Chapter 473: Return to Star Boundary
"Yes, it truly is beautiful, I'm proud to call it home." I said with a chuckle.
The disciples from both forces deboarded the ships and the 7th ranks stowed them away. Each of them sighing as they thought of the repair costs. It looked as though they were attempting to think up excuses and calculate in their heads.
"If you're worried about repairs… Don't. After our meeting is finished you'll be working with far better equipment. This is not a simple conflict, it isn't even really a war. This is fighting back against genocidal evil creatures. We are fighting an enemy that can never be reasoned with. They are purely destructively evil. Make no mistake, if we don't fight back with extreme prejudice… We will never win. We are fighting for our survival, against an enemy that would eat us alive whenever they want." I said, making it clear to them, our situation. "You may be my seniors in age…. By quite a bit I might add, but, I am more experienced with fighting that horrible clan. So trust me when I say this, practicing to fight against those detestable things is paramount…. Also… No, I'll bring that up in our meeting later. For now. It's time to celebrate!" I continued.
"Huh? Celebrate?" One of the 7th ranks asked, confused.
"My parents' wedding of course, that's one of the reasons you traveled here. I'm celebrating the fact I'm going to have more siblings in the very near future." I answered.
"Oh, my apologies. I had forgotten why after that… Uh, experience." The 7th rank chuckled nervously.
"Ahahaha, sounds like you all, need to eat and get drunk. Let loose and relax. I made sure that there was entertainment for anyone and everyone, with just about every kind of entertainment." I laughed, petting the guy's back. "You earned it with your actions today. You made the right choice sending someone to get help. You'd do well on that battlefield." I added, with a proud look.
"Provided I don't have to fight a territory lord…" The 7th rank sulked for a moment then took a moment and perked up slightly. "You said any kind of entertainment?" He asked.
"Yes, whether they be man or woman, they can even do that. However, you must understand this, you had better not mistreat them. They are quite important for stress relief and entertainment." I explained.
"Wait, so what about me? Would I be able to have fun with the ladies too?" Qing Ning's senior sister asked.
"Huh, well, yes, if that's what you want to do. But it's not like there aren't men you could do the same with. No need to limit yourself like that." I said, simply.
"Oh? What if I wanted to play with some women and one man?" Qing Ning's Senior Sister asked, clearly teasing me. "I don't want to get married, but, that doesn't mean I wouldn't like the idea of having some fun." She whispered.
"If that's how you want to roll with it, you can do what you want. But there are things you'll need to do for such things. I trust everyone understands that." I explained, keeping her hand away from my third leg.
"Awe, alright I'll go and tease my junior sister a bit." Qing Ning's senior sister said with a half pout, once she realized I wouldn't just let her have her way with me.
"I'm sure my wife, would love to see her senior sister again. Actually, I know this to be true, our first cultivation told each other our life stories… So I guess I should thank you for looking out for her all this time." I said, then clapped my hands teleporting everyone inside Star Boundary. "For now you may stand to represent your forces, along with your Supreme Elders. I'll leave the details of what you'll be doing for the ceremony to be explained by your forces' representation." I began explaining.
"See, there was no need for anyone else to go. Not when he goes." Yang Kai chuckled.
"Junior Brother Yang is right. Now I want a taste of that martial nephew even more now." The Supreme Elder that had the hots for me a while ago said, licking her lips.
I sighed, then cupped my hands. "Father, I have returned from rescuing our allies. Damage report, 1 ally had been killed before I arrived. But I was able to resurrect him. As for other damages, their ships… speaking frankly the enemy was toying with them…" I said, pausing for the next part. "Also, I have confirmed that the enemy has learned of their ability to become pseudo-royals. However, I can also confirm that under my unique brand of thunder it means little more than certain death for the enemy." I continued explaining.
"Hmm, well, good. Then there won't be a problem with us continuing the ceremony then? Or did that resurrection take too much out of you?" Yang Kai asked.
"Father, I won't lie, that was the 2nd or 3rd most draining ability I have in my arsenal. Even still, I'll be fine. The fact they bothered to combine proves they don't have a royal. Which means there is nothing to fear." I answered, convincingly.
"Alright, then. Do you have a plan in the event one does appear while your mothers are incapacitated?" Yang Kai asked.
A smirk came across my lips. "Of course I do, father. The twins could always use a little, moving target practice." I chuckled.
"Outstanding! Then let us continue with our festivities. Go ahead and begin the announcement!" Yang Kai laughed slightly, but loudly. "And get our friends here some of that strong wine. I'm sure they need to relax a bit, especially those 5th rank and lower." He added.
"Then, I'll have things begin. Let today be a day of wondrous happiness." I said, then vanished to appear outside the great hall. "Everyone, Ladies, Gentlemen, Young & Old, Foreign and Domestic, Friends and Family…" I began revealing my prestigious royal aura. "Today, we mark down in history the day my family expands, as my father officially marries all of the women he had fall in love with him, over his life's journey. Today, we hold this ceremony. And for the next month we will have parties and nonstop entertainment. I ask you to pay your respects in whatever way you are able and… TO ENJOY THE FESTIVITIES!" I announced, to the entirety of Star Boundary.