Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 183

The Prussian secret police. (2) >


It is one of the leading arms manufacturers in the UK. He had a weapon category regardless of army and navy, and carried the British Empire on his back and was making a worldwide arms trade.

Vasil Zakharov.

The arms dealer called the original ‘death merchant’ who produced the Zaharov system also worked as a member of Vickers.

After collaborating with the Maxim of Maxim machine gun in 1907, he merged with Vickers and joined Vickers.


It is called the representative military-industrial complex in Britain.

“It is a huge military-industrial complex that acts as a major shareholder of the Portsmouth company that manufactures dreadnoughts. It receives orders for weapons from all over the world and exports them to the world. Its trade network is vast like the British Empire.”

Prussian secret police.

A simple interrogation room at Doache Bank.

The Prussian police and the German Ministry of Finance were interrogating a plan to interfere with the Berlin bank with Bertha’s debt.

Treasury Secretary Max, who was listening to my plan, nodded his head.

“Sir Detroit, but Germany’s military-industrial complex is not behind either. Krupp is a arms maker equal to or even bigger than Vickers.”

“Secretary Max said the same thing. But under the same sky, two losers can’t coexist, can’t they?”

It is often used in international diplomacy.

Two losers cannot coexist. Of course, it is a matter of international diplomacy, and it is difficult to see it as a matter of economics.

But even in the industry, if I killed my opponent, I could steal market share and monopolize it.

Poke the Vickers with a croup.

The weapons dumping scheme I was trying to f*ck the UK with. Originally, I was trying to team up with Krupp.

“The Balkans are boiling. Tensions are boiling over imperialism in Europe. The arms industry is booming or long.”


From the moment the world entered imperialism, the state became inseparable from the arms industry.

Vickers and Krupp.

Two strong players in the arms industry.

The fierce competition in the arms industry on the international stage is indescribable. Due to the nature of the arms industry, it is a system where one client places a large order. It is a zero-sum game where the one who catches the client wins.

In a zero-sum deathmatch, those who are culled die.

“I plan to stab Vickers through Krupp.”



New Prime Minister of the British Empire.

He was pushing England into the abyss like a big truck driving the current highway at 200 km/h. It was a huge obstacle in my plans.

England should not die so soon.

CDO is the culprit.

Then there is a need to break the illusion of CDO.

So it’s the arms industry.

Wouldn’t it be a little crazy to break your head in the arms industry?

The most famous of the British Empire’s arms industry was Vickers, and the British Empire would change their minds if threatened with Vickers, the active trade with naval shipyards.

‘As much as possible, I want Germany to be a tank.’

When I step forward, Belfour and I cross the Rubicon River. To become a relationship of no return.

Fortunately, I don’t have to go to the front.

Berlin Palace.

A Kaiser of the German Empire wouldn’t even give me such a role.

Wilhelm II.

Isn’t there a crazy dog in the German imperial family who can create even non-existent things if only he can f*ck Britain?


Secretary of the Treasury Marks had a look of a bit of an appetite. If this is the case, it may be possible to attract Detroit Morgan as a business partner. would have thought

reflection statement.

Basically, the German imperial family was not the only one who felt inferior to the British Empire.

Bell Epoch.

The people of the German Empire who envied and hated the heyday of the British Empire were scattered all over the country. Anti-emotional sentiment is that the German people are much more serious than the German Kaiser.

Germany’s anti-emotional sentiment remained at such a level that the German people condemned the Kaiser’s pro-government behavior.

Is it different from Junker?

If it’s serious, it’s more serious.

Gummy pulls me, what are you talking about, but you probably want to hold my hand right now.

“Even so, recently, Vickers said that Maxim Nortenfeld was acquired by Sir Maxim. This is the company that made machine guns.”

What would happen in 1907 had already happened in 1903.

Indeed, it is an unavoidable trend.

The Boxer Movement has grown almost to the level of the Civil War in the Qing Empire, and the international arms industry has also faced upheaval.

Hong Kong and Tokyo Ordnance Bureau.

With the growing arms market going to be taken over by the United States, Maxim would have been more impatient and would have teamed up with Vasil Zakharov more quickly.

Treasury Secretary Max’s eyes lit up.

“Incidentally, ThyssenKrupp, who will be collaborating with Krupp, said that they recently acquired DWM? Even gun mechanic John Browning, I heard that he is working for the New York Ordnance Department, isn’t it?”


Your ass is burning right now.

The Treasury Secretary persuaded me with a itchy face, wanting to go on a rampage right now.

Maxim vs DWM.

Finance Minister Max put another frame like this in order to increase the plate.

“DWM Yes, we took it. This is the parent company of FN Erstal, Belgium and Mouser, Germany. It is the world’s leading firearms market leader. Probably not lacking.”

“Hmm. The German Imperial Army’s armament is also adopted by DWM, so it’s quite attractive. It’s a size that the Berlin Palace will like.”

Treasury Secretary Max nodded.

John Browning wouldn’t be able to kill me when he was with the New York Ordnance Agency in the first place. If you take me right now, your plans will be ruined.

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Of course, he could chew the whole plan and kill me.

DWM alone could have pushed him away.

‘Absolutely avoid being forced to board an American merchant ship and be buried in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean in an ‘unexplained accident’.’

will you save me?

Thank you for not shooting me?

Giraldo oily resin.

I could have been immersed in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean because I was doing something to kill in Germany.


Before I took possession, there was a massive drought going on in America. As the extreme weather conditions that dried up rivers and lakes continued for a long time, riverbeds across the United States were exposed.

drum barrel.

Drums were found there.

Drums filled with concrete or cement with bodies in them were found.

Tuguri is not an urban legend.

It’s a real story.

I really could have been buried in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

‘Even the Prussian secret police. You can soak me at any time.’

When I said that I was forced to be loaded onto an American voyage and returned to the United States, it means that I saved my life. They said it could sink into Atlantis at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

As someone said, your father might be in America.

I’m still unmarried though.

‘Once you’re alive, you go out.’

I don’t want to die.

Even in Japan, when I died. I had no memory of being pushed to death in this way.

Before I even felt death, it happened in the blink of an eye.

In that sense, I wanted to escape immediately from this space where the smell of death was oozing out.


I stretched

In times like these, let’s pretend to be calm. To Treasury Secretary Max, I needed to look like a dog.

“Are you sure you want to?”

“Well, I’m going to deceive you just this one time.”



Treasury Secretary Max’s words were not over.

“For the time being, the Prussian secret police will follow.

“…I know what.”

“Escape to the US consulate or embassy is not recommended as much as possible. If something goes wrong, we are also responsible.”

I’m thinking of locking him up in Germany for the time being.

The coercive Prussian will to judge my usefulness was clearly comprehensible, if disliked.

“Ah, do you think the cops follow you to the bathroom?”

“…if necessary, yes.”

“Haha. It must be the first time I’ve ever experienced something like that.”

I got up from my seat and walked towards the door without hesitation.

When the security guard opened the door, the desperately needed fresh air rushed in.


these f*cking bastards.

He wiped his smiling face and smirked inwardly.


“Sir, what are you going to do now?”

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On my way back from my release from Deutsche Bank and back to the Berlin Hotel, Veyron asked me.

“You really don’t intend to dump weapons with the Prussians?

“Weapon dumping proceeds.”



I loosely untied the cuffs.

It’s been a long time since I loosened a tight tie. As the blocked breathing was opened, the fresh air deeply purged the lungs.

I’m bleeding a little now.

“Change the purpose of weapon dumping.”

Prussian police are watching us.

The voice spoke with the volume turned down to the minimum. They whispered so that only each other could hear them.

“Are you changing your purpose?”

“The original purpose of dumping weapons was to shock the arms industry of the British Empire. The idea was to crush Belfour’s head in illusion.”

weapon dumping.

It was a plan that Krupp and DWM were trying to seize the British Empire and swallow the market pie they stole.

Great Britain doesn’t get cheap steel.

Their weapons are inevitably only expensive to produce.

This novel was posted at https://readwn.com

Only France, England and Russia.

Germany and the US do much less damage if they dump weapons with cheap steel.

It was able to steal all the market share of the arms industry from the three countries.

“I was planning to give you that sense of crisis.”

The end goal is not the downfall of the British arms industry.

It was the ‘Exodus’ of the British arms industry.

Large companies like Vickers can’t stand the dumping of low-cost steel.

It would be better to escape from the British Empire and build a weapons factory abroad. No, that’s how I live.

So Exodus will arise.

sense of crisis.

From the standpoint of the British Empire, wouldn’t it feel a sense of crisis as its arms industry jumps out one after another?

France, which borders Germany, hurts my mouth to speak.

This was the calculation that the British Empire would break its head and lower the steel tariff.

So far that’s it.

“…Isn’t that a huge plan? This is going to cut steel tariffs even if I cry and eat mustard as the prime minister.”

“But I have changed my mind.”

cheap steel?

After all, it’s just one of those build-ups for World War II. Before World War II, I was thinking of developing a weapon system and sucking honey in the United States.

I decided to take it all off.

“I was crazy trying to bring chaos to order.”

The only thing that can defeat madness is the same madness.

Madness about CDOs in the UK.

A mad obsession with the Prussian army.

The Balkan Peninsula, where ethnic cleansing has become a folk game after going crazy with nationalism.

It was a mistake to try to control this more with my own hands.

“Chaos ‘cleans’ with chaos.”

I can’t control all of this.

If so, flip the board.

I will spit them out of the map, full of madness.


“Yes, Master.”

“This operation is simple.”

weapon dumping?


The arms industry of the British Empire and the German Empire?


But I decided to take it all off.


My goal is to stick to one.

“Put the weapons into the Balkans as much as possible.”

Veyron took a breath at my words.

“That means…”

“Yeah. Now dumping is just a means. Spread the embers everywhere.”

The gunpowder store is splendidly sprinkled so that it burns.

Push it in until it explodes.

world war?

People in this world have not yet been equipped with the concept of World War II.

I did not experience the hellfire pit of all-out war.

War is a sport.

For Prussia, war is an honor.

Young people are passionate about iron and blood, and they give their lives for honor. Adults push such young people into battle for honor.

“Anyway, the great powers are frantic because they can’t seize the supremacy. It’s been a long time since I thought of winning, but I forgot the opposite.”

“The timing… you’re going to advance it a bit.”

“The fantasy of war is deep. Veyron. For the European powers, war is just money, that is, reparations.”

if you’re ready

Even if I don’t push it, it will walk into the pit of fire on its own.

“I’ll have to use it. I’d rather just sit back and die.”

I hardened my expression coldly.

“The German Empire must do well. It must rise to become the No. 1 power in Europe.”


encourage more

If only the environment was created, war was inevitable.

The reason why the German Empire was reluctant to engage in World War II was not because it hated war, but because it was not ready.

All of them had one heart and one accord.

Europe’s gunpowder? Balkan?

it’s funny

The whole of Europe, and the whole world, was already a gunpowder store of war.

A small spark that will ignite war.

For this, I am ready to create chaos.

An era drenched in madness.

It was hypocrisy that I was the only one remaining as a normal person.

Imperialism is opposed by imperialism.

The sprout of imperialism in my heart has grown into a nomadic tree.

“Machine guns, barbed wire and submarines have already been developed.”

This is enough.

There was no need for high-quality weapon systems to appear.

total war.

It’s a matter of winning in terms of quantity.

‘Well, I don’t know how to say this.’

Veyron can’t help it either.

Since this world has not yet experienced World War I, you will never have even imagined a war in which millions or tens of millions are torn apart.

You must be thinking that the operation I’m talking about will also be stopped after one or two European countries strike a proper treaty.

That was the universal perception of this time about war.

“Oh, sir.”


“Detroit Director.”

“Why are you calling me?”

At Veyron’s call, I turned my head.

He looked at me and smiled softly.

“It is forbidden to go out for the time being.”



Detroit has always been like this. If the same mistake is repeated 3 or more times, it is considered a disease. If the disease does not heal naturally, there is no choice but to force treatment.

Consent was obtained in advance from Pinkerton and the Secret Service.

Veyron held back his tears and decided to sharpen his sword.


“Rejection is refusal.”

Veyron was coldly colored.

I’ve been through too much to just pass on.

“Please be careful.”

A tendon sprouted over Veyron’s face.

He was a little annoyed at the careless boss’s actions. Detroit had nothing to say this time.

The Prussian secret police. (2) > end

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