Watcher of Fate

001 - Calligraphy and Curiosity

Elara pushed open the heavy wooden door of Harold's Handy Haversack, the bell above it chiming softly as she entered. The familiar scent of spices, dried meats, and fresh-baked bread filled the air, mingling with the comforting, earthy smell of the store's well-worn wooden shelves.

Tall and slender, with long blonde hair cascading down her back, Elara moved gracefully between the aisles. Her blue eyes scanned the shelves stocked with non-magical foods essential for adventurers. Her father, Harold, was at the counter, meticulously organizing a batch of newly arrived goods.

"Morning, Dad," Elara called, her voice bright and cheerful.

"Morning, Elara," Harold replied, looking up warmly. He was a stout man with a kind face, his graying hair and beard giving him a distinguished look. "You're just in time. We've got a busy day ahead."

Elara nodded and made her way behind the counter, her presence adding a sense of youthful energy to the shop. She started sorting through the inventory, and her movements were efficient and practiced. Despite her youth, she was an integral part of the business, and her keen mind and skilled hands made her invaluable.

Customers came and went, each greeted by Elara's warm smile and Harold's hearty welcome. They sold packets of dried fruit, jars of pickled vegetables, and loaves of hearty bread, all staples for adventurers on their journeys. Elara's knowledge of the products and her father's customers made her an excellent salesperson, effortlessly engaging with everyone who walked through the door.

Harold called out to Elara from the counter as the afternoon sun cast long shadows through the store's windows. "Elara, can you come here for a moment?"

She finished helping a customer choose some dried meat and walked over to her father. "What is it, Dad?"

"Mr. Davenport is here, and he needs a letter written," Harold said, nodding towards an elderly man nearby. Mr. Davenport was a regular customer, his white hair and kindly face familiar to Elara.

"Of course," Elara said, smiling at Mr. Davenport. "What would you like the letter to say?"

Mr. Davenport cleared his throat and began to dictate. "It's for my son. Dear Thomas, I hope this letter finds you well..."

Elara's quill moved gracefully across the parchment, her letters precise and flowing. Mr. Davenport continued to dictate, sharing updates about the store, the weather, and heartfelt thoughts about how much he missed his son. Elara's calligraphy transformed his words into a beautiful work of art. Each stroke is imbued with her care and skill.

As Mr. Davenport finished his dictation, Elara added a final flourish, ensuring every word was perfectly crafted. She looked up and smiled, handing the completed letter to Mr. Davenport.

"Here you go, Mr. Davenport," she said warmly. "I hope this brings your son some joy." She heard a ding in her ear and brought up the notification.

Lvl 10 Writing(Common) has been upgraded to Calligraphy(Uncommon) and retained Lvl.

She smiled. It had been forever since she had improved a skill, and converting her basic writing to an advanced skill was amazing to accomplish before her class unlocking ceremony in a couple of months. Leveling general skills took forever.

Mr. Davenport took the letter, his eyes misting slightly as he read it. "Thank you, Elara. Your writing always makes my words feel special."

Harold smiled at his daughter, pride evident in his eyes. "Elara, you have a gift. Thank you for helping Mr. Davenport."

Elara nodded, a sense of fulfillment washing over her. "Anytime, Dad. Anytime. I got my writing upgraded to uncommon calligraphy!"

Harold's eyes lit up with pride and excitement. "Elara, that's wonderful news! We need to celebrate this evening with your mother. She'll be thrilled."

Elara smiled, feeling her father's enthusiasm. Their house, a small series of rooms above the shop, was cozy and filled with the warmth of family. Harold began preparing a basic but hearty meal in their modest kitchen as the day ended. The scent of roasting meat and freshly baked bread filled the air, mingling with their home's familiar, comforting aromas.

Elara helped set the table, neatly placing simple wooden plates and utensils. The anticipation of sharing her achievement with her mother made her heart race excitedly.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow through the windows, they heard the front door open. Astrid entered, her town guard uniform slightly dusty from a long day's work. Her strong, muscular build and confident stride made her presence felt immediately.

"Mom!" Elara exclaimed, rushing to greet her. "Guess what? I got my writing upgraded to uncommon calligraphy!"

Astrid's face broke into a proud smile. "That's fantastic, Elara! I'm so proud of you."

Harold approached with a plate of steaming food. "We thought we'd celebrate with a nice meal. You've earned it, Elara."

Astrid sat down, looking at the spread before her. "This looks wonderful. Thank you, Harold." She leaned over and kissed Harold on the cheek, her hand gently resting on his shoulder. Harold responded by wrapping his arm around her waist, pulling her close for a moment of shared warmth and affection.

They began eating, sharing stories of their day, and basking in the joy of Elara's accomplishment. Laughter and warmth filled the room, making the small space feel cozier.

As they finished their meal, Astrid's expression turned slightly serious. "I hate to spoil the celebration, but I have a double shift tonight. One of the other guards is sick, and I must cover for him."

Elara nodded, understanding the demands of her mother's job. "That's okay, Mom. I was planning on heading out to meet up with some friends anyway."

Harold squeezed Astrid's hand, his eyes filled with concern and love. "I'll be here waiting for both of you. Be safe out there, Astrid."

Astrid leaned in and kissed Harold deeply, their affection palpable. "You too, my love," she said softly. Turning to Elara, she pulled her into a warm embrace. "Take care, both of you. I'll see you in the morning."

Elara gathered her things, ready to head out. "Don't worry, Dad. I'll be back soon."

As Elara left the house, the sense of achievement and the love of her family buoyed her spirits. She brought up the skill description to view how it had changed. In the magical interface only she could see, her calligraphy skill now had a shimmering golden border. The description read:

Calligraphy(Uncommon): Your proficiency in the art of writing has reached an advanced level. Your letters are beautiful and imbued with subtle magic that can enhance the meaning and impact of your words.

Elara navigated the narrow, winding streets of Barrowbridge, where the tall, soot-streaked buildings loomed overhead, their facades adorned with intricate carvings and magical runes that glowed faintly in the twilight. The streets were illuminated by floating lanterns, each encased in an orb of enchanted glass, casting a warm, flickering light that created a dance of shadows on the cobblestones.

The atmosphere was alive with the hustle and bustle of city life. Merchants hawked their wares from colorful stalls, their voices blending into a cacophony of offers and enticements. The air was filled with the scents of street food, exotic spices, and the occasional whiff of alchemical concoctions brewing in nearby shops.

Crowds thronged the streets, dressed in a mix of styles that reflected both the practical and the fantastical. Many wore sturdy, weathered garments suitable for daily wear. In contrast, others sported elaborate, flowing robes and hats adorned with feathers and jewels, marking them as practitioners of magic or affluent citizens. Street performers dotted the sidewalks, their acts ranging from juggling and acrobatics to small displays of magical prowess, hoping to earn a few coins from passersby.

Elara felt a sudden prickle of unease as she moved through the bustling streets. The shadows seemed to lengthen unnaturally, and a group of rough-looking men lingered at the mouth of an alley, their eyes following her too intently. Instinctively, she clutched her coin purse tighter and quickened her pace, the sounds of the city seeming to close in around her.

Elara approached the library, and the towering structure finally appeared. Its ancient stone walls, covered in ivy and glowing runes, stood amid the city's chaotic charm as a beacon of knowledge and history. The sense of safety it provided eased her tension slightly.

Suddenly, a shadow passed over her, and she looked up, distracted by a magical airship gliding overhead. Airships were rare, resembling sailing ships but with large, glowing blue crystals that kept them aloft. The ship's majestic presence and the gentle hum of its magical propulsion system captured Elara's attention.

She stood still for a moment, watching the airship gracefully pass through the sky. The blue crystals pulsed with an ethereal light, and the ship's sails billowed gently, propelled by unseen winds. It was a breathtaking sight, and Elara felt a sense of wonder and possibility.

As she neared the library, she saw her friends on the steps, also gazing up at the sky. They, too, were captivated by the airship.

"Elara! Did you see that?" one of them called out excitedly.

"Yes! I couldn't believe my eyes," Elara replied, her smile widening as she joined them. "It's incredible, isn't it?"

Another friend nodded vigorously. "Absolutely! I've only ever heard about them. Seeing one in person is something else entirely."

Elara nodded in agreement, but her mind was already turning to the rows of books inside the library. "Come on, everyone," she urged her friends. "Let's go inside. There’s so much to explore!"

The group entered the library, and the noise of the bustling streets faded away, replaced by a serene hush. The library was a vast, cool sanctuary filled with towering shelves of books. Soft, magical lights floated near the ceiling, casting a gentle glow illuminating countless volumes' spines. The air was filled with the faint scent of aged paper and ink, a comforting aroma to any bibliophile.

At the main desk stood a brass automaton, its delicate, spindly limbs and intricately detailed face giving it a fragile, almost ethereal appearance. Its eyes, glowing with a soft blue light, lit up as it recognized Elara and her friends.

"Welcome back, Elara," the automaton said kindly, its voice gentle and melodic. "I have pulled out a book on the Western Marches that I believe you might enjoy."

Elara's eyes sparkled with excitement as the automaton handed her the book. "Thank you so much! This is perfect."

She led her friends to a large wooden table surrounded by high-backed chairs. They settled in, each of them quickly finding something to read. Time seemed to fly by as they immersed themselves in the world of books, the silence broken only by the occasional rustle of pages and hushed whispers of awe at their discoveries.

As the evening wore on, Elara lost herself in the tales of the Western Marches, her mind painting vivid pictures of the rugged landscapes and the adventures of those who dared to explore them. It wasn’t a ding in her head that brought her back to the present. Two notifications in one day was a first for her. It had never happened in nearly 16 years of being alive. She brought up her second notification of the day.

You have gained +1 Int due to studying.

Elara shut the book, a flicker of excitement in her eyes. "Time to go," she announced, her voice steady despite the thrill of another stat increase. "See you tomorrow."

Her friends wished her well, and she returned the book to the automaton. "Thank you for the recommendation," she said with a smile.

The automaton bowed slightly. "You are most welcome, Elara. Have a pleasant evening."

Stepping out of the library, Elara took a deep breath of the cool night air. The city was quieter now, the bustle of the day giving way to the peaceful calm of night. She felt a deep sense of contentment and happiness from the knowledge she had gained and the warmth of her friends' company.

With anticipation, she opened her status display, eager to see the effects of her recent achievements and the new skills she had acquired. The magical interface shimmered to life before her eyes, displaying her progress and the advanced calligraphy skill she had worked so hard to advance.

As Elara opened her status display, a magical interface shimmered into view. It presented her stats and skills in a neatly organized format and glowed softly in the night air, showing her progress.


Name: Elara Crowhurst

Race: Human

Age: Child

Class: Nascent

Level: -

Exp: -


HP: 7 of 7 (4/day)

Sta: 9 of 10 (5/day)


Strength: 6

Dexterity: 10

Constitution: 7

Perception: 9

Intelligence: 13 > 14

Resolve: 11

General Skills:

Calligraphy (Uncommon): 10

Gift of Gab (Common): 4

Cooking (Common): 3

Running (Common): 8


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