Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Chapter 30 Paralyzing Base AI

In the hilly area where the laboratory is located, the Thunder Eagle gunship slowly landed and hovered at a safe height.

In the cabin, three thousand big guys jumped down and landed in the river valley below, spreading out to occupy the commanding heights.

Area A has been cleared!

Area B has been cleared!


Soon, they successfully opened up the landing area, and the Thunder Eagle gunship slowly landed and unloaded various supplies.

Rhino personnel carriers, Spartan tanks, large auspicious instruments, and the most important Thinker computer array!

According to satellite detection, there is a rebellious artificial intelligence in the base. If you want to enter the laboratory, you must take it down first.

In the eyes of other humans, there is no other way except to attack violently at this moment, but this will increase casualties and is not conducive to Sayid's transmission to Terra.

The space elevator is paralyzed, and Sayid cannot send power to the moon in a short period of time.

So Sayid decided to paralyze the artificial intelligence through electronic warfare and take the base with zero casualties.

In the eyes of other humans, this is an impossible task. Compared with artificial intelligence that can learn autonomously, the human Thinker computing engine is just an answering machine, and it is still at the 3k level in essence.

The same command can be issued by AI in 0.000001 seconds, almost by thinking, while the meditator needs to input it manually, and the process takes several seconds.

Whether it is computing power or reaction power, the meditator cannot compete with AI.

But Sayid is different. In addition to being a human, he is also the leader of Bingmu civilization.

At this moment, he silently chanted in his heart: "Bingmu soil, refine!"

The puppet's palm touched the surface of the ground, and a green spread around, covering the entire laboratory and incorporating Sayid's perception, including the artificial intelligence inside!

Under the detection force field of Bingmu soil, Sayid successfully read the AI ​​database and knew its every move.

"Suspected intruder found, alert!"

"Threat level increased..."

"Start third-level crisis response measures..."

AI also found Sayid, and the two were monitoring each other at this moment.

If the power of AI could not be projected outside the laboratory, the big guy would be attacked as soon as he landed.

At this moment, various unmanned turrets were activated in the base, blocking every corner. It is not difficult to imagine that if the big guy broke in, he would be hit head-on.

This is a powerful plasma turret that can easily penetrate the big guy's ceramic steel armor. In order to preserve the manpower, Sayid did not intend to attack until the last moment.

At this time, the plasma reactor was started, the thinker array was set up, and hundreds of puppets were holding a computer and ready to fight.

In the distance, the termite excavator roared, carrying twenty big guys into the ground, and with a bang, it pierced the outer wall of the base and broke into the base.

"Ding, ding!"

The piercing alarm sounded, and countless automatic artillery focused on the excavator. The energy group continued to bombard, and even the armored excavator could only last for ten minutes.

If it were a big guy, one shot could kill several in seconds!

Using the excavator to absorb firepower, the big guys worked hard. They pulled out the cables and connected them to the cables exposed on the wall. In an instant, the thinkers were connected to the AI ​​network!


With Sayid's order, more than 2,000 puppets slammed the keyboards beside the Thinker array.

The Thinkers were technologically backward, so Sayid did not intend to use fancy techniques, but to play to his advantage in weapons and wood, to directly use his strength to create miracles, and to paralyze the AI ​​with massive information.

The outcome depends on two points, computing power and attack frequency!

Sayid has no shortage of computing power. The more puppets he has, the stronger his computing power is. The only restriction is the attack frequency.

The Thinker is at the 3k level, and the command input relies on the keyboard, which is undoubtedly much slower than the AI's thoughts.

It's like two people fighting, one is as fast as lightning, and the other is as slow as a snail. Sayid is obviously at a disadvantage!

However, Sayid can use the Gestalt characteristics of the puppets to split a command into two thousand puppets for input.

Each puppet only needs to input one character, and any attack command can be issued in an instant!

In this way, even if there is still a gap with AI, it is not that big.

In just a moment, the Thinker array output a huge amount of garbage data, which rushed to the base AI like a tsunami, catching the latter off guard.

The CPU temperature rose, the coolant boiled, and the base AI hastily retaliated, also responding with a huge amount of information, but it miscalculated.

The Thinker is not an AI, but just a response system, with at most an information storage device. Any instructions must be entered manually, and information cannot be processed automatically.

If the AI ​​is a human, the Thinker is a puppet. You can blind a person's eyes, but the puppet will remain indifferent.

This means that the laboratory AI can only passively take a beating!

Through satellite scanning and military wood detection, Sayid easily found the weak points of the base AI, and then strengthened the information attack in a targeted manner.

The CPU temperature continued to rise, and the coolant became more and more boiling. The AI ​​felt bad and increased the output of the automatic cannon, trying to destroy the termite digging vehicle and physically cut off the connection.

At this time, Sayid thought to himself: "Brother Emperor, I need hypnosis to reinforce one cognition: After so many years, the coolant has already deteriorated and cannot dissipate heat!"

The Emperor replied with two words: "I know!"

Sayid's vision blurred again. When he turned his attention to the coolant, he immediately realized that the coolant had deteriorated, even though the coolant would not deteriorate in the Golden Age!

Sayid's cognition was the cognition of hundreds of millions of puppets. The waaaagh force field formed instantly distorted reality and deteriorated the coolant!

The coolant boiled more violently. After a few breaths, the AI's CPU exploded, the automatic cannon stalled, and the base defense was paralyzed!

Said was very excited and said: "Brother Huang, you can also use this method to attack the Caucasus underground!"

The emperor said calmly: "There is no AI, but there are more rebellious Thunder Warriors!"

Said was speechless and said awkwardly: "Well, it's not that easy."

Subsequently, a thousand Big Brother puppets entered the base, removed the AI's computing core, replaced it with the Thinker Array, and reactivated the laboratory.

"Open sesame!"

Deep underground, Said found a machine that was protected by layers of protection. Based on the knowledge in his memory, he turned on the power and bursts of psychic energy were emitted.

This is the result of mankind's research on the webway in the Golden Age, which can create a temporary webway and achieve cross-galactic transmission.

"Brother Huang, my phone is on, are you okay?"

The emperor immediately replied: "I'm ready, count to three to start, 3, 2, 1, start!"

The two of them started the machine at the same time. The barrier between reality and subspace weakened, and a deep purple tunnel appeared. The next moment, the purple color disappeared, and a tall golden figure appeared on the opposite side!

It's the Emperor!

Just like Tinkerbell's random door, I'm at this end and Brother Huang is at the other end!

"Brother Huang! I miss you so much!"

Said's eyes filled with tears. The big puppet flew forward and hugged the golden figure tightly, rubbing his face.

Brother Huang's armor is so hard and feels so good to the touch!

Said's cheeks were slightly red and his expression was excited, and then he heard a strange voice:

"Um...Your Highness...I am Waldo, the commander of the Forbidden Army. Your Majesty is over there!"


Said turned his head and saw the emperor with a gentle smile, as well as a large number of Imperial Guards and Sisters of Silence whose mouth corners twitched and suppressed smiles.

The human meditator doesn't have much computer data, but it is definitely quite backward, so I set it myself:

That is a brain. Its computing power is stronger than that of computers in the 3K era. It cannot learn independently or form a network. It is just a simple answering machine.

Compared with AI, it's like a flintlock gun and a submachine gun...

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