Watching A Hero's Journey

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: The Lone Cyborg

"Everyone please return to your seats. I will be starting the next episode. Genos, this is the day you met your Sensei. Remember that if you have any questions feel free to ask me. Please enjoy."
"The day I met, Master..." Genos ruminates over all the things that happened that day as if it were yesterday.
The screen turns black then bursts to life in color.
The Lone Cyborg
"Oh so this is the day you met the Demon Cyborg?" Darkshine questions to his fellow bald hero.
Saitama nods while scratching his nose. "I think so. It wasn't all that long ago, but I ended up saving Genos and he wanted to be my disciple." Saitama responds.
"My Master gave me the gift of learning from his vast wisdom and heroic attributes." Genos states while still reminiscing.
"If only we could get students like that ey Bang?" Atomic Samurai chuckles in a joking manner.
"True. I must admit, I wish Charanko would take my teachings more seriously."
"Tch. That kid is still there? What no more students to teach your dumb tricks to old man?" Garou mocks Bang in an extremely sarcastic tone.
Bang just winces slightly while glancing over to an aggressive Atomic Samurai's heated glare, making sure he wouldn't do anything rash. "Do not waste your breath. I have created this mess." Bang mutters somberly.
"Tch." Garou silently thinks to himself about the day he got his ass beat.
The news anchor could be seen on Saitama's T.V. "What could be the cause of the massive mosquito outbreak this year? We ask Mr. Kafetch, a mosquito expert who has written several books on the subject."
The mosquito expert nods at the host before turning to the screen. "Thank you for having me. Well, let me come right to the point. These mosquitoes belong to an entirely new species. Therefore, I know nothing about them."
"Get out!"
"What a horrible excuse for a news channel." Zombie Man chuckles.
"Eh. News was never reliable anyways. Unless there was a monster sighting or something." Saitama mumbles in response.
Everyone grumbles in agreement. News channels were sometimes the worst.
The news anchor straightens themselves out while huffing in annoyance. "Ah, excuse me. Now, let's take a look at the areas-"
"Man, City Z's in their path." Saitama wonders out loud while going to water his cactus.
"-likely to be hit hardest by the outbreak."
"Now we've got a mosquito outbreak?" Saitama questions himself in minor annoyance.
"If I remember correctly this occurred a few months ago, correct?" A random employee questioned out loud for anyone to answer.
"That is correct. The cause of the mosquito outbreak was a monster" Genos explains while recollecting the exact moment he arrived.
"Let me guess. The baldy killed it?" Tatsumaki questions, already knowing the answer, but asking anyway.
Genos nods. A hint of gratefulness arising in his expressions. "Yes. Sensei saved me from the monster before it could destroy me. I am only alive thanks to him."
Saitama hadn't realized Genos was that close to dying. It honestly shocked him... what if he intervened too late and Genos had died? How much more different would his life have been?
"We interrupt this program for breaking news. A large swarm of mosquitoes has been sighted in City Z. Mummified remains of attacked farm animals have also been found. If you encounter a swarm of mosquitos, flee immediately. This is an emergency evacuation warning. threat level: Demon. No resident is to go outside under any circumstances. I repeat, no City Z resident is to go outside-"
While the news anchor is speaking the camera pans over to Saitama frivolously attempting to kill a mosquito.
The entire theater starts chuckling at the bald man's goofy antics.
"What's the matter baldy? Can't kill a little ol mosquito?" Tatsumaki smirks while snickering.
"Pfh. Man that's so funny. Guy can kill dragon level monsters with one punch, but can't kill a single mosquito!" Metal Bad laughs out loud while holding his sides.
"This is odd. Caped Baldy's level of strength should allow him to kill the mosquito in an instant. Could this be some sort of joke?" Metal Knight wonders out loud.
"It was a tough little bugger! Leave me alone dammit." Saitama shouts out dejectedly. So what if he couldn't kill a stupid mosquito?
"Saitama sensei struggled with such a small foe? Maybe his weakness lies in smaller targets?" Genos wondered, unsure of his own hypothesis.
"For your information the reason behind Saitama being unable to kill the mosquito is unknown even to me."
Everyone in the theater just deadpans at the statement.
The camera pans to a certain cyborg surveying the area as a mass of what seems to be mosquitos appear out of nowhere flying over the city.
"Waahh. That's so many mosquitos!" Tareo cries out in fear.
"Damn. I don't think my fightin spirit could get me through that." Metal Bat says in a bit of surprise.
"That would've taken me forever to clean up." Zombie Man mutters in a tired tone.
"Those mosquitos could never penetrate my skin!" Darkshine says while flexing pridefully.
"Tch you're all useless. Start from the bottom up if you can't handle a few mosquitos!" Tatsumaki yells out at the unfortunate heroes who hide their annoyances.
"Acquiring target." Genos states in a robotic tone.
The title card appears again but bigger this time.
A random pilferer appears to be stealing from a store in the middle of an empty street.
The thief smiles gleefully. "Thanks to that warning, they're all empty! Like someone's gonna die from a mosquito bite. What's losing a little blood if I get all this?"
"What a fool." Flashy Flash states in disdain.
"Oh my. He really shouldn't be out there." Puri Puri Prisoner mutters worriedly.
The wind begins to blow harshly as the thief looks around in surprise. "The wind...? What the-?!" Suddenly a rush of mosquitos cover the panicking man and drain him of his blood.
The camera pans over to an extremely defined female humanoid mosquito monster thing.
"Come on, you guys. That wasn't nearly enough. Go get some more for me!" The Mosquito Girl laughs haughtily.
"Stop staring where I know you're all staring. Ugh men." Tatsumaki mutters venomously with a cold glare.
A bunch of the men in the theater cough harshly.
"You guys really? It's a bug." Saitama questions with an "are you serious" look.
"I have idiots for co-workers." Child Emperor whispers to himself while smacking his face.
"Target acquired."
Genos appears and shoots a blast of fire at the Mosquito Girl.
"I see. You make them suck the blood, then take it all for yourself. You must be controlling the mosquitoes via some sort of signal. That would explain their mysterious behavior. So if I were to get rid of you, the leader. Would the swarm disperse too?" Genos questions out loud.
"Do you monologue to yourself all the time chrome-dome?" Tatsumaki questions with irritation. She had enough of the monologuing from annoying monsters already, she didn't need the cyborg to start doing it too.
"I do not. It was simply an analysis of the situation. Although I did not realize I was speaking out loud to begin with." Genos responds without feeling any shame.
"Not a bad analysis Demon Cyborg. I'm sure with preparation you would have been more well equipped to handle this foe." Drive Knight states in a monotone voice.
"Our next meal is here. Go drain him dry." The Mosquito Girl points and Genos with a grin.
A large mass of mosquitos collapse onto Genos and in retaliation Genos heats up his palms.
"Incinerate." Genos blasts the mass of mosquitos into ash then looks towards his main foe. "I am about to eliminate you. Stay where you are."
A few facepalms can be heard resounding from the heroes.
"Did you really think that was gonna work?" Metal Bat questions with a deadpan.
"Man Genos you need better quips." Saitama mumbles in slight disappointment.
Genos appears slightly embarrassed.
"You, eliminate me? Go on and try!" Mosquito Girl laughs out.
The camera returns to Saitama still struggling to kill said mosquito.
"Got you." After a comically large clap the mosquito then funnily flies out of Saitama's hands, much to Saitama's instant rage.
"Damn... mosquitoes!" Saitama cries out in anger.
"PFHHH HAHAHAHA! B-BALDY STILL CAN'T KILL A SINGLE MOSQUITO!" Tatsumaki lets out an uncharacteristically joyous laugh scaring some of her fellow theater goers.
"Shut up yah bean sprout." Saitama grumbles out in annoyance, completely oblivious to his mistake.
The room goes silent with Saitama not realizing his error.
Saitama turns to the silent audience members only to find a very quiet yet angry Tornado. "Uh... was it something I said?"
Before all hell could be unleashed the esper was firmly sat in her chair and silenced.
"I'm restraining you because you may injure the other guests. If you can't take a joke, don't make them."
Grumbling, the annoyed Esper remains sat while huffing in great irritation.
"Well that's convenient." Metal Bat chuckles as Tornado uselessly struggles in her chair.
"Agreed." Child Emperor snickered.
"Sister please." Fubuki holds a hand to cover her own face in embarrassment.
"Incinerate." Genos mutters as he fires multiple heat blasts at the approaching Mosquito Girl.
The camera pans to show that Mosquito girl has taken one of Genos' arms while laughing maniacally. "Maybe a leg next?" The Mosquito Girl lurches for a moment before looking downward, only to find her legs missing. "Wait, where are my legs?"
It is then revealed that while Genos lost an arm he had also stolen both of the Mosquito Girls legs.
"Ah, so you're a leg guy eh?" Zombie Man attempts to make a joke while a bunch of people sigh.
"I do not know what you are inferring." Genos responds in confusion, staring at the undead man blankly.
"Nevermind." Zombie Man grunts out while sweat dropping.
Mosquito Girl starts attempting to fly away as a hoard of mosquitoes cover her.
"Impossible. You cannot escape from me." Genos fires multiple blasts of fire, but they all miss their main target while incinerating the minor ones.
Mosquito Girl looks back in annoyance and slight worry. "What the hell is that guy? He's gonna get me if I don't do something. The townspeople may all be hiding, but there are plenty of animals around. Come here, little ones. Empty all your stored juices into me!" The mosquitos surround her as the city is covered in tiny black insects.
"Yuck." Child Emperor's face sours.
"Agreed." Metal Bat mutters while gagging.
"So many. If she's been collecting blood from the whole town and beyond, then it may not simply be a food source for her. I should put an end to this as soon as possible." Genos mutters to himself in slight concern.
"Took you long enough you damn cyborg!" Tatsumaki shakes her head wondering why the Genos had taken so long to figure that simple thing out.
"Gotta admit Genos. Why did you only just figure that out?" Saitama questions with a hint of confusion.
Genos just looks dejectedly down at the floor. His Master even agreed with the short tempered esper.
"Get back here, dammit!" The camera pans to Saitama running after the mosquito with a can of bug spray. "You and I aren't done yet!"
Genos just stares at the weird man in confusion. "What's with this guy?"
"It's in my mouth! Pft! Pft! You little-! Huh? What's that squirming over there? It's...mosquitoes?!" Saitama's eyes widened in shock and slight fear.
Genos points at Saitama. "You over there. Evacuate now. That swarm is conscious. If it senses you, it will immediately attack."
"Seriously? That's bad. I gotta get–"
"I sincerely apologize, Sensei. I did not know that you were a great hero at the time." Genos bows his head in shame.
Saitama waves a hand in dismissal. "Genos, it's fine. I think you did the right thing since you thought I was just a civilian." Saitama responds, feeling slightly awkward at his disciples' apologies.
"Just as always Saitama is an excellent teacher. We should really compare our training regiments." Bang chuckles to himself, much to the confusion of Atomic Samurai.
The large mass of mosquitos collapses onto the two but suddenly a large blast of fire completely engulfs the entire neighboring block. "Since you spoke, I thought you would have at least human-level intelligence. But you were just a bug. You brought all the mosquitos together into one, easy-to-burn swarm."
"Wow you got some serious firepower Mr. Demon Cyborg!" Tareo states in awe.
"I bet the glorified toaster is upgraded now since he's got different arms." Tatsumaki comments randomly with a scoff.
Genos nods in affirmation. "That is correct. I am a much stronger version of myself compared to this one."
"Might I ask who created you, Demon Cyborg?" Metal Knight questions in his usual robotic tone.
Genos suddenly remembers Drive Knight's words from after the alien attack had finished. "I do not wish to disclose such information. My savior brought me from the brink of death and turned me into a cyborg. He wishes to remain hidden for now." Genos answers, though, he notes that the screen will probably mention Dr. Kuseno.
"Very well." Metal Knight responds, though not positively.
"When I spotted you, I confirmed there were no living beings within meters, so I should have been free to fire away. Wait, that guy might have–" Genos quickly turns around, only to find Saitama alive. Only his head was visible due to all the smoke.
"Man, you saved me. You're amazing." Saitama responds.
"Seriously cyborg? He was right there with you. I don't think you need your damn scanners to pick that up!" Tatsumaki yells out at the noob mistake.
"I am ashamed of my actions, Sensei. I apologize for ruining your clothes." Genos bows his head.
"Eh. It's fine Genos. Your company more than makes up for it." Saitama responds while scratching the back of his head. Genos nods shortly in response though on the inside he was beaming.
"Wait clothes? What happened to-" Tatsumaki questions in confusion.
"What was that just now? You totally made them bug out!" The smoke disappears to reveal a naked Saitama, although comically the terrain seems to block out any inappropriate parts.
A bunch of the women blush or look away respectfully at the man's figure.
"Oooooh. Quite the figure." Puri Puri Prisoner mutters while a bunch of the male audience members back away from the man.
"It still surprises me how much strength you have in comparison to your muscle mass." Tank Top Master wonders out loud.
"What was your training regiment anyways?" Darkshine asks in curiosity.
"Oh well that's easy it was-" Saitama lifts a finger before getting cut off by the Screen.
"No spoilers please."
"Ope. Right, my bad." Saitama mutters out.
"Ba-dum-tsh. Oh, I was just trying to make a joke about the mosquitos being bugs, and..."
"Oh lord. We do not need a terrible pun master in the S Class roster." A random association employee mutters in sorrow.
"Idiot!" The previously thought dead Mosquito Girl laughs out loud like an insane lunatic.
Suddenly the smoke clears as a newly transformed Mosquito Girl is revealed. "I no longer need the tiny ones. I mean, look-" Mosquito girl slashes a building in half while Genos watches in pure shock. "-how strong I've become!"
A fight ensues as the two trade blows, but it is obvious Genos is losing the fight.

"Go Mr. Genos! You can win!" Tareo yells out in fear and hope, already forgetting that this was in the past. Garou just rolls his eyes. He would've put down that mosquito freak by now already.
"Can't your punches kill a little mosquito? Weakling!" Genos starts to lose more pieces of himself as Mosquito girl tears into him with devastating slashes.
"Rough technique. Her cuts are not clean at all." Atomic Samurai mutters in annoyance while critiquing the bug.
"I see. The more blood she consumes, the more powerful she becomes." Genos is thrown up into the air and starts falling toward the pavement.
"I think I'll have your head next!" Mosquito Girl grins and flies toward the air born cyborg.
"I let my guard down. There's no chance of winning. All I can do is self-destruct." Genos' core starts lighting up as he prepares to detonate. "Forgive me, Doctor..."
Saitama's eyes widened, he really was that close to just dying there? That was... almost scary.
Until suddenly Saitama comes out of nowhere and delivers a devastating slap to Mosquito girls face, splattering her onto a nearby building.
Genos's mouth gapes open in utter shock at the massive display of strength and speed.
"Mosquitos...suck!" Saitama quips.
"Wow he seriously just bitch slapped the monster. That's some crazy strength." Zombie Man says out loud.
"Man, if I could just slap monsters away like that it would be sick!" Metal Bat exclaims in wonder.
"Hmm. I wonder..." Child Emperor mutters to himself while typing some things into his computer.
"Oh my lord Baldy. You better work on your damn jokes. I don't wanna listen to all that during the meetings!" Tatsumaki mutters at the bald hero while groaning.
"I thought it was good." Saitama mutters slightly downcast.
"Sensei, I thought it was a wondrous joke!" Genos shouts out as Mumen Rider just sweat drops at his enthusiasm.
Saitama begins walking away as Genos suddenly regains his bearings. "Hold on! Please tell me your name!"
"Oh. It's Saitama." The bald hero replies before turning back around to continue walking.
"I'd like to be your disciple." Genos blurts out to which Saitama turns to look at him in surprise. "Oh, okay. Huh?"
"Hoh. It was that easy Genos-kun?" Bang questions in slight surprise.
"Correct Silver Fang. Sensei graciously accepted me despite my situation. I am eternally grateful." Genos responds in admiration of his teacher.
"I can't tell him I just didn't hear what he was saying. I was wondering what to make for lunch..." Saitama wonders, slightly ashamed.
"He kinda just looks like he wasn't paying attention. Knowing him he was probably thinking about what to eat. " Tatsumaki snickers to herself, slightly scaring Fubuki.
"What is sis thinking about?" Fubuki wonders with slight apprehension at questioning such a thing.
A couple days seem to pass from the previous fight's conclusion.
"Sensei!" Genos knocks on the door to Saitama's quaint apartment.
The door opens to reveal a deadpan Saitama. "You really showed up. Uh...
"It's Genos, Saitama-sensei." Genos bows.
"Can you not call me sensei?" Saitama questions.
"Master!" Genos replies.
"Not Master either!" Saitama facepalms.
"So you just decided to stick with Sensei?" Metal Bat questions the exasperated bald hero.
"Yeah he didn't wanna give up the titles." Saitama responds with a head shake.
"You are deserving of such respect, Sensei!" Genos says resolutely to which Saitama sighs.
Saitama invites Genos inside and offers him tea.
"Go on home after your drink. I'm not looking for disciples." Saitama quickly does a doubletake. "Wait-you're back in one piece?"
"How did you only just realize that Baldy?" Tatsumaki questions with a deadpan.
"Uh. I dunno." Saitama shrugs. He really sucked at noticing the small things. Or in this case. The very obvious things.
"Man, your attention span must be like a zero." Metal Bat says, chuckling slightly.
"If he even has an attention span." Child Emperor snickers, much to Saitama's chagrin.
"Yes, my body is mostly mechanical. As long as there are parts, repairs are quick." Genos explains.
"You're an odd one." Saitama replies with a sweat drop.
"What kind of parts do you use, Master?" Genos questions in full seriousness.
"Don't use any." Saitama responds.
"Then what about the skin-colored armor on your head?" Genos points at Saitama's head.
"Pfh. Are you dumb you tin-can? What? Never seen a bald person before." Tatsumaki questions while laughing at the hilarity of the situation.
"Man, I feel bad for you Saitama." Mumen Rider chuckles as Saitama just gives him a look.
"Yeah, that's my skin." Saitama begins to grow annoyed.
"But that would mean you're bald despite being so young." Genos says like he figured out the secrets to the universe.
"So I'm bald-what's your problem?!" Saitama cries out in frustration.
A majority of the cast laughs out loud at Genos' bluntness and Saitama faux anger.
"Me? You'll listen to my problems?" Genos questions in surprise.
"Oh lord. Not this again." Saitama mutters out while dragging his hand down his face.
"I sincerely apologize, Sensei." Genos mumbles while bowing his head.
"What's got you worked up Baldy?" Tatsumaki questions with a raised eyebrow, though, on the inside she was beginning to dread whatever was about to come.
"Just watch. You think monologuing villains are bad until you meet Genos." Saitama responds grimly.
Genos bows his head so that he may disappear.
Saitama shakes his head. "No thanks, I'm good."
"Actually, four years ago, when I was young, I was still a real human being." Genos continues anyways.
Saitama raises an eyebrow while sighing. "Did you hear what I just said?"
"Although we had to pinch pennies, my family and I lived a peaceful and fairly happy life. But one day, a crazy cyborg went out of control and attacked our town. The insane cyborg... Most likely, a failed body modification generated an irregularity in his brain. He destroyed everything in sight. Parks, schools, buildings, my house... He even took my family's lives. Miraculously I survived, but being only a weak -year-old, I was alone and at the end of my strength in a ruined town. That's when Doctor Kuseno happened to pass through. Doctor Kuseno, a scientist for justice, was on a mission to stop the destruction caused by the rampaging cyborg. I asked Doctor Kuseno to perform body modification surgery on me. That's how I was reborn as a cyborg who fights for justice. I promised Doctor Kuseno that one day I would terminate the evil cyborg."
"Kuseno? Where have I heard that name before." Metal Knight ponders in silence.
"I see–" mutters before getting cut off abruptly.
Everyone starts to smack their faces when realizing what the bald hero meant.
"It's been four years since that day. I'm now and I've been wandering from town to town eliminating evil. The number of monsters and criminal organizations I have destroyed are too many to count. But I have been unable to find any clues about the insane cyborg and have become increasingly frustrated and restless. I find myself chasing a virtual image of that cyborg whenever I square off against my enemies. Then last week, when that mosquito monster appeared, I let my concentration slip. I was convinced I could not lose to anything but the rampaging cyborg, so I neglected to even analyze the data on my opponent and rushed to confront her. The result, as you know, was that an opponent with immense strength bested me. If you, Master Saitama, had not been in the area, I would have undoubtedly been destroyed. Master, you saved my life. My life that was once saved by Doctor Kuseno has now been saved again by you, Master Saitama. I feel the weight of that responsibility. I must not die before destroying that cyborg. And to do that, I must continue fighting evil as a righteous cyborg until he appears before me one day. I need to get stronger. Last week, when I saw your punch, I knew I had to study under you as your disciple. If only I could be as strong as you, Master Saitama! I have an old enemy to defeat, and the battle is not for me only. It's for my hometown, and for Doctor Kuseno too. I realize I am still inexperienced. But right now, I need enormous power so I can eradicate the greatest of evils! Doctor Kuseno is–"
"Enough, you idiot! Shorten it to 20 words or less!"
"SHUT UP YOU DAMN CYBORG!" Tatsumaki screeches out while pulling at her hair.
"Genos-kun, while I do feel sorrow for your situation, your explanations seem quite long. I feel that you may chase away any feelings of sympathy from others." Bang states in a somber tone.
"Oh my lord, he didn't stop yapping." Metal Bat shudders while holding his hand to his head.
"I'm never complaining about monster monologues ever again." Zombie Man mutters out while hitting the shinji pose.
"Mister Genos, why do you talk so much?" Tareo slumps in his chair, a single tear falling down his cheek.
Genos just slowly disappears into his chair wishing to escape this embarrassment.
The camera pans to a man looking at multiple images on a computer.
"Mosquito Girl was defeated? With one punch, you say? Well, she was merely a prototype, after all. Why is he naked?" The man questions.
"Unknown." Another man responds.
"Well, whatever. He'll make an excellent specimen. We shall study his physiology- by force if necessary. Send a messenger and invite him here, to our "House of Evolution." The man finishes while smiling evilly.
"Genus." Zombie Man mutters venomously.
"What's the matter dude?" Metal Bat questions in curiosity.
"Uh... nothing. Just some bad memories." Zombie Man responds quietly to which Child Emperor raises an eyebrow.
"Master, here's the short version: Please teach me the way to become strong like you."
"Oh I forgot to mention, good job Genos. Less than 20 words." Saitama grins while giving a thumbs up.
"Hai Sensei!" Genos firmly responds.
"Genos... "
"How old are you?"
"So young... I'm sure you'll surpass me in no time."
"Do you mean that?" Genos questions in shock.
"I'm 25 now, but I was 22 when I started training in the summer. Sure, I'll teach you. But it won't be easy. Can you handle it?"
"Yes, sir!"
Many gasps of shock ring throughout the theater.
"YOU'RE 25?" Metal Bat exclaims.
"Uh... yeah is it really that surprising? I'm sure there's a lot of bald people my age..." Saitama grumbles.
"I do not believe Metal Bat talking about your lack of hair Caped Baldy." Metal Knight responds.
"Huh? Then what-" Saitama questions before getting cut off by a certain Tornado.
"How did you get so strong in such a short amount of time?" Tatsumaki questions, oddly calm yet also just as interested as the others.
"Uh the screen said no spoilers. But I basically trained a lot." Saitama answers with a shrug.
"I need to know what this training is!" Darkshine says out loud with a smile.
"So much progress in such little time. What kind of hell did he put himself through?" Flashy Flash ponders with narrowed eyes.
Suddenly Genos springs up from his seat and moves toward the door in a flash.
"Object approaching at high speed- It's here!" Genos states before turning towards Saitama.
"You can detect that too?" Fubuki questions in slight awe. His cybernetics made him quite aware.
"Yes. I am capable of detecting variabilities with my inner radar. It scans surroundings for threats or abnormalities." Genos finishes, surprising the Hellish Blizzard with his answer.
"What?" The befuddled hero questions before out of nowhere a mantis-like monster crashes through the ceiling and moves toward Saitama.
"My name is...huh?"
Only to be completely obliterated by Saitama's fist.
"Pay for my ceiling!" Saitama angrily states.
"Wow... coulda gave the guy a chance to talk, you know." Metal Bat chuckles, though he was slightly unnerved by how fast Saitama worked.
"It's a monster so it's fine. Who cares?" Child Emperor muttered while continuing to type stuff into his computer.
Outside of the apartment building two monsters are seen.
"It seems our advance agent, Kamakyuri, is down. I can't sense him with my telepathy anymore."
"What? Wasn't he one of our stronger guys?"
"That thing was one of its stronger guys? Wow, that's even more disappointing." Saitama muttered. He remembered the events that transpired. It was another boring fight to be honest.
"Master, I believe it would be best to simply forge ahead instead of hanging on to the past." Genos states to which Saitama just nods in agreement.
The camera returns to Genos as he prepares to eliminate the threats. "There are two more outside. Master, leave them to me!"
Only for the cyborg to come outside and find that Saitama had already defeated the foes. "Don't bust people's ceilings!"
"Oh, never mind." Genos mutters while watching in shock.
"Can't you guys just come through the door?" Saitama questions in annoyance.
"How is that even a question Baldy? They're monsters!" Tatsumaki yells out, slightly irritated.
"They still could've used the door jeez." Saitama sighs while crossing his arms.
"Maybe don't live in a monster infested zone?" Child Emperor questions sarcastically.
"It's cheap and affordable." Saitama responds, annoyed at all their questions.
"Uh. The S Class gets a much bigger salary and the more monsters you kill the more you get paid." Zombie Man informs Saitama, not really surprised he didn't know this, but still in disbelief.
"Oh. Well it's fine I don't mind really." Saitama shrugs. He didn't really need the money anyways. Discounts were-
"Oh Sensei. We are also given a discount for any store in any city."
Suddenly a massive indescribable aura overcomes the entire theater.
And with the most serious looking face, Saitama turns to Genos muttering a single word.
"Saitama, please refrain from giving people heart attacks."
As soon as the Screen had spoken, Saitama immediately snaps out of his enraged state, the aura disappearing instantly.
"Ope. Sorry guys. I can't believe I missed out on such a free discount. Genos, how could you man. Cheaping out on me." Saitama says, in fake hurt.
"I APOLOGIZE SENSEI. LET ME CORRECT THIS WITH IMMEDIATE EFFICIENCY!" Genos stands up while pulling out tote bags out of nowhere.
"We're in a void Genos. No supermarkets for miles." Saitama mutters while holding Genos down before he blasts out the door.
"I have failed such a menial task. I apologize, Sensei." Genos mutters in disappointment.
Meanwhile everyone was still trying to recover from the death aura.
Genos appears unaffected mostly due to the fact that he's known Saitama the longest, however, the others could not comprehend what they had just felt.
"The hell was that? I couldn't even move." Atomic Samurai questioned in despair at being incapacitated, slowly breathing in and out once more.
"What the fuck just happened?" Metal Bat felt like he had his fighting spirit taken from him.
"Did I just die and regenerate?" Zombie Man was left bewildered at this emotion he'd never felt.
"I feel sick. My head feels like it's about to split apart." Tatsumaki holds her hands over her mouth as she looks ill. Her mind felt like it had been attacked directly, all her senses had been overloaded in the small amount of time Saitama had grown... angry? Furious? Fubuki had fainted instantly and slumped into her seat.
"This unnatural feeling. It doesn't feel like something alive. More primal. The others are acting very strange. Although I could not feel it myself, it's as if my drone could sense everything. Not only that, Pig god stopped eating, half of the audience has fainted, and none of my equipment is working." Metal Knight silently observed the situation as he had been saved from the blast of aura.
"Brother. You felt it too, yes?" Bomb questioned while holding his hand over his chest, slowly regaining the will to breath.
"How could I not? It seems most of us were affected. Even Garou." Bang responds while pointing over to a collapsed Garou.
"Alright, let's get rid of all this discomfort. None of you can watch the show if you're all half dead."
Suddenly all the fainted members wake up and everyone's feeling of dread vanishes. But the memory remains fresh in everyone's minds. What the hell did they just experience? Warried glances were cast toward the bald hero, still talking to Genos about coupons.
Comically, Saitama is pulled underground by what seems to be a mole monster.
"M-Master!" Genos calls out in worry.
"No, I'm fine. I kinda feel like a...bamboo shoot."
"Elevated energy levels detected." A robotic voice announces.
Genos turns around, eyes wide. "A cyborg? Could it be...?"
"Genos-kun, was it perhaps the one you were looking for?" Bang questions in a small bit of hope.
"Sadly no. It was not." Genos mutters in response.
"You are not the target."
"What's going on? I can't see." Saitama tries to turn his head.
"You are in the way!" The Armored Gorilla slams down his arms onto Genos.
The cyborg gorilla throws massive attacks at Genos, but Genos retaliates with his own and blocks the cyborg's massive fist.
"Not bad Genos!" Metal Bat chuckles while swinging his bat wildly..
"It wasn't that impressive." Child Emperor rolls his eyes.
"I have a few questions for you." Genos mutters venomously.
Back to Saitama stuck in the ground like a bamboo shoot.
"It would appear you're in what they call a tight spot. Well done, Ground Dragon!"
"It complicates things if they put up a fight." A small mole monster states.
Genos turns around to look at his stuck teacher. "Master!"
"You dare look away?"
Genos blasts the armored cyborg with his heat cannons as the cyborg gorilla charges at him.
"Quite courageous! I am the pinnacle of the House of Evolution's science. I am Armored Gorilla. Your attacks have no effect."
"The 'House of Evolution'? What does it want with my master?" Genos questions with a scowl.
"Why do you always ask questions people aren't going to answer you tin-can?" Tatsumaki questions with a raised eyebrow. This was like the 3rd time already.
"Simple questioning has worked before Ms. Tornado." Genos answers in monotone.
"It is none of your business. And it is our rule that any who oppose us be eliminated without fail. I must destroy you."
The camera returns to Saitama's buried plight.
"Hey, jerk-off!" The lion monster yells out in annoyance. "What's with that look?"
Saitama just comically yawns
"Being underground keeps you cool, but at the same time, it's nice and warm. I'm sleepy. Could you get lost?"
"Seriously baldy? What is it with you and monsters?" Tatsumaki scoffs.
"I was comfortable. They were ruining it." Saitama mutters out while shrugging.
"Master, are you not satisfied with your current mattress? Please allow me to replace it for you." Genos questions before immediately answering his own question.
"No Genos. I'm fine, it was just unfortunate." Saitama answers back while looking slightly disappointed.
"I see I need to teach you your place." Suddenly the Beast King lowers to Saitama's level and points his claws at his eyes. "Listen up! I'm gonna slice your eyes out with these! Then we'll see if you resist! The Beast King never lets anyone off easy."
"Well, enough fooling around." Saitama mutters before he walks right out of the trap. "If you wanna apologize, now's your chance." He then looks over to the two shocked monsters with a menacing face. "You guys smashed my ceiling!"
"Humph. Fine. Then behold the true power-" The Beast King seemed to be powering up before getting cut off.
"Aw man..."
"of the Beast-" The Beast King continues before being interrupted again.
"I got dirt in my special place."
"Hey, are you listening?"
"Pffh. The little kitty doesn't like being ignored?" Metal Bat laughs out.
"Not like any of us like being ignored." Zombie Man mutters in reply.
"I'm just surprised he didn't just start attacking." Child Emperor wonders aloud while typing away at his computer.
"Let me just shake this out." Saitama proceeds to shake out his belt as a few dirt pieces fall out.
"You done?" The Beast King questions.
"One sec... I'm done." Saitama answers back finally.
"I can't believe it actually waited." Tatsumaki mutters out in disbelief.
"More patience than someone I know." Fubuki grumbles out silently while rolling her eyes.
"Okay, then behold the true power of the Beast King! Lion Slash!" The Beast King slashes at Saitama, but he simply dodges
"You okay, Frog Man–"
"Outta the way, pissants!" The Beast King slashes at his former allies, killing them immediately. "Such is the law of the jungle! And you're next!"
"Hoh. Pretty clean cuts. Better than the mosquito monster. Not quite skilled enough though." Atomic Samurai once again critiques the monster.
"You rarely praise another's sword skills. How interesting." Bang chuckles while poking fun at Atomic Samurai.
"Relax, I'm just analyzing you geezer." Atomic Samurai responds with a smirk.
"Wait! Don't kill him yet!" The mole monster calls out in slight concern.
"Lion Slash: Meteor Power Shower!" The Beast King powers up again and starts delivering much more devastating slashes only for Saitama to continue dodging.
"Consecutive... Normal Punches." Saitama throws a flurry of punches that completely decimates the Beast King.
"Wait! Hold-on. Normal Punches? Oi baldy explain!" Tatsumaki questions with surprise.
"Uh. That's all they were. Normal punches." Saitama responds.
"So everything we've seen you do were all normal punches?" Mumen Rider asks in disbelief and awe.
"Yeah basically. I never use anything other than normal punches." Saitama shrugs while picking at his ear.
"So what's above that? A serious punch?" Metal Bat jokingly asks while chuckling.
Saitama gives a surprise look toward the bat wielding hero. "How'd you know? You some kinda psychic?" Saitama questions in pure shock.
Everyone within the theater collectively facepalms, much to Saitama's confusion.
Ground Dragon looks at the scene in shock and shudders before immediately digging underground to escape the horror that is Saitama.
"Oh." Saitama looks over to where the hole was made.
"N-No one told me he'd be like that! It's best we retreat now and regroup..." The mole monster continues digging underground trying to escape.
Until Saitama's head pops out of nowhere.
"Found you!"
"No waayyy!" Ground Dragon cries out in terror.
"Yeesh. That's nightmare fuel." Garou mutters as his spine shivers.
"Mister Saitama, that was scary!" Tareo yells out in fear.
"And they said I was a zombie." Zombie Man jokingly shivers his timbers much to Child Emperor exasperation.
"Huh?" Saitama looks over to where Genos had previously been. Now finding him standing over his defeated opponent.
"Answer the question or be eliminated. Your choice." It seems Genos has triumphed.
"It is you who will be eliminated. You fool. I am the third most powerful fighter in the "House of Evolution." At your power level, you will never beat the Beast King, the second most powerful. You will be destroyed."
"Is this who you mean?" Saitama gruesomely lifts a red eyeball.
"Ew." Tareo gags at the eyeball dangling in Saitama's hand.
"Come on, it's not that gross." Garou rolls his eyes while taunting the young boy.
"Apparently so." Genos mutters.
"Look, I'm really sorry." The cyborg gorilla stutters out, losing the robotic voice.
"I'll tell you everything, just don't kill me!"
"What the-? What happened to your robot voice?"
"Sorry, I was just trying to sound cool."
The camera pans to the same building as before.
"What do you mean? The hit team wiped out?
"- How did this happen?"
"- Wait, don't jump to conclusions yet."
"- It may be a mistake."
"- Verify the report immediately!"
"- Right away."
"- Be careful!"
"What's all the commotion?"
Suddenly all the scientists turn around only to appear identical to the one who spoke.
The screen turns to black as the audience are left to their thoughts
"That was the second episode. What are your thoughts?"
"It seems that we have all the proof we need for Saitama's feats. Although, it's still hard to believe such a strong person existed for so long without us knowing." Stitch states while scratching his head in a minor bit of disbelief.
"I also agree. For someone as strong as the Caped Baldy I find it strange that none of us has ever met this man." Metal Knight mutters.
"I actually think he's saved me before. Although it wasn't from anything like a Demon level monster." A random employee states.
"I think I recall seeing Saitama from somewhere, but I never remembered until the Deep Sea King incident." Mumen Rider states while reminiscing.
"I remember Saitama saving me from a monster a long time ago." King grumbles out much to the shock of everyone in the room.
"Wait King, you were saved by this baldy?" Tatsumaki questions in disbelief while pointing a thumb at the annoyed Saitama.
King nods curtly. "Yes. Although I think he had hair when he did. I was also powerless at that time." King answers in his usual King fashion.
"So even the great King was saved by Master!" Genos states in amazement.
"Huh? Oh King, are you also strong? You think we could have a fight too?" Saitama asks in very slight excitement.
"Uh. Sure. Maybe later." King responds gruffly, though, on the inside King was pissing his pants.
"Damn. The two strongest beings are going to duke it out." Metal Bat states in wonder.
"Oi. Don't forget about me! I'll wipe the floor with both the baldy and King!" Tatsumaki shouts loudly in indignation.
"Man, I hope we can have a good fight." Saitama mumbles while wandering over to the table full of food to find something before the next episode.
"Screen-sama. When will the next episode start?" Bang questions in curiosity.
"We will begin when everyone wishes. Or, in 5 minutes."
"I gotta use the bathroom. Hold on." A random employee states as a bunch of the audience members get up to also use the facilities.
"Hey screen. Do you think Tats and I could fight in here?" Saitama draws everyone's attention to him at his question as he munches on some fruit. "I mean if you're fine with it, Tats." Saitama questions the esper.
"Sure, sure. If you want to get beat up so badly I'll be happy to oblige." Tatsumaki smirks. Although in reality, she too was also excited at the prospect of fighting Saitama.
The audience waits in anticipation for the Screen to make the final verdict.
"Very well. Let me set up a room. You two may have your battle in there. Just a fair warning, Tatsumaki. If you underestimate Saitama, you won't have fun. I suggest not holding back from the very start. As for you Saitama. I suggest you hold back like usual if you want to enjoy the fight."
Usually Tatsumaki would scream out in rage at the implication she would lose so easily, but... "The stupid Screen has a point. Even going into this fight is gonna be tough. I said I would beat him up, but I'm not so sure anymore... that death aura or whatever is still giving me the creeps." Tatsumaki wonders over what types of moves she should use from the get go.
"Alright, sweet. Tats you better not disappoint." Saitama grins in an excited manner. He was getting his hopes up now.
"Tch. As if baldy. If you disappoint me with a one-sided fight I'll send you to the moon!" Tatsumaki responds slightly playfully, weirdly enough.
"I've already been to the moon." Saitama answers bluntly.
"Oh really? Sure sure, and I've been to the sun baldy." Tatsumaki mockingly snickers at the bald hero.
Saitama raises a finger before remembering not to spoil anything and just huffs. Suddenly a door on the other side of the theater opens up to reveal a white room.
"Saitama and Tatsumaki, you may enter the facility and commence your bout. The rest of you can enter as well, but I suggest standing a fair distance away."
Saitama smiles before walking toward the double doors. "Sweet."
Tatsumaki flies after the bald hero for their supposed bout. The others head inside and stand extremely far away so as to not get in between the two's battle.

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