Watcher of Fate

008 - Class of Choices

Lily took a deep breath, her mind buzzing with a thousand thoughts as she stared at her status screen. The glowing interface floated before her, detailing her current stats, skills, and the blank space where her new class would soon be written. With a swift motion, she swiped the screen away, sending it fading into the air like mist in the morning sun. Now wasn’t the time to dwell on what was already there; she needed to focus on what would come next.

She closed her eyes momentarily, centering herself in the dark, circular chamber. The statues around her, arranged in their concentric rings, stood silently in the flickering light of the fire sconces. Each one represented a different path, a different future. She had already eliminated the common classes, which were too basic and limited for her ambitions. She’d also removed the [Noble] class upgrades. She had no desire to be bound by titles or the burdens of politics and court intrigue. What she needed was a class that would enhance her unique strengths, not one that would confine her.

What do I want? Lily asked herself, her mind turning inward. She needed to be clear on her priorities to distill her thoughts to the essence of what she sought. She knew she wanted classes that would significantly boost her Intelligence and Resolve. Her core attributes were the pillars upon which she had built her abilities and strength: intelligence for her cunning, knowledge and command over her abilities, and resolve for her willpower, endurance, and ability to push through adversity no matter what the cost.

Beyond that, she considered what her secondary attributes should be. Perception or Dexterity, she decided. Perception would enhance her ability to read the battlefield, detect threats, and see through deceptions, which is essential for someone like her who relies on guile and awareness. Dexterity, conversely, would refine her agility and speed, both in combat and when moving unseen. Either would be valuable, but the core had to focus on her primary strengths.

She also knew what she didn’t want. Lily had no interest in classes centered around illusions or traditional magecraft. She had spent her life mastering the unique abilities that came with her Kitsune heritage, particularly her [Foxfire]. This ability allowed her to create and manipulate ethereal blue flames that could burn, mislead, or protect. It was her signature, a power deeply tied to her essence. Choosing a class that revolved around illusions or pure magic might conflict with her innate abilities, diluting the potency of her [Foxfire] or creating unnecessary overlaps that would limit her growth.

She opened her eyes and looked around the chamber once more. The remaining statues, now fewer after her previous commands, still stood tall and imposing. Each was a possibility, a potential future waiting to be chosen. But she needed to narrow them down further, to cut away the options that would not serve her path.

With a sharp exhale, she raised her hand, her voice strong and unwavering as she gave her next command. "Eliminate all classes that primarily focus on illusions or magecraft."

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, slowly, several statues throughout the rings began to flicker. The light around them dimmed, and their forms shimmered like a mirage. One by one, the statues representing classes focused on illusions, which would require her to manipulate light, shadow, or deception in ways that overlapped with her [Foxfire], vanished from sight. Next, the statues of mages, sorcerers, and spellweavers followed, their potential paths dissolving into the void. The chamber grew quieter, the air stilling as if waiting for her next move.

Lily stood amidst the remaining statues, her mind sharpened by her recent decisions. The chamber was now filled with a smaller selection of figures, each representing a class aligned more closely with her refined criteria. The rings were notably less crowded, and Lily felt relief and anticipation as she approached the remaining statues.

As she continued her evaluation, she moved around the statues. Her thoughts focused on classes that provided a primary boost to Intelligence and Resolve, with secondary benefits to either Perception or Dexterity. She raised her hand and made her next command with deliberate clarity: “Eliminate any classes that do not primarily provide Intelligence and Resolve, with secondary benefits to Perception or Dexterity.”

The chamber responded promptly. Several statues that did not meet her refined criteria flickered and dissolved into the void. The remaining statues, now fewer in number, offered the exact balance of attributes she sought. With the chamber’s air growing quieter, Lily could now clearly see the eleven remaining statues.

It was only at this point that Lily noticed the [Courtesan] class. Its terracotta form, which had previously blended with the others, stood out with an almost ethereal grace. The statue depicted a Kitsune with a fan, exuding an aura of elegance and subtlety. As she reviewed the remaining classes, she saw the [Courtesan] statue and realized its presence among the final options.

Intrigued, Lily approached the [Courtesan] statue. Its terracotta surface was intricately detailed, reflecting the refinement and charm associated with the class. Lily felt a pang of nostalgia as she considered her mother’s wishes for her to take this class. Her mother had always envisioned her youngest daughter navigating the world with finesse and charm, leveraging social influence as a powerful tool.

Lily raised her hand to activate the status screen for the [Courtesan] class. The description appeared before her:


Courtesan (Uncommon): The Courtesan masters charm, seduction, and social maneuvering. This class excels in manipulating the desires, emotions, and loyalties of others. With a blend of charisma, cunning, and psychological insight, the Courtesan can sway opinions, influence decisions, and forge powerful alliances. While not a combat class in the traditional sense, a Courtesan’s strength lies in their ability to control the battlefield before a fight. Through subtle persuasion and sharp wit, they navigate the world’s most dangerous games with elegance and grace.


3 skill slots

+3 to Intelligence, Resolve, and Dexterity

+1 free points per level


As Lily reviewed the [Courtesan] class description, she reflected on its advantages. The class significantly boosted her Intelligence, Resolve, and Dexterity, aligning well with her primary and secondary needs. It also offered additional skill slots and free points per level, which could be strategically allocated.

Despite its benefits, Lily felt a sense of uncertainty. The [Courtesan] class focused heavily on social manipulation and charm, areas that she had not actively pursued. While she understood her mother’s reasoning, she was unsure if this path fit her current goals and circumstances.

With a thoughtful nod, Lily turned her attention to the remaining classes. She approached the statue representing the [Investigator] class, which had been among the options she had narrowed down. The [Investigator] statue depicted a Kitsune with a magnifying glass and a scroll, embodying the essence of analytical prowess and detective work.

Lily activated the status screen for the [Investigator] class:


Investigator (Uncommon): The Investigator is a master of deduction, observation, and uncovering hidden truths. Skilled in intellectual and physical pursuits, this class excels at piecing together clues, reading between the lines, and discerning the motives and secrets of others. With a blend of acute perception, intelligence, and a keen sense of justice or curiosity, the Investigator can solve mysteries, navigate complex social or political landscapes, and engage in close combat when necessary. The Investigator thrives in uncovering what is hidden in the world or people’s hearts.


3 skill slots

+4 to Intelligence

+2 to Resolve, and Dexterity

+2 free points per level


Lily reviewed the [Investigator] class description, noting its alignment with her criteria. The class strongly boosted intelligence, with additional benefits such as resolve and dexterity. It offered a balanced approach, combining mental acuity with practical skills in both observation and analysis.

Lily's gaze shifted to the Rare class ring as she continued her evaluation. Among the statues, one particularly caught her attention, a tall, imposing figure of a Kitsune clad in an ornate breastplate and tabard. The statue held a square-headed broadsword, an executioner's sword, its broad, flat blade gleaming with an air of authority and judgment. This was the [Inquisitor] class, known for its reputation as a formidable and discerning path.

She activated the status screen for the [Inquisitor] class, and the description appeared before her:


Inquisitor (Rare): The Inquisitor is a relentless seeker of truth and justice, equipped with exceptional skills in interrogation, investigation, and combat. This class combines acute perception and analytical prowess with a deep resolve to uncover and confront hidden threats. The Inquisitor’s imposing presence is marked by their ceremonial breastplate and tabard, symbolizing their unwavering commitment to their cause. Armed with an executioner’s sword, they are skilled in both dealing decisive blows and enforcing their judgments. Inquisitors are adept at discerning lies, uncovering secrets, and maintaining a strict code of ethics in their pursuit of justice. With a blend of mental acuity, physical strength, and a mastery of investigative techniques, the Inquisitor excels in both analyzing evidence and engaging in combat to enforce their findings.


5 skill slots

+4 to Intelligence and Resolve

+2 to Dexterity and Perception

+3 free points per level


Lily reviewed the [Inquisitor] class, noting its impressive benefits. The class significantly boosted Intelligence, Resolve, and Dexterity, with five skill slots and additional free points per level. The ceremonial breastplate, tabard, and the executioner's sword conveyed both the gravitas and the practical skills associated with this class. It seemed like a powerful option, offering a comprehensive skill set for investigation and combat, well-suited to her needs.

Lily's gaze lingered on the statue of the [Puppeteer], a Kitsune manipulating a complex web of glowing strings with an almost predatory grace. The description of the [Puppeteer] class appeared before her, and she delved into its details:


Puppeteer (Rare): The Puppeteer is a master of fine control and manipulation, wielding the power to influence and direct a wide array of entities through threads of magical energy. This class excels in orchestrating intricate schemes and commanding others with precision, making use of magical strings to manipulate both individuals and objects with delicate accuracy. Puppeteers can control the actions of others, bend them to their will, and create complex scenarios by pulling the right strings at the right moments. The class thrives on subtlety and strategy, excelling in situations that require a nuanced approach to influence outcomes or direct events from behind the scenes. With their ability to exert fine control over multiple targets or constructs, Puppeteers can effectively manage and direct their surroundings in a way that can turn conflicts in their favor.


5 skill slots

+4 to Intelligence,

+3 to Perception, Resolve, and Dexterity

+2 free points per level


As Lily considered the [Puppeteer] class, she envisioned how its abilities could synergize with her existing powers. She imagined coupling the Puppeteer's fine control over magical threads with her own ability to create clones. The [Puppeteer] class and her [Foxfire] skill would allow her to direct dozens of illusionary clones. Combining these skills fascinated her; she could manipulate multiple illusions with unprecedented precision, turning complex scenarios into a strategic advantage. Using the [Puppeteer]'s control abilities to direct her illusions in intricate patterns, she could create elaborate deceptions, mislead enemies, and orchestrate multifaceted strategies.

The thought of managing a multitude of illusionary clones while simultaneously controlling real entities through magical strings offered a powerful blend of strategic depth and deceptive capability. Lily could become a master of illusion and manipulation, making her a formidable force in any situation. The ability to direct and control both real and illusory elements with such finesse was a compelling option that aligned well with her goals and abilities.

Lily’s attention shifted to the statue of the [Necromancer], a towering figure shrouded in tattered robes with a skeletal visage and a staff crowned with a dark, swirling orb. The description of the [Necromancer] class materialized before her:


Necromancer (Rare): The Necromancer is a master of death and decay, commanding the forces of the grave to do their bidding. This class specializes in raising and controlling the dead, summoning undead minions to fight alongside them and harnessing dark energies to manipulate life and death. Necromancers excel in battlefield control, using their undead servants to overwhelm opponents and wielding necrotic magic to drain vitality and inflict curses. They can turn the fallen into loyal thralls, create powerful undead creatures, and wield devastating necromantic spells that sap the strength of their enemies. While powerful, the Necromancer’s abilities revolve around the manipulation of death and the macabre, making it a class focused on dark magic and the power of the grave.


5 skill slots

+4 to Resolve

+3 to Intelligence and Dexterity

+2 to Perception and Constitution

+1 free points per level


As Lily reviewed the [Necromancer] class, she found its powers impressive but ultimately incompatible with her abilities. While undeniably potent, the class’s focus on raising and commanding the dead clashed with her [Foxfire] ability.

Coupling her radiant [Foxfire] abilities with a [Necromancer]'s dark, undead powers felt discordant. The necromantic energies and the undead entities she would control would contrast sharply with her abilities, creating a dissonance that she found troubling. Raising the dead and wielding necrotic forces did not harmonize with her [Foxfire].

For Lily, the class choice was not just about power but also about synergy and harmony with her existing skills. The [Necromancer], with its grim focus on death, did not fit with her vision of how she wanted to wield her abilities and integrate them with her [Foxfire]. As such, she set aside the [Necromancer] class, continuing to search for one that aligned more closely with her desired attributes and inherent powers.

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