Warhammer: Rise of the Star Gods

Chapter 5 1 Treats everyone equally and 2 suffers both losses

The Necron, who originally thought that this containment was a complete failure and had given himself a powerful enemy with a returning IQ, was a little confused at this time. After all, after living for so many years, I have seen the fierce charging meteor god fragments, the survival fragments that are very tolerant, and even the lurking behind enemy lines, body-stealing overlords and even the central flowering sect of the King of France have appeared before.

It's just that the Necrons have never seen this kind of mocking and mocking behavior. You've become a fragment of the Star God. You can't cover for your teammates, right? You are already a star god, where do you get your teammates?

The Necron said: No, brother, why are you just taking your own life to make fun of me? Are you confused from sleep or something? If you don't wake up, we have a high-quality palace here. You can come and take a nap. To take a step back, if you want to run, run away and report the location to us. What does it mean?

This wave of operations made the Necron fleet a little less confident.

Could it be that there are really reinforcements on the other side? Is he (referring to Zhang Lingyou) really a genius?

Zhang Lingyou, who was on the run, said: I just wanted to get some information. I didn’t understand anything when I first came here. I might really die. Well, this guy's record is indeed good, but... Damn! Can the undead see the reaction signal on the surface of this stone tablet? Can it also be positioned in reverse? shift, the water meter horse hunters really do a lot of harm to people!

Zhang Lingyou still doesn't know which Star God left this boundary monument to mark the territory. He only thinks that the Star God is really cheating: this boundary monument is like a voice-activated light in a corridor. When other Star Gods come, they watch. In one moment, it was equivalent to shouting (look at whose territory you have entered), the lights turned on, and you were illuminated, and the Necrons came over after smelling the smell.

. . . . . .

The plot returns to the Necron side:

Only after confirming again that the Star God fragment still did not activate any useful ideas, the Necron fleet dared to start slowly. The tactic of running away when the Star God fragments meet scares Heqiros. As a member of the Pharaoh class, it deeply knows that these Star God fragments have the same abilities as their complete bodies, but their ability to mobilize rules is not as good as their original bodies.

If the opponent's intelligence is normal, then if your fleet pursues it rashly, it is very likely that it will run into a restricted area such as a forbidden jump field arranged by the opponent. Even worse, if it is hit by the arrow of time, the entire fleet will have to be wiped out collectively.

In theory, as long as a single Star God fragment wants to do something, it can definitely do it. Necron technology has erased the thoughts of most of the Star God fragments, and they can only fight with the remaining memories. This is also the reason why most of the Star God fragments were captured after fighting to the death with the Necron, because they could not display their strength at all.

The mash-up of multiple Star God fragments that need to be captured this time is generally called the "Supreme Star God". This type of Star God fragment is different from multiple Star God fragments of the same origin put together to form a larger Star God fragment that is more intelligent and has more specialized abilities. The breadth of the Supreme Star God's ability range is directly proportional to the type of Star God fragments at the time of fusion, and inversely proportional to the IQ (you can refer to the outsiders in the GW setting and other Star God civil war winners who eat too many of the same kind, There is something wrong with the brain), this kind of fragment is more similar to a powerful but brainless beast, which can theoretically be caught by setting a trap.

This is the reason why Heqi Ross arranged the fleet for quantum concealment (hidden, but not completely concealed). It is also the source of the dynasty’s senior officials’ fright when they see the fragments escaping. No one wants to deal with an enemy with an online IQ.

Based on the attitude that this arrest would be regarded as bad luck, Heqi Ross no longer set the priority to arrest. For the development of the dynasty, he would arrest him if he could, just try it once.

Because more importantly: for the safety and future of the entire race, once it is found that it cannot be contained, it can only be destroyed immediately. It must not be given to the Star God fragments, especially the fragments of the Supreme Star God that have the possibility of restoring intelligence.

"The world engine is in a semi-activated state. It is always ready to throw the fragments of the Burner over, drag the target, and then immediately annihilate the area of ​​ten light years (a cube with a side length of ten light years) where the target is located."

The overlord next to him wanted to persuade his king not to be so cautious, and the army he brought was enough to capture the escaped fragments. Anyway, the losses of those low-level warriors were insignificant compared to the gains, but after seeing the light of the runes on the Pharaoh's body, they still shut up.

Monitor: "The time warlock's retracement of this Star God fragment has failed. It is speculated that it has initially anchored the timeline. However, its movement method is still the conventional movement within the material universe. The approximate area coordinates have been sent, please accept it."

Pharaoh: "Tomb Technician, prepare to locate and jump immediately."

Zhang Lingyou, who was running away, increased his speed as fast as possible and penetrated the obstacles in front of him blankly. The speed of movement seemed to return to the pure energy of the Star God before he had a body made of Star God Alloy. period. There was no change in the celestial bodies he passed through, and even the radiation path was not disturbed at all.

This is also forced by the technology of the Necrons. Even a gaze that is not known how to be transmitted can be reversely positioned and quickly deploy troops to attack. They want to track an obvious energy disturbance. Isn’t the path just a matter of holding it in hand?

Therefore, Zhang Lingyou decided to take a gamble, betting that the Necron would not think that he would run straight away, but would instead maneuver in twists and turns. The deployed military strength will also be relatively dispersed (if you find other allies to help, you have to mediate interests, right?), and the obstacles you face will be smaller.

Unfortunately, the Necron side, through the reasoning and judgment of the logic engine, believes that this fragment of the Star God is in a state of clear mind but not so clear. It is likely to be an instinctive escape and does not have the intelligence to change orbits multiple times.

Therefore - I thought, the fragment should run in a straight line! With the dimensional oscillator, wouldn't the Star God be able to stabilize the real universe? Where it doesn't vibrate, then the fragment must be in that area!

The unlucky Zhang Lingyou was stuck between two star systems, facing the imperfect encirclement formation of the Necron, silent and speechless. It can be said that the opponent's encirclement formation is full of loopholes, and the hints of some flaws are already obvious to the point of being too caring for a layman like him who doesn't understand encirclement operations. Especially on the shortest path between the two stars, there is not even a single battleship, so it's just a matter of saying: Get out of here quickly.

Zhang Lingyou certainly wouldn't fall into this trap, which seemed to be a deliberate trap at first glance. I don't know what method I rely on to locate myself on the other side, so I can only stop where I am. The black mist covering my body has not dissipated, and my mind starts to work quickly, thinking about escape strategies.

In order not to be caught and work as a year-round battery, Zhang Lingyou turned on the cheating mode. No matter how straightforward and unreliable his words were, he just said: "Can you surrender? I have the technology to restore the body and soul. , can we talk?”

The only response he received was attacks from energy whips. If these attacks are just pure energy strikes, they will naturally not be able to cause damage to the fragments of gods in the real universe, but mixed with them is the power of other star gods.

When the Necron fleet received the message from Zhang Lingyou, it immediately cut off signal transmission, the receiving template self-destructed, the translation template self-destructed, the transmission template overloaded, the high-frequency jammer was activated, and the killing protocol was started!

The fleet did not dare to receive the other party's message at all. When Landu Gore died, the scattered Skinner virus turned the nearby Necron fleet into masses of twisted flesh and blood. The scene is still vivid in his mind.

Having learned from this experience, who dares to bet with his own life whether the other party's words are really pure (not mixed with other codes)?

Heqiroth and the Necron responsible for monitoring in the Blackstone Monument area both felt their hearts sinking, knowing that the other party was either a fragment of the Star God that recovered very quickly, or a fragment of the Star God that was already awake.

You need to know that if this is a sober Supreme Star God, then the reason why he was able to block the opponent in this operation was all due to good luck. Luck is something that cannot last forever. If you expect to be lucky next time, you are just making fun of your own family. Especially dealing with the incarnations of the laws of reality and competing with them for luck, how unthinkable would it be?

Now it is best to rely on the particle whip driven by the Star God to automatically capture this fragment. Once there is a moment of stalemate, in order to prevent reverse invasion, this area needs to be annihilated. In short, this matter must be dealt with cleanly, and this fragment of the Star God must not be released into the universe.

Just when the Necrons were about to detonate this area, a huge annihilation appeared first. The space collapsed layer by layer, and the involved warships completely dissipated into the world without even sending a message.

Even the data recording them disappeared. This impact even caused the recording protocols of the Three Saints Council under the protection of several world barriers to report errors. The personnel on duty activated the emergency plan, activated the hypercube obelisk, and used the power of the Star God to fight against the Star God. .

The time warlocks and tomb technicians near the Annihilation area were not so lucky. Not only were they helpless against Annihilation, even Pharaoh Heqiroth, who was teleported to the World Engine first because he wanted to command the battle, could only see the huge The throne world was affected by the annihilation field, and more than one-third of the structure completely disappeared.

Just when they all thought that this was the self-destruction of the fragments of the Star God, and were planning to drag them to death together, a group of Necron suddenly thought of something. All the Necrons above the lord level are uploading their consciousness. Unfortunately, a curse full of malice still pours out from the Annihilation Zone, and garbled codes appear everywhere in the data cores of the Necrons. Even Heqiroth, the Pharaoh, The logic engine is also affected by a series of external instructions such as "Glory", "Power", "Eternal Life", "Ascension to God", etc.

Whispers containing resentment and sorrow echo in its receptors all the time, even if it has changed its body. This curse still firmly locked Heqi Ross and other high-ranking officials in the dynasty.

The spreading whispers will make the intact Necrons gradually lose their minds. This is a curse and a prophecy that Heqiroth will die, and will die at the hands of the Star God. It has been marked by the Star God, the event will inevitably happen, and when it encounters other Star God fragments in the future, it will be "taken care of" first until it is torn apart by a certain Star God.

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