Wake Up As Gay Werewolf Prince [BL]

Chapter 112


Bai Chen even assumed that it was just a suggestion coming from his mind that made him feel as if the temperature in the forest was dropping.

Wu Jinhai had just finished telling him about a beast called Snow Monster that could cause the forest’s temperature to drop drastically, and Bai Chen suddenly felt extremely cold in his body.

He was a werewolf, and he didn’t feel cold easily even when he was on Mount Heping, but for some reason, he felt that the cold he was currently feeling was more unbearable.

However, he didn’t say it out loud because he knew it would only bring down his pride if he told Wu Jinhai that he was feeling really cold right now. He was by the bonfire now, and he could take advantage of the heat of the fire while hugging himself.

On the other hand, Wu Jinhai could see how Bai Chen was embracing himself as his face turned pale, and he sighed before bringing his hands to take off his sash and remove his red hanfu from his body. He then walked toward Bai Chen and placed the red cloth on Bai Chen’s shoulders.

What Wu Jinhai had just done managed to surprise Bai Chen, and he looked up to see Wu Jinhai was only wearing his white zhong yi now.

“What are you doing? Why are you undressing? My servant always said that it’s inappropriate to only wear zhong yi in front of other people, so you shouldn’t take your clothes off!” Bai Chen rebuked the other man as he recalled his memory of when he was scolded by his old servant.

For some reason, he didn’t feel comfortable seeing Wu Jinhai with just his zhong yi, and he tried to lift the red hanfu off his shoulders. Unfortunately, before he could remove the red clothes from his body, Wu Jinhai grabbed his hand so he couldn’t continue his movement.

“Why are you so afraid of your servant when you are the Prince here?” Wu Jinhai asked, and there was clear annoyance in his tone.


Bai Chen was taken aback by the question. He realized that Wu Jinhai was not wrong. He always thought that he was clueless, so he always listened to Ma Qiao, assuming that his old servant would be able to guide him in this strange world.

“Just wear my clothes properly and stop thinking about your servant who isn’t even here with you right now,” Wu Jinhai spoke again when he could see how Bai Chen was speechless. “The low temperature in this forest would be unbearable for someone who cultivates for less than a month, so you better put on my clothes if you don’t want to freeze to death. And I don’t wear my zhong yi in front of other people because I’m only with you here.”

Once again, Wu Jinhai’s words were quite arrogant, but for some reason, Bai Chen did not feel offended by them. Even if Wu Jinhai sounded like he was making fun of someone who just started learning to fight two weeks ago, Bai Chen didn’t feel bad about it.

For some reason, Bai Chen felt that Wu Jinhai cared about him, and his heart grew warmer at the thought. He then chose to tighten his grip on the red hanfu to keep his body warmer.

Seeing that Bai Chen wouldn’t try to take off his red clothes again, Wu Jinhai withdrew his hand from the man’s before bringing his body to sit by the bonfire.

Bai Chen could see how the man was sitting leisurely on the dirty ground with only a thin zhong yi covering his body, and he hesitated to follow him. He knew that the ground was dirty, and perhaps it was even covered with beasts’ dung or perhaps their blood that smelled like dung.

It wasn’t that he knew about beasts’ dung, but he still couldn’t bring himself to sit on the ground with that thought in his mind.

“You’re going to stand like that all night?” Wu Jinhai suddenly asked as he looked at the brown-haired Prince who was still standing not far from him. “Or, do you think the ground is too dirty? You can sit on my lap if you think it is too dirty,” he added while patting his lap.

Wu Jinhai spoke flatly, and there was no hint of seduction in his tone, but Bai Chen still widened his blue eyes after hearing those words. He suddenly remembered when he was sitting on Zhu Ge’s lap when he was reading a book in the Wenxue pavilion.

‘Why do I keep remembering Zhu Ge? These two men do look similar in several aspects. Both of them wear red clothes, they are very tall, and they also have similar black hair. But their characters are very different. Zhu Ge’s mind was very dirty, and he would continue to tease me in any situation. And Wu Jinhai could be arrogant at times, but he was quite gentle, and he didn’t look lewd at all. The two are different, so I should stop comparing them,’ Bai Chen scolded himself as he continued to stare at Wu Jinhai.

He kept remembering Zhu Ge, but he told himself that it was because it had been more than two weeks since he had not seen the man. And even if he hated to admit it, he missed the pervert a bit.

The sudden confession he made in his heart caused him to widen his eyes in surprise, and he shook his head furiously to shake off the thought. ‘I’m a man, so I can’t feel this kind of feeling towards another man!’ He admonished himself once again, and he even looked frightened this time.

“You don’t want to sit on my lap?”

Wu Jinhai’s innocent question managed to catch Bai Chen’s attention. Bai Chen shook his head a moment ago, and the masked man probably mistook his attitude for his way of responding to the man’s offer.

When he turned to the man, he could see how the red-robed man was still staring at him while waiting for his answer.

Bai Chen didn’t like sitting on the dirty ground, but he still remembered the embarrassing moment he sat on Zhu Ge’s lap not too long ago, and he didn’t want to repeat that moment.

Taking a deep breath, the brunette Prince was getting ready to let his clothes get dirty as he plopped down on the ground. ‘It’s not so bad because my ass is sitting on Wu Jinhai’s clothes now. My clothes won’t get dirty even if I sit on the dirty ground,’ he thought to himself.

Wu Jinhai’s red hanfu was still hugging his body to stop the cold air in the forest tonight, and he was quite grateful that it also protected his white clothes from the dirty ground.

Bai Chen sighed heavily as he stared at the flames in front of him. It was cold, and he was hungry too. At that moment, he remembered something as he immediately brought his hand into his sleeve and took something from inside his sleeve.

It was a bun from Wu Jinhai, but he didn’t have time to bring it into his stomach because of the incident that happened in the cave just now.

Bai Chen was hungry, and he quickly brought the cold bun to his lips when he suddenly heard a light laugh coming from his side. Turning his head, he knew that it was Wu Jinhai who was just chuckling even though he couldn’t see the man’s expression.

“Cold bun won’t taste good,” Wu Jinhai commented. “Give it to me, and I’ll help you heat it so it will taste better,” he added as he stretched out his hand and motioned for Bai Chen to hand the bun to him.

Bai Chen hesitated. He was hungry, and he just wanted to eat the bun without thinking about whether it would be tasty or not. But seeing how Wu Jinhai was only in his zhong yi because the red hanfu was all around his body now, Bai Chen felt bad for refusing the man’s help.

He didn’t know what the man would do to the bun, but he still handed the bun to the masked man. The man immediately accepted the bun before stabbing it with a wooden stick.

Bai Chen gasped at what he had just seen. “Why are you stabbing my bun with a dirty stick?” He asked the man hastily.

Wu Jinhai heard the question, but he purposely ignored it as he quietly placed the bun by the fire. “Have you ever tasted roasted bun? It’s warm, and the taste is unique. I’ll let you try it tonight,” he replied without looking at Bai Chen.

Bai Chen was silent. He didn’t like it when Wu Jinhai carelessly stuck a wooden stick into his bun, but when he heard how soft the man’s voice was when he answered his protests, his heart also softened.

In the end, the pair of blue eyes couldn’t even move away from the masked man.

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