Watch Me Eat Fish, It’s Exciting!

Chapter 81 - National Koi was born!

Zhang Dahai ’s apprentices and grandchildren are desperate, can Emperor Green cut it out so casually now? !!

Yan Ran bent her eyes with a smile: Ah ~ the feeling of winning is so cool!

The cutting master took a deep breath, took a deep breath, and cut it calmly. Finally, another green emerald appeared in front of everyone’s eyes, which was smaller than the two before.

Inspectors are also a little excited. After testing, they lamented: “The market price should be about 45 million. Congratulations Yan Ran, and it’s Emperor Green again.”

Zhang Dahai looked at Yan Ran with excitement. He had already lost, and this piece can be sold for 45 million!

Yan Ran, who has been very calm, suddenly felt scalp numbness at this moment. What is wrong with this human being, and why is he so excited when he loses? Normal humans should not look ugly and want to cry? Look at his disciples, this is what a normal person should have.

Yan Ran didn’t know why Zhang Dahai’s apprentices had the expression of crying, because they had a master in their early twenties! As for those apprentices, those who have a bad psychological quality have already collapsed and dare not look at it. In the blink of an eye, there is one more ancestor, or even too great ancestor. ?

Everyone was convinced by Yan Ran’s good luck. There was monitoring downstairs. Yan Ran’s every move was clear. He just took it to look good. He had never used any detection methods. In contrast, Zhang Dahai used Very complicated methods have been verified, and I bought high-quality materials. In the end, I still lost to Yan Ran’s “just grab it.”

Yan Ran took the second piece of jade. At this stage, in fact, it doesn’t matter if the last piece is not cut. He has won. Yan Ran grabbed a piece in one hand and asked Zhang Dahai, “Do you want to verify it yourself? “

Zhang Dahai shook his head. “It’s not necessary.”

He touched the stones of a lifetime, what qualities can be seen here at a glance, Yan Ran’s hands are similar to those of his one, he lost! The young man in front of him has his unique method of judgment, which is too great!

Yan Ran tilted her head subconsciously and was inexplicably looked at by the other person’s eyes. This old man is really interesting.

Yan Ran put two pieces of jadeite into Qin Qili’s pocket. This pocket is the safest place in the world to ensure that no one can take it away. By the way, I copied the hand in Qin Qili’s pocket, and restlessly touched Qin Qili’s thigh. Well, this hand has been added with a good luck buff.

Qin Yanli raised his lips slightly, grabbed the withdrawn claws, and rubbed them in his palms. Yan Ran bent her eyes with a smile. This hand was amazing! Still others can fight me!

Yan Ran turned her head and held the third stone in the palm of her hand, rubbing it, and rubbing Mua’s kiss, she passed the stone to the cutting master in a very good mood, and urged: “I still have the first Three pieces, this one is the biggest, then cut! “

The crowd was numb, and Yan Ran cut out the emperor green and they were not excited. Yan Ran’s good fortune has exceeded the scope of human beings. It is said on the Internet that Yan Ran is the reincarnation of koi. This nonsense has been sneered at, and now they have seen it with their own eyes, they have already believed it. This beautiful, dismissive young man may really be a fairy, a koi spirit!

The cutting master cut thinly, and the apprentices and grandchildren of Zhang Dahai took a breath of cold air again. This face crackled, saying that if you cut out the emperor green, you would not be excited, but you can see the emerald green. Color, still could not help but want to sigh: Emperor Green again! !! !!

At this moment, they are no longer worried about the fate of their ancestors. They were all shocked by Yan Ran’s good fortune to catch three emperor greens, and they all wanted to kneel and worship the **** of good luck!

The inspector trembled and picked up the largest piece of jade that was finally cut out. “And, again, emperor green, worth 75 million.”

Even the white owl was moved. The combination of the lucky cat and the king of koi made 180 million a day. This is how great the power is. In the future, they will be together. Wouldn’t it be messy for Huaxia?

Bai Ye looked at Qin Yunli in anxiety. Will your three views be distorted one day? If it is crooked, give the buddy a face, and you will crook when I get laid off.

Qin Yuanli’s cold eyes glanced over the other’s face without emotion, crooked, and mood.

Bai Xun smoked at the corners of his mouth, wishing to join several other undead, and organized the group to hold the owing fish, and beat him!

Zhang Dahai was completely defeated. Watching Yan Ran also put the big emerald into Qin Qili’s pocket, took a deep breath, walked over and asked nervously, “When is the teacher chosen?”

“Eh?” Yan Ran opened his eyes wide. “Uncle, you are so old, are you sure?”

Zhang Dahai’s face was serious. “I’m willing to gamble to lose. I’ve always done that.”

Look again at the apprentices behind Zhang Dahai, all of them look ashamed, yes, that’s how they became Zhang Dahai’s apprentices. Fortunately, the master has been very good to them. For so many years, the relationship has been maintained. In this circle, the brothers also helped.

Yan Ran embarrassed and ran behind Qin Junli, covering the excitement of his eyes, and seriously asked, “But I really can’t teach you anything, I just grab it casually,” Yan Ran taught Ma Xi and their brothers to catch fish. This is the way to do it. It’s very simple. Others can’t learn it.

Yan Ran said so, it was to give Zhang Dahai a room. Even if he did n’t worship the teacher, he would not say anything. . “

“Yes, master. He depends on luck and cannot teach you anything.”

Zhang Dahai pushed away his disciples and said solemnly, “I’m willing to bet to lose. There is nothing to shame about, do you not lose to me?” After he said, he bent down toward Yan Ran. master!”

Yan Ran groaned, and sighed helplessly, “You’re all like this, I can’t help it, you should get up, so old,” Yan Ran still feels unhappy even though the actual age is not his own, When they are older than themselves, they will give a bit of respect, “I look at you with such sincerity as the master, and I’m embarrassed. I don’t want those ten gambling stones.”

“That won’t work!” Zhang Dahai was stubborn. “I can’t afford to lose Zhang Dahai, it’s just ten gambling stones. You go downstairs to pick, and I pay.”

Yan Ran rubbed her hands. “So, that’s really embarrassing.”

People present: “…”

This is clearly a reminder!

“Oh, yes,” Yan Ran suddenly raised the other’s face from behind Qin Lili, and introduced Zhang Dahai and his apprentices and grandchildren seriously, “This is your teacher.”

Zhang Dahai: “…”

Qin Yanli silently dragged the leather cat behind him, stood up, grabbed his back neck, and Yan Ran pulled both arms down instantly, honestly.

Jiang Yan asked softly: “Master Yan, do you still cut those gambling stones?”

Yan Ran looked at Jiang Yan gratefully. “No, just take it home.” At the critical moment, it was still the housekeeper who gave him away. If he was taken away by Yu Yu, he would lose his life! Even though he has made 180 million yuan, Yan Ran still doesn’t forget the ten gambling stones. He really doesn’t pick the most expensive one. One hundred thousand yuan is enough. Being a cat can’t be too greedy.

At this time, Jiang Yan pulled out a small cloth pocket in her pocket and handed it to Yan Ran, “Lend my bag to you. Use this to pack the stones home.”

As long as Yan Ran had his pockets in his hands, he could always remind Zhang Dahai that he owed him ten stones. Bai Yan looked at Jiang Yan with a gentle face, a demon who could follow Qin Yuanli for thousands of years. , Not kind at all.

Jiang Yan just smiled, nodded politely to Bai Yan, followed Qin Yueli, and went downstairs.

At this time, all the people and reporters watching the lobby saw Yan Ran picking stones, and immediately knew who the winner of the bet was! Zhang Dahai lost to Yan Ran!

Without saying the process, this sentence alone is a big news!

Yan Ran grabbed ten stones and happily followed Qin Yunli’s side, and said with a smile: “These stones will not be cut for the time being. Let’s take them back and hide them in the quilt. You hold them to sleep every day, what? Time is running out, let’s take them out and cut them. “

Think of that scene, Yan Ran thinks beautifully!

Now, Yu Ge still has 180 million in his pocket! Yan Ran laughed as soon as he thought about it.

Regardless of the look of the onlookers, Qin Yunli grabbed Yan Ran’s wrist and pulled him into the car. The reporters took pictures of the two of them without stopping.

Soon, the thing that Yan Ran and the gambling king Zhang Dahai gambled on the stone won on the Internet, and everyone was aggressive: Yan Ran won by luck! !! !!

Three emperor greens worth 180 million yuan!

Attending with President Qin, Master Yan finally became Mrs. Qin!

After a lot of similar press releases were issued, the Internet was boiling, and Yan Ran’s koi physique was once again talked about by people, and his Weibo followers rose to 35 million in one night!

National Koi was born!

Just as it spread on the Internet, Yan Ran also became a myth in the gambling circle. One day, 180 million, three stones were all out of the emperor green, how much did God take care of him? In this circle, most of them are a little superstitious, and I hope I can have good luck and blessing. Many people have spotted Yan Ran’s good luck, printed out photos of Yan Ran, and made them as big as posters. If you’re okay, pay your respects: fortune possession! Fortune!

For a while, countless fashion magazines and magazines in the entertainment industry looked for Yan Ran as a model. If this is done, it will definitely sell!

There are also many luxury brands such as clothing and jewelry looking for Yan Ran to endorse. For two days, the name “Koi Possession? Yan Ran” once again became popular throughout the network.

Even if she didn’t take part in the show, she didn’t have any work, and she relied on a face and good luck. Yan Ran has become the fastest-growing star in the country. Countless crews looked for Juan, and asked Yan Ran to come out to take the show.

At this time, Qin Yunli put Yan Ran in bed and asked seriously: “You get what you want, what I want, do you give it?”

Yan Ran: “…”

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