Watch the second creation video and start the top ten famous scenes

Chapter 12

[First place, from the world of reverse immortals].

[My generation of monks, why not a war?].

At this moment, thousands of worlds, thousands of planes, and countless monks all raised their heads.

Countless people opened their eyes wide, trying to see carefully, what is this No. 1 scene?

Countless people whispered:

"My monks, why not fight. "

"My monks, what a battle!".

"My monks, why do you regret a war?"


Wukong passed on the world.

Xuanzang confronted Rulai.

Look at the headline that appears in the sky.

Xuanzang muttered in a low voice

"My monks, why do you regret a war?"


Perfect world.

Seven gods of the lower realm.

Shi Hao alone against the seven gods.

Look at the words in the sky.

Shi Hao smiled and said in a deep voice:

"My monks, why do you regret a war?"


Daebong World.

Xu Qi'an stood alone against the rebels.

Look at the thousands of rebels in front of you.

Xu Qi'an said slowly

"My monks, why do you regret a war?"


The heavenly picture changes wildly, and the last famous scene begins to appear.

[When the Great Sealing Array was opened outside the realm, the flames of war ignited, and Wang Lin, as the Venerable of the Sealing Realm, stood in front of the formation, holding the Ancient God Open Heaven Axe, and led the Sealing Monks to start a battle to the death with the outside of the realm. 】

[Wang Lin's ears are like the screams of the immortals before they die, constantly echoing!].

["Unwilling!!I am unwilling!! one day, my generation will cultivate the descendants, and I will definitely break the formation, so that you and other foreigners will be wiped out! ! Let your blood flow like a river outside the realm!].

[In an instant, the battle word that emitted golden rays rushed directly towards Wang Lin at an extremely fast speed and landed on the center of his eyebrows! In an instant, Wang Lin's heart was shocked. 】

["The old man Zhan Xingye, knowing that the palm will be respected, wants to make the old man submit, but Zhan, as a monk of Luo Tian, would rather dispel the Tao than collude with the people outside the realm, and those who have won my Taoism will feel the fighting spirit, but in the future, they will succeed and kill the people outside the realm to sacrifice the spirit ...... for the old man"].

[Wang Lin's mind was filled with a monstrous battle intent, and even more scenes of the battle between Xingye and heaven and earth appeared in his mind, countless pictures along the way, and an extremely deep understanding of the word battle. 】

[Under this realization, his artistic conception has been frantically improved, and it has been faintly fused with the battle spirit, and there have been amazing changes. 】

["Sure enough, it's him!!"].

[The three of them flashed out almost at the same time, with a crazy killing intention, and went straight to Wang Lin, and even more in the process of moving forward, the three of them slapped their eyebrows fiercely with their right hands at the same time. 】

[Bang bang bang three soft sounds echoed, and the bodies of the three people immediately underwent amazing changes, and the person with the lightning mark suddenly increased all over his body, turning into dozens of zhang in size, and his whole body was covered with lightning. 】

[But just as they were frantically attacking, and the moment they were approaching, Wang Lin turned around suddenly, and his eyes suddenly became clear, revealing a hint of mockery! 】

["Born as a hero, dead as a ghost, my generation of monks, what a pity!" In Wang Lin's mind, there was a vague sound of Zhan Xingye's last words before he died!].

["Born as a hero, dead as a ghost, my generation of monks, what a pity! My Wang Lin, nearly two thousand years of cultivation, if I am still a mortal, I have already become loess, and now I have a longer life than mortals, what is the pity of dying! What is there to be afraid of!"].

[Wang Lin's eyes showed battle intent, these three people were all people outside the realm, after seeing the inside and outside of the formation from the eyes of the stone statue, a stream of blood permeated his heart, at that moment, there was no cause and effect, only killing!].

The barrage in the sky began to emerge like mushrooms after a rain.

"Born to be a hero, to die is a ghost, my generation of monks, what a pity!".

"Obey for the mortal, reverse for the immortal!" only in the heart of a thought. "

"Since you want to fight, then fight him and the sky will fall apart! Fight him and the sea will be rotten!"

"Those who hear the Tao will die at the end of their lives, and those who are rebellious cultivators will have a heart that defies the heavens and give birth to a wisp of unyielding thoughts, what is there to fear?

"Whoever stands in the way, kill! People block and kill, the earth blocks the earth, the heavens block the sky, and the beasts block and slaughter the beasts!

"Cultivator, go against the sky, if you don't fight at this time, when will

you be?"

"Get out, below the Dan period, you are not qualified to fight with the old man!".

"Dare to call yourself an old man in front of me?

"Grass! I'm done with all the burning words, so what do I say?"

Wukong Plane of Transmission.

Xuanzang smiled calmly, at this moment, facing Rulai, he was not afraid at all, and said loudly:

"I want this day, I can't cover my eyes anymore, I want this land, I can't bury my heart anymore, I want all living beings to understand my intentions, and I want all the Buddhas to disappear. "

Rulai mocked:

"What's the use of you like this? The mantis arm blocks the car, and the mayfly shakes the tree, which is ridiculous. "

Xuanzang laughed loudly:

"So what? I've been here, I've fought, I've loved it, I don't care about the end!"

"My generation of monks, why not !! a war".

After speaking, he rushed towards Rulai.

Perfect world.

Shi Hao ......

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