Watcher of Fate

041 - The Gathering of Spirits

As they neared the massive vault door, another official appeared, dressed similarly to Elara. He moved with the same air of authority, his jade badge gleaming faintly in the dim light. Without a word, he approached the vault, raising his hand to weave a complex series of magical gestures that unlocked the door with a heavy, resonating thud. The sound echoed through the corridor as the door slowly swung open, revealing the inner sanctum where the spirit crystals were stored.

Elara stood just behind the guards, her posture carefully neutral as she observed the official work. The door's mechanisms ground together with a weighty finality, and as it creaked open, a cold draft swept through the hallway, carrying with it the faint, eerie hum of the magic that protected the crystals within. Elara's heart pounded in her chest, but she kept her breathing steady, maintaining the calm, authoritative demeanor that [Ephemeral] had helped her craft.

She watched the official closely, her eyes narrowing as he finished the last of his gestures. His movements were fluid, but there was a certain wariness in the way he carried himself as if he could sense that something was amiss. Elara remained still, holding her scrolls and paperwork in a way that suggested she had every right to be there. But despite her best efforts, she could feel the tension rising. The official's eyes flicked toward her, a glint of suspicion crossing his gaze.

The air seemed to thicken as the seconds stretched, each moment dragging out painfully. Elara knew that [Ephemeral] should have masked any doubts about her presence, but the official's hesitation quickened her pulse. He took a small step back from the vault, his gaze lingering on her just a moment too long. Elara could sense his thoughts shifting, doubt creeping in as he tried to reconcile her presence with the strict security protocols in place.

Elara’s mind raced as the tension in the corridor thickened. The official’s scrutiny was now focused entirely on her, and she could feel the shift in his demeanor. His suspicions had solidified. She knew any sudden movement would tip the scales against her, so she maintained her composure, straightening her back and adjusting her grip on the scrolls with an air of nonchalance. She was just another official waiting for a task to be completed. But inside, she was a storm of readiness, prepared to act the moment things went wrong.

The guards began pushing the heavy cart of spirit crystals toward the vault, the wheels creaking under the weight. Their footfalls echoed in the narrow space, but Elara’s attention was fixated on the official before her. His brow furrowed as he studied her, his hand hovering uncertainly before it finally moved with grim resolve. Red threads of magic began to form at his fingertips, glowing with the promise of searing heat.

Time slowed as Elara activated [Cognizance], the world around her crystallizing in perfect clarity. Every detail stood out: the intricate weaving of the red threads in the firebolt, the slight tremor in the official’s hand, the tension in the air as magic began to coalesce. Elara could see the intent in his spirit, the raw power of the spell taking shape, and knew she had only moments to act.

Summoning her will, she activated [Unified Presence]. The power surged through her, bending the fabric of reality to her desires. The air hummed with energy, charged by her determination to seize control of the situation.

With practiced precision, she triggered [Multi Weave], her mind racing through the necessary incantations. In an instant, the purple and gold threads of [Dimensional Link] spun out from her fingertips, creating a portal to her [Spirit Domain]. Quenya materialized in her hand, its familiar weight reassuring her as she drew it forth from the ether.

Simultaneously, vibrant green threads of wind energy gathered around her other hand. She unleashed [Tempest's Touch]with a decisive motion. The green threads snaked out, wrapping around the two guards and sending them stumbling into the vault. Their armored bodies crashed against the stone floor, the sound echoing through the chamber as they struggled to regain their footing.

But Elara’s focus remained on the imminent threat. The fully formed firebolt shot toward her with lethal intent, its red threads crackling with intense heat. She didn’t flinch. Instead, she raised Quenya, her eyes locked on the swirling magic within the spell. With a swift, precise slash, she cut through the firebolt, severing the red threads and dispersing the magic in a shower of harmless sparks.

Even as the last sparks faded, Elara couldn’t relax. She extended her will through [Unified Presence], reaching out toward the official’s spirit. She could see it now, a tangled knot of resolve and desperation, struggling to maintain control. But she was stronger. Her will manifested like an iron grip, clamping down on his connection to the magic he wielded. The red threads in his hands flickered and died as she severed his link to the spell.

The official’s eyes widened in shock. His confidence shattered as he realized he was no longer in control. Elara’s resolve never wavered, her focus unyielding as she tightened her grip on his spirit, forcing him into submission. The information box appeared before her:

[Lvl 16 Demon Sorcerer (Uncommon: 368)]

Elara’s heart pounded, the adrenaline coursing through her veins, but she remained steady. She had the upper hand, and the official knew it. The balance of power had shifted, and Elara could feel the weight of victory within her grasp.

Elara's body moved instinctually, her feet carrying her swiftly toward the official. His eyes remained wide with shock, his mind still reeling from the sudden reversal of power. He barely had time to react as Elara closed the distance, her sword raised in a lethal arc. In one fluid motion, she decapitated him, the blade slicing cleanly through his neck. The room fell silent as his head hit the floor, rolling to a stop beside his lifeless body.

Without missing a beat, Elara summoned [Dimensional Link], purple and gold threads weaving swiftly around the fallen demon. Both the head and the body vanished into her [Spirit Domain], leaving no trace of the gruesome scene behind. The only evidence of the struggle was the blood now soaking into the stone floor.

Behind her, she heard armor clattering as the guards struggled. They were slower to recover, still disoriented from the magical blast that had thrown them to the ground. But they weren’t defenseless. Both guards drew their weapons, one wielding a heavy club, the other pulling out a pair of wandcasters, pistol-like wands that crackled with barely restrained energy.

For a brief moment, Elara considered casting an illusion to disorient them further or cover her escape. But she quickly dismissed the idea. The commotion had likely already drawn attention, and using an illusion now would almost certainly alert the [Evil Eye] patrolling the upper floors. She couldn’t risk drawing their attention if they weren’t already on their way.

Instead, she opted for speed and precision. With a burst of energy, she cast [Shadow Step], the navy blue threads enveloping her as she dissolved into smoke. She reappeared behind the guards, her form solidifying in a second cloud of smoke. Before they could react, Elara drove her sword into the back of the first guard, the blade piercing his heart with surgical precision. The guard let out a choked gasp, his body collapsing as she pulled the sword free.

The second guard whirled around, his wandcasters aimed at her chest, but Elara was already moving. As the information box flashed before her eyes, she read his details in an instant:

[Lvl 24 Demon Guardian (Uncommon: 428)]

The guard’s power rating was notable, but it was nothing Elara hadn’t faced before. She had taken down demons with similar power levels and even stronger foes in Tartarus. This wasn’t a situation where panic or doubt had a place. Instead, she felt a cool, calm resolve settle over her. The battle would be quick and decisive, and she had no intention of allowing the demon a chance to retaliate effectively.

The guard’s wandcasters crackled with raw energy, the barrels aimed directly at her. His eyes, now wide with a mixture of determination and anger, locked onto Elara as he readied himself for her next move. She knew she had to be fast, faster than he could react. She’d faced more challenging opponents, and this one, while formidable, was not insurmountable.

Elara’s breath steadied as she measured the distance between them, her mind clear and focused. She was not just a Copper-ranked adventurer anymore; she was a skilled fighter, honed by countless battles and sharpened by the trials of Tartarus. Her body moved before the guard could fully react, weaving the threads of magic with the ease of a master craftsman.

Elara darted to the side with a fluid motion, evading the first crackling bolt of energy that the guard fired from his wandcaster. The blast shinged the ground where she had just stood, but she didn’t pause to watch it dissipate. Instead, she pushed her advantage, weaving [Multi Weave] to simultaneously cast [Tempest’s Touch] and [Shadow Step].

The green threads of [Tempest’s Touch] flared to life, wrapping around the guard’s arm and twisting it violently to the side just as he fired his second shot. The bolt went wide, striking the stone wall with sparks. Before he could recover, Elara dissolved into smoke again, her body becoming an ethereal shadow that darted around his defense.

She reappeared behind him, her blade already mid-swing. The guard tried to react, his reflexes quick, but not fast enough. He twisted at the last moment, taking the brunt of her attack on his shoulder instead of his neck. The force of the blow was enough to sever his arm, the wandcaster clattering to the ground as the limb went limp and blood sprayed from the wound.

The guard howled in pain, dropping to one knee as he clutched the stump of his arm. Elara didn’t give him a chance to recover. She stepped forward, her eyes narrowing as she brought her sword down in a decisive, final strike. The blade found its mark, plunging into his chest and piercing through his heart. The guard gasped, his body shuddering before he crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

Elara stood over the fallen demon, her breath coming in controlled, steady rhythms. She had won, but it was too close for comfort. She quickly summoned [Dimensional Link], weaving the purple and gold threads to pull both the guard’s body and severed arm into her [Spirit Domain]. There could be no evidence of her presence here, and nobody was left behind to alert the rest of Youdu’s defenses.

The room was eerily silent now, the only sound being the faint hum of magic from the vault door behind her. She allowed herself a moment to catch her breath, her eyes scanning the shelves of spirit crystals lining the vault.

Quill's voice resonated softly in Elara's mind, a mixture of urgency and reassurance. "Most of the plan is done. We must stop the reinforcements, clear out these crystals, and get out without being caught. Stay focused."

Elara nodded to herself, her ears straining to catch the sounds growing louder by the second. The pounding footsteps of more guards echoed down the corridor, signaling their swift approach. She only had moments left before they arrived. Her mind raced, weighing her options. An illusion was her best chance to buy some time, but the thought of summoning one filled her unease. She knew that summoning an illusion of this magnitude would undoubtedly draw the attention of an [Evil Eye], a malevolent entity that would take a few minutes to arrive. Still, the guards would be at the vault in mere seconds. She had no choice.

Elara's fingers danced through the air, weaving the intricate threads of magic with practiced precision. As she concentrated, the strands of [Altered Reality] began to take shape, glowing silver and white threads materializing in her mind’s eye before manifesting into the physical world. They swirled around the vault door like a cocoon, their ethereal light flickering as they formed layer upon layer of illusion. The silver threads represented the force, creating a solid, nearly tangible barrier that would withstand all but the most forceful inspection. The white threads intertwined, adding a touch of light that made the illusion appear convincingly real. As the final loops of magic settled, the vault door seemed to shimmer briefly before solidifying into something that looked and felt as natural as the stones surrounding it.

The illusion wasn’t just a simple veil. It was a construct designed to deceive both the eyes and the touch. Elara felt the weight of the spell in her mind, each strand of magic tugging at her concentration, but she pushed through, reinforcing the illusion until she was sure it would hold. The guards rushing down the corridor would see nothing amiss. The door would appear as secure as ever to them, a barrier of impenetrable stone and metal. But Elara knew that only a direct assault or the probing gaze of an [Evil Eye] could shatter the deception she had woven.

Elara turned her attention to the next task with the illusion in place. She wove the purple and gold threads of [Dimensional Link] with swift, fluid movements, each representing the complex interplay of space and time that would allow her to connect to her [Spirit Domain]. The threads spun out from her fingers, spiraling together until they formed a shimmering portal, its edges pulsating with energy. The portal was a window into the realm she had forged within herself, a sanctuary where the spirits she rescued could find refuge. As the portal stabilized, its surface rippled like water, reflecting the ethereal landscape of the [Spirit Domain] beyond.

Elara didn’t hesitate. She summoned [Clone] multiple times, each duplicate springing into existence with a burst of energy. The clones were perfect copies of her, sharing her determination and focus. Together, they activated [Multi Weave], the magical threads intertwining in a complex dance. Green threads of [Tempest’s Touch] unfurled from their fingertips, wrapping around the racks of spirit crystals with a gentle yet unyielding force.

The air around them crackled with power as the clones directed the green threads. Their movements synchronized as they lifted the racks into the air. The crystals hummed with latent energy, their surfaces gleaming under the portal's glow as they were lifted from their shelves. The threads of [Tempest’s Touch] coiled around the racks like vines, tightening their grip as they hurled the precious cargo into the portal. Each rack vanished into the shimmering surface, disappearing into the safety of the [Spirit Domain].

Elara could feel the weight of the magic pulling at her mind, the strain of maintaining so many spells at once. The silver and white threads of [Altered Reality] tugged at her focus, demanding her attention as they held the illusion in place. The purple and gold threads of [Dimensional Link] vibrated with energy, the portal humming as it remained open, ready to receive the next wave of spirit crystals. The green threads of [Tempest’s Touch] flexed and tightened, their power surging through the clones as they continued to lift the racks.

The room was alive with magic, the air thick with the hum of spells intertwining and overlapping. Elara’s heart raced as she worked, her mind whirling with activity. The clones moved with precision, their actions mirroring her own as they transported the racks of crystals into the portal. Elara felt a small surge of satisfaction each time a rack disappeared, a reminder of the lives she had saved.

As the final racks vanished into the [Spirit Domain], Elara felt a trickle of experience flow through her, the spirits’ gratitude palpable as they were pulled to safety. The chimes in her mind grew louder, each one marking another life saved, another spirit freed from the clutches of the demonic vault. The experience points stacked higher and higher, a testament to the thousands of spirits they had rescued.

But the pounding footsteps of the approaching guards grew louder, their presence a looming threat. Elara pushed herself harder, her mind racing as she completed the final steps of her plan. The illusion held firm, but she knew it wouldn’t last forever. The [Evil Eye] would arrive soon, and she had to be ready. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for her next escape phase.

The vault was almost empty now, and the shelves that had once been lined with spirit crystals stood bare. Elara could feel the strain in her muscles, the weight of the magic pulling at her mind, but she knew she couldn’t afford to stop.

The vault began to blur around Elara as she watched the last spirit crystals vanish into her [Spirit Domain]. Once burdened with the weight of thousands of lives, the shelves were now empty, their purpose fulfilled. But even as relief washed over her, she felt the strain of her magic taking its toll. Her vision started to tunnel, the world's edges darkening as the effort of maintaining her spells began to overwhelm her.

Elara released her clones, the duplicates flickering and vanishing into thin air. The world around her seemed to respond in kind, time slowing to a crawl as if reality was lagging behind her actions. The sound of chimes in her mind, the constant reminder of the spirits she had saved, grew louder and more insistent. The rhythm of the chimes was erratic, yet each note reverberated within her, echoing the lives now safe in her domain.

With a final effort, Elara closed the [Dimensional Link], the portal shrinking into nothingness with a soft hum. As it sealed shut, the last remnants of energy keeping her grounded began to slip away. The world around her shattered like a fragile plane of glass, each fragment splintering and drifting away, leaving behind a vast, consuming darkness.

Each piece of reality drifted off, glimmering faintly before being swallowed by the void. Elara could feel herself floating, suspended in the blackness, every sense dulled except for the steady, pounding beat of the chimes in her head. They became her only anchor in the space, growing louder until they drowned out everything else. And then, there was nothing but darkness.

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