
Chapter 5: Immortality – Part Four.

Bites.  Long and toothy.  Thousands of them like piranhas nibbling at him. -Feel your flesh being pulled from your bones?- It cackled at Drake over and over. -Poor Drake, a nibble for each little nibble you have inflicted on your food.  What goes around comes around.-  “Arrrghh.. Please don’t let them pull me apart, Raven….no more..”  Desperate to move, yet locked in his body by the stake in his chest, Drake had no hope of escape. -Just let me pull one of these teeth from my flesh.  Some relief..- He begged his darkness, to no avail.



Vivienne ignored the pleading and screams from the dying vampire on her floor. “Faye.”

The youngling looked up from pulling out a section of arteries from Drake’s arm. “Vivienne?” she responded before sucking the contents of dry and licking her lips.

Vivienne smiled wide and once more gave Faye a kiss on her lips, suckling the few drops that remained from the artery that had turned to dust.  Reaching out with her slender hand, she turned Faye to see her green eyes. “Good.  The red is gone.  I can tell you now, rather than having to wait to finish off Drake”

Faye punched both of Drake’s shoulders, breaking the sockets.  Pulling his closest arm free, she broke it at the elbow and handed the section to Vivienne. “Sharing is caring.” She winked and quickly consumed the upper arm, enjoying the cool flow across her throat. “What can you tell me?” She wiped her bloody hand across her lips, smearing the works across her cheeks.

“I would have guessed it was obvious.  You are a vampire, my darling.”

“Vampires don’t exist.”  Faye exclaimed as she carved out another hunk of Drake’s leg, squeezing it for both of them to enjoy.

“You say that as you are squeezing Drake’s blood into both our mouths.  Care to explain that?”

“I am probably just dead and this is my last dream.  At least I get to kill him.”  Faye snarls once and swipes her tiger-like claws over Drake’s face, removing his jaw. “There.”  Faye grinned. “That will shut you up.”  Plunging her claws into the top of the singer's head, she turned him to face her. “How does it feel, you bastard?  I didn’t do anything to you, except wait on your sorry ass for a week.”  She pulled off a chunk of his skull and showed it to him before tossing it across the room. “At least in this dream, I win.”

“You aren’t dreaming, Faye.”

“So I am really eating this jerk, nude and with tiger stripes on my body?”  Faye chuckled and looked back to see Vivienne with a stoic and calm look in her sapphire orbs. “Y..You aren’t kidding.”

Knowing that this was a pivotal moment for the Korean woman, the French woman scooted over to her partner, and hugged her tight. “I … I didn’t have any other choice, Faye.”  She pointed to the quivering mass that remained of Drake. “While I am a doctor, nothing could save you.”  She kissed Faye’s cheek a few times, “I know how confused you are.  It is like a misty fog over all that you have known.”

“I..I am a murderer now?”  Faye’s voice quaked from the revelation. “I really killed..him?”  she asked quietly while watching the corpse still bleeding out.

“Do you want him to keep suffering, my love?”  Vivienne released Faye from her hug and started rubbing her neck gently. “It is your choice now.”

Faye tilted her head up to Vivienne.  She felt the anger and hate push aside in favor of the woman she loved.  Taking that warm feeling into heart once more, she smiled softly to herself.  “You.  You did it again, Vivienne.” The Korean vampire offered coolly as her mind drifted momentarily from her helpless attacker bleeding on the floor. -Little tiger…he’s waiting for you…-  Ignoring the little voice in her head, Faye shook her head lightly. “I want to make him suffer until the last drop leaves him.”  She paused a moment. “I hear this thing in my head calling me a little tiger.  I feel the hunger and vengeance like a burning coal in my throat.”  Faye searched within herself for a moment, weighing the issue of revenge. “If I do this, I am no better than he is.  So, would like to end this.”

Feeling her Korean woman trembling in her soft fingers, Vivienne kissed Faye’s cheek once more. “You have to drain him completely, my love.  Every last drop, then he will be nothing more than dust.”  She pointed to the barely pulsing artery in Drake’s neck. “There.  Drink from there.”

“You don’t deserve mercy, you jerk, but I am not the slime you are.”  Faye whispered in Drake’s ear.  Opening her mouth wide, she plunged her fangs and teeth as deep as she could into the singer's neck.  Tearing away the flesh and muscle, she held the meat-chunk in her mouth for a second before spitting it to the ground.  Blood poured from the wound, thick and mostly purple.  Faye embraced the wound and felt the few streams slather her tongue and creep slowly down her throat, cooling off the coal within.  Replaying the words in her love spoke, the new vampire started to suck harder on the singer’s throat, draining the precious life fluid from him.



Staked.  Drake knew he was in a flesh tearing trap with no way out.  His inner dark focusing on the one fear that it knew would break him.  The singer knew that he was broken in so many ways prior to his flesh being eaten away by the never ceasing bites.  Replaying the horrors of his unlife through his own vision, Drake tried to find something in the myriad of people he’d killed and discarded.  Laughing maniacally, the flashes turned as the ink controlled the images and sounds within the memories. -No relief.  Nothing.  You can’t even scream now.- Finding the twisted images and sounds of the ones Drake didn’t bother to mesmerize before outright killing them, the black cloud forced Drake to feel the bites his memory provided. -Ah, yes.  So many bites.  So much being eaten.  Eaten, Alive.  Outside, inside and in your mind.  Chomp, chomp.- The inner darkness cackled.  What remained of Drake tried once more to scream, but couldn’t.  He felt the air escape from his lacerated lungs, and the sudden rush of wind where a chunk had been pulled from his neck.  The elder vampire knew what was coming, exsanguination.  He’d done it his whole undead existence, relishing in the fear that he was now feeling and couldn’t escape.  Drake felt as the last drop of the precious sweet iron fluid left his body.  His last moments upon him, he sought one final bit of relief from the agony of the millions of bites plaguing him.  He tried to cry, but he felt nothing on his cheeks. -Nibble nibble.-



Vivienne watched as her partner turned Drake into a small pile of dust.  When Faye once again leaned back on her knees and looked up worried, Vivienne pulled her into a tight hug. “No, you aren’t a murderer, mon amour.”  

Faye nestled herself against Vivienne, enjoying the comfort that the doctor’s arms provided. “Then what am I?”

“A predator.”  Vivienne answered quickly.

“I am a monster, now.”  Faye choked out and lightly punched at the floor, cracking the stone.

Vivienne gently cupped Faye by her chin and gazed into her worried green eyes. “No, Faye.  You are not a monster.”  She ran her hands lovingly over Faye’s bloody arms. “A monster wouldn’t have given mercy.”  Vivienne kissed Faye’s forehead lightly and then looked back into the sparkling green eyes, noting that the red rim had disappeared. “Just now you made a conscious decision to not be a monster.”

“I still killed a person.” Faye lightly rebuked.

Vivienne snorted lightly, “Be careful about calling Drake a person.”

Faye let out a quick laugh as well and gave a half smile. “How do you do that?”

“Do what, mon amour?”

“Just make me forget everything I am concentrating on.”

“Perhaps that is my plan?”

“You are succeeding.”  Faye playfully exclaimed and pushed her lips to Vivienne’s in a quick kiss. “Although that doesn’t mean I won’t remember.”  

“Remember what?”  Vivienne playfully quipped, biting lightly on her lower lip.

“Okay, I vaguely recall saying I killed a person, before you made me giggle.  I would like to not be a killer.”

Sensing that Faye needed something tangible for her vampiric mind to adjust to, Vivienne stopped massaging her partner’s arms and once more cupped her chin and gazed into the conflicted green eyes peering back. “Faye.”  Vivienne’s voice softened. “Before you can learn what you want, you have to admit what you have become.”  Vivienne lifted the newborn’s sticky stained hands so that they were visible. “You are a vampire.”

“I..I am a vampire.”  Faye confidently said once she looked at her hands and thought about the bloody cup she turned them into. “I..I chose this myself, Vivienne.”  She looked back to the woman she loved. “B..Blood is vital, my second love.”  Faye smiled and blinked her eyes.

“Ah, mon amour.” Vivienne sighed as she once more confessed her love. “I know it is difficult to accept.” She placed dainty little kisses over Faye’s bloody hands. “I will be with you every step of the way.”

-Her lips are so soft and gentle, Faye!- Her mind echoed for a moment. “I am just as nervous as when we first met, more so now.”  She closed her eyes until Vivienne’s kisses ended. “I..I am scared of being a monster.  Of killing.”

“You are vulnerable right now, sweetness.”  She paused and stood up, pulling Faye with her into another tight hug, running her fingers in the Korean’s blood caked hair. “I cannot lie to you.  I haven’t been able to since I saw you walk up to me.  Faye, you will kill.”

Faye squeezed tighter as a ripple shook her small form. “W..why will I kill someone?” She asked quietly as she began to cry, making her shake harder.

Vivienne’s memory flashed back to when she was much younger, recalling the feelings and emotions tied up with killing that first time.  Feeling the sobs partly wracking Faye’s body, Vivienne had to tell the brutal truth and offer hope. “It takes willpower, Faye.”  She kept stroking her partner’s short black and pink hair. “Willpower takes time.  I am honestly shocked that you are not still hungry.  I have seen newborns feed for days.  It isn’t the need for blood, but the need to stop the burning ache.”

“ is burning.”  Faye let out between soft sobs.

Vivienne leaned down and kissed Faye’s bare shoulder, “I have the same burn, Faye.  I have had much longer to learn and control it.  You are only maybe an hour old.  Don’t put so much pressure on yourself about this.”

“ do I not..kill?”

“Feeding comes naturally, you just did it.  This time you went into a frenzy, which I imagine was because of who it was.”  Vivienne relaxed her hug as she felt Faye gaining control of herself. “If you do not wish to kill, stop yourself from feeding.  Your embrace causes a euphoric effect on the person.  You simply have to pull away, blow on the wound and it will seal.” Vivienne gives a final kiss to Faye’s shoulder and pulls back so they are eye to eye once more. “They will be dizzy after you blow across the wound, giving you time to leave and they won’t recall a thing.”

“That doesn’t sound awful.”  Faye looked into the blue eyes and felt the fear melt away from her.

“There is a caveat, my love.”

“Which is?”

“If you can’t stop, then you have to drain them completely, like you did Drake just now.  Every little capillary, every organ.  That is the only way they will turn to ash, leaving nothing to find.”

“I understand.”  Faye answered and reluctantly and gently pulled out of the hug they were in. “Vivienne?”

“My love?”

“Um…”  Faye darted over to the rags that once clung to her body, tearing off strips and tying them to her form the best she could. “I..just realized I am not exactly clothed.”

Vivienne widened her smile and laughed for a few moments as Faye’s modesty returned. “Naked is the word you were looking for, Faye.” An electric pulse raced through Vivienne once more as she watched Faye tie the bloody strips to her body so tight that the plasma that hadn’t dried, ended up streaking down her white skin.  -It is happening again, Vivienne.- she said to herself.  Frozen like she had been when she first met Faye, Vivienne couldn’t look away from the newborn before her.  Thing’s with Faye had changed and only for the better.  Once more she noticed her bones and how the curves went from the normal angular human to the smoothed and enchanting vampire.  Vivienne had admired Faye’s hips as they were sensual and perfectly shaped before.  Vivienne felt her stomach tighten and her mind cloud over seeing how those hips had taken on a sturdier and almost cat like grace.  Combined with how well the blood of her meal covered her muscles, the doctor once more felt the wave of passion in her undead heart fill and pulse the tingling current through her body. “Faye.” Her voice cracked.

Faye walked up to Vivienne and got within an inch of touching her. “Vivienne.”

“W-what are you observing now?”  The French woman asked warmly.

“I see you trembling.  I see admiration in those blue eyes that belong to me.  I was blind when this happened before.  The veil has been lifted and I see you.  I feel and observe that, I am complete now.”

“Mon amour.“ Vivienne let the words roll from her tongue slowly, feeling the exact same way. “I..we could stand here the rest of the night.”

“We could.”  Faye blinked and took a settling breath.

Vivienne followed suit and took a breath along with her mate. “Let’s get more comfortable.”  She reached out for Faye’s hand and turned to head to the stairs.

Before taking Vivienne’s hand, Faye spun on her heels to dart back into the kitchen and pick up the bag of blood laying on the floor. “Call it a snack for later.”

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