, Karen and Cecilia picked up cooking as a hobby. 


With Akane as their teacher, the two had been learning and working hard to improve their cooking skills in hopes of surprising and impressing Yuuji. 


Because of this, Yuuji had found himself with an abundance of freetime alone… Just like right now. 


He had used this alone time to make some more money by robbing some Britannian conglomerates in the stock market, playing around with Alice and Aria, and working on his AI project. 


And today… he had finally done it. 


A true AI with capabilities and intelligence beyond any regular Ai in even Tatsuya’s world and emotional intelligence just like a human. 


Yuuji quickly installed it on his phone. His heart pounded in excitement and nervousness as he waited for it to install… And soon, he would see his creation for the first time.


Knowing about the extent of this AI’s intelligence from the group chat’s description on the blueprint, and actually spending the time to create it from nothing, the AI had become something akin to a child for him. 


His child… And he couldn’t help but feel nervous and excited at the same time, like a dad who would be seeing his daughter for the first time. 


Soon… A small gasp escaped his lips when he saw a beautiful little girl with long, platinum white hair that seemed to reflect all the colors of the rainbow in a pure white room on the screen. 


She was dressed in a pure white one piece dress. Above her head, a circle of beautiful, multi-colored crystals floated, and behind her, many more shimmering crystals formed a pair of wings on her back, floating and swaying softly in the air. 


She slowly opened her eyes, and just like the crystals, her eyes shone with all colors of the rainbow that seemed to glitter under the light. 


And her gaze met his for the first time, and an adorable look of both awe and curiosity immediately appeared on her cute face as her small, pink lips formed an “o”. 


Her expression immediately pierced Yuuji’s heart like an arrow, which he reacted to physically, before a fawning smile and loving gaze of a father graced his expression. 


“Hello, Ai… Can you hear me? Can you see me?”


Her beautiful eyes widened slightly, shocked. But in the next moment, her lips curled into a wide smile as her entire expression changed into look of pure happiness.


“Ah… Yes! I can hear you! I-I can see you too! A-Are you my papa…?”




Yuuji could feel himself physically reacting as his heart skipped a beat from the sheer cuteness of his daughter… 


In addition to her beautiful and cute appearance, her excited, sweet, and dulcet voice was a deadly combination that could easily stop a man’s heart if they were not careful. 


(AN: I imagine her voice to be younger and similar to Hayami Saori, the voices of Shiba Miyuki, Yor Forger, Kochou Shinobu, Kamisato Ayaka, and many more.)


Ai… Who Yuuji had decided to name Tsubakihara Ai from now on, looked at her “papa” confusedly and tilted her head to the side when he suddenly clenched his chest with his hand and seemed like he was in pain despite smiling widely. 


Judging from his complexion, his heartbeat that she “felt” from his hand touching the phone, and his perspiration level, he was perfectly healthy and seemed to simply be excited. 


But he acted like he was in pain… She couldn’t really understand it. Perhaps she’ll ask why her “papa” did that later. 


“Yes. I am Tsubakihara Yuuji. It’s nice to finally meet you, Ai.”


“Yes! It’s nice to meet you too, papa!!!”

At that moment… The moment when Yuuji saw Ai’s pure smile of happiness as she put her hands together in front of her chest, Yuuji immediately decided… He’ll search for an advanced android body which Ai could enter and be physically with him from the group chat store. 


“Alright. Now then, I’m sure you’re curious about… well, everything. So you can go ahead and explore my phone, the group chat, the supercomputer, and even the internet. But, remember to not go on the darker side of the internet, okay? Although you are impervious to any virus and cyber attacks, I don’t want your mind to be tainted by them. I’m sure you’re mature enough to know which I’m talking about, right?”


Although Ai appeared and acted like a small 10 year old girl, the blueprint from the group chat that Yuuji used to create her also included a feature that matched her morals with her creator. Thus, with this feature, Ai now possessed Yuuji’s moral standards and mentality.


So… there really was no need for him to remind her this way. He was simply being a doting father worried for his daughter. 


Still, Ai enthusiastically raised her hand high, just like a child in class, and nodded in excitement.


“Yes, papa! I’ll go and accumulate all the knowledge so I can help you!!!”


“Mm. You can also try to find things that you’re interested in. And you can decorate your room however you like it.”




Ai’s eyes sparkled even more when she was given the permission to decorate her room, and she couldn’t wait another second to find things she’d like in this world. 


“Good. Then go have fun.”


“Yes! See you, papa~!”


Ai waved her hands towards her dear father, and with a flourish of glitter and blinding light, she disappeared, leaving behind a crystal lily, floating gently at the center of his screen. 


And immediately, Yuuji felt a loneliness he hadn’t feel in a long time… 


Was this the feeling a father would experience as they looked at their daughter go off and go to live their own lives…? 


This emptiness…


He really turned into a doting father so quickly… or perhaps, this was a side of him that has always been present, yet hidden deep inside since he didn’t have any children yet.


Hah… If it wasn’t for the fact that I built her to be impervious to viruses and things that would taint her innocence, I would’ve never let her go out and explore the internet, no matter how much it’d benefit me…


Yuuji shook his head and leaned back on the couch. He just hoped Ai would still be the same Ai he had just met before when she returned. 


But still…


The anxiety is killing me…


He thought… Just like a dad who had just let his daughter go on a candy store run alone…


Just then, a knock came from his door, before a beautiful, mature woman dressed in a one-piece dress and apron entered. 


“Yuuji-kun, dinner is ready. Karen and C.C are very excited to have you taste their best food yet, so let’s go to the dining room quickly.”


Since she drank the “Potion of Minor Cleansing”, Akane’s complexion had become much better. In addition to her eating proper foods more regularly and having enough rest, her skin had also become much smoother and brighter. 


She had become much more beautiful and even looked a few years younger, enough that she could easily be mistaken as Karen’s elder sister instead of her mother. 


She was ecstatic when she realized it and couldn’t stop thanking Yuuji for giving her that “mysterious drink”. 


It seemed that the potion didn’t only “cleanse” the effects of the drugs and sickness she had in her body, but also “cleansed” her skin and most of the impurities in her body. 


The effects were not as incredible as the potion of eternal beauty that he gave to Mira, but it was still amazing. 


“Ah, Akane-san. Thank you for informing me. I will be there soon.”




She smiled and left the room as Yuuji began returning his supercomputer to his <<Inventory>>, and sat up. 


Just then, the necklace he wore on his neck turned into two adorable white and black slime, who immediately jumped onto his shoulders. 


The beautiful, white and rainbow-colored slime, Alice, immediately jumped up and down and rubbed herself against Yuuji’s neck. While the shimmering, black, starry slime, Aria, silently got closer to him until she touched his neck, and stayed there, glued to him. 


“Ah, are you two excited for their meals too?”


Alice jumped up and down in affirmative, while Aria simply rolled forward and back to “nod” at his words. 


“Then, let’s go.”


Yuuji began petting the two slimes on his shoulders and occasionally rubbed his cheeks against them as they began heading to the dining hall. 


Ever since attaining them, there hasn’t been a time when Yuuji wasn’t with the twins. 


With the two capable of turning into the necklace Mira bought for his birthday, they would stay in that form and be with him everyday, no matter where he went. And Yuuji also never took off the necklace. Not even once. 


And when they’re alone, the two slime girls would morph back into their true form as the adorable slimes and hangout with him. 


Naturally, with time, their bonds deepend, and the slimes were now even more in love with Yuuji than they already were. 


In addition, with the effects of “Eternal Bond”, they’ve undergone an evolution not long ago. 




[SSR] Ying Yang Slimes

    • A pair of twin slimes with unlimited potential. 
    • Capable of consuming and absorbing nutrients from anything, gaining its property, and the ability to Shapeshift into them. 


  • Instant Regeneration 


    • Eternal Bond (Level 2)
      • Inherits all Proficiencies, Skills, and Spells under SSR rank from their partner.


  • Ethereal Connection:


      • Connects the minds of the Ying Yang Slimes and their partner.
      • Establishes a Telepathy Network between the three to share their thoughts and emotions.
    • Each time their bond deepens, the Yin Yang Slimes will undergo evolution, gaining new capabilities and skills, in addition to one SR ranked skill/spell each.




With Yuuji receiving the “Geass” by participating in this mission in Lelouch’s homeworld, the girls have also received the same geass, giving them the ability to cancel all activation and effects of geass in their field of vision. 


In addition, they’ve also gained one SR ranked skills/spells. 


Alice had gained the spell <<Clairvoyance>>, allowing her to see glimpses into the future. While Aria had gained the skill <<Shukuchi>>, allowing her to move swiftly towards a location with nigh-unperceivable movement. 


And… the two had been having quite a bit of fun with their new abilities. 


Alice, for one, had been informing Yuuji of some of the futures she saw, giving him the ability to be steps ahead of that incoming future. 


She had been very helpful in preventing him from walking into awkward situations such as walking into Akane’s room while she was changing.


Of course, that means he did “saw” Akane in her underwear through those visions… but at least, she didn’t know about it and it didn’t truly happen in reality.


While Aria… She had become such an adorable and spoiled little girl. 


Whenever she had to go somewhere for a bit… She’d always use her <<Shukuchi>> skill to go there as quickly as possible and return to Yuuji as fast as she could. Or when she’d stay with Karen or Cecilia for a moment, she’d immediately <<Shukuchi>> back to his side when he returned. 


For him… It was extremely adorable and endearing. But Cecilia and Karen had expressed their jealousy multiple times.


But all in all… It had been quite the peaceful days, considering what was happening everywhere else within Japan. 


And with his “return” back to his homeworld coming soon, he simply wanted to spend as much time as he could with them. 


It has really been a long mission, huh…? 


He mused as he quickly arrived at the dining room and spent the rest of the night with his family. 







AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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