Wang An Leiji (Yang Leiji) (What If I Was In Martial Peak)

Chapter 478: Supreme Elder Meeting (Part 2)

I sat there, honestly shocked by this action. After all, it wasn't like I was trying to get these supreme elders to bow. However, in my brief moment of shock the other Supreme Elders performed similar acts of respect. 

"Please, stop being so apologetic. I only did what I should." I said, using a bit of my power to force them to stop bowing. 

"Well in that case then, how do you think we should inform the public about the Ink Force?" Six Wood divine monarch asked, sitting back in his seat. 

"The best way, I'm of the opinion, that we should be completely honest with them. Including that the ink force can break their heavenly set limits. Or at least that's how they'll lie to our people." I started explaining. 

A look of worry came over some of the Supreme Elders. "Young Master Yang, I understand that you have good intentions, but wouldn't telling them this information make them more inclined to accept the ink clan's offer?" One of them proposed. 

"You're right, if that's all we explained then it could lead to issues of such a nature…" I replied, insinuating I had more to say. But stopping to see what they would try to say in return. 

"So, we tell them the full truth of the situation and then use their familial relationships to tie them together keeping them from converting." Another Supreme Elder said, rubbing his chin. 

"Precisely, I feel that anyone worthy of their cultivation should understand that killing their own family would be a horrible price to pay. Furthermore, even in the case of their whole family being turned to the ink clan, would they willingly let themselves and their family be eaten alive by those vile creatures?" I explained. "I tend to think that people are more caring than some may believe. It's just the lies and deceit that cause too many problems. And besides, even if someone did turn to the side of objective evil, it's not not like it would be hard to deal with them appropriately. If it was accidental then we just convert them back, if it was on purpose just kill them. If they are so weak minded to pursue such powers then they wouldn't even be a helpful miner." I continued. 

"I see, why did we never think this through before?" A Supreme Elder sighed as they face palmed. 

"Well, I could also tell you that you're stupid. But that word isn't really enough to explain the sheer magnitude of stupidity. Seriously, preventing direct 7th ranks? Judging by what I've seen alone. We could have had at least 50 more 9th rank open heavens by now. With many, many more on the way." I explained. 

"But we had that one that turned on us before." A Supreme Elder quickly answered. "We couldn't allow for a similar situation to occur again. Otherwise the battlefield would have fallen by now." They continued. 

I leaned my head back and sighed, Standing up and walking to overlook the cliff. "Explain what it is I just did?" I said, simply. 

The Supreme Elders were speechless because most of them didn't know what was going on now, thinking we had already come to a conclusion and agreement. 

"You checked on the situation of your force, correct?" Mo Sha answered.

I smirked, impressed that the idiot was the one who figured it out first. Though he was now standing awfully close to me, uncomfortably close. 

"You're right, though more specifically I checked a portion of my force. Something you all failed to do. Failing to check your own forces led to infiltration and sabotage. What happened to Great Evolution is the fault of your own arrogant hubris. Had you checked that disciple's small universe, you'd have been more than able to deal with it. Instead, the Ink Clan managed to get the better of you. And furthermore, was able to manipulate you into spending energy to actively limit your fighting capability… It's nothing short of a miracle born of many generations of blood and luck that the human race hasn't fallen." I explained, annoyed I had to point this out. 

"The ink clan made a fool of us…" Mo Sha and nearly every other Supreme Elder said, heaving a collective heavy sigh. 

"So, why do you suggest we have been getting lucky thus far?" Six Wood asked, seeing through the fog. 

"Simple, the Ink Clan's strength makes us look like newborns. They have no less than a million royal Lords on standby. Of course, these forces are locked behind a truly powerful restriction called the Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction. And right now, as we speak the final living member of the 10 still guards that place. He awaits his people to grow strong enough to eliminate the Ink Clan. And one to rise to the challenge of fighting Ink, the progenitor of the Ink Clan, in single combat." I explained, clenching my fist, as it shook. 

"WAIT! You mean to say that one of the 10 Great experts still breathes and is fighting on to this day!" A Supreme Elder shouted, and then gulped audibly. 

"Well technically two, but the second one is currently only a tenth of his former self. Soon he'll be working with full steam. But I have to collect the 12 columns beforehand." I said, leaning into the next topic which was quickly dealt with. 

"Just that? I think all of them have been found except for the Primordial Yin Bamboo. But with how slow their production is… Oh my, are you… Are you going to plant a piece in every world?" The Supreme Elder with the hots for me asked, gasping as she thought of the idea. 

"Hmm, I hadn't thought of that. But that's not a bad idea, but the amount of the item is our current constraint. So I hope to start with them here in Star Boundary. To make the fullest use of the World Tree's effects…" I said, sitting down in my chair again. "Now then, since issues have been resolved, I'd be grateful if you could explain the 8th rank breakthrough. Try to avoid conflicting issues. I'd be grateful for this, as I am going to be breaking directly through to 8th rank." I added, opening my ears up to listen. 

"Oh I'll tell you all about it." Six Wood laughed. 

And then the over 100 8th ranks, described their experience while we awaited the return of my wives the fairies. My confidence in breaking through soared. 

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