Virtual End

Chapter 58 - Underworld launch event for underworld products

Monday night, April 28.

Chen She lay in the Super Dream game cabin again, preparing to participate in today’s time-space broadcast.

Today during the day, he went to the shackles and bracelets and the venue of the new product launch conference of the game cabin where he uncovered the coffin and confirmed that all the layouts were completed in accordance with Ji Yongkang’s design plan.

Chen She is quite satisfied with this very underworld effect.

In addition, Chen She also briefly thought about his own lines at the press conference, how to introduce these two products.

In fact, the content is not the main difficulty. The main difficulty lies in how to convince everyone that what they say is serious, and at the same time not let everyone have any interest in these two products.

It not only makes everyone feel that this product does have a little artistic sense, it is a well-designed shape; but also makes everyone feel that this art form is still too early for mankind.

The degree of this is a little difficult to grasp, but Chen She doesn’t think the problem is big.

When developing a product is not to make money, ultra-low psychological expectations can make people fearless.

Regarding the specific time of the time-space broadcast, it mainly depends on the broadcaster’s ideas. Some broadcasters have a relatively random time and just send a notification before the broadcast, while some broadcasters tend to have a fixed time every week.

Mr. Guanqi obviously belongs to the latter.

Although there will be some special circumstances, most of the time, Mr. Guanqi will choose the time and space broadcast on Monday night.

After entering the time and space broadcast, Chen She quickly found the location of Mr. Guanqi.

There were still many audiences in the audience, and Chen She was quite surprised at this point.

Because according to his guess, the truth broadcast back and forth is nothing more than clichés. I miss the beauty of the pastoral era, criticize the big chaebols, and denounce the suffering caused by space-time particles and various new technologies to this world.

It’s okay to listen to this kind of stuff once or twice.

But after another thought, this is actually similar to a speech. Many people’s speeches expounded their thoughts back and forth, the essential things remain the same, but the form has changed slightly, not every time there are a large number of fans. Would you like to listen?

Of course, for someone like Chen She who has his own unique opinions, listening to these broadcasts is at most a cutscene. He mainly waits for the broadcast to be over to join Mr. Guanqi’s chat room.

Not long after, Mr. Guanqi appeared on the high platform on time.

What only surprised Chen She was that Mr. Guanqi did not talk about the clichés as before, but started today’s speech with a rather sad mood.

“Before starting the speech today, I want to share with you a very sad news and a news that may affect the fate of everyone.”

“Just yesterday, four of my disciples were brutally killed in their residence!”

“Not only them, but many people who spread my thoughts on the Internet have also lost contact. I have to make the worst estimate.”

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar!

Chen She was also stunned, because the last time he participated in the time-space broadcast, the four disciples of Mr. Guanqi were fine, and they also recommended the super dream of “The Embers Will Extinguish” to Mr. Guanqi.

Although what Chen She saw in the chat room was only a black phantom, judging from the performance of these people, they should be young people with vigor and firm dreams.

The 4 fresh lives just disappeared.

Chen She’s first reaction was, could it be that an inner ghost appeared in this chat room, otherwise why would the four disciples of Mr. Guanqi suddenly die on the same day?

The enemy must have mastered their detailed information.

However, Mr. Guanqi’s next words lowered his suspicion to a certain extent.

Mr. Guanqi is still immersed in a very sad mood: “I can’t shirk the blame for the deaths of these four children.”

“They have been spreading my thoughts and speech as much as possible on the hash space. I once advised them to pay attention to security and told them that even if the hash space is encrypted information, it may still be backtracked by some high-end hackers.”

“But they said that a lot of things must be done by someone, and the scope of time and space broadcasting is too small. They are willing to take this risk and let more people know what the truth of this world is!”

“In fact, I was warned as early as last week, and I also persuaded them to pay attention to safety, and leave as soon as possible if it doesn’t work. But they did not listen.”

“Maybe my attitude is a little firmer, and none of this will happen…”

It can be seen that the death of the four disciples was an extremely heavy blow to Mr. Guanqi.

The death of these four disciples was not because of the time and space broadcasting, but because they desperately promoted Mr. Guanqi’s thoughts on the hash space. As a result, they were monitored by some advanced hackers or the Internet and found their actual location information.

Chen She also had mixed feelings in his heart, and only then did he truly realize the danger of this matter.

Although spatio-temporal broadcasting is very safe, if you want to spread a certain kind of thought widely, how can you rely solely on spatio-temporal broadcasting?

Space-time broadcasting is something that only a few people can afford to listen to. Just listening requires a lot of space-time particles. Those who can afford these time-space particles are often the upper-middle class in this society, and their desire to change the world is not urgent.

It is the people at the bottom of this society who really should understand these rebellious ideas.

Therefore, in order to better spread these ideas, the four disciples of Mr. Guanqi charged forward like warriors, and continued to promote these ideas on the hash space.

Such behavior will one day incur terrible revenge.

Many people who spread similar thoughts, including the four disciples of Mr. Guanqi, disappeared silently on the Internet in reality. Even these news will not appear on the Internet and on the news.

Mr. Guanqi calmed down his painful emotions a bit: “But please rest assured, I will not be crushed by grief, and I will continue to go on and complete the unfinished business of these victims.”

“Here, I want to expose to everyone the real culprit behind the brutal injuries to my 4 disciples!”

“That is Fujitang Group!”

“Not only that, but I also want to expose a very dangerous and evil plan that the Fujido Group is carrying out, which may endanger the fate of everyone. This plan is called Project Naraku!”

“They are studying the use of computing power to break through the gap between human thinking and intelligent technology, and to completely connect human thinking with the virtual world. Not only can upload human thoughts, but also data-based thoughts can be rewritten into human brains.”

“Once this plan is successful, everyone will be greeted with a more tragic fate, when the rich and the poor will become two completely different species. The rich can achieve immortality through this technology and master the most advanced knowledge. , Get the most powerful force.”

“The poor will become pigs and dogs, and their weak bodies and wisdom will never be able to compete with those who are truly rich. This world will become a paradise for a few and a purgatory for the vast majority.”

“So I am here to call on everyone to unite, no matter what method is used, to stop the terrible plan of the Fujitang Group, and don’t let mankind fall into the abyss of immortality!”

After the time and space broadcast ended, Chen She came to Mr. Guanqi’s chat room again.

But compared to before, the chat room has become very deserted.

Sitting on the left hand side of Mr. Guanqi, only his close friend was left. Seats 2 to 5 were empty, which made Chen She feel a little empty in his heart.

This kind of sudden parting, even for a stranger who has only met once, is a bit sad.

After all, Chen She knew that these four young men, like the rebels, should do what they think is right with lofty ideals, but fate is sometimes so cruel.

Chen She was not particularly surprised that Mr. Kanki knew about Naraku’s plan.

After all, Chen She could know, the Temporal Knights could know, and there must be others who could know.

In order to complete the Naraku Project, the Fujido Group not only needed to consume a large amount of space-time particles, but also needed a large amount of computing power. The major chaebols had already planted various spies and secret whistles between each other. It was impossible for the Fujido Group to completely keep this secret.

It’s just that those big chaebols won’t act rashly even if they have the relevant information, they all have their own calculations.

Only a pure idealist like Mr. Guanqi would scream out as soon as he heard the news, because he was the one who really cared about the destiny of mankind.

My best friend No.1 sitting on the left hand of Mr. Guanqi said: “Mr. Guanqi, you must also pay special attention to your own safety. After all, you have some connections with the four disciples in reality. Although these connections are weak, those big ones The dog raised by the chaebol will probably still find you smelling.”

“Especially today, you directly stabbed their ongoing Naraku plan on the time-space broadcast. They definitely want to kill you and then hurry up.”

“I dare not send someone over to protect you. I am worried that it will attract the attention of the Fujitang Group and bring you even greater danger.”

“If it doesn’t work, you should leave as soon as possible, change to a city where the Fujitang Group is not so powerful, and avoid the limelight and think of other ways.”

“I can prepare air tickets and false identities for you.”

Chen She looked at No.1 and then at No.6, who hadn’t spoken next to him, thinking that this game is really difficult. No matter how you look at it, everyone looks like a ghost.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that No.1 is indeed a close friend of Mr. Guanqi, and has been secretly protecting his safety and providing him with funds.

It is very possible that the two have met in reality, but No. 1 may have a special identity and is very concerned, so he can’t get too close with Mr. Guanqi, and can only keep a certain distance.

But the problem is that the friends around you may not be absolutely reliable. No. 1 has the most secrets. It is also the easiest if you really want to kill Mr. Guanqi.

No. 6 feels too mysterious. As the first lucky listener in this chat room, No. 6 has always been in a state of taciturn and never participated in the discussion of topics.

Last time I finally opened Chinchilla and made a statement. As a result, I said that something big was going to happen recently, and I advised them to run quickly, and this week they would be convinced.

The identity of this person is also quite suspicious.

However, Chen She changed his mind. In the eyes of the other three people, I was afraid that he was the most suspicious. After all, after only a few days after he came to the chat room last week, all four of Mr. Guanqi’s disciples had an accident.

Had it not been for the magical characteristics of time-space broadcasting, Chen She would have been arrested as the number one suspect.

Of course, it is also possible that everyone in this chat room is not a ghost, simply because these four disciples are too frequent to make comments on the Internet, and they were found by the Fujitang Group along the network cable.

Mr. Guanqi cleared up his sad mood a little, and said, “The Embers Will Extinguish, which they suggested to me last week. I played it.”

“Although I can only choose the cowardly version, and it is very slow to play, I do feel that this super dream is different from other super dreams.”

“But I didn’t feel the so-called high spirit of struggle, only a deep sense of powerlessness.”

“I don’t know what exactly should be done with the embers that are about to extinguish to burn and start a new dawn?”

“In the game, this would have been an impossible ending, but in reality it seems even more impossible…”

Hearing this, Chen She couldn’t help falling into silence.

Indeed, Mr. Guanqi, this super dream I made is exactly what I meant!

But at this time he obviously couldn’t add fuel to the fire, so he could only comfort him: “Mr. Guanqi, you don’t have to be too desperate.”

“There is a saying that things are man-made. If the power of all the embers can be really concentrated, it may not be impossible to recreate the universe.”

“After all, besides you, there are many other people who are working tirelessly for the same goal and to change the world.”

However, this sentence did not seem to have a very good comforting effect, and Chen She couldn’t help but sigh: Alas, I am still more suitable for fooling others.

Since ancient times, the true feelings cannot be retained, only the routines are popular.

No. 1 said: “The most important thing now is how to ensure the safety of Mr. Guanqi. I don’t think there can be any fluke. Maybe the Fujitang Group is already searching for the position of Mr. Guanqi in reality.”

At this moment, No.6, who has not spoken, spoke: “If you are desperate, I can provide you with the last option.”

“This choice cannot be said to be good, but at least it will not be the worst.”

Hear here. The other three people turned to look at him.

Chen She always felt that this number 6 gave himself a very incomprehensible feeling, and couldn’t help but guess that he should be a very powerful and powerful person in reality, definitely not an ordinary role.

No. 6 continued: “When you really have nowhere to go, throw away everything you can throw away. Go to the block near Lishan Technology Experience Store in Liming City, and just find a garbage dump to be a tramp.”

Hearing this, Chen She was almost shocked.

What’s the meaning? Why did the roll call hit me?

Does this number 6 have a certain connection with him in reality? Otherwise, why did he call for Mr. Guanqi to be a beggar at the door of his experience store?

Do you think Chen She will definitely save Mr. Guanqi, or does he happen to have a certain strength in that area to protect Mr. Guanqi?

However, Chen She quickly calmed down, because he felt that the people present, including No. 6, shouldn’t know his true identity. If the reaction is too violent at this time, it may be exposed instead.

If Mr. Guanqi really appeared on that street, then he would be saved and sent to the wilderness without any explanation.

Anyway, Lishan Technology is composed of rebels, all of them are wanted criminals, and it doesn’t matter if there is one more wanted criminal.

However, this sentence gave Chen She a certain guess about the identity of No.6.

Is he Wu Yisu or Aunt Li? If it was Aunt Li, it seemed to make sense to ask Mr. Guanqi to pretend to be a beggar in that street and then return to his prosthetic clinic secretly.

But Chen She didn’t feel the same.

In particular, there is a relatively big doubt. I can enter this chat room because I have strong synaesthetic ability and have a special time-space connection.

So how did No. 6 enter this chat room as the first lucky listener? He probably also has good synesthesia.

And Aunt Li is a spiritual teacher. It is relatively strong in mechanical and psychic energy, but at the same time it means that it is basically completely insulated from synaesthesia.

From this point of view, Grantham, the priest of the Time and Space Knights, is more in line.

Chen She couldn’t be sure, so he had to make up his mind secretly. He would spend more time around the experience store these days, and if he found a suspicious beggar, he would take it back as soon as possible.

Regardless of the arrangement of No. 6, Chen She believed that Mr. Guanqi was the safest here.

Mr. Guanqi was noncommittal: “Thank you for your concern. I will steadfastly finish the choice I made. No matter what the result is, I will never regret it.”

“Let’s stop here today, I hope the next truth broadcast can be started normally.”

Tuesday, April 29.

The scene of the press conference where the shackles and bracelets are uncovered and the game cabin is lifted.

The entrance was already crowded with media and audiences who came to the press conference. It looked crowded and very lively.

On the one hand, Lishan Technology has gained widespread attention with the previous super dream of “The Embers Will Extinguish”, and many enthusiastic fans are willing to join in; on the other hand, it is also because Zhao Zhen followed Chen She’s instructions to some technology The media and old players gave some free tickets and warm invitations.

In addition, some company chaebols also sent people to check the situation of the press conference, wanting to inquire about the reality of the two new products of Lishan Technology.

After all, these two products may have a certain impact on the wristbands and game cabin products on the market. For some big chaebols, they may become competitors and partners.

At this time, there is no official entry, and some technology media reporters I know are chatting.

“This time, Lishan Technology has engaged in a big battle for its new product. It seems to be full of confidence and I don’t know what kind of product it will be.”

“Yes, the confidentiality measures have been done well, and the product development cycle seems to be very short, so far there hasn’t been much news about it.”

“But I heard some gossip. It is said that Lishan Technology did not seem to be able to get the latest flagship chip from the Gaoke Group this time.”

“Ah? Without the latest flagship chip, what else would you sell? This one alone is enough to sentence the new product to death. After all, Lishan Technology was only a super dream research and development company before, and most consumers have no brand for their products. Recognition.”

“So, I think these two new products may be too good for you. They were originally a new company, with no technology accumulation, and no brand effectiveness. Without chips, the product strength can not be improved. Sales are not high, from raw materials suppliers. The price of the goods can not be lowered there, the production cost is also high, and it is impossible to fight a price war, no matter how you think it is a dead end.”

“Why doesn’t Hi-Tech Group sell them chips?”

“I don’t know, but I think there must be some tricks here. Maybe it is the Long Night Entertainment Group. It is obviously the big chaebol who does not want Lishan Technology to open up all the software and hardware, because once that happens, it will It means that more than half of the moat of the Long Night Entertainment Group has been demolished.”

Several reporters were full of gossip and speculation about this new product.

In their opinion, they have not been able to get the flagship chip of the High-tech Group, and the death penalty for these two new products has almost been announced, and there is basically no possibility of a comeback.

For Long Night Entertainment Group and Hi-Tech Group, this behavior should of course be condemned. After all, strictly speaking, this is a means of unfair competition and undermines the principle of free market transactions.

But no one can do anything about this, because Hi-Tech Group will certainly not admit that it has made a deal with Long Night Entertainment Group behind the scenes. If someone really asks, why not sell chips to Lishan Technology?

Hi-Tech Group will only say that its own chip production capacity is insufficient recently, or that it will give priority to other companies in accordance with the original contract and plan. Anyway, Hi-Tech Group has reasons.

Everyone couldn’t help but sweat for Lishan Technology.

Soon, the door of the venue opened and everyone entered.

The seats of the media were all in the front row, and these reporters walked straight to the front.

At present, the venue is brightly lit, and there is no specific layout, because different layouts are achieved through holographic projection and various efficiency enhancements. These effects can only be seen before the official launch of the conference.

Otherwise, every press conference has to be re-decorated, which is too extravagant and unrealistic.

Everyone took their seats one after another, and saw that the left and right sides of the stage directly in front were covered with something similar to the Super Dream game cabin, keeping the suspense of the new product until the last moment.

These media reporters didn’t think much, they just waited patiently for the start of the press conference.

At the same time, Chen She, as the keynote speaker of this press conference, is preparing in the background.

Because of the strong mental power, Chen She can remember all these lines to be said in his mind. In the scene, you can even think about it before you speak, so you don’t worry about jams and the like.

On the contrary, Zhao Zhen, who has always been so mature and prudent, was a little nervous.

After all, the shackles of the bracelet and the game pod is the first step of the Chen Consortium’s transformation from basic foundry to independent research and development. Whether this step can be taken directly determines the direction the entire manufacturing industry will head in the future.

Judging from the current situation, it is not going well.

Although the appearance of the bracelet and the game compartment is full of rich connotations, it has to be said that from the perspective of ordinary people, it is a bit too underworld. The layout of the conference site greatly strengthened this feeling.

Now I can only hope that Mr. Chen’s eloquence and the magical changes he made to those chips and communication modules.

Chen She looked at the time on the bracelet and said, “It’s almost there, let’s get ready to start.”

Zhao Zhen clicked on the background device a few times, and the lights in the press conference gradually dimmed, and the theme holographic projection and special lighting effects of the press conference appeared.

Everyone in the venue of the conference was still talking and laughing, waiting for the opening of the conference.

At this moment, the surrounding lights gradually dimmed. The venue gradually became quieter, and everyone looked towards the main stage ahead, waiting for the speaker to appear.

But the speaker did not appear in the first place.

Instead, a blazing fire suddenly appeared on the huge open space in the center of the stadium. This kind of fire spread, and finally spread to the entire conference venue.

As the fire in the center became more and more intense, a huge coffin was reflected in the darkness.

Immediately afterwards, the on-site speaker made a bang, as if someone was tapping the lid of the coffin from the inside out.




The sound of percussion became more and more intense, and finally the lid of the coffin was lifted, and a scrawny hand stretched out the coffin desperately upwards.

There was a pair of heavy shackles on the wrist of this hand, as if the wrist had fallen a little deformed.

But even so, it tried hard to reach into the air.

Then the blazing flames, like a huge fire lotus, wrapped the entire coffin. That hand seemed to be about to melt with the burning of the fire lotus flower, and many things like wax oil slowly dripped from the arm.

The hand kept stretching upwards, trying to touch the light on the heights, but finally freezed in this position and stopped moving.

The flames and other elements in the holographic image also fell into a static state, as if time had stopped at this moment.

Immediately after the lights on the stage came on, Chen She stepped onto the stage and enthusiastically said to all the media reporters and audiences off the stage: “Hello everyone, welcome to the site of the new product launch of Lishan Technology. I am the host of this time. Man, Chen She, president of Lishan Technology.”

“Here, on behalf of all employees of Lishan Technology, I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone!”

According to the normal plot, Chen She said that there should be thunderous applause and cheers at the scene.

In fact, Zhao Zhen did arrange the atmosphere group, which is to lead everyone to applaud and cheer together when he was on stage and when he was explaining the product.

Only after Chen She finished his opening remarks with enthusiasm, the scene fell into a strange silence.

The members of the atmosphere group who had been prepared to take the lead in applauding and cheering also watched the stage with their hands raised in amazement, forgetting what they were going to do.

The reporters of several technology media in the front row were even more shocked by the opening of the underworld and completely speechless.

After a few seconds, there was sparse applause and low-pitched discussions.

“Fuck, what’s the situation?”

“I’m stupid. Is this a large-scale performance art scene or a modern funeral scene?”

“It can be any site, but it shouldn’t be the site of a new product launch…”

“What’s this in the middle? A man pushed aside the coffin and stretched out his hand, but didn’t understand it.”

“This address is correct, it is the site of the new product launch of Lishan Technology, but this style of painting always feels a bit wrong.”

“It doesn’t seem to be April Fools’ Day today, it’s obviously the end of April!”

Everyone on the scene was completely shocked by this opening, because they had never seen the opening of this style of technology product launch.

Generally speaking, the bracelet and the Super Dream game cabin represent the highest level of civilian technology products in the world, so most manufacturers will put the high-end atmosphere of the conference to a high grade, low-key luxury and connotation, and show this technology as much as possible. Sense, people can’t help but have a beautiful imagination of the future.

But this new product launch conference of Lishan Technology is a bit hard to describe.

If you have to say that the layout of the conference site is high-end, high-end, low-key luxury and connotation, it makes sense, but these concepts may need to be explained in a more underworld way.

Even many people’s eyes were still focused on the statue in the center, and they didn’t look at Chen She on the stage at all. They were still trying to adapt to the scene they saw, with their brains and eyes fighting.

The brain keeps telling itself that this is the scene of the press conference, while the eyes keep telling itself that this is not. I must be mistaken.

Seeing everyone’s expressions, Chen She was not disappointed or angry, but secretly delighted in his heart.

Not bad, the goal has been achieved!

He looked around the scene, because there were too many people at the scene, and he didn’t know if anyone from the Fujitang Group or other consortiums came to the scene, but it would be difficult for people from the Fujitang Group to notice such a big battle.

Making a huge noise has a paralyzing effect on the Fujitang Group, but the products will not really sell well. This is Chen She’s purpose.

Thinking of this, he cleared his throat and said with a smile: “It seems that the art exhibition-like conference scene that everyone has carefully arranged for me was shocked.”

“As you might expect, in my plan, this is not only the site of the new product launch of Lishan Technology, but also a large-scale surrealist art exhibition.”

“This form of combining technology product launches with art exhibitions is the first of our Lishan Technology Group. Don’t be too surprised. I believe that this novel form will be widely used by other manufacturers for reference in the future and will surely lead The development trend of future technology products.”

“Next, please allow me to solemnly introduce to you two new products launched by Lishan Technology Group.”

“In fact, these two new products have already been shown to you in the previous opening.”

“Yes, they are just shackling bracelets and picking up the coffin from the game pod!”

While talking, Chen She made a gesture. The huge holographic projection in the center of the venue has changed again. The statue that originally stretched out its hand in the coffin now has the shackles on the statue’s hand and the game cabin below it has been highlighted, while the other parts are gradually disappearing.

In the end, the image of the handcuffed bracelet and the game cabin from uncovering the coffin appeared in the middle of the venue, in the form of a huge holographic projection, allowing everyone to see clearly.

On the large screen behind Chen She, related images also appeared simultaneously.

The image of the shackle bracelet and the game cabin from the uncovered coffin is not the same as the image on the original statue. It looks more colorful and more technological. For example, there is a blue luminous light strip on the shackle bracelet, which looks like It’s pretty fashionable.

Of course, this does not change their core advantage of looking like handcuffs and coffins.

It was not until this time that the atmosphere group responsible for the applause and cheering of the leaders finally recovered and took the lead and shouted: “Okay!”

Immediately after they clapped desperately, the rest of the audience burst into laughter after a while, and thunderous applause and cheers resounded throughout the conference.

The technology media reporters in the front row were originally in a daze, but at this time they finally reacted and applauded and cheered with everyone.

“Misunderstood! It turns out that this Chen from Lishan Technology is always a comedian! This conference was originally not to release new products, but to entertain the public. This spirit is very worthy of encouragement.”

“Don’t tell me, although these two products are very funny, they are pretty good-looking, and although the previous statue was very underworld, but carefully tasted, it seems that it is indeed full of artistic sense. It seems to have a realist style with a little bit of realism. Transcendental style.”

“Is this really designed by Mr. Chen himself? It seems that Mr. Chen is not just a Bole who knows people, but also an artist with an entertaining spirit!”

“Don’t say it, the product is made like this, maybe some people who pursue individuality will buy it, provided that it is cheaper.”

“The artist is coming back to life, the effect is really full!”

The atmosphere group didn’t expect it to have such a good effect, but they quickly understood that this was mainly because the content of the conference itself had more program effects, and it had nothing to do with their leadership.

The audience at the scene quickly changed their minds after the opening.

They now feel that they are not here to watch the press conference, but to watch the funny show live!

Therefore, when Chen She introduced the details of these two products on stage, the audience clapped and cheered desperately. Because in their opinion, this spirit of entertaining the public is indeed worth encouraging.

Of course, as to whether this product should be purchased.

It must be recommended by me if you buy it. Ask me if I don’t buy it.

Although the shapes of these two products are very unique and individual, whoever wants to go out with handcuffs, and who wants to lie in the coffin to play super dreams, isn’t this brain burnt out?

Chen She smiled slightly, after introducing the parameters of these two products. It didn’t sell any hurdles, and entered the price link directly.

“The shackle bracelet is priced at 2,999 credits, and the game cabin is priced at 34,999 credits.”

“We don’t have a lot of stocks for this batch of products, so please buy them on a first-come, first-served basis!”

The audience roared: “It’s too cheap. I will definitely buy one when I go to the underworld.”

The reporters of several science and technology media did not take what Chen She said seriously.

The reason is simple, the configuration of these two products does not match their prices!

You must know that these two products do not use the chips of the Gaoke Group. And they not only have no advantages in price, but also have disadvantages, which are about 20% more expensive than other products of the same quality.

This is very embarrassing.

A sleeping super dream game pod, easily tens of thousands of credits. Could it be that other people’s premium of seven or eight thousand credits is just to buy the shape of a coffin? People who are in the head will do this.

In addition, Chen She only introduced their basic parameters during the explanation process, and did not introduce the unique functions. It seems that these two products are useless except for the appearance.

I can’t imagine any reason to buy these two products.

Chen She looked at the press conference and the time was almost up, so he smiled and said to everyone: “Thank you again for coming to the new product launch conference of Lishan Technology. You can move to the display area next to them to take a look at these two new products. I believe it will not disappoint everyone.”

“This is the end of this conference. Thank you all for coming, see you next time!”

When Chen She returned to the backstage, the lights on the scene turned on again, and the audience exited amidst heated discussions.

The time of the conference is relatively short, and the whole work is too big, so that these audiences will not be able to fully digest it for a while. Until the press conference ended, there were still lively discussions.

When Chen She returned to the backstage, Zhao Zhen asked with some worry: “Mr. Chen, why didn’t you introduce the product advantages of our two new products?”

Chen She shook his head slightly: “It’s best not to take the initiative to introduce this kind of thing, it will cause some unnecessary attention.”

Chen She neither explained why these two products are so expensive, nor did he explain the characteristics of these two products.

Because it is the same thing in the final analysis.

The products are expensive to sell because Chen She used Space-Time Particles to transform these chips and communication modules, so when selling them, the money for Space-Time Particles must also be included.

As for the abnormality of the chips and communication modules of this batch of products, Chen She does not intend to take the initiative to speak out, because this may cause too much unnecessary attention at once. At this juncture, Chen She doesn’t want to grow out of it. The later you find out, the better.

Zhao Zhen nodded, and Chen She did have some truth in what Chen She said. Whether these products can succeed or not depends on God’s will.

At the same time, Fujido Group’s branch in Liming City.

Fujidō Yuki also followed the launch of Lishan Technology’s new products through live webcast, and I believe that Changye Entertainment Group and many other companies are also paying attention.

Only after watching the whole press conference, Fujido Yuki frowned slightly and fell into a state of The staff beside him did not dare to speak, and waited patiently for Fujido Yuki to finish thinking.

In fact, this staff member had long discovered that Fujido Yuki was a very smart and independent person. Many times when I ask him questions, I don’t actually want to get advice from him, but simply want to confirm my own ideas or gain a sense of superiority in IQ.

If Fujido Hiroki agrees with his staff, then Fujido Hiroki will be very happy and firmer in his own ideas.

If Fujido’s and his staff’s ideas are inconsistent, then Fujido will try to persuade his staff until they agree with his statement.

Of course, in most cases, Fujido’s staff would be dumbfounded by him.

So after knowing this point, the staff of Fujido Yuki all made it clear about their task, which is to wait until Fujido Yuki has finished thinking before expressing their views normally.

Either agree with Fujido Hiroki’s statement, or propose a new opinion, and then be rejected by Fujido Hiroki, and then agree again.

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