Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Chapter 18 Scientific Research Zone and Imperial Truth

Technology is divided into basic technology and applied technology, and application is a derivative of basic technology.

The basic technology of the golden age was artificial intelligence. After the Iron Man rebellion, it was proved that artificial intelligence was a dead end and could only develop new basic technologies.

How does human technology develop in the Warhammer 40k universe? The Emperor's answer was to conquer the Warp first.

Subspace does not follow any physical rules and can interfere with reality. There are malicious evil gods. Without them, it is impossible for human technology to develop.

The sophons in the three-body system can easily interfere with human quantum collision experiments, making it impossible to break through basic science and technology. Subspace can do the same, and can do more.

For example, if a perfectly normal machine suddenly grows flesh and blood and attacks humans, if a normal scientist sees it, he will definitely shout "physics is dead" and then shoot himself.

The Mechanicus later turned technology into superstition, and scientific development came to a halt. This was not because they wanted to do this, but in an idealistic universe, this was the only way.

But Said is different. He has a waaaagh force field, which naturally isolates the subspace like the green skin, creating a temporary materialistic universe.

If subspace is the Internet, then the waaaagh force field is the local area network. Under the force field, the Bingmu civilization can develop technology.

There are many races in Warhammer that are not affected by the warp, such as the Necrons, the Tau Empire, etc. Their technology is absolutely materialistic.

Therefore, Said believes that he has the ability to carry the banner of scientific and technological development for mankind.

The first step in the development of science and technology is to liberate human beings from a large amount of low-level labor and achieve free and comprehensive development.

Said produces 200 million puppets every week, and they go into the factory to make screws, acting as low-level labor and industrial workers, and supporting humans in the scientific research area.

The mechanics, under the guidance of Said, improve the level of human knowledge and cultivate scientific research talents.

Bingmu is a Gestalt civilization. Said's great power belongs to himself. With strong execution and computing power, coupled with the creative assistance of human scientists, it will one day achieve technological take-off.

Therefore, Said set up a special scientific research area, and the 20 million humans in it had only one task, which was to learn.

In the scientific research area, schools were built one after another to educate humans in a cram-like manner. In them, academic performance is the only currency, and they are divided into three, six, and nine grades.

Hmm... It's very much like a classroom where strength is paramount.

By creating inequality, humans at the bottom are encouraged to learn and accumulate knowledge.

Of course, this is only a temporary measure, mainly used to eliminate illiteracy. When knowledge is accumulated to a certain extent, the scientific research area will teach students in accordance with their aptitude to achieve all-round development of people.

In addition to scientific education, Said also strengthened ideological education and established the Emperor's Truth. Said personally served as the pope to spread the Emperor's truth.

In the fight against demons and monsters, the ideological position cannot be given up. Under Said's arrangement, ideological education classes are no less than scientific education.

In ideological classes, church priests teach in person, preaching the greatness of the Emperor, advocating the worship of the Emperor, and most importantly: identifying the enemies of mankind.

In class, the priest presided over mass, praised the emperor, encouraged loyalty, and then changed the subject and asked:

"Everyone, why do we worship the Emperor? Just because of his personal greatness?"

Students wonder, don’t they?

The priest shook his head: "Everyone understand, it is not the Emperor who needs to be worshiped, but we who need to be worshiped! Only by believing in the Emperor can humans survive in this dangerous universe!"

"Today, I will tell you about the mortal enemies of mankind: aliens, evil gods, and heretics!"

"My compatriots, in the golden age, we gave help to the aliens and coexisted harmoniously with them, but during the Iron Man Rebellion era, they shamelessly backstabbed humans, resulting in the current human condition..."

"At this time, the photo recorded the scene of Chaos Corrosion. After the photographer took the photo, he also turned into the zombie in the picture... If you don't believe in the Emperor, this will be the consequences!"

"Look, look, these heretics are disrupting the unity of the empire and blaspheming His Majesty. Many of them are the lackeys of aliens and evil gods..."

Warhammer is a hymn of sacrifice and courage. Humanity has too many evocative stories. Said changed his appearance and asked a priest to preach and exaggerate hatred.

The audience in the audience was filled with indignation, and their anger continued to accumulate, inspired by the heroic deeds of great men.

Some of these stories happened in the past, some in the future, but whether true or false, they all succeeded in planting seeds of hatred in the hearts of the audience.

In the scientific research area, the puppet kept patrolling, and Said was particularly pleased to see that everything was going according to plan.

If successful, it will give future empires a new governance model.

Puppet production ensures sufficient supplies, humans learn knowledge and become scientists, while instilling the Emperor's truth and ensuring loyalty.

If it succeeds, not to mention the revival of mankind, it can at least stop the decline and no longer be a sustainable end.

The emperor saw all this and said with some dissatisfaction: "Sayed, it is too early to expose the subspace. Chaos corruption is pervasive."

As long as you shout the names of Zaan, Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Khorne, you will be noticed by the evil god, and then begin to corrode, quietly becoming a bridge between subspace and reality.

Chaos corruption is so unreasonable, so at first the Emperor concealed the existence of the Warp from the Primarchs and humans to reduce the loopholes in the reality of the evil god's corruption.

But anyone who knows the history of Warhammer knows that this effort is in vain. After the Horus Heresy, the warp and evil gods were well known in the empire.

The exposure of the subspace directly led to the replacement of imperial truth by the state religion, the materialistic trend of thought turned to idealism, and the emperor became the new god.

So Said said to the emperor: "Brother Emperor, I can't hide it. There is a god in this universe, and one day he will be exposed."

The Emperor said calmly: "I will complete the Webway Project before it is exposed and isolate the subspace. For humans, this universe will have no gods and will be completely materialistic."

The Webway is a technological relic of the Old Ones that can isolate the subspace. The Emperor hopes to repair the Webway, isolate humans from the subspace, and then modify human genes to become a non-psionic species.

Psionic species can form projections in subspace and are noticed by evil gods. As long as humans do not have psychic powers, they can be completely isolated from the influence of subspace.

At that time, mankind will be able to develop basic technology and achieve a great renaissance, just like the Tau Empire and the Necron.

So the Emperor ordered: "So before the error has just begun, cleanse these humans and promote the truth of my empire."

But Said shook his head: "Brother Huang, you have overlooked one thing. I have a waaaagh force field, which, like the green skin, can isolate the influence of subspace."

"And in case the Webway plan fails, you need an insurance policy. The decayed empire in the prophecy is not the best choice... Of course, if you insist, I will carry out the order."

The emperor was silent, and after thinking for a few seconds, he agreed:

"Okay, you can try it, but please remember that the evil god's corruption is everywhere, so you still have to stay vigilant."

Said smiled and said: "Don't worry, brother Huang, there are 30 million puppets stationed in the scientific research area, and a heresy tribunal has been established within the Emperor's Shinrikyo to cleanse heretics!"

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