Watching the Dawn

v2 Chapter 4 - New beginning

【Are you employed? 】

Lu Yuan is still immersed in happiness, no wonder he never forgets, intelligence attribute 18 is almost the highest attribute of the initial character! Now with the +5 adjustment of the alien knowledge, is this the rhythm of the master to become a god?

Seeing the options, subconsciously chose “Yes”.

But, there is no need to hesitate! Ben Faye is here!

Looking at the list of dozens of options that came out of Lala, Lu Yuan that … that … that shock! Why are they all garbled!

Find the end from the beginning, and then turn from the end to the end, a total of four occupations can be selected-“Warrior” “Rogue” “Wandering swordsman” “Warrior”! “Warrior” also has a big red letter that says “advanced career, insufficient conditions”!

I go! Where is my Faye? ! It ’s okay not to give the magician a warlock! No warlock will do for a bard! It’s really impossible. It doesn’t matter if I give a pastor to go to church everyday! How to cast all the garbled characters? !

“Calm down! Calm down!” Lu Yuan patted his cheek with his hand to calm himself down. Lu Yuan was originally a small senior executive of a large enterprise, and he would not have been so casual. Only the memories of the two worlds could not be merged, and the sudden surprise of the golden finger made him feel ups and downs.

Although the career choice was a great hit, it also made him sober.

This sober, can not help but cold sweat. Whatever becomes a god, what goes against the sky, is left behind. How far can the future go, that is the future, and the key to being able to live right now is the key! William was able to communicate with him like that yesterday, obviously also has a meaning to remind him. It seems that in the process of climbing upwards, William finally touched the bottom line of some people, and some people were about to shoot.

Lu Yuan recalled the explosion, the bottle was slightly different from the usual extract, and it was cold sweat. It turns out that it has already been calculated once! I haven’t realized it yet! It’s so careless! But think about the cunning young man from the country, who lacks social experience, he probably can’t think of the sinister people.

The holographic light screen is still floating there.

Lu Yuan slammed his fingers, and a bright light cluster appeared above the light screen, flying with Lu Yuan ’s fingers.

Magic, you can learn by yourself, do not need to rely on the system. His intelligence is up to 23 points. Such a qualification must not be described as “down”. The speed of learning magic is slow. The problem should be in other aspects. As long as it is not a natural problem, it can be solved. The problem that can be solved is not a problem.

The system is a card of one’s own. It should be used for life-saving and counterattack!

Calm down, and then observe the four occupations you can choose.

“Warrior” is a future thing, you can consider it when choosing a part-time job in the future.

The strength of “Warrior” lies in its ability to wear heavy armor and many specialties. Lu Yuan will become a mage in the future, and heavy armor must not be worn. The main attribute of the warrior is strength, and Lu Yuan ’s strength is second only to charm. What’s more, wearing armor is as eye-catching as blessing Ming flame at night. It says “I am the most threatened, come and attack me!”

Lu Yuan gave up.

“Rogue” is good, the skill is versatile, and the main attribute is agile and Lu Yuan’s attribute fits. It is a pity that what he needs now is the ability to protect himself, and this is temporarily put down.

“Wandering Swordsman”, this is a light-armor combat profession, different from the general physics profession, wandering swordsman takes a path that focuses on agility and intelligence. While roaming swordsman at level 3, he can add light-weight weapons with intellectual bonus damage. Lu Yuan ’s intelligence bonus now has 6 points, and there will be more in the future. This is the choice of a good mage auxiliary career.

Choose the inaugural wandering swordsman …

Choose your camp …

“Absolute Neutrality”

After testing, you believe in the **** of knowledge, Omar, and the belief is established …

The attribute has been determined …

The background has been determined …

Skills have been determined, you get 44 skill points at the first level …

Choose expertise ……

“Magic Wonder” “Specializing in Weapons (Swords)”

Completed his job.


Name: Lu Yuan

Age: 15

Sex: Male

Body type: Medium

Race: Human

Background: Master apprentice [+1 observation spell, +1 knowledge, +1 alchemy, -1 toughness check -1 investigation]

Occupation: Wandering Swordsman [1]

Experience: 0/1000

Camp: absolute neutrality (order 50 / goodness 50) Faith: Omar (5/100)

Character attributes:

Strength: 15

Agility: 19

Constitution: 17

Intelligence: 23

Perception: 14

Charm: 14

Health: 15/16

Exemption test:

Fortitude save (lower): This save is for you against physical and health damage. The toughness check is related to physique.

Reflex save (lower): This save allows you to try to avoid regional attacks. Reflex checks are related to agility.

Will save (lower): This save reflects the ability to resist spiritual influences and special effects. The will check is related to perception.



Remaining points: 44


Good at weapons (simple): This feat allows the effective use of all simple weapons. Such as wooden sticks, daggers, crossbows, hard-headed hammers, etc.

Good at weapons (military): This specialty allows the effective use of all military weapons. Such as long sword, flail, long bow, giant sickle, etc.

Good at armor (light): This feat will provide effective knowledge of using light armor.

Weapon: This specialty can use light weapons more effectively, and can effectively attack with agile substitute power. Light weapons generally refer to commonly used weapons weighing less than 4 pounds.

(The above specialty is automatically obtained at the level 1 wandering swordsman. It will not be introduced later)

Magic spectacle: When casting a spell, the main attribute is increased by 2. (That is, a spell cast by 23 points of intelligence is regarded as 25 points cast.)

Specializing in weapons (thin swords): Characters will be particularly good at using thin swords as weapons. When using thin swords, both hit and lethality will increase.

Current task list:

【Crisis of Life】

Your life is threatened, what are you waiting for? ! Find the root cause and eliminate it!

【Formally become a mage】

This has been your dream. Say goodbye to **** guys and go to be an otaku.


Too long, really too long! Quickly solve it! Stop tangling with the question of men or women!


Looking at the “crisis of life” Lu Yuan was finally determined. Sure enough, the explosion was not a nervousness. Someone was really thinking about himself.

“I don’t know how these specialties and skills work?”

Lu Yuan picked up a wooden stick, and immediately a lot of information came out of his mind. He tried to dance a little, and after a few clicks, he could start the transformation of attack and defense decently, and his pace was like a trained person.

It’s a pity that this is the end. I won’t hit myself when I pick it up. I can use basic moves smoothly. That’s it.

Specialized weapon swords are not on hand and cannot be tried temporarily.

Compared with specialty, it is still the benefit of skills. Lu Yuanqiang resisted the desire to add more. There are many points, you need to add more points, you may wish to use it when the training cannot be upgraded, and now the added skills are enough for him to use.

Is still the same basement as the honeycomb, Lu Yuan walked through it with a smile. Several apprentices gave him a surprised look, and Lu Yuan became a little different from the past, but there was no difference when he looked carefully. Hundreds of people here are just nodding, and the competitive relationship between them makes it difficult to make friends.

The brutal level of competition is not one of five choices or one of ten choices. Rather, the hundreds of people below will sacrifice one-third and seriously injure one-third, and it may be the only official quota in exchange for it.

On the large panel at the entrance, there are countless small paper strips. There is no shortage of papermaking in this world. Although the quality of the paper produced is relatively poor, the paper used for copying is still sufficient. Whenever magic is involved, ordinary paper simply cannot carry magic. How different is the paper made of special materials from parchment and dragon skin? The paper lists all kinds of tasks. The requirements and time are listed above.

The most popular one is the alchemy task with the official mage, helping to copy books and so on is also one of the learning paths. Lu Yuan took over the tasks that everyone needed to carry goods, deliver things, and other hard-working tasks, which made the person who issued the management task look at him more. These tasks are generally not done by anyone, and are all sent out as gifts for tight tasks. Someone is picking up now? He noticed the scars on Lu Yuan’s head, nodded suddenly, and took more backlog tasks from the cabinet to him. UU reading books

He guessed that Lu Yuan had just recovered from the injury and was full of fear of making alchemy items. In a short period of time, he would not take those high-risk tasks. Those who can’t pass, will soon leave completely and give up their dream of becoming a mage. The tasks that Lu Yuan just got were all coming to a deadline, and the cabinet was new. He pushed out all the tasks and smiled to comfort Lu Yuan. Lu Yuan also smiled and took them one by one without saying a word. In the following day, Lu Yuan carried various materials, passed books and letters, and secretly hid some magic materials with his nails and clothing corners, or quickly flipped through the books on the way. Memory content, this is also one of the sources of foreign express.

From the newly acquired knowledge of alchemy, Lu Yuan learned that whether it is to cast a “freezing ray” on a frozen medicine, or to slowly guide magic power into a magic wand, as long as it is an enchanting operation on the item, it will implicitly damage the health or life span of the exhibitor! In the game, the experience value is consumed, which will seriously cause the level to fall. But this is reality. Think of the formal mages who work here, many people are like tuberculosis, Lu Yuan shudders.

Everyone is rumored that the alchemist is not in good health because of the erosion of magic materials, so most of the material handling work is handed over to the apprentices, but no one thought that there was still vitality injected while enchanting the magic!

This reason, maybe only the boss of the witchcraft grocery store, Master Habassel? Drin, may know.

No wonder they are the creators of legendary items, but Habassa Delin rarely makes magic items. He is more engaged in the operation of the store, socializing with dignitaries, and then hiding on the third floor to study magic.

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