Welcome to the Charlotte Family; a One Piece Fanfic

I didn’t mean Doflamingo!

Chapter 6


Diamante, a flag devil fruit user. Did he not realize that flags can be easily cut if one held the sides out? He was similar to that of a thicker and less versatile string. Not to mention his general inferiority in use and ability to Doflamingo himself.


Lao G, an old man who had mastered his martial art to the point where he seemed unbeatable...or was he? First of all, he was old. So old that his back was already hunched up and he looked as if he was barely able to keep standing up. Not only that but I was quite confident in my ability to face martial arts users. After all, it was what I’ve been doing all 12 years of my life.


Senor Pink. While in other situations he would have been trouble to kill, beating him or keeping him away from what I was doing was not a problem. His ability to swim on any surface was not going to be much help on a limited surface like this ship. He can swim on the deck for all he wants, but he needs the cargo to be safe as much as I did. He wouldn’t do anything reckless.


Machvise. As far as I was concerned, he was an idiot. From what I remember, his ability consisted of changing gravity around him for him to weight by the ton(s) and throwing himself at his enemies. Didn’t he ever think about if anyone used that weight against him? By throwing his weight completely, he would lose his center of balance and fall. It would be interesting to see if he can even hold up his own weight.


Finally, Dellinger. The human and fighting fish hybrid whose moves consisted of moving fast and attacking with his heels. Ridiculous; I would have expected a branch of the largest criminal organization in the world to be something more than this. Well, this was probably because I was way beyond a normal person’s comprehension of strength.


In a fight against multiple opponents, the most important things is to remove all distractions first. Which is to say, remove the numbers as fast and efficiently as I can.


Me: Trust me. I can finish this in under 30 seconds…maybe 10 more seconds if you play smart, which I highly doubt.


As I saw Diamante starting to raise his blade, I took that as a signal to start the fight. I used soru right in front of Machvise before he even had a chance to response. Before his eyes even registered me, much less scream, I had Sparta Kicked him off the vessel.


From reading the manga, I knew he had no skills or abilities that could help him to fly or stay afloat in the water. The moment he broke the railing and fell into the water, I knew that was the end of him, but I made sure.


The first person to realize I had done something was Dellinger, who was the fastest among them...but not fast enough. He was my next target anyone. As expected, he tried to jump over the railing to save Machvise but I grabbed him by the heels (which was very tightly tied around his foot) and slammed him on the deck.


Me: I can’t have you fish out that balloon just yet.


*slam!* *slam!*


As Diamante approached me with his wavy sword, I swung Dillinger his way, or more specifically used him as a meat shield. As expected, they had honor among criminals. Diamante didn’t strike. Lao G and Senor Pink tried to surround me and I let them. It wouldn’t make much of a difference. This time, I punched Dillinger straight in the nose with a haki enhanced fist.




Me: I can’t have you swim either. Don’t worry, they’ll heal eventually.


I grabbed a fillet knife from my inventory and brought it down on his left leg. His entire calf muscles was sliced clean from the bone. Leaving nothing but the whiteness.


Dellinger: AHHHH!!!!!


Me: Jeez. you’re half fighter fish aren’t you? All of your body parts should regrow then. Stop acting like a pussy.


With that, I flung him out into the sea as well (other direction though). He would probably manage to save Machvise (who should be starting to seriously drown by now) but not with ease. He wouldn’t make it back in time to save his comrades here. Not that he’ll be much use with that leg anyway.


A wavy sword came straight for my chest which I dodged out of the way. With my haki covered left hand, I grabbed the end of the blade and stretched it out until..then with my right hand which suddenly held a cleaver.




The wavy flag blade lost it’s Devil Fruit properties as it fell to the ground but I wasn’t done. Using the chance where Diamante was dazed by what had happened, I grabbed him just in time to defend against Lao G’s fist combos.


Diamante: Ahh! You shitty old man!


Lao G: Oops... G!


The moment Lao G lowered his fists, I kicked him away but he managed to stay on the ship. I sensed Señor Pink swimming under the deck trying to ambush me...fine. I’ll play your game.


I pretended to be oblivious to his whereabout until the last second where he splashed out of the deck..only to kiss Diamante with a lot more force than he expected.


Diamante, who had his teeth knocked out by Señor Pink’s pacifier (which must be really hard) was knocked out for a few seconds. I didn’t lose this chance and grabbed Diamante by the head again and slammed him down into Señor Pink...once again. French Kiss y’all…but please no yaoi in front of me.




Me: Your French Kissing skills suck Senor.


Something in Diamante’s head cracked but honestly I didn’t care. I flung him out into the ocean before Lao G can fish him out. Oh? Never mind, Lao G’s soul was separated from his body already.


Senor Pink, who was desperately holding in the pain, struggled as he tried to submerge under deck again. I didn’t pay him any mind as no members of the family were in condition of fighting me anymore.


Me: Secure the wine. Bring them to our vessel.


I kept out for Señor Pink just in case but it looked like he was going to stay out of the fight. He knew what was more important after all. As the last of the Chess soldiers brought all of the wine onto my personal ship, I decided to keep my promise. I also kind of robbed the ship of all the beri they had and stored them in my inventory.


Me: You don’t get the ship... Rankyaku!


I focused advanced armament on my leg as I sent a sickle ship towards the massive ship. Judging that most of the ship was made with iron and other precious metals and not actual Adam Wood, the ship was cut cleanly in two as the Celestial Vessel began to sink. Seriously, did the Celestial Dragons think that nobody would challenge them in the middle of the ocean where there were no witnesses?


Personally, I thought I had been extra nice to them. After all, I had not killed any of them despite having the chance, and second they had their own vessel so I left them a way to return to Dressrosa.


Smiley began to sing something about blood as we pushed away from the sinking vessel with a very panicked Señor Pink carrying Lao G back to their ship. In the distance, I sensed a News Coo Seagull coming to take photos of the scene.


Me: It’s better to blame things like these on the Doflamingo pirates. Come on, full speed. Let’s get out of here.


As I relaxed on deck as we began making our way to the Calm Belt, a massive shadow covered me...in the future. I felt a shiver go down my spine as I hated...I hated to but I forced myself to look back.


There, coming straight for me was proof that my luck was shit. Did I mention before that I was technically trespassing on Whitebeard’s territory?


The ship that was built to dominate the seas. One of the largest ships in the world. The Moby Dick made it’s way toward me. On the front of the ship was Edward Newgate himself. His towering 6 meter height making me look even more insignificant.


Newgate: Gurararara. What’s Linlin’s little girl doing here in my sea?


AN: Another short chapter

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