Virtual End

Chapter 14 - Gil Lee

  The decoration of the experience shop is progressing very quickly.

   Less than two weeks have passed, and the whole experience store has been completely renewed!

   In the next week or so, as long as you refine the details, you can officially start business after the Super Dream game pods are all in place.

  The one who is in charge of the decoration work in the experience shop is a young resistance soldier named Zhou Lei. Oh no, maybe it should be called Lishan Technology Group employees now.

   Unlike Zhang Sirui and Zhao Zhen, who joined the resistance army a long time ago, Zhou Lei is only less than 20 years old and is a vital force in the resistance army.

   In the past few days, Zhou Lei left Chen She with the impression that he was serious and careful, and his mind was pure.

   Compared with ordinary young people, there is no essential difference except that the hatred of the big chaebols is deeper and the will to fight is stronger.

   According to Zhou Lei’s age, he should be receiving education at a higher education institution at this time. The future has unlimited possibilities.

   But the vast majority of education opportunities in this world can only be opened by money!

   This also made Chen She firmer in his thoughts.

   He knew very well that there were many young people like Zhou Lei in his rebel army. They worked day and night in the factory, ready to take up arms and fight against the consortium.

   Their will is indeed very firm, and their goals are indeed very lofty.

   But in front of the regular army of the big consortium, they have no chance of winning, but it will become a meaningless number of casualties.

   In Chen She’s view, the vast majority of resistance forces in the world at present have a common serious problem: there is no clear goal and program, and there is no effective path!

   Everyone has the sole goal of overthrowing the big chaebol, but everyone avoids talking about how to overthrow it.

  If you have to ask questions, you will turn to military adventurism, thinking that continuing to fight will always change the status quo.

   Although Chen She is not a clever strategist, he can tell at a glance that this is absolutely impossible.

   It’s just that Chen She doesn’t know enough about the world, and there is no way to give a way to convince everyone at once.

   I can only concentrate most of my energy on the immediate issues, and solve the immediate problems first.

   Responsible for the decoration of the experience store is the decoration department of a construction company under the Vilford Heavy Industries Group.

   Zhou Lei and others do not need to personally help, only need to monitor the construction progress.

   But in fact, there is nothing to supervise. All the work of this decoration company has a standard process. All decoration materials and decoration effects are clearly marked with prices, which are exactly the same as those on the renderings.

   From this point of view, although the big chaebols have brought a lot of suffering to the world, they do provide some high-quality services, which are closely related to the economy of the entire world.

   Like many giant companies in Chen She’s previous life, although they often get scolded and often do not do good things, they do provide services and provide impetus for the economic development of the entire world.

   These big chaebols will balance word-of-mouth and profit, because they will also compete with each other. Relatively short-sighted companies are likely to be eliminated, and even big chaebols can’t sit back and relax.

   There are provisions in the “Special Enterprise Law” that when a company’s size is below a certain level, it will be protected. Those big chaebols are not allowed to use military and other means to directly threaten, and can only engage in certain commercial competition within the rules.

   That’s why emerging companies like the newly established Lishan Technology Group can develop in this environment.

   And when a new company develops into a new consortium, it may also pose a threat to the established consortium, thereby maintaining a deformed but still effective competitive relationship, so that the structure of the entire world is not completely rigid.

   It’s just that once the scale of a new company exceeds a certain limit, this protection will immediately fail!

   Therefore, many emerging giant consortia must carefully control their scale, and when the scale is about to break through the boundaries, they should pay close attention to creating their own corporate arms or purchasing security services from giant security companies.

   Chen She came around without incident in the experience shop casually, watching the workers decorate.

   Many materials in the decoration process are modular, and some work can be done directly by smart machines, but manual labor is still essential.

   In fact, in terms of the level of technology in this world, most of the work can be done by pure machinery.

   But the problem is that in many cases, smart technology equipment using high-precision chips is more expensive than labor.

   Therefore, in order to control profits and relatively reduce some unemployed people, many consortia still retain some manual labor positions.

   Chen’s consortium is the same.

  Chen She noticed that Zhou Lei moved his left hand mechanical prosthesis from time to time during the work process, and it seemed that there was something wrong with it.

   “What’s wrong with the left hand, have you clashed with gangsters recently?” Chen She asked.

   He had known for a long time that there were two gangs fighting fiercely on this street, and this store was in a key position on the whole street, and some violent conflicts were likely to occur.

   Zhou Lei shook his head: “Don’t worry, Mr. Chen, the gangsters of those two gangs are still on the sidelines for the time being, and they don’t have the idea of ​​doing anything to us.”

   “My mechanical prosthesis is old and sick, and there will be some minor problems from time to time, but you can rest assured that it will not affect the use.”

   Chen She frowned slightly, and said, “How can this be done? There is a prosthetic clinic nearby. Let’s see if we can fix it.”

   Zhou Lei still wanted to decline, but Chen She was very firm.

   There is no way but to listen.

   Chen She took Zhang Sirui and Zhou Lei to temporarily leave the experience store and went to the nearby orthopedic clinic.

   In fact, Chen She’s move was to help Zhou Lei repair the mechanical prosthesis, and on the other hand, he also wanted to see the reality of this prosthetic clinic.

   When he and Zhang Sirui were hanging around nearby, Zhang Sirui said that most of the people who opened orthopedic clinics in this kind of place had some special purpose, and Chen She felt that this might be some kind of danger for his experience store.

   What if this prosthetic doctor is the eyeliner of a large consortium in this area?

   The exact information should be obtained as soon as possible.

   However, although Chen She and Zhang Sirui have visited all nearby restaurants, bars and other places, the prosthetic clinic has never found a good opportunity to go. Because Zhang Sirui’s mechanical prosthesis is very advanced, and there is no damage.

   It is easy to be suspicious of forcibly.

   This time I have a great excuse.


   When he came to the vicinity of the Prosthetic Body Clinic, Chen She was surprised to find that there was still a line at the door.

   A few gangsters with strong muscles, colorful hair, and tattoos are vaguely divided into two factions, facing each other secretly at the door, in a tense atmosphere.

   Their mechanical prostheses are somewhat damaged, and it can be seen that these punk mechanical prostheses are cheap and non-influenced types.

   is at least two or three grades lower than Zhou Lei’s mechanical prosthesis, and even lower than Zhang Sirui’s right hand. I don’t know how many grades.

   These two schools of small gangsters, one school tattoo is a huge shark head, while the other school tattoo is a dense jungle.

   Although the two sides glared and gritted their teeth, they still lined up in a twisted queue in an unconventional manner, and no one dared to act first.

   Zhang Sirui said: “I will drive these people away.”

   Chen She hurriedly stopped him: “No need, we are not in a hurry, let’s line up first.”

  Through the tattoos on these people, it can be judged that they are the two gangs fighting fiercely on this street recently, namely the shark gang and the jungle gang.

   In fact, Chen She really wanted to talk about the names of these gangs, and he always felt that there was a strong breath of mountain cannon. But considering that the cultural level of these street gangsters is not high, maybe these names sound very imposing to them.

   Obviously, the two factions often clashed. On the street, they often fought each other at a disagreement. The cheap mechanical prostheses on their bodies would naturally be damaged, and they would need to be repaired in a prosthetic clinic.

   Although there are a small number of brainless people who jump over the wall in a hurry, most people still have a clear mind and know that you can’t cause trouble at the entrance of the prosthetic clinic.

   Just like Chen She’s past life, the **** went to the hospital and had to obey the doctor’s arrangements. Because they know who can save their dog’s life.

   The few gangsters in front obviously have seen Chen She and Zhang Sirui. They knew that they could not afford to provoke them, and they were even prepared to give way, but found that Chen She had lined up steadily, so they continued to enter the prosthetic clinic in order in an anxious manner.

   Fortunately, although there are a lot of people, the progress is very fast.

   Street gangsters entered the clinic one after another. When they came out, some people had joy on their faces, and some people had frustration on their faces.

   Obviously, some physiques can be repaired, but it is relatively easy to say.

   Some prostheses cannot be repaired and can only be replaced with new ones. Most of these young gangsters cannot come up with such a large sum of money.

   Once the mechanical prosthesis can’t be repaired, these gangsters will immediately turn from the backbone of the fighting gang to the disabled who can only be cannon fodder.

   This kind of gap is really hard for ordinary people to accept.

   Chen She couldn’t help but sigh: In this world with such a high level of technology, the role of military spending in combat has been infinitely magnified.

   There is no money, no military expenses, street fighting is okay, and there is no chance of winning in the regular army. UU reading

  In front of Chen She and others is a gang leader who is about two meters tall and sturdy. After he entered the prosthetic clinic, Chen She and others were finally able to enter, standing by and waiting.

   Chen She’s first feeling after entering was: This operating table is really big!

   Oh no, this chest is really technological.

  Hey, it’s not right.

   What surprised Chen She was that this doctor who had never left the prosthetic clinic turned out to be an imposing imperial sister.

   Her appearance is a bit biased towards Westerners, but she seems to be able to see signs of a mixture of East and West.

   was wearing a tooling jacket stained with a little oil, which made Chen She naturally think of some of LSP’s favorite characters in previous games.

   Such as the mechanic in Final Fantasy 15.

   It’s just that, compared to the car repairer who always smiles, this prosthetic doctor has a serious expression. It’s not all an iceberg aura that no one should get close to. It also contains the feeling of impatient menopausal aunts next door.

   “Lie down.”

   The Yi body doctor pointed his finger at the operating table next to him.

   This brawny little boss like a hill immediately lay down obediently, like a primary school student lining up for a medical examination.

   Chen She saw the prosthetic doctor’s business card on the table next to him, picked it up and glanced at it.

   Gil Lee.

   is indeed a mixture of East and West, but the characteristics of Orientals are not obvious.

   A beautiful-looking woman who can open a body clinic in such a place and tidy up all the gangsters in a good manner is enough to show that it is not her ordinary role.

   Chen She couldn’t help but become vigilant, and by the way glanced at the buttons that couldn’t be fastened on the work jacket.


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