Warhammer: Rise of the Star Gods

Chapter 1 Encountering the Doomsday

Above the disk of the Milky Way, the boundless deep space of the universe, the cosmic space that originally seemed eternal and unchanging, like a dark background, seemed to come to life - a certain space first trembled slightly, and then began to evolve into violent tremors. , finally overwhelmed, like a pimple being squeezed, a "sebum" wrapped in gleaming green light crashed into this world, and then disappeared in an instant. Immediately, a pyramid-style fleet with green lightning emitting from the pitch-black hull seemed to appear out of thin air. It appeared in the space where the green light hit, paused for a moment, and then rushed towards the direction of the green stream of light. The only thing that can prove that they have been here is the slowly healing wounds that exude purple unknown energy after the world structure is destroyed.

. . . . . .

On November 7777th, year 11 of the Chinese calendar, both the northern hemisphere, which should be full of depression, and the southern hemisphere, which should be full of life and vitality, remained strangely moist and green. It is an atmosphere that can really make people feel full of vitality, and the atmosphere of all things competing is mixed with the meaning of despair for some unknown reason. Death is mixed with vitality, and despair is full of hope.

Inside the top floor of a high-rise residential building located near the Weijing Ancient Dynasty Ruins Protection Area, a young man named Zhang Lingyou was lying on the bed. He just left home to find a job and wanted to become financially independent, but he encountered a zombie apocalypse that he had never imagined.

Until now, he had not seen a normal living thing for nearly three months. The only thing he could hear every day was the rolling sound of the zombies outside, like waves made of thick phlegm.

The constant rolling "ho-ho" sound makes people sick, but for the few survivors, it is a daily routine - they fall asleep amidst the rolling sound of thick phlegm, and become numb amid the rolling sound of thick phlegm. wake up.

There seems to be no other movement in the world. At least since the sudden change four months ago, the world has gradually fallen into silence, leaving only the sound of the walking dead, which only makes the world more desperate.

Zhang Lingyou turned on his mobile phone, endured the seductive whispers and rising temperature coming from the mobile phone, felt the shaking that he was accustomed to, and saw the time: five o'clock in the afternoon - when a disaster breaks out, just give it to yourself The vigilance of charging the battery and the phobia of running out of battery that I developed in high school are still enough to maintain the minimum battery level.

But he also knew that he wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer and that he was about to run out of food and water. The only way out now was to give himself a decent relief by jumping off the top after all these supplies were used up.

Just hope that the ground surface is hard enough and there are no zombies forming a cushion underneath, otherwise you will wait to become a sashimi from the sky, and then join the mobile defense club! Not to mention that it is really torture to die in the mouth of these things that are exactly the same as the answers and can only be said to be indistinguishable; even if they are not broken thoroughly when they die, they will stand up again and contribute their part to the phlegm symphony. Partial force.

Of course, new things will eventually be born from the debris. It's just that Zhang Lingyou can't see it and doesn't want to see it.

If we zoom out to the outside, we will find: the streets are full of rotten and bloated but energetic zombies, lush forests full of fungi, and large human buildings with sail-like sails. Things are piled together with the road that has turned into a swamp. These human creations that should have sunk beneath the ground are like ships drifting on the sea, maintaining their existence precariously, as if something is preventing this force from extending below the ground. All of this is It's unscientific.

Zhang Lingyou, who was lying on the bed and looking up at the stars, couldn't help but think of the time when this strange incident happened, which was four months ago:

It was a cloudy day on the seventh day of July in the year 7777 of the Chinese calendar. The heat carried by the sun was absorbed by the clouds and mist. The outside climate seemed suitable and cool, and the light seemed soft and quiet. Everything was so normal. For this world Brought a rare Sunday.

At 7:07 in the morning, Master Zhang, who had been fishing for six days at his job, was enjoying the rest he deserved, until he was greeted by a chorus of "Ouch~~ah! Ah! Ahhhhhhh" Ah!..." The sound immediately shocked me awake. Zhang Lingyou sat up from the bed in his rental house and looked around, trying to find the source of the sound.

He didn't have any anger at having his good dream disturbed or worry about the person who made the sound, because the first part of this part sounded like Yan Jian was dying, with thick phlegm rolling, and the second part suddenly turned into an inhuman wailing like a chicken flying over an egg, gradually becoming desperate, which was too shocking. The human heart makes people feel at a loss for what to do and just want to know what happened.

Zhang Lingyou approached the window, and before he reached the light-receiving area, he already noticed something strange below - there were pools of vomit mixed with blood on the ground, and a group of swaying green people "People" have grabbed a few passers-by, opened their chests, bit their throats, and started chewing. These green figures are not fast and their strength is not very strong, but The vitality is staggering. He saw with his own eyes that a walking corpse could still stand up and continue moving after being hit by a car. Even though it was obvious that his bones had been shattered, and the broken bones had pierced the muscles, but those bones should have lost their activity long ago. The flesh actually supported this broken body and continued to move as if nothing had happened.

Zhang Lingyou immediately stopped and hid himself in the shadows. He didn't know what kind of changes these people had suffered, and what they relied on to track them. But he instinctively tried to avoid being discovered. No one wanted to be noticed by a group of creatures that had no idea what had happened to them, even if they seemed to be a group of walking corpses with low IQs that only retained their bestiality.

Fortunately, our protagonist read a lot of doomsday survival novels in college, and before that, there was that creepy wailing that made people wake up instantly. The young man whose brain started functioning again immediately took out his cell phone and was about to call his parents, relatives and friends to warn him, but suddenly he thought that the physiological status of these people was unknown, and his parents did not know whether they were out or not. The ringing of the phone might very well bring disaster to them. So I decided to shoot a video and send it to the mobile phones of relatives and friends, and click on the window to shake, hoping that they would receive it in time.

But after turning on the phone, I discovered that not only was there no network, but there was also an inexplicable whisper coming from the phone. Even on the interface, intermittent frames began to appear, and what was worse was that within a short period of time, the phone casing began to change color!

This also shows that electronic devices can no longer be turned on anytime and anywhere. After the device is turned on, the sound that comes out really has the power to affect people's minds. After just a short while, Zhang Lingyou found that his cell phone was unusually hot. He had just started working and experienced a catastrophic refreshment. His brain, which should have been highly concentrated and overly excited, felt groggy. Just like after studying the textbook overnight the day before the final exam, It's as painful as taking an exam.

This is absolutely unscientific! Alarm bells rang in Zhang Lingyou's heart, and an uneasy premonition came over him: something big happened!

Zhang Lingyou had not realized the seriousness of the problem before. When he first discovered the walking corpse, he was not worried about the development of the incident. In his opinion, there is a government and an army, and the elimination of these carbon-based creatures that look like walking zombies is just a matter of a shooting order. What can cause trouble is the finishing work in the later stage.

As long as we wait for news from the government, wait for notices on how to deal with this matter and emergency response guidance documents for residents to appear on our mobile phones, then the dust will eventually settle and everything will return to normal. Although it is estimated that it will take some time for the survival guide document to be released, because even though the news reported a worldwide influenza the day before yesterday, the symptoms were not serious and people were accustomed to epidemic life, so they did not take it seriously.

At that time, Zhang Lingyou asked his parents about their physical condition and asked him to go to the hospital if anything happened. His parents also replied that everything was fine and everything was normal during the physical examination. It wasn't until yesterday that there were individual cases of asking for leave. There was no news about any area being blocked on the Internet, and no one cared about it. Unexpectedly, this little thing that people don't take seriously in the epidemic era has become such a big mess.

Zhang Lingyou speculated that this change should have suddenly appeared today. There is no good way now. He can only wait in the room for a day.

Since this incident broke out suddenly, it will take a long time for the higher-ups to deal with it. If you want to be rescued, you have to look at the disaster situation and emergency classification, so you have to plan food distribution now.

Thinking about his area in a second-tier city, Zhang Lingyou felt that he would have to stay in the house for more than ten days. Fortunately, he was afraid of the recurrence of the epidemic and had stocked up on a lot of food and drink. There were at least three or four boxes of bread and compressed biscuits left. , as well as more than a dozen cans of canned meat (the rental house does not have a refrigerator), a few large buckets of water and several boxes of wine under the bed and on the floor, it should be enough to survive.

But now, facing this outrageous situation, no matter how optimistic I am, I really can't be happy. It seems that the signal transmission is completely unreliable. Electronic equipment has this weird whisper. Even military equipment with stronger anti-interference may not necessarily have the same result. Nowadays, these need to suffer a lot of damage before they can truly die. The difficulty of cleaning up the walking corpses has also risen by more than one level.

The outside world couldn't be contacted, and the neighbors next door didn't know what was going on - since the howling in the morning, people seemed to have pressed the mute button. Apart from the wails of the zombies and the sound of the unlucky pedestrians being caught and eaten by the zombies as the background music, there were no other sounds, not even the survivors who were frightened to the point of screaming.

In doomsday novels, intrigues between people do not appear at all, and everyone is forced to remain silent in the disaster. No one dares to communicate with others. After facing the horror of death, dying happily has become a good choice.

A few weeks passed like this, during which the survivors were constantly educated on new survival rules: do not raise plants or other animals, or you may become their food; water and food can only be used in sealed packages, and It must be consumed all at once in a short period of time; even the excrement needs to be thrown out as quickly as possible, otherwise something may be produced in the large intestine excrement, and I will give you a big bite while you are sleeping (Zhang Lingyou : Don’t ask me how I escaped the sneak attack, just ask: night owl + protagonist’s halo), it seems that these originally lifeless dead things, after leaving the human body, are like the walking corpses in the outside world, inexplicably full of vitality.

These fragmentary but vital trivial matters are constantly consuming the remaining sanity of the survivors. Under the oppression of the unpleasant smell and omnipresent malice, people's spirits are also pushed to the limit. The double loss of energy and spirit caused by the constant need to be tense makes the lives of survivors who are already lacking in supplies even worse.

In addition, people nowadays have become accustomed to the existence of electronic devices, and there are really not many people who still have readable books at home. As a result, people have nothing to do but listen to the sounds outside the window and continue to be tortured. And those families who have books will regret it. It is better to have no books.

In the process of reading, some people either find that there are ghost symbols everywhere that they cannot understand and cannot take their eyes away from, or the content that was originally familiar to them is now extremely attractive, like opening the door to a new world.

Among them, the most miserable ones are those scientists and masters in various fields who have managed to survive, because when they looked at their notes and papers, they found that there were errors in knowledge everywhere, but there were no problems in demonstrating the entire article. This also allowed them to start researching, even forgetting that they were in the midst of a doomsday disaster.

In their understanding, they are using theory and logic to verify the bugs everywhere, but if there are people next to them, they will hear that the content they keep chanting is: "Thinking for a long time to know, knowing the complex and thirsting for thinking, only Holy Tragedy, don’t be trapped.”

All this is fine for Zhang Lingyou: there are no plants in the house. After all, if a cactus can wither if it is not watered for a long time, it is not an innocent plant. He eats very discreetly and likes to sleep. As a result, he can eat one meal for four or five days. Anyway, he has a lot of fat, which will be consumed slowly. As for reading books to pass the time, he took out the professional course books from the university and flipped through them. This is a hypnotic tool. After reading it, he will feel sleepy. Full.

He didn't know that for some unknown reason, the contents of the university's professional course books he had read began to become illogical. The excellent quality given to him in college: returning the knowledge to the teacher after the exam saved his life. Here at Zhang Lingyou, I will listen to what you say. Not only that the electronic information knowledge I learned cannot be used now, but also whether the communication equipment can be used in the future is another matter. Then why study seriously? Just read a book and make yourself sleepy. The main product is neither a memory card nor a processor, and it doesn't even record data. It's just a way to pass the time.

This learning model of "Ah, yes, yes, yes" without looking at it effectively destroys the unknown erosion contained in books and prevents the self-persecuting behavior of "thinking leads to doubt, and doubt leads to demons". Tired of reading, Zhang Lingyou continued to sleep to recuperate his energy first. He himself was puzzled. He hadn't read the book yet. It was very tiring to open and flip through it! It's still suitable for me to lie down. Well, after reading this book, I can continue to sleep.

The conceptual devil in the book: I have to say that you know how to read books.

A few months passed. During this period, Zhang Lingyou gradually discovered that most of those infected were people with healthy internal organs and strong bodies. This result was obtained by observing the surrounding survivors, which also cuts off the possibility of the incident subsided, because if the speculation is correct, the armies of various countries have already...

Time continued to pass, and Zhang Lingyou began to get used to this dull world. Except occasionally in his sleep, he would see a golden figure sitting on a white jade throne; after waking up, he would face the approaching figure for some reason. Apart from being in a daze at the Wei Jing ruins, life is no different. He also didn't know that in a few months, he was the only living person with a big heart left in the surrounding area.

While our protagonist is recalling the happy life before the disaster, his future soul carrier is facing the greatest challenge ever.

. . . . . .

In the icy void outside the solar system, a thrilling chase is breaking out. Both sides are dancing on the tip of the knife, and neither side wants to give up.

Nyadraza (Burner): "Ogdriada (Resurrectionist), can you do it? Hurry up and help! Otherwise, the rebirth stance will be invalid, and everyone will be finished!"

Azagorod (Night Holder): "You can say less... Hurry up and locate the dimensional status with Zahulash (The Ruler). Those traitorous servants are still blocking the high-dimensional teleportation." Entrance. You two will search again to see if there are any star gates or inter-dimensional nodes that are not blocked. You are still not used to the rules of this world... You need to get rid of the rebels behind you immediately."

Magradros (Void Dragon): "It is better to let Igrania (World Shaper) look for available worlds around it. This consumption will not be sustained at all. At most two times, the shield will have no energy to maintain. It needs to be replenished. energy."

Tischakra (The Blighter): "Magradros is right."

Isutra (countless one): "Shut up! You are the one who gave me the death (the Blighter was seduced by the Necrons and rushed into the void gate. As a result, he fell into the subspace and broke into countless pieces. He died. Ordinary sloppiness), if you hadn't coveted the power of Landugal (Skinned One) and Kalugu La (Silent Tears). Taking advantage of the opportunity to satisfy your selfish desires while on duty, and ended up hitting the world rules self-checker, it wouldn't have happened. It will be detected by the guarding dynasty of this world. As a result, we are now restricted by the self-protection mechanism of the awakened world and cannot control the authority of this world, making the situation so passive! "

Tisakla: "It seems that you were very involved in the looting when the spoils were divided. How do you have the qualifications to say this?"

Ixiu Tuo hesitated and said: "I did it for the sake of the whole...the fragments. Can it be called dividing the spoils? Don't change the subject, and hurry up and do your best."

On the fleet of the Niflek dynasty, which was in hot pursuit, the commander-in-chief of the fleet, the French Emperor Heqiros: "Can't these immortal gods communicate internally? What are the qualities of a full-screen microphone?"

Tomb Technician: "My Emperor, I suggest you turn on the anti-divine filter. If it continues to be interfered with, the control protocol will easily malfunction."

Hedgerows: "No. Continue."

Of course, Hechroth knew that constantly receiving messages from Star God fragments would put a huge burden on the core processor. It was still a minor problem that the logic protocol would easily collapse. What he was most worried about was that the communication between these Star Gods would awaken the Star Gods in the World Engine. fragments and make them come alive again.

But after turning off the World Engine, there is no Throne World (the Throne World is the World Engine, the largest Necron vehicle unit currently known to the Empire, which is as huge as a planet. "Gothic Fleet - The Rise of King Amakun" Because there is a facility called the "Dark Throne" on it, it is named the Throne World. In the game, the Necrons rely on the power of the throne to close the Eye of Terror (the Eye of Terror) to maintain high-frequency detection, and their perception is easily affected by the immortal god. Not to mention completing the containment operation, being able to go back alive is the blessing of the Three Saints.

Heqiroth ordered: Continue to maintain communication, prepare the particle whip, connect the Nightbringer's cage, and use his cognate power to attack his fragments.

Just when the dynasty fleet was making a decision, the Star God fragment fusion in front seemed to have discovered something and plunged into the inner solar system. The containment fleet behind it had no choice but to follow.

Azagorod: "On one of the planets inside, there are things left by those psionic lizards. I don't know what they are, but I hope they can still be used. It's best to use them to give those rebel servants a surprise." .”

Tisakla: "There is also a young and energetic star. As for that planet, although it is polluted, it is not inedible!"


The star gods remained silent, not wanting to answer the Blighter's words. Each is preparing to complete its own mission, escape from the pursuit of the fleet, and then devour others of its kind, and finally take revenge on those slaves who betrayed them.

Of course, the star gods were aware of the movements of the fleet behind them, and they still planned to fight again. The current situation no longer supported them to continue to consume the fleet. The huge consumption of energy would truly bring them into a situation of no return. You can only rely on your own mobility to avoid the fleet attack, activate the ancient defense field here, and use the force to gain strength by maneuvering to unlock.

Just as the Star Gods flew to Terra and rushed straight towards the Wei Jing ruins, the fleet behind them also released the particle whip. The Night Holder's own power locked his fragments firmly, and at the same time, a purple-gold light emanated from the Wei Jing ruins.

The star gods felt the familiar aura of the planet below, and collectively exclaimed: "Fuck! Haotian LO..." The huge shock prevented them from maneuvering well, and they were hit by two attacks at the same time.

No one noticed that a soul wrapped in white light left the collapsed body and mixed with three majestic energy fields.

The Necromancer Fleet could only detect the beaten Star Gods who were about to disintegrate and turned into an irregular spherical object glowing with purple-gold light, penetrating the world again.

Commanders at all levels in the fleet: "!!!"

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