Chapter 1: Chance
Seemed like an average day in Neo-Tokyo. Sky was clear, spirits flew around with the birds, and the same goblin kept acting as an alarm using his tickling claws.
"Okay Humphry, I'm up now. Luckily I'm off work today." a young man said to himself whilst getting dressed.
This was Frater Yuta Iridensce, 20th degree Preafectus in the V.O.I.D occult group, under the teachings of Frater Alysyrose and Soror Xeo. A magician with great potential, even if his methods weren't always coherent. However the results were nothing to scoff at, creating new spells on the fly. He often dressed in a gothic fashion, and designed his glasses frame himself. He also kept a kitsune mask, mainly so he didn't let his nervous smile show when he met the higher ups, which he was going to meet one of them today.
"Man...why does meeting Diovivente make me so nervous all the time? He's a nice guy, but he's like a natural disaster within another natural disaster. As expected from someone who mastered their own Mythos." Yuta said to himself. He then saw he got a message from Xeo, telling him there was a change of plans, and that he was going to be meeting a new member.
A new member within the group was a bit rare, but not too unexpected. However the way she made it sound, it sounded like Yuta himself was going to be teaching him the ropes of Living Mythos, which was a bit nerve wracking, but it had to be done. Yuta put on his sleeveless trenchcoat, his baggy black pants, heeled boots, and his mask before running out the door. He then jumped up, making energy wings form on his ankles to fly, the aura shimmering with iridescent colors, hence his name of Iridensce. As he flew, he witnessed a battle occurring between a couple of neo-mages, a common occurrence that didn't hurt anyone normally.
He finally came up on Xeo on a rooftop with someone cloaked completely, waving Yuta down with a bright smile.
"Yuta, you made it. Meet the newest recruit." she said as she made the cloak vanish with a snap of her fingers, revealing a chubby androgynous male with long blonde hair and a purple jacket with a black skirt and pants. "This is Neophyte Tanu Arcturian. And they're going to be staying with you, so get along with them, m'kay?"
Yuta looked at Tanu, their blushing shyness was incredibly adorable, even if they tried to hide themselves. They gently waved hello, giving a small smile, making Yuta blush underneath his mask. He slowly composed himself, and agreed to take in Tanu, and both of them floated down from the rooftop.
"So, Tanu. Tell me about yourself. Just basic stuff you know." Yuta asked. Tanu blushed a little while walking with him.
"I-I'm 19, I love MMO's, I'm half Japanese and from Harajuku, and I really love TMNT. I read all of IDW, it's so cool. I really like how Mikey and Raph have a heart to heart sometimes and Raph is just a short king." Tanu said as he cutely put his hands to his cheeks.
Yuta cleared his throat, not sure if this was fate finally giving him a break, or if it was just coincidence tugging at his heels. How could someone this cute now be his junior in the group? And the worst part, the topic of gender was tugging at his brain, not wanting to misgender them.
"O-oh, and um...I'm a girl. I-I mean...I have a boy body but I like being called a girl...or maybe it's that I feel like a man and a woman. I'm sorry...I'm bad at explaining that much of myself. I guess androgynous is the appropriate term."
Yuta blushed more, even his mask was beginning to show it. A beautiful androgynous man here with him is like a dream, and he was extremely cute too. However his train of thought was interrupted by a surprise blast of flame deflected from his head. It was a stray mage, someone who just wanted to use their power to destroy and do as much damage as possible.
Tanu was frozen in fear, never encountered something like this, and didn't know how to react. Yuta set up a barrier around Tanu so no attacks could reach. It was time to battle now, and Yuta was just relaxing his body, and putting on headphones to listen to music. The stray mage began to spawn multiple magick circles created from light codes, turning into firebolt spells that launched like bullets. Yuta danced around, dodging each one and grabbing the last one and throwing it back with double the force. As he chased the stray, he began chanting while dodging.
"72 Gibbering Aethyrs signal the calling of the Guardian of the star lit crossroads, come forth the banishment of Malum, the Influencer of Folly, reduce power to a trickling of the fountain. Unleash thy wings under the banner of Aquarius, show no mercy to those who harm the gates of the truth. Blast forth, Power of Harlequiss!!" Yuta chanted loudly as he dodged multiple spells in midair with ease, flying through them and weaving his body like an expert contortionist.
A massive iridescent colored smiling maw appeared in front of the stray, turning into what seemed like a dragonoid avatar that smiled before grabbing him. Yuta then used a Mudra spell to turn his arm into pure electricity, and striking the stray right in the back. However the stray started to laugh, absorbing the energy and breaking free from the aethyric being's grasp. Tanu watched the battle unfold, seeing Yuta's power firsthand.
"That's the power Living Mythos provides you know. Creating spells on the fly in an unorthodox Engram process, it requires a greater power output, but the result is extraordinary. Show him what you can do too Tanu, I believe you'll impress him." Xeo whispered from behind, a shadow on the wall whispering into his ear.
Tanu went out of the barrier, not wanting to disappoint his mentor or Yuta. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to focus, power flowing into him rapidly and making the air swirl around him. As he opened his eyes, they shimmered with gold, as his hair grew longer and turned pure white. His muscles bulged out to show his true muscular physique, and his skin turned purple, while demonic wings grew from his back, black horns erupted from his head in black flames, and vampiric fangs grew in his mouth. His expression changed to a serious one as he dashed towards the stray like a rocket, light codes enveloped his forearm before turning it into pure energy, hitting the stray in the chest with enough force to cause a massive bruise and bleeding.
"Ah I see. You're a Dream Devil too. It's very beautiful. I believe it's only fair you see my form as well. Just know once this form is unleashed I'd prefer finishing this battle quickly. I'm not used to this power just yet." Yuta said as he removed the mask, showing his beautiful face.
His transformation begun, beautiful iridescent demonic wings near his hips, and a furry therian torso with a demonic tail. On his chest, his own personal sigil in black, a triangle with the symbol for infinity going vertically, his arms were pure black and a star symbol on the backs of his hands, the black extending to my neck, his hair became longer and jet black, pink horns protrude from his head and wrap around his ears in a triangular pattern, and his eyes shining pink. His skin was no longer brown, but a pale grey.
The stray dashed at both of them, power driving him into an insane frenzy, spawning an extra set of arms and casting numerous spells at the same time, even turning his body into a living flame spell, but the duo weren't deterred at all, instead dashing through the barrage and using a binding spell, then creating an energy absorbing Tulpa to finish the job. Maintaining both spells at the same time was indeed plenty draining, even with the tulpa feeding them the energy it was absorbing, but they powered through until the stray was fully unconscious. Both of them slowly dropped to the ground, turning back to normal, and Yuta put his mask back on before taking the stray to the sidewalk and walking with Tanu back to his house.
"'re like me. Living Mythos user. have such a handsome face. I hope we can get along." Tanu said, hugging Yuta tight.
Yuta's mask slipped, revealing he had a goofy smile, hugging Tanu back, while Humphry perched on top of Yuta's head with a smile, hugging his head.
Outside, Xeo was secretly watching from a shadow, impressed at the events, flying off and writing something in her notepad.