Watcher of Fate

003 - The Waiting Game

The desert night stretched on, cool and quiet beneath a sky filled with a sea of stars. Elara and Lily continued their journey, guided by the unwavering golden thread that stretched ahead of them, their footsteps steady in the soft sand. The air was crisp and clear, and the moonlight bathed the dunes in a silver glow, casting long, shifting shadows. They moved with purpose, their strides in sync, navigating the vast and seemingly endless expanse with a shared sense of determination.

As the hours passed, the night gradually gave way to the first light of dawn. The sky began to brighten on the eastern horizon, painted with soft hues of pink and orange that slowly pushed back the night. The coolness of the night air began to lift, replaced by the rising sun's warmth. The desert seemed to transform before their eyes, the soft silver sands taking on a golden sheen as the sunlight crept across the dunes.

By late morning, the heat was already oppressive, the sun climbing high and beating down relentlessly. The golden thread stretched before them, but Elara knew it was time to rest. They needed to conserve their energy and avoid the worst of the day’s heat.

"Let’s stop here," Elara suggested, her voice steady but tinged with fatigue. She glanced around, spotting a slight depression between two dunes that would provide natural shelter from the sun.

Lily nodded in agreement, her ears twitching slightly as she followed Elara to the chosen spot. They sank onto the cool sand, taking a moment to catch their breath and relax their muscles. The tension of the night’s travel slowly eased from their bodies, replaced by a sense of relief at the chance to rest.

As they settled into a small depression between two dunes, the relentless sun rose, scorching the desert sands. The heat was becoming unbearable, the air shimmering with waves of heat that seemed to distort the very fabric of the landscape. Elara wiped the sweat from her brow, feeling the harsh sun beating down on them even in their modest spot of shade. She knew they needed something more substantial to protect them from the sweltering midday blaze.

Seeing Elara’s discomfort, Lily tilted her head and flashed a small, knowing smile. Her ears twitched as she surveyed their surroundings. "Looks like we could use a bit of a break from that nasty sun," she murmured. With a graceful flick of her wrist, she raised one hand, and blue flames began to dance at her fingertips.

The flames were not wild or uncontrolled; they moved with purpose, bending to Lily’s will as she wove her fingers through the air in intricate gestures. The flames grew and split into several small orbs, each glowing with a soft, azure hue. She spun her hand in a slow circle, and the orbs began to orbit around her, casting a gentle blue light that contrasted starkly with the harsh gold of the desert.

With a fluid motion, Lily guided the flames higher, and the orbs began to weave together, forming thin, delicate strands of blue fire that stretched outward like a web frame. The strands twisted and looped around each other, forming the beginnings of a dome above them. She moved her hands with graceful precision, and the blue flames responded as if they were an extension of her very will.

The dome started to take shape, its surface forming a latticework of interlocking patterns that glowed with an ethereal blue light. It wasn’t just a simple shelter. Lily was creating something elegant and intricate. The flames expanded outward, and she began to add more details, layering the strands of fire to create a protective shell that shimmered like spun glass.

Elara watched in awe as Lily’s creation continued to grow. The dome was large enough to encompass both, arching high above with a gentle curve. The blue flames wove together so that they create an almost translucent barrier, allowing some light to filter through while blocking the worst of the sun’s rays. The structure wasn’t uniform; Lily added delicate touches, scroll-like patterns formed by the flames, and intricate designs that looked like they belonged on a fine piece of craftsmanship rather than something made of fire. The patterns danced and shifted, casting soft, swirling shadows on the sand below.

Once the dome was nearly complete, Lily lowered her hands and, with a final gesture, created several vents on the shaded side of the structure. The vents were small but strategically placed, allowing a gentle breeze to pass through while keeping the interior cool and comfortable. The airflow created a refreshing circulation, making the shelter feel like an oasis in the middle of the burning desert.

"There we go," Lily said with a satisfied smile, her golden eyes gleaming as she admired her handiwork. "A little bit of artistry never hurts, does it? I think this should keep us from becoming dried-up relics." She looked at Elara with a playful glint in her eyes. "You have to admit, it’s a step up from just hiding behind a rock."

Elara couldn’t help but be impressed. The temperature inside the dome dropped noticeably, and the sun's harsh glare was transformed into a soft, cool blue light. She felt an immediate sense of relief wash over her as the intense heat dissipated. "Thanks," she said sincerely, appreciating the effectiveness and beauty of Lily’s creation. "This is more than just a step up. It’s a lifesaver out here."

Lily gave a small, mock bow, her ears twitching with amusement. "Well, it’s important to stay comfortable and stylish, even in a desert," she replied. "Now, why don’t you get us something to drink? My artistry might keep us cool, but it won’t quench our thirst."

Elara nodded, still marveling at the delicate patterns of flame overhead. She focused on her magic, feeling water's cool, flowing energy deep within her core. She reached out with her hand, carefully weaving together the blue threads. The threads swirled and coiled around her fingers, and water began to flow from her palm as she concentrated. The liquid was cool and clear, cascading down into their canteens with a steady stream.

Once their canteens were filled, Elara took a long, refreshing drink, feeling the cold water spread through her body and reinvigorate her senses. She passed a filled canteen to Lily, who took it with a nod of gratitude and drank deeply.

"Ah, that hits the spot," Lily sighed, lowering the canteen with a satisfied smile. "Nothing like a little magic to make life a bit more bearable."

Elara nodded in agreement, feeling the fatigue of the long night’s journey beginning to fade. "Thank you for the shelter," she repeated, more earnestly this time. "We needed this."

Lily smiled, leaning back comfortably against the cool sand, her ears twitching slightly as she relaxed. "You’re welcome, Elara," she said softly. "Out here, it’s all about watching each other’s backs. Or, in this case, keeping each other from baking under the sun."

Elara took another sip from her canteen, the cool water refreshing her parched throat. She felt the fatigue of their long night of travel and battle beginning to lift, replaced by a growing sense of clarity. She decided it was time to check on their progress and the quests still looming over them. She brought up her system interface, the familiar glow of text appearing before her eyes.


Quest Kidnap a Noble has been completed.You have gained 2000 experience.

Lyrielle’s Request

Difficulty: D Rank

Objective: Obtain more than 100 RES and INT.

Reward: Unlock a more complete System, minor experience.

Progress: 92.5% Complete

End a Reign

Difficulty: A Rank

Objective: Prevent the coronation of the new ruler before it begins. The reign must be ended before the first crown is placed upon their head. Stop the 8th heir to the leadership of Youdu from going through Investiture before the Tournament.

Reward: Completion of Malakars quests, variable experience


Elara's eyes scanned the notifications, taking in the information. Completing the "Kidnap a Noble" quest was a relief, a successful mission that brought them a solid reward of 2,000 experience points. She could feel the subtle boost in her abilities as the experience settled into her system, enhancing her overall strength. But her attention quickly shifted to the remaining quests.

The "Lyrielle’s Request" quest still required her to achieve over 100 in both Resolve (RES) and Intelligence (INT). She’d already managed to increase her Resolve through her trials and battles, but she had been lagging in Intelligence. It had been frustrating her for a while now, an obstacle she knew she had to overcome but hadn’t yet found the time to address.

Elara’s eyes widened as she stared at the quest tracker. The progress bar showed 92.5% completion, and a thought struck her like a lightning bolt. If she was already this far along, then they must be counting the 46 points of Intelligence granted by her gear toward the quest requirement. She had assumed that only her base stats would count, which would have left her much further from completion. The realization shifted everything.

Pulling up her character sheet, she carefully studied her current stats and available attribute points. She had 28 free points that she could assign wherever she wanted, and with the gear's bonus already contributing, she only needed 15 more points to reach the required Intelligence level. Her heart raced as she did the quick mental math. If her gear hadn't counted, she would have needed 61 points, far more than she currently had. That would have required her to level up nine more times, which was exactly what she had been expecting to do.

A mixture of surprise and a hint of relief washed over her. She realized she had misunderstood how the quest was calculating total Intelligence. She had been so certain that her gear wouldn't factor into the equation that she never considered it could. A small smile crept onto her face as the weight of this newfound clarity settled in.

"Of course," she muttered under her breath, her lips curving up with a hint of satisfaction. "I can handle this right now."

Lily, who was reclining comfortably against the cool sand with half-closed eyes, perked up her ears at Elara’s words. She glanced over, one eyebrow raised in curiosity. "Something amusing, Elara?" she asked lazily.

Elara shook her head, still focused on her character sheet, her fingers hovering over the points allocation. "I just realized I've been looking at this all wrong," she explained. "I thought I'd have to level up a few more times to meet one of my quest requirements. Turns out, I can just use my free points to boost my Intelligence now. The quest is counting the Intelligence from my gear, and I hadn't factored that in."

She couldn’t help but chuckle at her oversight. It wasn’t that she’d forgotten her points; it was that she’d underestimated how the system measured them. And now, she was just a few points away from completing Lyrielle’s Request.

Lily chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, look at you, sitting on a pile of potential and only just noticing. Good thing I’m here to keep you sharp," she teased, her tails swaying playfully.

Elara glanced back at the quest notifications, her gaze lingering on the "End a Reign" quest. The text floated before her, a constant reminder of the weighty task still looming over them. She sighed, her mind racing with the implications. "Getting you out of Tartarus didn’t resolve this," she muttered, her voice tinged with frustration.

Lily’s ears twitched slightly, and she looked at Elara with a thoughtful expression. "Probably because the Investiture time hasn’t passed yet," she replied casually, her eyes narrowing as she considered the situation. "The quest is tied to that specific event, and until the clock runs out, it’ll stay active."

Elara frowned, her fingers drumming lightly on the hilt of her sword, Quenya. "That’s what worries me," she admitted. "Malakar doesn’t play games. If he’s left this quest open, there’s more at stake than just getting you out of Youdu. There’s a purpose behind it, and I can’t help but feel like we’re missing something."

Lily nodded, her playful demeanor fading into something more serious. "Malakar is many things, but frivolous isn’t one of them. He’s always calculating and has a reason for his actions." She paused, then smiled, a sly glint returning to her eyes. "But if we’re stuck waiting for the Investiture to play out, we might as well make the most of our time. No point in just sitting around worrying, right?"

Elara raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the shift in Lily’s tone. "What do you suggest?" she asked, curious where Lily was going with this.

Lily leaned back, her eyes taking on a sharper, more appraising look. Her ears twitched as she seemed to measure her words carefully. "I’ve been watching you," she said, her tone light but carrying an edge of seriousness. "Especially when you fought those scorpions. You’ve got skills, I’ll give you that. You know how to handle a sword, and your illusions are decent enough to confuse basic monsters and common thugs."

Elara bristled slightly, her pride pricked, but she held her tongue. She knew Lily wasn’t finished.

"But," Lily continued, her eyes narrowing slightly as she studied Elara, "there’s no refinement in your technique. No finesse. My father would call your sword fighting ‘kids playing with sticks,’ and my mother would probably say your illusions are ‘cute.’ Effective, but not at their full potential."

Elara frowned, feeling a mix of irritation and curiosity. "And what does that mean exactly? Are you saying I’m not good enough?" she challenged a slight edge in her voice.

Lily chuckled softly, her tails swaying with amusement. "I’m saying you’re good enough to deal with the usual rabble, those scorpions, random bandits, maybe even a few half-decent mercenaries. But when facing something truly dangerous, something cunning and skilled… you’ll need more than brute strength and simple tricks."

Elara considered Lily’s words, feeling a flicker of acknowledgment deep within. She knew she had fought hard to survive and grow stronger, but there was a part of her that had always recognized the need for greater precision a deeper understanding of her abilities. She was effective, yes, but there was room for refinement. Room to sharpen her skills into something formidable.

"So, what are you suggesting?" Elara asked, her tone calmer now, more receptive.

Lily leaned forward slightly, her eyes bright with seriousness and excitement. "I’m suggesting we use this time together to refine your skills," she said. "You have potential, Elara. But the potential isn’t enough on its own. It needs to be shaped, honed, turned into something that can stand up to whatever the world throws your way."

Elara nodded slowly, beginning to understand where Lily was coming from. "And you think you can help me with that?"

Lily’s smile widened, a confident sparkle in her eyes. "Absolutely. I may not look it, but I’ve had some excellent teachers. My father was a master swordsman, and my mother was a trickster with illusions that could make you question reality itself. They didn’t settle for ‘good enough.’ They believed in mastery. And I think I can pass on some of what I’ve learned to you."

Elara’s interest was piqued further. "How would we start?" she asked.

Lily’s tails flicked excitedly as she replied, "First, we work on your illusions. Make them more than just distractions. Make them weapons in their own right, convincing enough to fool even the sharpest minds. Then, we move on to your swordsmanship. Your strikes are strong and precise, but they lack direction and continuity. I’ll show you how to wield your blade like it’s an extension of your body, not just a tool in your hand."

Elara weighed the offer carefully. Lily’s training could give her the edge she needed to survive and thrive in future challenges. "Alright," Elara said, her voice steady with newfound resolve. "I’ll take you up on that. Let’s train."

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